file_explorer.json 82 KB

  1. {
  2. "author": "tobychui",
  3. "version": "1.0",
  4. "keys": {
  5. "zh-tw": {
  6. "name": "繁體中文(台灣)",
  7. "fontFamily":"\"Microsoft JhengHei\",\"SimHei\", \"Apple LiGothic Medium\", \"STHeiti\"",
  8. "strings": {
  9. "title/title": "檔案管理員",
  10. "menu/button/download": "下載所選",
  11. "menu/sort/asc": "檔名順序",
  12. "menu/sort/desc": "檔名倒序",
  13. "menu/sort/small": "小至大",
  14. "menu/sort/large": "大至小",
  15. "menu/sort/mostrecent": "新到舊",
  16. "menu/sort/leastrecent": "舊到新",
  17. "menu/sort/smart": "自然數字順序",
  18. "menu/sort/typeAsc": "副檔名順序",
  19. "menu/sort/typeDes": "副檔名倒序",
  20. "fileopr/Back": "上一頁",
  21. "fileopr/Parent Folder": "返回上層目錄",
  22. "fileopr/Open": "開啟",
  23. "fileopr/Open with": "以…開啟",
  24. "fileopr/Share": "分享",
  25. "fileopr/Download": "下載",
  26. "fileopr/Copy": "複製",
  27. "fileopr/Paste": "貼上",
  28. "fileopr/Cut": "剪下",
  29. "fileopr/Multi Select": "切換多選",
  30. "fileopr/Select All": "全選",
  31. "fileopr/Clear Select": "取消選擇",
  32. "fileopr/New File": "新增檔案",
  33. "fileopr/New Folder": "新增<br>資料夾",
  34. "fileopr/Upload": "上載",
  35. "fileopr/Create Zip": "建立壓縮檔",
  36. "fileopr/Unzip Here": "解壓縮至此",
  37. "fileopr/Rename": "重新命名",
  38. "fileopr/Delete": "刪除",
  39. "fileopr/Refresh": "重新整理",
  40. "fileopr/Home": "根目錄",
  41. "fileopr/File Info": "檔案資訊",
  42. "fileopr/Toggle Folder List": "檢視根目錄列表",
  43. "fileopr/Dark Theme": "切換主題配色",
  44. "fileopr/Edit Path": "編輯路徑",
  45. "fileopr/Sorting Method": "檔案排序",
  46. "fileopr/Search": "搜尋",
  47. "fileopr/Block View": "顯示檔案預覽",
  48. "fileopr/List View": "顯示檔案列表",
  49. "fileopr/Case Sensitive": "區分大小寫",
  50. "fileopr/Clear Search": "清除搜尋結果",
  51. "view/details/folders": " 個資料夾",
  52. "view/details/files": " 個檔案",
  53. "view/details/ext": " 副檔名",
  54. "view/details/modTime": " 上次儲存日期",
  55. "view/details/shared": " 已分享",
  56. "view/details/size": " 大小",
  57. "tooltip/filecount":" 個項目",
  58. "tooltip/selectedcount":" 個已選",
  59. "sidebar/properties/expand": "放大資訊側欄",
  60. "sidebar/properties/shrink":"縮小資訊側欄",
  61. "sidebar/properties/filesize":"檔案大小",
  62. "sidebar/properties/modtime":"最後更改日期",
  63. "sidebar/properties/mimetype":"媒體類型",
  64. "sidebar/properties/owner":"擁有者",
  65. "sidebar/properties/permission":"存取權限",
  66. "sidebar/properties/storepath":"儲存位置",
  67. "sidebar/properties/vpath":"虛擬化位置",
  68. "sidebar/default/nofileselected": "沒有已選擇之檔案",
  69. "sidebar/default/instruction": "在檔案列表內選擇一個檔案以瀏覽詳細資料",
  70. "sidebar/vroot/user": "使用者",
  71. "sidebar/vroot/fsh": "虛擬儲存裝置",
  72. "sidebar/vroot/desktop": "桌面",
  73. "sidebar/vroot/document": "文件",
  74. "sidebar/vroot/music": "音樂",
  75. "sidebar/vroot/photo": "圖片",
  76. "sidebar/vroot/video": "影片",
  77. "sidebar/vroot/trash": "回收箱",
  78. "sidebar/vroot/download": "下載",
  79. "sidebar/vroot/web": "網頁",
  80. "sidebar/vroot/model": "模型",
  81. "sidebar/vroot/appdata": "程序數據",
  82. "func/search/typeToStart": "輸入關鍵字以開始搜尋",
  83. "func/search/tip1": "在上面的輸入欄位輸入關鍵字,然後按「搜尋」按鈕以開始搜尋",
  84. "func/search/tip2": "如你需要輸入萬用字元,請先輸入 / 號,例如: /*.mp3",
  85. "opr/overwrite/title": "覆寫、保留或是跳過檔案",
  86. "opr/overwrite/copying": "正在複製",
  87. "opr/overwrite/files": "個檔案。來源:",
  88. "opr/overwrite/to": " → 目的地:",
  89. "opr/overwrite/dest": "目的地有 ",
  90. "opr/overwrite/samename": " 個相同名稱的檔案",
  91. "opr/overwrite/replace": "覆寫目的地檔案",
  92. "opr/overwrite/skip": "跳過這些檔案",
  93. "opr/overwrite/keep": "重新命名並保留目的地檔案",
  94. "opr/pre-remove/title": "永久移除檔案",
  95. "opr/pre-remove/questions": "確定<u>永久移除</u>以下檔案?<br>移除後檔案將<u>無法復原</u>",
  96. "opr/pre-remove/confirm": "確認永久移除所選檔案",
  97. "opr/pre-remove/cancel": "取消",
  98. "opr/remove/title": "移動到資源回收箱",
  99. "opr/remove/question": "確認移動所選檔案到資源回收箱?",
  100. "opr/remove/confirm": "確認",
  101. "opr/remove/cancel": "取消",
  102. "opr/rename/title": "重新命名",
  103. "opr/rename/instruction": "請在下方輸入欄輸入新檔案名稱",
  104. "opr/rename/ok": "確認",
  105. "opr/rename/cancel": "取消",
  106. "opr/newfile/title": "創建檔案",
  107. "opr/newfile/instruction": "選擇一種要新增的檔案格式樣本",
  108. "opr/newfile/newempty": "或輸入檔案名稱以新增一個空白檔案",
  109. "opr/newfile/create": "新增",
  110. "opr/newfile/cancel": "取消",
  111. "opr/newfolder/title": "創建資料夾",
  112. "opr/newfolder/desc": "請在下方輸入欄輸入新資料夾名稱",
  113. "opr/newfolder/alreadyExists": "此資料夾已存在",
  114. "opr/newfolder/create": "創建",
  115. "opr/newfolder/cancel": "取消",
  116. "opr/share/title": "分享檔案",
  117. "opr/share/settings": "分享設定",
  118. "opr/share/setdesc": "更改誰能看到此檔案",
  119. "opr/share/visableoption": "分享對像:",
  120. "opr/share/anyone": "擁有連接的使用者",
  121. "opr/share/anyonedesc": "任何擁有分享連接的使用者皆可下載此檔案",
  122. "opr/share/signedin": "已登入的使用者",
  123. "opr/share/signedindesc": "任何已登入並擁有分享連接的使用者皆可下載此檔案",
  124. "opr/share/samegroup": "在同一權限群組內的使用者",
  125. "opr/share/samegroupdesc": "任何擁有相同使用者權限的使用者皆可下載此檔案",
  126. "opr/share/update": "更新權限",
  127. "opr/share/remove": "移除檔案分享",
  128. "opr/share/ok": "完成",
  129. "opr/openwith/title": "使用 … 開啟",
  130. "opr/openwith/desc": "選擇一個 WebApp 以開啟此檔案",
  131. "opr/openwith/loading": "載入中…",
  132. "opr/openwith/openWithWebApp": "使用所選的 WebApp 開啟檔案",
  133. "opr/openwith/openWithWebAppInNewWindow": "使用所選的 WebApp 在新視窗開啟",
  134. "opr/openwith/openInNewWindow": "直接於新視窗開啟檔案",
  135. "opr/openwith/cancel": "取消",
  136. "opr/openwith/floatWindow":"浮動視窗",
  137. "opr/openwith/embedded":"檔案輸入",
  138. "opr/shorcut/title": "在桌面建立捷徑",
  139. "opr/shorcut/ok": "捷徑建立成功",
  140. "opr/shorcut/error": "桌面建立捷徑失敗",
  141. "opr/zip/zipping": "正在壓縮 ",
  142. "opr/zip/unzipping": "正在解壓縮 ",
  143. "opr/zip/nozipfile": "沒有已選擇的壓縮檔",
  144. "opr/zip/file": " 個檔案",
  145. "opr/zip/files": " 個檔案",
  146. "opr/confirmclose/title":"確認取消上傳",
  147. "opr/confirmclose/desc":"此檔案管理員視窗正在上傳檔案到伺服器。關閉此視窗將會取消所有上傳工作。<br><b>確認取消上傳並關閉視窗?</b>",
  148. "opr/confirmclose/cancelAndExit":"取消上傳並關閉視窗",
  149. "opr/confirmclose/continue":"繼續上傳",
  150. "contextmenu/open": "開啟",
  151. "contextmenu/openWith": "使用 … 開啟",
  152. "contextmenu/openNewWindow": "在新視窗開啟",
  153. "contextmenu/openNewWindowVroot": "在新視窗開啟",
  154. "contextmenu/openFileLocation": "開啟檔案位置",
  155. "contextmenu/Share": "分享",
  156. "contextmenu/MuitSelect": "切換多選",
  157. "contextmenu/copy": "複製",
  158. "contextmenu/paste": "貼上",
  159. "contextmenu/cut": "剪下",
  160. "contextmenu/newFile": "新增檔案",
  161. "contextmenu/newFolder": "新增資料夾",
  162. "contextmenu/upload": "上載",
  163. "contextmenu/zip": "建立壓縮檔",
  164. "contextmenu/unzip": "解壓縮至此",
  165. "contextmenu/rename": "重新命名",
  166. "contextmenu/delete": "刪除",
  167. "contextmenu/backup": "備份及還原",
  168. "contextmenu/refresh": "重新整理",
  169. "contextmenu/download": "下載",
  170. "contextmenu/sharemanager": "分享管理員",
  171. "contextmenu/properties": "內容",
  172. "upload/count/uploading": " 上載中",
  173. "upload/count/pending": " 等待中",
  174. "message/rename/success": "重新命名成功",
  175. "message/copy/success": " 個檔案已複製",
  176. "message/move/success": " 個檔案已移動",
  177. "message/share/removed": "已停止檔案分享",
