en.js 5.7 KB

  1. /*
  2. * wysiwyg web editor
  3. *
  4. * suneditor.js
  5. * Copyright 2017 JiHong Lee.
  6. * MIT license.
  7. */
  8. 'use strict';
  9. (function (global, factory) {
  10. if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
  11. module.exports = global.document ?
  12. factory(global, true) :
  13. function (w) {
  14. if (!w.document) {
  15. throw new Error('SUNEDITOR_LANG a window with a document');
  16. }
  17. return factory(w);
  18. };
  19. } else {
  20. factory(global);
  21. }
  22. }(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function (window, noGlobal) {
  23. const lang = {
  24. code: 'en',
  25. toolbar: {
  26. default: 'Default',
  27. save: 'Save',
  28. font: 'Font',
  29. formats: 'Formats',
  30. fontSize: 'Size',
  31. bold: 'Bold',
  32. underline: 'Underline',
  33. italic: 'Italic',
  34. strike: 'Strike',
  35. subscript: 'Subscript',
  36. superscript: 'Superscript',
  37. removeFormat: 'Remove Format',
  38. fontColor: 'Font Color',
  39. hiliteColor: 'Highlight Color',
  40. indent: 'Indent',
  41. outdent: 'Outdent',
  42. align: 'Align',
  43. alignLeft: 'Align left',
  44. alignRight: 'Align right',
  45. alignCenter: 'Align center',
  46. alignJustify: 'Align justify',
  47. list: 'List',
  48. orderList: 'Ordered list',
  49. unorderList: 'Unordered list',
  50. horizontalRule: 'Horizontal line',
  51. hr_solid: 'Solid',
  52. hr_dotted: 'Dotted',
  53. hr_dashed: 'Dashed',
  54. table: 'Table',
  55. link: 'Link',
  56. math: 'Math',
  57. image: 'Image',
  58. video: 'Video',
  59. audio: 'Audio',
  60. fullScreen: 'Full screen',
  61. showBlocks: 'Show blocks',
  62. codeView: 'Code view',
  63. undo: 'Undo',
  64. redo: 'Redo',
  65. preview: 'Preview',
  66. print: 'print',
  67. tag_p: 'Paragraph',
  68. tag_div: 'Normal (DIV)',
  69. tag_h: 'Header',
  70. tag_blockquote: 'Quote',
  71. tag_pre: 'Code',
  72. template: 'Template',
  73. lineHeight: 'Line height',
  74. paragraphStyle: 'Paragraph style',
  75. textStyle: 'Text style',
  76. imageGallery: 'Image gallery',
  77. mention: 'Mention'
  78. },
  79. dialogBox: {
  80. linkBox: {
  81. title: 'Insert Link',
  82. url: 'URL to link',
  83. text: 'Text to display',
  84. newWindowCheck: 'Open in new window',
  85. downloadLinkCheck: 'Download link',
  86. bookmark: 'Bookmark'
  87. },
  88. mathBox: {
  89. title: 'Math',
  90. inputLabel: 'Mathematical Notation',
  91. fontSizeLabel: 'Font Size',
  92. previewLabel: 'Preview'
  93. },
  94. imageBox: {
  95. title: 'Insert image',
  96. file: 'Select from files',
  97. url: 'Image URL',
  98. altText: 'Alternative text'
  99. },
  100. videoBox: {
  101. title: 'Insert Video',
  102. file: 'Select from files',
  103. url: 'Media embed URL, YouTube/Vimeo'
  104. },
  105. audioBox: {
  106. title: 'Insert Audio',
  107. file: 'Select from files',
  108. url: 'Audio URL'
  109. },
  110. browser: {
  111. tags: 'Tags',
  112. search: 'Search',
  113. },
  114. caption: 'Insert description',
  115. close: 'Close',
  116. submitButton: 'Submit',
  117. revertButton: 'Revert',
  118. proportion: 'Constrain proportions',
  119. basic: 'Basic',
  120. left: 'Left',
  121. right: 'Right',
  122. center: 'Center',
  123. width: 'Width',
  124. height: 'Height',
  125. size: 'Size',
  126. ratio: 'Ratio'
  127. },
  128. controller: {
  129. edit: 'Edit',
  130. unlink: 'Unlink',
  131. remove: 'Remove',
  132. insertRowAbove: 'Insert row above',
  133. insertRowBelow: 'Insert row below',
  134. deleteRow: 'Delete row',
  135. insertColumnBefore: 'Insert column before',
  136. insertColumnAfter: 'Insert column after',
  137. deleteColumn: 'Delete column',
  138. fixedColumnWidth: 'Fixed column width',
  139. resize100: 'Resize 100%',
  140. resize75: 'Resize 75%',
  141. resize50: 'Resize 50%',
  142. resize25: 'Resize 25%',
  143. autoSize: 'Auto size',
  144. mirrorHorizontal: 'Mirror, Horizontal',
  145. mirrorVertical: 'Mirror, Vertical',
  146. rotateLeft: 'Rotate left',
  147. rotateRight: 'Rotate right',
  148. maxSize: 'Max size',
  149. minSize: 'Min size',
  150. tableHeader: 'Table header',
  151. mergeCells: 'Merge cells',
  152. splitCells: 'Split Cells',
  153. HorizontalSplit: 'Horizontal split',
  154. VerticalSplit: 'Vertical split'
  155. },
  156. menu: {
  157. spaced: 'Spaced',
  158. bordered: 'Bordered',
  159. neon: 'Neon',
  160. translucent: 'Translucent',
  161. shadow: 'Shadow',
  162. code: 'Code'
  163. }
  164. };
  165. if (typeof noGlobal === typeof undefined) {
  166. if (!window.SUNEDITOR_LANG) {
  167. Object.defineProperty(window, 'SUNEDITOR_LANG', {
  168. enumerable: true,
  169. writable: false,
  170. configurable: false,
  171. value: {}
  172. });
  173. }
  174. Object.defineProperty(window.SUNEDITOR_LANG, 'en', {
  175. enumerable: true,
  176. writable: true,
  177. configurable: true,
  178. value: lang
  179. });
  180. }
  181. return lang;
  182. }));