Zoraxy SSO / Oauth

A centralized authentication system for all your subdomains

Listen port :8081

Oauth2 Server Settings

Listening port of the Zoraxy internal Oauth2 Server.You can create a subdomain proxy rule to
The exposed authentication URL of the Oauth2 server, usually https://auth.example.com or https://sso.yourdomain.com. Remember to include the http:// or https:// in your URL.

Zoraxy SSO Settings

The default URL to redirect to after login if redirection target is not set
Important Notes about Zoraxy SSO

Zoraxy SSO, if enabled in HTTP Proxy rule, will automatically intercept the proxy request and provide an SSO interface on upstreams that do not support OAuth natively. It is basically like basic auth with a login page. The same user credential can be used in OAuth sign-in and Zoraxy SSO sign-in.

Registered Users
A list of users that are registered with the SSO server

Username Registered On Reset Password Remove
admin 2020-01-01

Registered Apps
A list of apps that are registered with the SSO server

App Name Domain App ID Registered On Remove
My App example.com 123456 2020-01-01