  178. "message/paste/nothing": "沒有可貼上的檔案",
  179. "message/remove/success": " 個檔案已被成功刪除",
  180. "message/recycle/success": " 個檔案已被成功移動到資源回收箱",
  181. "message/upload/started": "檔案上載已開始",
  182. "message/zip/fail": "檔案壓縮失敗:原因不明",
  183. "message/newfolder/success": "新資料夾建立完成",
  184. "message/newItem/success": " 建立完成",
  185. "message/nofileSelected": "沒有選擇檔案",
  186. "message/moduleNotSupport": "此模組無法開啟任何檔案",
  187. "message/unknownSize": "未知大小",
  188. "message/loading": "載入中",
  189. "message/initiating": "正在初始化",
  190. "message/Permission Denied: You are not the file owner nor can write to this file": "存取被拒:您不是分享檔案者或有權訪問此檔案",
  191. "message/Invalid path given": "檔案路徑無效",
  192. "message/Unknown path given": "檔案路徑無效",
  193. "message/Invalid keyword given":"關鍵字不可為空白",
  194. "message/This directory is Read Only": "無法寫入到唯讀資料夾",
  195. "message/Access Denied":"取存被拒",
  196. "message/Given filename already exists":"此檔案名稱已存在",
  197. "message/Given folder already exists":"此資料夾名稱已存在",
  198. "message/Source file not exists":"來源檔案不存在",
  199. "message/File already exists":"檔案已存在",
  200. "message/Undefined dest location":"目標路徑不可為空白",
  201. "message/Dest folder not found":"找不到目標資料夾",
  202. "message/Invalid dir given":"資料夾路徑無效",
  203. "message/Storage Quota Full":"儲存配額已滿",
  204. "message/Unknown file opeartion given":"不支援的檔案動作請求",
  205. "message/No file selected": "沒有選擇檔案",
  206. "message/Preference value too long. Preference value can only store maximum 1024 characters.":"設定值太長。設定值只能夠少於 1024 字元",
  207. "message/User not logged in":"使用者未登入",
  208. "message/Folder not exists":"找不到資料夾",
  209. "message/Failed to move file to trash":"無法移動到資源回收箱",
  210. "message/Incompatible File System Type: Try SHIFT + DELETE to delete file permanently":"檔案系統不支援檔案回收:請使用 SHIFT + DELETE 以永久移除檔案",
  211. "message/Recursive copy operation.":"遞歸複製操作",
  212. "message/Source and destination paths are identical.":"檔案來源與目的地相同",
  213. "message/Multiple files share is currently not supported":"不支援多個檔案分享",
  214. "message/noMatchResults":"找不到匹配的檔案",
  215. "message/noMatchResultsDesc":"伺服器找不到與此關鍵字匹配的檔案",
  216. "message/noMatchResultsInst":"請檢查你的關鍵字或通配符是否正確。",
  217. "message/folderCannotOpen":"無法開啟此資料夾",
  218. "message/folderCannotOpen/codedesc":"伺服器端回傳以下錯誤訊息: ",
  219. "message/destIdentical": "檔案來源與目的地相同",
  220. "message/decodeFilelistFail": "載案置入失敗:無法讀取檔案列表",
  221. "message/uploadFailed": "載案上載失敗:檔案太大或目標儲存裝置已滿",
  222. "message/newFilenameIdentical": "重新命名失敗:新舊檔案名稱相同"
  223. },
  224. "titles": {
  225. "Back": "上一頁",
  226. "Parent Folder": "返回上層目錄",
  227. "Open": "開啟",
  228. "Open with": "以…開啟",
  229. "Share File": "分享所選",
  230. "Download": "下載",
  231. "Copy": "複製",
  232. "Paste": "貼上",
  233. "Cut": "剪下",
  234. "New File": "新增檔案",
  235. "New Folder": "新增資料夾",
  236. "Upload": "上載",
  237. "Create Zip": "建立壓縮檔",
  238. "Unzip Here": "解壓縮至此",
  239. "Rename": "重新命名",
  240. "Delete": "刪除",
  241. "Refresh": "重新整理",
  242. "Home": "根目錄",
  243. "File Info": "檔案資訊",
  244. "Toggle Folder List": "檢視根目錄列表",
  245. "Dark Theme": "切換主題配色",
  246. "Edit Path": "編輯路徑",
  247. "Sorting Method": "檔案排序",
  248. "Search": "搜尋",
  249. "Multi Select":"切換多選",
  250. "Select All": "全選",
  251. "Clear Selection":"清除已選",
  252. "Block View": "顯示檔案預覽",
  253. "List View": "顯示檔案列表",
  254. "Detail View": "顯示詳細資料",
  255. "Case Sensitive": "區分大小寫",
  256. "Clear Search": "清除搜尋結果",
  257. "Expand Properties Sidebar":"放大資訊側欄",
  258. "Shrink Properties Sidebar":"縮小資訊側欄",
  259. "Show Properties":"顯示資訊側欄"
  260. },
  261. "placeholder": {
  262. "New Filename": "在此輸入新檔案名稱",
  263. "New Folder Name": "在此輸入新資料夾名稱",
  264. "File Search (Start wildcard search with / , e.g. /*.mp3)": "檔案搜尋(如要使用萬用字元,請先輸入 / 號,例如: /*.mp3)"
  265. }
  266. },
  267. "zh-hk": {
  268. "name": "繁體中文(香港)",
  269. "fontFamily":"\"Microsoft JhengHei\",\"SimHei\", \"Apple LiGothic Medium\", \"STHeiti\"",
  270. "strings": {
  271. "title/title": "檔案管理員",
  272. "menu/button/download": "下載所選",
  273. "menu/sort/asc": "檔名順序",
  274. "menu/sort/desc": "檔名倒序",
  275. "menu/sort/small": "小至大",
  276. "menu/sort/large": "大至小",
  277. "menu/sort/mostrecent": "新到舊",
  278. "menu/sort/leastrecent": "舊到新",
  279. "menu/sort/smart": "自然數字順序",
  280. "menu/sort/typeAsc": "副檔名順序",
  281. "menu/sort/typeDes": "副檔名倒序",
  282. "fileopr/Back": "上一頁",
  283. "fileopr/Parent Folder": "返回上層目錄",
  284. "fileopr/Open": "開啟",
  285. "fileopr/Open with": "以…開啟",
  286. "fileopr/Share": "分享",
  287. "fileopr/Download": "下載",
  288. "fileopr/Copy": "複製",
  289. "fileopr/Paste": "貼上",
  290. "fileopr/Cut": "剪下",
  291. "fileopr/Multi Select": "切換多選",
  292. "fileopr/Select All": "全選",
  293. "fileopr/Clear Select": "取消選擇",
  294. "fileopr/New File": "新增檔案",
  295. "fileopr/New Folder": "新增<br>資料夾",
  296. "fileopr/Upload": "上載",
  297. "fileopr/Create Zip": "建立壓縮檔",
  298. "fileopr/Unzip Here": "解壓縮至此",
  299. "fileopr/Rename": "重新命名",
  300. "fileopr/Delete": "刪除",
  301. "fileopr/Refresh": "重新整理",
  302. "fileopr/Home": "根目錄",
  303. "fileopr/File Info": "檔案資訊",
  304. "fileopr/Toggle Folder List": "檢視根目錄列表",
  305. "fileopr/Dark Theme": "切換主題配色",
  306. "fileopr/Edit Path": "編輯路徑",
  307. "fileopr/Sorting Method": "檔案排序",
  308. "fileopr/Search": "搜尋",
  309. "fileopr/Block View": "顯示檔案預覽",
  310. "fileopr/List View": "顯示檔案列表",
  311. "fileopr/Case Sensitive": "區分大小寫",
  312. "fileopr/Clear Search": "清除搜尋結果",
  313. "view/details/folders": " 個資料夾",
  314. "view/details/files": " 個檔案",
  315. "view/details/ext": " 副檔名",
  316. "view/details/modTime": " 上次儲存日期",
  317. "view/details/shared": " 已分享",
  318. "view/details/size": " 大小",
  319. "tooltip/filecount":" 個項目",
  320. "tooltip/selectedcount":" 個已選",
  321. "sidebar/properties/expand": "放大資訊側欄",
  322. "sidebar/properties/shrink":"縮小資訊側欄",
  323. "sidebar/properties/filesize":"檔案大小",
  324. "sidebar/properties/modtime":"最後更改日期",
  325. "sidebar/properties/mimetype":"媒體類型",
  326. "sidebar/properties/owner":"擁有者",
  327. "sidebar/properties/permission":"存取權限",
  328. "sidebar/properties/storepath":"儲存位置",
  329. "sidebar/properties/vpath":"虛擬化位置",
  330. "sidebar/default/nofileselected": "沒有已選擇之檔案",
  331. "sidebar/default/instruction": "在檔案列表內選擇一個檔案以瀏覽詳細資料",
  332. "sidebar/vroot/user": "使用者",
  333. "sidebar/vroot/fsh": "虛擬儲存裝置",
  334. "sidebar/vroot/desktop": "桌面",
  335. "sidebar/vroot/document": "文件",
  336. "sidebar/vroot/music": "音樂",
  337. "sidebar/vroot/photo": "圖片",
  338. "sidebar/vroot/video": "影片",
  339. "sidebar/vroot/trash": "回收箱",
  340. "sidebar/vroot/download": "下載",
  341. "sidebar/vroot/web": "網頁",
  342. "sidebar/vroot/model": "模型",
  343. "sidebar/vroot/appdata": "程序數據",
  344. "func/search/typeToStart": "輸入關鍵字以開始搜尋",
  345. "func/search/tip1": "在上面的輸入欄位輸入關鍵字,然後按「搜尋」按鈕以開始搜尋",
  346. "func/search/tip2": "如你需要輸入萬用字元,請先輸入 / 號,例如: /*.mp3",
  347. "opr/overwrite/title": "覆寫、保留或是跳過檔案",
  348. "opr/overwrite/copying": "正在複製",
  349. "opr/overwrite/files": "個檔案。來源:",
