file_operation.json 6.0 KB

  1. {
  2. "author": "tobychui",
  3. "version": "1.0",
  4. "keys": {
  5. "zh-tw": {
  6. "fwtitle" : "檔案操作",
  7. "fontFamily":"\"Microsoft JhengHei\",\"SimHei\", \"Apple LiGothic Medium\", \"STHeiti\"",
  8. "strings":{
  9. "title":"檔案操作",
  10. "banner/title":"正在計算檔案操作需時",
  11. "info/from":"來源:",
  12. "info/to":"目的地:",
  13. "info/progress":"進度:",
  14. "info/calculating":"計算中",
  15. "dup/question":"目的地存在至少一個具有重複檔名的檔案。 <b>應對該檔案使用以下哪種操作?</b>",
  16. "dup/overwrite":"覆寫",
  17. "dup/skip":"跳過",
  18. "dup/renameAndKeep":"更名並保留",
  19. "title/moving":"正在移動 ",
  20. "title/copying":"正在複製",
  21. "title/zipping":"正在壓縮 ",
  22. "title/downloading":"正在下載 ",
  23. "title/unzipping":"正在解壓 ",
  24. "title/file":" 個檔案",
  25. "title/files":" 個檔案",
  26. "button/pause":"暫停",
  27. "button/resume":"繼續",
  28. "button/cancel":"取消",
  29. "error/Access Denied":"存取被拒",
  30. "error/Source file not exists":"來源檔案不存在",
  31. "error/Source and destination paths are identical.":"目的地與來源資料位置相同",
  32. "error/Storage Quota Full":"儲存空間已滿",
  33. "error/Dest folder not found":"目標資料夾不存在",
  34. "error/Undefined dest location":"目標路徑錯誤",
  35. "error/This source file is Read Only":"此來源檔案是唯讀檔案",
  36. "error/File already exists":"檔案已經存在",
  37. "error/This directory is Read Only":"此資料夾是唯讀檔案",
  38. "error/Operation cancelled by user": "使用者已取消此檔案操作",
  39. "":""
  40. },
  41. "titles":{
  42. },
  43. "placeholder":{
  44. }
  45. },
  46. "zh-hk": {
  47. "fwtitle" : "檔案操作",
  48. "fontFamily":"\"Microsoft JhengHei\",\"SimHei\", \"Apple LiGothic Medium\", \"STHeiti\"",
  49. "strings":{
  50. "title":"檔案操作",
  51. "banner/title":"正在計算檔案操作需時",
  52. "info/from":"來源:",
  53. "info/to":"目的地:",
  54. "info/progress":"進度:",
  55. "info/calculating":"計算中",
  56. "dup/question":"目的地存在至少一個具有重複檔名的檔案。 <b>應對該檔案使用以下哪種操作?</b>",
  57. "dup/overwrite":"覆寫",
  58. "dup/skip":"跳過",
  59. "dup/renameAndKeep":"更名並保留",
  60. "title/moving":"正在移動 ",
  61. "title/copying":"正在複製",
  62. "title/zipping":"正在壓縮 ",
  63. "title/downloading":"正在下載 ",
  64. "title/unzipping":"正在解壓 ",
  65. "title/file":" 個檔案",
  66. "title/files":" 個檔案",
  67. "error/Access Denied":"存取被拒",
  68. "error/Source file not exists":"來源檔案不存在",
  69. "error/Source and destination paths are identical.":"目的地與來源資料位置相同",
  70. "error/Storage Quota Full":"儲存空間已滿",
  71. "error/Dest folder not found":"目標資料夾不存在",
  72. "error/Undefined dest location":"目標路徑錯誤",
  73. "error/This source file is Read Only":"此來源檔案是唯讀檔案",
  74. "error/File already exists":"檔案已經存在",
  75. "error/This directory is Read Only":"此資料夾是唯讀檔案",
  76. "error/Operation cancelled by user": "使用者已取消此檔案操作",
  77. "":""
  78. },
  79. "titles":{
  80. },
  81. "placeholder":{
  82. }
  83. },
  84. "zh-cn": {
  85. "fwtitle" : "文件操作",
  86. "fontFamily":"\"Microsoft JhengHei\",\"SimHei\", \"Apple LiGothic Medium\", \"STHeiti\"",
  87. "strings":{
  88. "title":"文件操作",
  89. "banner/title":"正在计算文件操作耗时",
  90. "info/from":"来源:",
  91. "info/to":"目标:",
  92. "info/progress":"进度:",
  93. "info/calculating":"计算中",
  94. "dup/question":"目标至少存在一个具有重复文件名的文件。 <b>应对该文件使用以下哪种操作?</b>",
  95. "dup/overwrite":"覆盖",
  96. "dup/skip":"跳过",
  97. "dup/renameAndKeep":"重命名并保留",
  98. "title/moving":"正在移动 ",
  99. "title/copying":"正在复制",
  100. "title/zipping":"正在压缩 ",
  101. "title/downloading":"正在下载 ",
  102. "title/unzipping":"正在解压 ",
  103. "title/file":" 个文件",
  104. "title/files":" 个文件",
  105. "error/Access Denied":"存取被拒",
  106. "error/Source file not exists":"来源文件不存在",
  107. "error/Source and destination paths are identical.":"目标与来源文件位置相同",
  108. "error/Storage Quota Full":"存储空间已满",
  109. "error/Dest folder not found":"目标文件夹不存在",
  110. "error/Undefined dest location":"目标路径错误",
  111. "error/This source file is Read Only":"此来源文件只读",
  112. "error/File already exists":"文件已经存在",
  113. "error/This directory is Read Only":"此文件夹只读",
  114. "error/Operation cancelled by user": "使用者已取消此文件操作",
  115. "":""
  116. },
  117. "titles":{
  118. },
  119. "placeholder":{
  120. }
  121. }
  122. }
  123. }