@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ Quick Setup Tour
+ This script file contains all the required script
+ for quick setup tour and walkthrough
+//tourStepFactory generate a function that renders the steps in tourModal
+//Keys: element, title, desc, tab, zone, callback
+// elements -> Elements to focus on
+// tab -> Tab ID to switch pages
+// pos -> Where to display the tour modal, {topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, center}
+function adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(element){
+ $("#tourModalOverlay").css({
+ "top": $(element).offset().top,
+ "left": $(element).offset().left,
+ "width": $(element).width(),
+ "height": $(element).height(),
+ })
+function tourStepFactory(config){
+ return function(){
+ //Check if this step require tab swap
+ if (config.tab != undefined && config.tab != ""){
+ //This tour require tab swap. call to openTabById
+ openTabById(config.tab);
+ }
+ if (config.element == undefined){
+ //No focused element in this step.
+ $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject");
+ $("#tourModal").addClass("nofocus");
+ $("#tourModalOverlay").hide();
+ }else{
+ //Consists of focus element in this step
+ $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject");
+ $(config.element).addClass("tourFocusObject");
+ $("#tourModal").removeClass("nofocus");
+ //Match the overlay to element position and size
+ $(window).off("resize").on("resize", function(){
+ adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element);
+ })
+ adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element);
+ $("#tourModalOverlay").show();
+ }
+ //Get the modal location of this step
+ let showupZone = "center";
+ if (config.pos != undefined){
+ showupZone = config.pos
+ }
+ $("#tourModal").attr("position", showupZone);
+ $("#tourModal .tourStepTitle").html(config.title);
+ $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(config.desc);
+ if (config.callback != undefined){
+ config.callback();
+ }
+ }
+var tourSteps = {
+ //Homepage steps
+ "homepage": [
+ tourStepFactory({
+ title: "🎉 Congratulation on your first site!",
+ desc: "In this tour, you will be guided through the steps required to setup a basic static website using your own domain name with Zoraxy."
+ }),
+ tourStepFactory({
+ title: "Pointing your domain's DNS to Zoraxy's IP",
+ desc: `Setup a DNS A Record that points your domain name to this Zoraxy instances public IP address. <br>
+ Assume your public IP is, you should have an A record like this.
+ <table class="ui celled collapsing basic striped table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Name</th>
+ <th>Type</th>
+ <th>Value</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>yourdomain.com</td>
+ <td>A</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <br>If the IP of Zoraxy start from 192.168, you might want to use your router's public IP address and setup port forward for both port 80 and 443 as well.`,
+ }),
+ tourStepFactory({
+ title: "Setup Default Site",
+ desc: `If you already have an apache or nginx web server running, use "Reverse Proxy Target". <br>Otherwise, pick "Internal Static Web Server" and click "Apply Change"`,
+ tab: "setroot",
+ element: $("#setroot"),
+ pos: "bottomright"
+ })
+ ],
+ //Subdomains tour steps
+ "subdomain":[
+ ],
+ //TLS and ACME tour steps
+ "tls":[
+ ],