  350. "opr/overwrite/to": " → 目的地:",
  351. "opr/overwrite/dest": "目的地有 ",
  352. "opr/overwrite/samename": " 個相同名稱的檔案",
  353. "opr/overwrite/replace": "覆寫目的地檔案",
  354. "opr/overwrite/skip": "跳過這些檔案",
  355. "opr/overwrite/keep": "重新命名並保留目的地檔案",
  356. "opr/pre-remove/title": "永久移除檔案",
  357. "opr/pre-remove/questions": "確定<u>永久移除</u>以下檔案?<br>移除後檔案將<u>無法復原</u>",
  358. "opr/pre-remove/confirm": "確認永久移除所選檔案",
  359. "opr/pre-remove/cancel": "取消",
  360. "opr/remove/title": "移動到資源回收箱",
  361. "opr/remove/question": "確認移動所選檔案到資源回收箱?",
  362. "opr/remove/confirm": "確認",
  363. "opr/remove/cancel": "取消",
  364. "opr/rename/title": "重新命名",
  365. "opr/rename/instruction": "請在下方輸入欄輸入新檔案名稱",
  366. "opr/rename/ok": "確認",
  367. "opr/rename/cancel": "取消",
  368. "opr/newfile/title": "創建檔案",
  369. "opr/newfile/instruction": "選擇一種要新增的檔案格式樣本",
  370. "opr/newfile/newempty": "或輸入檔案名稱以新增一個空白檔案",
  371. "opr/newfile/create": "新增",
  372. "opr/newfile/cancel": "取消",
  373. "opr/newfolder/title": "創建資料夾",
  374. "opr/newfolder/desc": "請在下方輸入欄輸入新資料夾名稱",
  375. "opr/newfolder/alreadyExists": "此資料夾已存在",
  376. "opr/newfolder/create": "創建",
  377. "opr/newfolder/cancel": "取消",
  378. "opr/share/title": "分享檔案",
  379. "opr/share/settings": "分享設定",
  380. "opr/share/setdesc": "更改誰能看到此檔案",
  381. "opr/share/visableoption": "分享對像:",
  382. "opr/share/anyone": "擁有連接的使用者",
  383. "opr/share/anyonedesc": "任何擁有分享連接的使用者皆可下載此檔案",
  384. "opr/share/signedin": "已登入的使用者",
  385. "opr/share/signedindesc": "任何已登入並擁有分享連接的使用者皆可下載此檔案",
  386. "opr/share/samegroup": "在同一權限群組內的使用者",
  387. "opr/share/samegroupdesc": "任何擁有相同使用者權限的使用者皆可下載此檔案",
  388. "opr/share/update": "更新權限",
  389. "opr/share/remove": "移除檔案分享",
  390. "opr/share/ok": "完成",
  391. "opr/openwith/title": "使用 … 開啟",
  392. "opr/openwith/desc": "選擇一個 WebApp 以開啟此檔案",
  393. "opr/openwith/loading": "載入中…",
  394. "opr/openwith/openWithWebApp": "使用所選的 WebApp 開啟檔案",
  395. "opr/openwith/openWithWebAppInNewWindow": "使用所選的 WebApp 在新視窗開啟",
  396. "opr/openwith/openInNewWindow": "直接於新視窗開啟檔案",
  397. "opr/openwith/cancel": "取消",
  398. "opr/openwith/floatWindow":"浮動視窗",
  399. "opr/openwith/embedded":"檔案輸入",
  400. "opr/shorcut/title": "在桌面建立捷徑",
  401. "opr/shorcut/ok": "捷徑建立成功",
  402. "opr/shorcut/error": "桌面建立捷徑失敗",
  403. "opr/zip/zipping": "正在壓縮 ",
  404. "opr/zip/unzipping": "正在解壓縮 ",
  405. "opr/zip/nozipfile": "沒有已選擇的壓縮檔",
  406. "opr/zip/file": " 個檔案",
  407. "opr/zip/files": " 個檔案",
  408. "opr/confirmclose/title":"確認取消上傳",
  409. "opr/confirmclose/desc":"此檔案管理員視窗正在上傳檔案到伺服器。關閉此視窗將會取消所有上傳工作。<br><b>確認取消上傳並關閉視窗?</b>",
  410. "opr/confirmclose/cancelAndExit":"取消上傳並關閉視窗",
  411. "opr/confirmclose/continue":"繼續上傳",
  412. "contextmenu/open": "開啟",
  413. "contextmenu/openWith": "使用 … 開啟",
  414. "contextmenu/openNewWindow": "在新視窗開啟",
  415. "contextmenu/openNewWindowVroot": "在新視窗開啟",
  416. "contextmenu/openFileLocation": "開啟檔案位置",
  417. "contextmenu/Share": "分享",
  418. "contextmenu/MuitSelect": "切換多選",
  419. "contextmenu/copy": "複製",
  420. "contextmenu/paste": "貼上",
  421. "contextmenu/cut": "剪下",
  422. "contextmenu/newFile": "新增檔案",
  423. "contextmenu/newFolder": "新增資料夾",
  424. "contextmenu/upload": "上載",
  425. "contextmenu/zip": "建立壓縮檔",
  426. "contextmenu/unzip": "解壓縮至此",
  427. "contextmenu/rename": "重新命名",
  428. "contextmenu/delete": "刪除",
  429. "contextmenu/backup": "備份及還原",
  430. "contextmenu/refresh": "重新整理",
  431. "contextmenu/download": "下載",
  432. "contextmenu/sharemanager": "分享管理員",
  433. "contextmenu/properties": "內容",
  434. "upload/count/uploading": " 上載中",
  435. "upload/count/pending": " 等待中",
  436. "message/rename/success": "重新命名成功",
  437. "message/copy/success": " 個檔案已複製",
  438. "message/move/success": " 個檔案已移動",
  439. "message/share/removed": "已停止檔案分享",
  440. "message/paste/nothing": "沒有可貼上的檔案",
  441. "message/remove/success": " 個檔案已被成功刪除",
  442. "message/recycle/success": " 個檔案已被成功移動到資源回收箱",
  443. "message/upload/started": "檔案上載已開始",
  444. "message/zip/fail": "檔案壓縮失敗:原因不明",
  445. "message/newfolder/success": "新資料夾建立完成",
  446. "message/newItem/success": " 建立完成",
  447. "message/nofileSelected": "沒有選擇檔案",
  448. "message/moduleNotSupport": "此模組無法開啟任何檔案",
  449. "message/unknownSize": "未知大小",
  450. "message/loading": "載入中",
  451. "message/initiating": "正在初始化",
  452. "message/Permission Denied: You are not the file owner nor can write to this file": "存取被拒:您不是分享檔案者或有權訪問此檔案",
  453. "message/Invalid path given": "檔案路徑無效",
  454. "message/Unknown path given": "檔案路徑無效",
  455. "message/Invalid keyword given":"關鍵字不可為空白",
  456. "message/This directory is Read Only": "無法寫入到唯讀資料夾",
  457. "message/Access Denied":"取存被拒",
  458. "message/Given filename already exists":"此檔案名稱已存在",
  459. "message/Given folder already exists":"此資料夾名稱已存在",
  460. "message/Source file not exists":"來源檔案不存在",
  461. "message/File already exists":"檔案已存在",
  462. "message/Undefined dest location":"目標路徑不可為空白",
  463. "message/Dest folder not found":"找不到目標資料夾",
  464. "message/Invalid dir given":"資料夾路徑無效",
  465. "message/Storage Quota Full":"儲存配額已滿",
  466. "message/Unknown file opeartion given":"不支援的檔案動作請求",
  467. "message/No file selected": "沒有選擇檔案",
  468. "message/Preference value too long. Preference value can only store maximum 1024 characters.":"設定值太長。設定值只能夠少於 1024 字元",
  469. "message/User not logged in":"使用者未登入",
  470. "message/Folder not exists":"找不到資料夾",
  471. "message/Failed to move file to trash":"無法移動到資源回收箱",
  472. "message/Incompatible File System Type: Try SHIFT + DELETE to delete file permanently":"檔案系統不支援檔案回收:請使用 SHIFT + DELETE 以永久移除檔案",
  473. "message/Recursive copy operation.":"遞歸複製操作",
  474. "message/Source and destination paths are identical.":"檔案來源與目的地相同",
  475. "message/Multiple files share is currently not supported":"不支援多個檔案分享",
  476. "message/noMatchResults":"找不到匹配的檔案",
  477. "message/noMatchResultsDesc":"伺服器找不到與此關鍵字匹配的檔案",
  478. "message/noMatchResultsInst":"請檢查你的關鍵字或通配符是否正確。",
  479. "message/destIdentical": "檔案來源與目的地相同",
  480. "message/decodeFilelistFail": "載案置入失敗:無法讀取檔案列表",
  481. "message/uploadFailed": "載案上載失敗:檔案太大或目標儲存裝置已滿",
  482. "message/newFilenameIdentical": "重新命名失敗:新舊檔案名稱相同"
  483. },
  484. "titles": {
  485. "Back": "上一頁",
  486. "Parent Folder": "返回上層目錄",
  487. "Open": "開啟",
  488. "Open with": "以…開啟",
  489. "Share File": "分享所選",
  490. "Download": "下載",
  491. "Copy": "複製",
  492. "Paste": "貼上",
  493. "Cut": "剪下",
  494. "New File": "新增檔案",
  495. "New Folder": "新增資料夾",
  496. "Upload": "上載",
  497. "Create Zip": "建立壓縮檔",
  498. "Unzip Here": "解壓縮至此",
  499. "Rename": "重新命名",
  500. "Delete": "刪除",
  501. "Refresh": "重新整理",
  502. "Home": "根目錄",
  503. "File Info": "檔案資訊",
  504. "Toggle Folder List": "檢視根目錄列表",
  505. "Dark Theme": "切換主題配色",
  506. "Edit Path": "編輯路徑",
  507. "Sorting Method": "檔案排序",
  508. "Search": "搜尋",
  509. "Multi Select":"切換多選",
  510. "Select All": "全選",
  511. "Clear Selection":"清除已選",
  512. "Block View": "顯示檔案預覽",
