@@ -4,126 +4,79 @@
<h1 class="ui header">
<img src="img/res/1F387.png">
<div class="content">
- Hi! Welcome to Zoraxy!
+ Welcome to Zoraxy!
<div class="sub header">What services are you planning to setup today?</div>
<div class="ui stackable equal width grid">
<div class="column">
- <div class="serviceOption homepage">
+ <div class="serviceOption homepage" name="homepage">
<div class="titleWrapper">
<p>Static Homepage</p>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<p>Host a static personal homepage with HTML, CSS and JavaScript using your domain name.</p>
<img class="themebackground ui small image" src="img/res/1F310.png">
+ <div class="activeOption">
+ <i class="ui white huge circle check icon"></i>
+ </div>
<div class="column">
- <div class="serviceOption subdomain">
+ <div class="serviceOption subdomain" name="subdomain">
<div class="titleWrapper">
<p>Sub-domains Routing</p>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<p>Add and handle traffic from your subdomains and point them to a dedicated web services somewhere else.</p>
<img class="themebackground ui small image" src="img/res/1F500.png">
+ <div class="activeOption">
+ <i class="ui white huge circle check icon"></i>
+ </div>
<div class="column">
- <div class="serviceOption tls">
+ <div class="serviceOption tls" name="tls">
<div class="titleWrapper">
<p>HTTPS Green Lock(s)</p>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<p>Turn your unsafe HTTP website into HTTPS using free certificate from public certificate authorities organizations.</p>
<img class="themebackground ui small image" src="img/res/1F512.png">
+ <div class="activeOption">
+ <i class="ui white huge circle check icon"></i>
+ </div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
+ <div style="width: 100%;" align="center">
+ <button onclick="startQuickStartTour();" class="ui finished button quickstartControlButton">
+ Start Walkthrough
+ </button>
+ </div>
- //Set the new proxy root option
- function setProxyRoot(btn=undefined){
- var newpr = $("#proxyRoot").val();
- if (newpr.trim() == "" && currentDefaultSiteOption == 0){
- //Fill in the web server info
- newpr = "" + $("#webserv_listenPort").val();
- $("#proxyRoot").val(newpr);
- }
+ var currentQuickSetupClass = "";
- var rootReqTls = $("#rootReqTLS")[0].checked;
+ //Bind selecting events to serviceOption
+ $("#quickstart .serviceOption").on("click", function(data){
+ $(".serviceOption.active").removeClass("active");
+ $(this).addClass("active");
+ let tourType = $(this).attr("name");
+ currentQuickSetupClass = tourType;
+ });
- if (btn != undefined){
- $(btn).addClass("disabled");
+ function startQuickStartTour(){
+ if (currentQuickSetupClass == ""){
+ msgbox("No selected setup service tour", false);
+ return;
- //proxy mode or redirect mode, check for input values
- var defaultSiteValue = "";
- if (currentDefaultSiteOption == 1){
- if ($("#proxyRoot").val().trim() == ""){
- $("#proxyRoot").parent().addClass("error");
- return;
- }
- defaultSiteValue = $("#proxyRoot").val().trim();
- $("#proxyRoot").parent().removeClass("error");
- }else if (currentDefaultSiteOption == 2){
- if ($("#redirectDomain").val().trim() == ""){
- $("#redirectDomain").parent().addClass("error");
- return;
- }
- defaultSiteValue = $("#redirectDomain").val().trim();
- $("#redirectDomain").parent().removeClass("error");
- }
- //Create the endpoint by calling add
- $.cjax({
- url: "/api/proxy/add",
- data: {
- "type": "root",
- "tls": rootReqTls,
- "ep": newpr,
- "defaultSiteOpt": currentDefaultSiteOption,
- "defaultSiteVal":defaultSiteValue,
- },
- method: "POST",
- success: function(data){
- if (data.error != undefined){
- msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
- }else{
- //OK
- initRootInfo(function(){
- //Check if WebServ is enabled
- isUsingStaticWebServerAsRoot(function(isUsingWebServ){
- if (isUsingWebServ){
- //Force enable static web server
- //See webserv.html for details
- setWebServerRunningState(true);
- }
- msgbox("Default Site Updated");
- })
- });
- }
- if (btn != undefined){
- $(btn).removeClass("disabled");
- }
- },
- error: function(){
- msgbox("Unknown error occured", false);
- }
- });
+ alert(currentQuickSetupClass);