  513. "List View": "顯示檔案列表",
  514. "Detail View": "顯示詳細資料",
  515. "Case Sensitive": "區分大小寫",
  516. "Clear Search": "清除搜尋結果",
  517. "Expand Properties Sidebar":"放大資訊側欄",
  518. "Shrink Properties Sidebar":"縮小資訊側欄",
  519. "Show Properties":"顯示資訊側欄"
  520. },
  521. "placeholder": {
  522. "New Filename": "在此輸入新檔案名稱",
  523. "New Folder Name": "在此輸入新資料夾名稱",
  524. "File Search (Start wildcard search with / , e.g. /*.mp3)": "檔案搜尋(如要使用萬用字元,請先輸入 / 號,例如: /*.mp3)"
  525. }
  526. },
  527. "zh-cn": {
  528. "name": "简体中文",
  529. "fontFamily":"\"Microsoft YaHei\",\"SimHei\", \"PingFangSC-Medium\", \"STHeiti\"",
  530. "strings": {
  531. "title/title": "文件管理器",
  532. "menu/button/download": "下载所选",
  533. "menu/sort/asc": "文件名顺序排列",
  534. "menu/sort/desc": "文件名倒序排列",
  535. "menu/sort/small": "小至大",
  536. "menu/sort/large": "大至小",
  537. "menu/sort/mostrecent": "新到旧",
  538. "menu/sort/leastrecent": "旧到新",
  539. "menu/sort/smart": "自然数顺序",
  540. "menu/sort/typeAsc": "扩展名顺序",
  541. "menu/sort/typeDes": "扩展名倒序",
  542. "fileopr/Back": "上一页",
  543. "fileopr/Parent Folder": "返回上层目录",
  544. "fileopr/Open": "打开",
  545. "fileopr/Open with": "以…打开",
  546. "fileopr/Share": "分享",
  547. "fileopr/Download": "下载",
  548. "fileopr/Copy": "复制",
  549. "fileopr/Paste": "粘贴",
  550. "fileopr/Cut": "剪切",
  551. "fileopr/Multi Select": "切换多选",
  552. "fileopr/Select All": "全选",
  553. "fileopr/Clear Select": "取消选择",
  554. "fileopr/New File": "新增文件",
  555. "fileopr/New Folder": "新增<br>文件夹",
  556. "fileopr/Upload": "上传",
  557. "fileopr/Create Zip": "创建压缩文件",
  558. "fileopr/Unzip Here": "解压缩至此",
  559. "fileopr/Rename": "重命名",
  560. "fileopr/Delete": "删除",
  561. "fileopr/Refresh": "刷新",
  562. "fileopr/Home": "根目录",
  563. "fileopr/File Info": "文件信息",
  564. "fileopr/Toggle Folder List": "查看根目录列表",
  565. "fileopr/Dark Theme": "切换主题配色",
  566. "fileopr/Edit Path": "编辑路径",
  567. "fileopr/Sorting Method": "文件排序",
  568. "fileopr/Search": "搜索",
  569. "fileopr/Block View": "显示文件预览",
  570. "fileopr/List View": "显示文件列表",
  571. "fileopr/Case Sensitive": "区分大小写",
  572. "fileopr/Clear Search": "清除搜索结果",
  573. "view/details/folders": " 个文件夹",
  574. "view/details/files": " 个文件",
  575. "view/details/ext": " 扩展名",
  576. "view/details/modTime": " 上次存储日期",
  577. "view/details/shared": " 已分享",
  578. "view/details/size": " 大小",
  579. "tooltip/filecount":" 个项目",
  580. "tooltip/selectedcount":" 个已选",
  581. "sidebar/properties/expand": "放大属性侧栏",
  582. "sidebar/properties/shrink":"缩小属性侧栏",
  583. "sidebar/properties/filesize":"文件大小",
  584. "sidebar/properties/modtime":"最后修改日期",
  585. "sidebar/properties/mimetype":"媒体类型",
  586. "sidebar/properties/owner":"拥有者",
  587. "sidebar/properties/permission":"存取权限",
  588. "sidebar/properties/storepath":"存储位置",
  589. "sidebar/properties/vpath":"虚拟化位置",
  590. "sidebar/default/nofileselected": "没有已选择的文件",
  591. "sidebar/default/instruction": "在文件列表内选择一个文件以浏览详细资料",
  592. "sidebar/vroot/user": "使用者",
  593. "sidebar/vroot/fsh": "虚拟存储设备",
  594. "sidebar/vroot/desktop": "桌面",
  595. "sidebar/vroot/document": "文件",
  596. "sidebar/vroot/music": "音乐",
  597. "sidebar/vroot/photo": "图片",
  598. "sidebar/vroot/video": "影片",
  599. "sidebar/vroot/trash": "垃圾箱",
  600. "sidebar/vroot/download": "下载",
  601. "sidebar/vroot/web": "网页",
  602. "sidebar/vroot/model": "模型",
  603. "sidebar/vroot/appdata": "程序数据",
  604. "func/search/typeToStart": "输入关键字以开始搜索",
  605. "func/search/tip1": "在上面的输入字段输入关键词,然后按「搜索」按钮以开始搜索",
  606. "func/search/tip2": "如你需要输入通配符,请先输入 / 号,例如:/*.mp3",
  607. "opr/overwrite/title": "覆盖、保留或是跳过文件",
  608. "opr/overwrite/copying": "正在复制",
  609. "opr/overwrite/files": "个文件。来源:",
  610. "opr/overwrite/to": " → 目标:",
  611. "opr/overwrite/dest": "目标有 ",
  612. "opr/overwrite/samename": " 个相同名称的文件",
  613. "opr/overwrite/replace": "覆盖目标文件",
  614. "opr/overwrite/skip": "跳过这些文件",
  615. "opr/overwrite/keep": "重命名并保留目标文件",
  616. "opr/pre-remove/title": "永久删除文件",
  617. "opr/pre-remove/questions": "确定<u>永久删除</u>以下文件?<br>删除后文件将<u>无法恢复</u>",
  618. "opr/pre-remove/confirm": "确定永久删除所选文件",
  619. "opr/pre-remove/cancel": "取消",
  620. "opr/remove/title": "移动到垃圾箱",
  621. "opr/remove/question": "确定移动所选文件到垃圾箱?",
  622. "opr/remove/confirm": "确定",
  623. "opr/remove/cancel": "取消",
  624. "opr/rename/title": "重命名",
  625. "opr/rename/instruction": "请在下方输入框输入新文件名称",
  626. "opr/rename/ok": "确定",
  627. "opr/rename/cancel": "取消",
  628. "opr/newfile/title": "创建文件",
  629. "opr/newfile/instruction": "选择一种要创建的文件格式类型",
  630. "opr/newfile/newempty": "或输入文件名称以创建一个空白文件",
  631. "opr/newfile/create": "创建",
  632. "opr/newfile/cancel": "取消",
  633. "opr/newfolder/title": "创建文件夹",
  634. "opr/newfolder/desc": "请在下方输入框输入新文件夹名称",
  635. "opr/newfolder/alreadyExists": "此文件夹已存在",
  636. "opr/newfolder/create": "创建",
  637. "opr/newfolder/cancel": "取消",
  638. "opr/share/title": "分享文件",
  639. "opr/share/settings": "分享设置",
  640. "opr/share/setdesc": "更改谁能看到此文件",
  641. "opr/share/visableoption": "分享对象:",
  642. "opr/share/anyone": "拥有链接的使用者",
  643. "opr/share/anyonedesc": "任何拥有分享链接的使用者均可下载此文件",
  644. "opr/share/signedin": "已登录的使用者",
  645. "opr/share/signedindesc": "任何已登录并拥有分享链接的使用者均可下载此文件",
  646. "opr/share/samegroup": "在同一权限群组内的使用者",
  647. "opr/share/samegroupdesc": "任何拥有相同使用者权限的使用者均可下载此文件",
  648. "opr/share/update": "更新权限",
  649. "opr/share/remove": "移除文件共享",
  650. "opr/share/ok": "完成",
  651. "opr/openwith/title": "使用 … 打开",
  652. "opr/openwith/desc": "选择一个 WebApp 以打开此文件",
  653. "opr/openwith/loading": "载入中…",
  654. "opr/openwith/openWithWebApp": "使用所选的 WebApp 打开文件",
  655. "opr/openwith/openWithWebAppInNewWindow": "使用所选的 WebApp 在新窗口中打开",
  656. "opr/openwith/openInNewWindow": "直接在新窗口中打开文件",
  657. "opr/openwith/cancel": "取消",
  658. "opr/shortcut/title": "在桌面创建快捷方式",
  659. "opr/shortcut/ok": "快捷方式创建成功",
  660. "opr/shorcut/error": "桌面创建快捷方式失败",
  661. "opr/zip/zipping": "正在压缩 ",
  662. "opr/zip/unzipping": "正在解压缩 ",
  663. "opr/zip/nozipfile": "没有已选择的压缩文件",
  664. "opr/zip/file": " 个文件",
  665. "opr/zip/files": " 个文件",
  666. "opr/confirmclose/title":"确定取消上传",
  667. "opr/confirmclose/desc":"此文件管理器窗口正在上传文件到服务器。关闭此窗口将会取消所有上传工作。<br><b>确定取消上传并关闭窗口?</b>",
  668. "opr/confirmclose/cancelAndExit":"取消上传并关闭窗口",
  669. "opr/confirmclose/continue":"继续上传",
  670. "contextmenu/open": "打开",
  671. "contextmenu/openWith": "使用 … 打开",
  672. "contextmenu/openNewWindow": "在新窗口中打开",
  673. "contextmenu/openNewWindowVroot": "在新窗口中打开",
  674. "contextmenu/openFileLocation": "打开文件位置",
  675. "contextmenu/Share": "分享",
  676. "contextmenu/MuitSelect": "切换多选",
  677. "contextmenu/copy": "复制",
  678. "contextmenu/paste": "粘贴",
  679. "contextmenu/cut": "剪切",
  680. "contextmenu/newFile": "新建文件",
  681. "contextmenu/newFolder": "新建文件夹",
  682. "contextmenu/upload": "上传",
  683. "contextmenu/zip": "创建压缩文件",
  684. "contextmenu/unzip": "解压缩至此",
  685. "contextmenu/rename": "重命名",
  686. "contextmenu/delete": "删除",
  687. "contextmenu/backup": "备份及还原",
  688. "contextmenu/refresh": "刷新",
  689. "contextmenu/download": "下载",
  690. "contextmenu/sharemanager": "分享管理器",
  691. "contextmenu/properties": "属性",
  692. "upload/count/uploading": " 上传中",
  693. "upload/count/pending": " 等待中",
  694. "message/rename/success": "重命名成功",
  695. "message/copy/success": " 个文件已复制",
  696. "message/move/success": " 个文件已移动",
  697. "message/share/removed": "已停止文件分享",
  698. "message/paste/nothing": "没有可粘贴的文件",
  699. "message/remove/success": " 个文件已被成功删除",
  700. "message/recycle/success": " 个文件已被成功移动到垃圾箱",
  701. "message/upload/started": "文件上传已开始",
  702. "message/zip/fail": "文件压缩失败:原因不明",
  703. "message/newfolder/success": "新文件夹创建完成",
  704. "message/newItem/success": " 创建完成",
  705. "message/nofileSelected": "没有选择文件",
  706. "message/moduleNotSupport": "此模块无法打开任何文件",
  707. "message/unknownSize": "未知大小",
  708. "message/loading": "载入中",
  709. "message/initiating": "正在初始化",
  710. "message/Permission Denied: You are not the file owner nor can write to this file": "存取被拒:您不是分享文件者或有权访问此文件",
  711. "message/Invalid path given": "文件路径无效",
  712. "message/Unknown path given": "文件路径无效",
  713. "message/Invalid keyword given":"关键词不可为空",
  714. "message/This directory is Read Only": "无法写入到只读文件夹",
  715. "message/Access Denied":"取存被拒",
  716. "message/Given filename already exists":"此文件名称已存在",
  717. "message/Given folder already exists":"此文件夹名称已存在",
  718. "message/Source file not exists":"来源文件不存在",
  719. "message/File already exists":"文件已存在",
  720. "message/Undefined dest location":"目标路径不可为空",
  721. "message/Dest folder not found":"找不到目标文件夹",
  722. "message/Invalid dir given":"文件夹路径无效",
  723. "message/Storage Quota Full":"存储空间已满",
  724. "message/Unknown file opeartion given":"不支持的文件动作请求",
  725. "message/Preference value too long. Preference value can only store maximum 1024 characters.":"设定值太长。设定值只能够少于 1024 字节",
  726. "message/User not logged in":"使用者未登录",
  727. "message/Folder not exists":"找不到文件夹",
  728. "message/Failed to move file to trash":"无法移动到垃圾箱",
  729. "message/Incompatible File System Type: Try SHIFT + DELETE to delete file permanently":"文件系统不支持文件回收:请使用 SHIFT + DELETE 以永久删除文件",
  730. "message/Recursive copy operation.":"递归复制操作",
  731. "message/Source and destination paths are identical.":"文件来源与目标相同",
  732. "message/Multiple files share is currently not supported":"不支持多个文件分享",
  733. "message/noMatchResults":"找不到匹配的文件",
  734. "message/noMatchResultsDesc":"服务器找不到与此关键词匹配的文件",
  735. "message/noMatchResultsInst":"请检查你的关键词或通配符是否正确。",
  736. "message/destIdentical": "文件来源及目标相同",
  737. "message/decodeFilelistFail": "文件加载失败:无法读取文件列表",
  738. "message/uploadFailed": "文件上传失败:文件太大或目标存储设备已满",
  739. "message/newFilenameIdentical": "重命名失败:新旧文件名称相同"
  740. },
  741. "titles": {
  742. "Back": "上一页",
  743. "Parent Folder": "返回上层目录",
  744. "Open": "打开",
  745. "Open with": "以…打开",
  746. "Share File": "分享所选",
  747. "Download": "下载",
  748. "Copy": "复制",
  749. "Paste": "粘贴",
  750. "Cut": "剪切",
  751. "New File": "新增文件",
  752. "New Folder": "新增文件夹",
  753. "Upload": "上传",
  754. "Create Zip": "创建压缩文件",
  755. "Unzip Here": "解压缩至此",
  756. "Rename": "重命名",
  757. "Delete": "删除",
  758. "Refresh": "刷新",
  759. "Home": "根目录",
  760. "File Info": "文件信息",
  761. "Toggle Folder List": "查看根目录列表",
  762. "Dark Theme": "切换主题配色",
  763. "Edit Path": "编辑路径",
  764. "Sorting Method": "文件排序",
  765. "Search": "搜索",
  766. "Multi Select":"切换多选",
  767. "Select All": "全选",
  768. "Clear Selection":"清除已选",
  769. "Block View": "显示文件预览",
  770. "List View": "显示文件列表",
  771. "Detail View": "显示详细信息",
  772. "Case Sensitive": "区分大小写",
  773. "Clear Search": "清除搜索结果",
  774. "Expand Properties Sidebar":"放大属性侧栏",
  775. "Shrink Properties Sidebar":"缩小属性侧栏",
  776. "Show Properties":"显示属性侧栏"
  777. },
  778. "placeholder": {
  779. "New Filename": "在此输入新文件名称",
  780. "New Folder Name": "在此输入新文件夹名称",
  781. "File Search (Start wildcard search with / , e.g. /*.mp3)": "文件搜索(如要使用通配符,请先输入 / 号,例如:/*.mp3)"
  782. }
  783. },
  784. "en-us": {
  785. "name": "English (US)",
  786. "fontFamily":"",
  787. "strings": {
  788. "title/title": "File Manager",
  789. "menu/button/download": "Download Selected",
  790. "menu/sort/asc": "Filename (Asc)",
  791. "menu/sort/desc": "Fileame (Desc)",
  792. "menu/sort/small": "File Size (Smallest)",
  793. "menu/sort/large": "File Size (Largest)",
  794. "menu/sort/mostrecent": "Most Recent",
  795. "menu/sort/leastrecent": "Least Recent",
  796. "menu/sort/smart": "Natural order",
  797. "menu/sort/typeAsc": "Extension (Asc)",
  798. "menu/sort/typeDes": "Extension (Desc)",
  799. "fileopr/Back": "Back",
  800. "fileopr/Parent Folder": "Parent",
  801. "fileopr/Open": "Open",
  802. "fileopr/Open with": "Open with...",
  803. "fileopr/Share": "Share",
  804. "fileopr/Download": "Download",
  805. "fileopr/Copy": "Copy",
  806. "fileopr/Paste": "Paste",
  807. "fileopr/Cut": "Cut",
  808. "fileopr/Multi Select": "Multi-Select",
  809. "fileopr/Select All": "Select All",
  810. "fileopr/Clear Select": "Clear Selection",
  811. "fileopr/New File": "New File",
  812. "fileopr/New Folder": "New <br>Folder",
  813. "fileopr/Upload": "Upload",
  814. "fileopr/Create Zip": "Create Zip",
  815. "fileopr/Unzip Here": "Unzip Here",
  816. "fileopr/Rename": "Rename",
  817. "fileopr/Delete": "Delete",
  818. "fileopr/Refresh": "Refresh",
  819. "fileopr/Home": "Home",
  820. "fileopr/File Info": "File Info",
  821. "fileopr/Toggle Folder List": "Toggle Folder List",
  822. "fileopr/Dark Theme": "Toggle Dark Theme",
  823. "fileopr/Edit Path": "Edit Path",
  824. "fileopr/Sorting Method": "Sorting Method",
  825. "fileopr/Search": "Search",
  826. "fileopr/Block View": "Block View",
  827. "fileopr/List View": "List View",
  828. "fileopr/Case Sensitive": "Case Sensitive",
  829. "fileopr/Clear Search": "Clear Search Results",
  830. "view/details/folders": " folders",
  831. "view/details/files": " files",
  832. "view/details/ext": " extension",
  833. "view/details/modTime": " last modified",
  834. "view/details/shared": " shared",
  835. "view/details/size": " size",
  836. "tooltip/filecount":" items",
  837. "tooltip/selectedcount":" selected",
  838. "sidebar/properties/expand": "Expand properties sidebar",
  839. "sidebar/properties/shrink":"Minify properties sidebar",
  840. "sidebar/properties/filesize":"File size",
  841. "sidebar/properties/modtime":"Last modified time",
  842. "sidebar/properties/mimetype":"Mime Type",
  843. "sidebar/properties/owner":"Owner",
  844. "sidebar/properties/permission":"Permission",
  845. "sidebar/properties/storepath":"Storage path",
  846. "sidebar/properties/vpath":"Virtualized path",
  847. "sidebar/default/nofileselected": "No file selected",
  848. "sidebar/default/instruction": "Select a file in the file list to view detailed information",
  849. "sidebar/vroot/user": "User",
  850. "sidebar/vroot/fsh": "Virtual Storage",
  851. "sidebar/vroot/desktop": "Desktop",
  852. "sidebar/vroot/document": "Documents",
  853. "sidebar/vroot/music": "Music",
  854. "sidebar/vroot/photo": "Photos",
  855. "sidebar/vroot/video": "Videos",
  856. "sidebar/vroot/trash": "Trash",
  857. "sidebar/vroot/download": "Downloads",
  858. "sidebar/vroot/web": "Web",
  859. "sidebar/vroot/model": "Models",
  860. "sidebar/vroot/appdata": "App Data",
  861. "func/search/typeToStart": "Enter keywords to start search",
  862. "func/search/tip1": "Enter keywords in the input field above and press the 'Search' button to begin the search",
  863. "func/search/tip2": "If you need to enter a wildcard, please enter the / character first, for example: /*.mp3",
  864. "opr/overwrite/title": "Overwrite, keep or skip files",
  865. "opr/overwrite/copying": "Copying",
  866. "opr/overwrite/files": "files. From:",
  867. "opr/overwrite/to": " → Destination:",
  868. "opr/overwrite/dest": "Destination has ",
  869. "opr/overwrite/samename": " files with the same name",
  870. "opr/overwrite/replace": "Overwrite destination files",
  871. "opr/overwrite/skip": "Skip these files",
  872. "opr/overwrite/keep": "Rename and keep the destination file",
  873. "opr/pre-remove/title": "Permanently remove files",
  874. "opr/pre-remove/questions": "Are you sure you want to <u>permanently remove</u> the following files?<br>Files removed this way cannot be recovered.",
  875. "opr/pre-remove/confirm": "Confirm permanent removal of selected files",
  876. "opr/pre-remove/cancel": "Cancel",
  877. "opr/remove/title": "Move to trash",
  878. "opr/remove/question": "Are you sure you want to move the selected files to the Trash Bin?",
  879. "opr/remove/confirm": "Confirm",
  880. "opr/remove/cancel": "Cancel",
  881. "opr/rename/title": "Rename",
  882. "opr/rename/instruction": "Please enter the new file name in the input field below",
  883. "opr/rename/ok": "Confirm",
  884. "opr/rename/cancel": "Cancel",
  885. "opr/newfile/title": "Create File",
  886. "opr/newfile/instruction": "Select a file format sample to add",
  887. "opr/newfile/newempty": "Or enter a file name to add a blank file",
  888. "opr/newfile/create": "Create",
  889. "opr/newfile/cancel": "Cancel",
  890. "opr/newfolder/title": "Create Folder",
  891. "opr/newfolder/desc": "Please enter the new folder name in the input field below",
  892. "opr/newfolder/alreadyExists": "This folder already exists",
  893. "opr/newfolder/create": "Create",
  894. "opr/newfolder/cancel": "Cancel",
  895. "opr/share/title": "Share File",
  896. "opr/share/settings": "Sharing Settings",
  897. "opr/share/setdesc": "Change who can see this file",
  898. "opr/share/visableoption": "Sharing option:",
  899. "opr/share/anyone": "Anyone with the link",
  900. "opr/share/anyonedesc": "Anyone with the sharing link can download this file",
  901. "opr/share/signedin": "Signed-in users",
  902. "opr/share/signedindesc": "Any signed-in user with the sharing link can download this file",
  903. "opr/share/samegroup": "Users in the same permission group",
  904. "opr/share/samegroupdesc": "Any user with the same user permission can download this file",
  905. "opr/share/update": "Update permissions",
  906. "opr/share/remove": "Remove file sharing",
  907. "opr/share/ok": "Done",
  908. "opr/openwith/title": "Open with...",
  909. "opr/openwith/desc": "Select a web app to open this file",
  910. "opr/openwith/loading": "Loading...",
  911. "opr/openwith/openWithWebApp": "Open the file with the selected web app",
  912. "opr/openwith/openWithWebAppInNewWindow": "Open the file with the selected web app in a new window",
  913. "opr/openwith/openInNewWindow": "Open the file directly in a new window",
  914. "opr/openwith/cancel": "Cancel",
  915. "opr/shortcut/title": "Create shortcut on desktop",
  916. "opr/shortcut/ok": "Shortcut created successfully",
  917. "opr/shorcut/error": "Failed to create shortcut on desktop",
  918. "opr/zip/zipping": "Zipping ",
  919. "opr/zip/unzipping": "Unzipping ",
  920. "opr/zip/nozipfile": "No zip file selected",
  921. "opr/zip/file": " file",
  922. "opr/zip/files": " files",
  923. "opr/confirmclose/title": "Confirm cancel upload",
  924. "opr/confirmclose/desc": "This file manager window is uploading files to the server. Closing this window will cancel all uploads. <br><b>Are you sure you want to cancel uploads and close the window?</b>",
  925. "opr/confirmclose/cancelAndExit": "Cancel uploads and close window",
  926. "opr/confirmclose/continue": "Continue uploading",
  927. "contextmenu/open": "Open",
  928. "contextmenu/openWith": "Open with...",
  929. "contextmenu/openNewWindow": "Open in new window",
  930. "contextmenu/openNewWindowVroot": "Open in new window",
  931. "contextmenu/openFileLocation": "Open file location",
  932. "contextmenu/Share": "Share",
  933. "contextmenu/MuitSelect": "Toggle multi-select",
  934. "contextmenu/copy": "Copy",
  935. "contextmenu/paste": "Paste",
  936. "contextmenu/cut": "Cut",
  937. "contextmenu/newFile": "New file",
  938. "contextmenu/newFolder": "New folder",
  939. "contextmenu/upload": "Upload",
  940. "contextmenu/zip": "Create archive",
  941. "contextmenu/unzip": "Extract to here",
  942. "contextmenu/rename": "Rename",
  943. "contextmenu/delete": "Delete",
  944. "contextmenu/backup": "Backup and restore",
  945. "contextmenu/refresh": "Refresh",
  946. "contextmenu/download": "Download",
  947. "contextmenu/sharemanager": "Share Manager",
  948. "contextmenu/properties": "Properties",
  949. "upload/count/uploading": " Uploading",
  950. "upload/count/pending": " Waiting",
  951. "message/rename/success": "File renamed successfully",
  952. "message/copy/success": " files copied successfully",
  953. "message/move/success": " files moved successfully",
  954. "message/share/removed": "File sharing stopped",
  955. "message/paste/nothing": "No files to paste",
  956. "message/remove/success": " files deleted successfully",
  957. "message/recycle/success": " files moved to the recycle bin successfully",
  958. "message/upload/started": "File upload started",
  959. "message/zip/fail": "File compression failed: unknown reason",
  960. "message/newfolder/success": "New folder created successfully",
  961. "message/newItem/success": " created successfully",
  962. "message/nofileSelected": "No file selected",
  963. "message/moduleNotSupport": "This module cannot open any file",
  964. "message/unknownSize": "Unknown size",
  965. "message/loading": "Loading...",
  966. "message/initiating": "Initializing...",
  967. "message/Permission Denied: You are not the file owner nor can write to this file": "Access denied: You are not the file owner or do not have permission to access this file",
  968. "message/Invalid path given": "Invalid file path",
  969. "message/Unknown path given": "Invalid file path",
  970. "message/Invalid keyword given":"Keyword cannot be blank",
  971. "message/This directory is Read Only": "Cannot write to a read-only folder",
  972. "message/Access Denied":"Access denied",
  973. "message/Given filename already exists":"This file name already exists",
  974. "message/Given folder already exists":"This folder name already exists",
  975. "message/Source file not exists":"Source file does not exist",
  976. "message/File already exists":"File already exists",
  977. "message/Undefined dest location":"Destination path cannot be blank",
  978. "message/Dest folder not found":"Destination folder not found",
  979. "message/Invalid dir given":"Invalid folder path",
  980. "message/Storage Quota Full":"Storage quota full",
  981. "message/Unknown file opeartion given":"Unsupported file operation request",
  982. "message/Preference value too long. Preference value can only store maximum 1024 characters.":"Preference value is too long. The value can only be up to 1024 characters",
  983. "message/User not logged in":"User not logged in",
  984. "message/Folder not exists":"Folder does not exist",
  985. "message/Failed to move file to trash":"Failed to move file to the recycle bin",
  986. "message/Incompatible File System Type: Try SHIFT + DELETE to delete file permanently":"The file system does not support file recycling: please use SHIFT + DELETE to permanently remove the file",
  987. "message/Recursive copy operation.":"Recursive copy operation",
  988. "message/Source and destination paths are identical.":"Source and destination paths are identical",
  989. "message/Multiple files share is currently not supported":"Multiple files sharing is currently not supported",
  990. "message/noMatchResults": "No matching files found",
  991. "message/noMatchResultsDesc": "The server could not find any files that match the keyword.",
  992. "message/noMatchResultsInst": "Please check that your keyword or wildcard is correct.",
  993. "message/destIdentical": "Source and destination are identical",
  994. "message/decodeFilelistFail": "Failed to load folder: could not read the file list.",
  995. "message/uploadFailed": "File upload failed: file is too large or the storage device is full.",
  996. "message/newFilenameIdentical": "Failed to rename file: new name is identical to the old name.",
  997. "":""
  998. },
  999. "titles": {
  1000. "Back": "Back",
  1001. "Parent Folder": "Parent",
  1002. "Open": "Open",
  1003. "Open with": "Open with...",
  1004. "Share File": "Share Files",
  1005. "Download": "Download",
  1006. "Copy": "Copy",
  1007. "Paste": "Paste",
  1008. "Cut": "Cut",
  1009. "New File": "New file",
  1010. "New Folder": "New folder",
  1011. "Upload": "Upload",
  1012. "Create Zip": "Create zip file",
  1013. "Unzip Here": "Unzip here",
  1014. "Rename": "Rename",
  1015. "Delete": "Delete",
  1016. "Refresh": "Refresh",
  1017. "Home": "Home",
  1018. "File Info": "File info",
  1019. "Toggle Folder List": "Toggle folder list",
  1020. "Dark Theme": "Switch theme",
  1021. "Edit Path": "Edit path",
  1022. "Sorting Method": "Sorting method",
  1023. "Search": "Search",
  1024. "Multi Select":"Toggle multi-select",
  1025. "Select All": "Select all",
  1026. "Clear Selection":"Clear selection",
  1027. "Block View": "Block view",
  1028. "List View": "List view",
  1029. "Detail View": "Detail view",
  1030. "Case Sensitive": "Case sensitive",
  1031. "Clear Search": "Clear search results",
  1032. "Expand Properties Sidebar":"Expand properties sidebar",
  1033. "Shrink Properties Sidebar":"Minify properties sidebar",
  1034. "Show Properties":"Show Properties"
  1035. },
  1036. "placeholder": {
  1037. "New Filename": "Enter new file name here",
  1038. "New Folder Name": "Enter new folder name here",
  1039. "File Search (Start wildcard search with / , e.g. /*.mp3)": "File search (start with / for wildcard search, e.g. / *.mp3)"
  1040. }
  1041. },
  1042. "ja-jp": {
  1043. "name":"日本語",
  1044. "fontFamily":"\"Meiryo UI\", \"Arial Unicode MS\", \"Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro\"",
  1045. "strings":{
  1046. "title/title": "ファイルマネージャー",
  1047. "menu/button/download": "選択したものをダウンロード",
  1048. "menu/sort/asc": "ファイル名(昇順)",
  1049. "menu/sort/desc": "ファイル名(降順)",
  1050. "menu/sort/small": "ファイルサイズ(小さい順)",
  1051. "menu/sort/large": "ファイルサイズ(大きい順)",
  1052. "menu/sort/mostrecent": "最近のもの",
  1053. "menu/sort/leastrecent": "最も古いもの",
  1054. "menu/sort/smart": "自然順序",
  1055. "menu/sort/typeAsc": "拡張子(昇順)",
  1056. "menu/sort/typeDes": "拡張子(降順)",
  1057. "fileopr/Back": "戻る",
  1058. "fileopr/Parent Folder": "親フォルダ",
  1059. "fileopr/Open": "開く",
  1060. "fileopr/Open with": "開く方法...",
  1061. "fileopr/Share": "共有",
  1062. "fileopr/Download": "<small>ダウンロード</small>",
  1063. "fileopr/Copy": "<small>コピー</small>",
  1064. "fileopr/Paste": "<small>ペースト</small>",
  1065. "fileopr/Cut": "<small>カット</small>",
  1066. "fileopr/Multi Select": "複数選択",
  1067. "fileopr/Select All": "すべて選択",
  1068. "fileopr/Clear Select": "選択解除",
  1069. "fileopr/New File": "新規作成",
  1070. "fileopr/New Folder": "<small>新しい<br>フォルダ</small>",
  1071. "fileopr/Upload": "<small>アップロード</small>",
  1072. "fileopr/Create Zip": "Zip 作成",
  1073. "fileopr/Unzip Here": "Zip 展開",
  1074. "fileopr/Rename": "名前変更",
  1075. "fileopr/Delete": "削除",
  1076. "fileopr/Refresh": "更新",
  1077. "fileopr/Home": "ホーム",
  1078. "fileopr/File Info": "情報",
  1079. "fileopr/Toggle Folder List": "フォルダリストの切り替え",
  1080. "fileopr/Dark Theme": "ダークテーマの切り替え",
  1081. "fileopr/Edit Path": "パスの編集",
  1082. "fileopr/Sorting Method": "ソート方法",
  1083. "fileopr/Search": "検索",
  1084. "fileopr/Block View": "ブロック表示",
  1085. "fileopr/List View": "リスト表示",
  1086. "fileopr/Case Sensitive": "大文字小文字を区別する",
  1087. "fileopr/Clear Search": "検索結果をクリア",
  1088. "view/details/folders": " フォルダ",
  1089. "view/details/files": " ファイル",
  1090. "view/details/ext": " 拡張子",
  1091. "view/details/modTime": " 最終更新日",
  1092. "view/details/shared": " 共有中",
  1093. "view/details/size": " サイズ",
  1094. "tooltip/filecount": " アイテム",
  1095. "tooltip/selectedcount": " 選択中",
  1096. "sidebar/properties/expand": "プロパティサイドバーを拡大",
  1097. "sidebar/properties/shrink": "プロパティサイドバーを最小化",
  1098. "sidebar/properties/filesize": "ファイルサイズ",
  1099. "sidebar/properties/modtime": "最終更新時間",
  1100. "sidebar/properties/mimetype": "MIMEタイプ",
  1101. "sidebar/properties/owner": "オーナー",
  1102. "sidebar/properties/permission": "権限",
  1103. "sidebar/properties/storepath": "保存先パス",
  1104. "sidebar/properties/vpath": "仮想パス",
  1105. "sidebar/default/nofileselected": "ファイルが選択されていません",
  1106. "sidebar/default/instruction": "詳細情報を表示するには、ファイルリストでファイルを選択してください",
  1107. "sidebar/vroot/user": "ユーザー",
  1108. "sidebar/vroot/fsh": "仮想ストレージ",
  1109. "sidebar/vroot/desktop": "デスクトップ",
  1110. "sidebar/vroot/document": "ドキュメント",
  1111. "sidebar/vroot/music": "音楽",
  1112. "sidebar/vroot/photo": "写真",
  1113. "sidebar/vroot/video": "ビデオ",
  1114. "sidebar/vroot/trash": "ごみ箱",
  1115. "sidebar/vroot/download": "ダウンロード",
  1116. "sidebar/vroot/web": "ウェブ",
  1117. "sidebar/vroot/model": "モデル",
  1118. "sidebar/vroot/appdata": "アプリケーションデータ",
  1119. "func/search/typeToStart": "検索を開始するにはキーワードを入力してください",
  1120. "func/search/tip1": "上の入力欄にキーワードを入力し、「検索」ボタンを押すと検索を開始できます。",
  1121. "func/search/tip2": "ワイルドカードを入力する必要がある場合は、まず / 文字を入力してください。例:/*.mp3",
  1122. "opr/overwrite/title": "上書きするか、ファイルを保持するか、スキップするか",
  1123. "opr/overwrite/copying": "コピー中",
  1124. "opr/overwrite/files": "ファイル。元の場所:",
  1125. "opr/overwrite/to": " → 宛先:",
  1126. "opr/overwrite/dest": "宛先には",
  1127. "opr/overwrite/samename": " 同じ名前のファイルがあります",
  1128. "opr/overwrite/replace": "宛先のファイルを上書きする",
  1129. "opr/overwrite/skip": "これらのファイルをスキップする",
  1130. "opr/overwrite/keep": "宛先のファイルをリネームして保持する",
  1131. "opr/pre-remove/title": "ファイルを永久に削除する",
  1132. "opr/pre-remove/questions": "以下のファイルを<u>永久に削除</u>してもよろしいですか?<br>この方法で削除されたファイルは復元できません。",
  1133. "opr/pre-remove/confirm": "選択したファイルの永久削除を確認する",
  1134. "opr/pre-remove/cancel": "キャンセル",
  1135. "opr/remove/title": "ゴミ箱に移動",
  1136. "opr/remove/question": "選択されたファイルをゴミ箱に移動しますか?",
  1137. "opr/remove/confirm": "確認",
  1138. "opr/remove/cancel": "キャンセル",
  1139. "opr/rename/title": "名前を変更",
  1140. "opr/rename/instruction": "下の入力フィールドに新しいファイル名を入力してください。",
  1141. "opr/rename/ok": "確認",
  1142. "opr/rename/cancel": "キャンセル",
  1143. "opr/newfile/title": "ファイルを作成",
  1144. "opr/newfile/instruction": "追加するファイル形式のサンプルを選択してください。",
  1145. "opr/newfile/newempty": "または、空のファイルを追加するにはファイル名を入力してください。",
  1146. "opr/newfile/create": "作成",
  1147. "opr/newfile/cancel": "キャンセル",
  1148. "opr/newfolder/title": "フォルダを作成",
  1149. "opr/newfolder/desc": "下の入力フィールドに新しいフォルダ名を入力してください。",
  1150. "opr/newfolder/alreadyExists": "このフォルダは既に存在しています。",
  1151. "opr/newfolder/create": "作成",
  1152. "opr/newfolder/cancel": "キャンセル",
  1153. "opr/share/title": "ファイルを共有する",
  1154. "opr/share/settings": "共有設定",
  1155. "opr/share/setdesc": "このファイルを見ることができる人を変更します。",
  1156. "opr/share/visableoption": "共有オプション:",
  1157. "opr/share/anyone": "リンクを持つ人は誰でも",
  1158. "opr/share/anyonedesc": "共有リンクを持つ人は誰でもこのファイルをダウンロードできます。",
  1159. "opr/share/signedin": "サインインしたユーザー",
  1160. "opr/share/signedindesc": "共有リンクを持つサインインしたユーザーは誰でもこのファイルをダウンロードできます。",
  1161. "opr/share/samegroup": "権限グループ内のユーザー",
  1162. "opr/share/samegroupdesc": "ユーザー権限が同じユーザーは誰でもこのファイルをダウンロードできます。",
  1163. "opr/share/update": "許可を更新",
  1164. "opr/share/remove": "ファイルの共有を解除",
  1165. "opr/share/ok": "完了",
  1166. "opr/openwith/title": "アプリで開く...",
  1167. "opr/openwith/desc": "このファイルを開くWebアプリを選択してください。",
  1168. "opr/openwith/loading": "読み込み中...",
  1169. "opr/openwith/openWithWebApp": "選択したWebアプリでファイルを開く",
  1170. "opr/openwith/openWithWebAppInNewWindow": "選択したWebアプリでファイルを新しいウィンドウで開く",
  1171. "opr/openwith/openInNewWindow": "ファイルを直接新しいウィンドウで開く",
  1172. "opr/openwith/cancel": "キャンセル",
  1173. "opr/shortcut/title": "デスクトップにショートカットを作成",
  1174. "opr/shortcut/ok": "ショートカットが正常に作成されました",
  1175. "opr/shorcut/error": "デスクトップにショートカットを作成できませんでした",
  1176. "opr/zip/zipping": "圧縮中",
  1177. "opr/zip/unzipping": "解凍中",
  1178. "opr/zip/nozipfile": "圧縮するファイルが選択されていません",
  1179. "opr/zip/file": " ファイル",
  1180. "opr/zip/files": " ファイル",
  1181. "opr/confirmclose/title": "アップロードのキャンセルを確認",
  1182. "opr/confirmclose/desc": "このファイルマネージャーウィンドウは、ファイルをサーバーにアップロードしています。このウィンドウを閉じると、すべてのアップロードがキャンセルされます。<br><b>アップロードをキャンセルしてウィンドウを閉じてもよろしいですか?</b>",
  1183. "opr/confirmclose/cancelAndExit": "アップロードをキャンセルしてウィンドウを閉じる",
  1184. "opr/confirmclose/continue": "アップロードを続ける",
  1185. "contextmenu/open": "開く",
  1186. "contextmenu/openWith": "アプリで開く...",
  1187. "contextmenu/openNewWindow": "新しいウィンドウで開く",
  1188. "contextmenu/openNewWindowVroot": "新しいウィンドウで開く",
  1189. "contextmenu/openFileLocation": "ファイルの場所を開く",
  1190. "contextmenu/Share": "共有",
  1191. "contextmenu/MuitSelect": "マルチ選択を切り替える",
  1192. "contextmenu/copy": "コピー",
  1193. "contextmenu/paste": "貼り付け",
  1194. "contextmenu/cut": "切り取り",
  1195. "contextmenu/newFile": "新規ファイル",
  1196. "contextmenu/newFolder": "新しいフォルダ",
  1197. "contextmenu/upload": "アップロード",
  1198. "contextmenu/zip": "アーカイブを作成",
  1199. "contextmenu/unzip": "ここに解凍",
  1200. "contextmenu/rename": "名前を変更",
  1201. "contextmenu/delete": "削除",
  1202. "contextmenu/backup": "バックアップと復元",
  1203. "contextmenu/refresh": "リフレッシュ",
  1204. "contextmenu/download": "ダウンロード",
  1205. "contextmenu/sharemanager": "共有管理",
  1206. "contextmenu/properties": "プロパティ",
  1207. "upload/count/uploading": " アップロード中",
  1208. "upload/count/pending": " 待機中",
  1209. "message/rename/success": "ファイルの名前が正常に変更されました",
  1210. "message/copy/success": "個のファイルが正常にコピーされました",
  1211. "message/move/success": "個のファイルが正常に移動されました",
  1212. "message/share/removed": "ファイルの共有が停止されました",
  1213. "message/paste/nothing": "貼り付けるファイルがありません",
  1214. "message/remove/success": "個のファイルが正常に削除されました",
  1215. "message/recycle/success": "個のファイルが正常にゴミ箱に移動されました",
  1216. "message/upload/started": "ファイルのアップロードが開始されました",
  1217. "message/zip/fail": "ファイルの圧縮に失敗しました: 原因不明",
  1218. "message/newfolder/success": "新しいフォルダが正常に作成されました",
  1219. "message/newItem/success": "が正常に作成されました",
  1220. "message/nofileSelected": "ファイルが選択されていません",
  1221. "message/moduleNotSupport": "このモジュールでは、ファイルを開くことができません",
  1222. "message/unknownSize": "サイズが不明です",
  1223. "message/loading": "読み込み中...",
  1224. "message/initiating": "初期化中...",
  1225. "message/Permission Denied: You are not the file owner nor can write to this file": "アクセスが拒否されました: ファイルの所有者ではなく、またはこのファイルにアクセスする権限がありません",
  1226. "message/Invalid path given": "無効なファイルパスです",
  1227. "message/Unknown path given": "無効なファイルパスです",
  1228. "message/Invalid keyword given":"キーワードを空白にすることはできません",
  1229. "message/This directory is Read Only": "書き込み禁止のフォルダには書き込みできません",
  1230. "message/Access Denied":"アクセスが拒否されました",
  1231. "message/Given filename already exists":"このファイル名は既に存在しています",
  1232. "message/Given folder already exists":"このフォルダ名は既に存在しています",
  1233. "message/Source file not exists":"ソースファイルが存在しません",
  1234. "message/File already exists":"ファイルは既に存在しています",
  1235. "message/Undefined dest location":"宛先のパスを空白にすることはできません",
  1236. "message/Dest folder not found":"宛先フォルダが見つかりません",
  1237. "message/Invalid dir given":"無効なフォルダパスです",
  1238. "message/Storage Quota Full":"ストレージの容量制限に達しました",
  1239. "message/Unknown file opeartion given": "サポートされていないファイル操作リクエストです",
  1240. "message/Preference value too long. Preference value can only store maximum 1024 characters.": "設定値が長すぎます。値は最大1024文字までです",
  1241. "message/User not logged in": "ログインしていません",
  1242. "message/Folder not exists": "フォルダが存在しません",
  1243. "message/Failed to move file to trash": "ファイルをリサイクルビンに移動できませんでした",
  1244. "message/Incompatible File System Type: Try SHIFT + DELETE to delete file permanently": "ファイルシステムがファイルの再利用をサポートしていません。SHIFT + DELETEでファイルを完全に削除してください",
  1245. "message/Recursive copy operation.": "再帰的なコピー操作です",
  1246. "message/Source and destination paths are identical.": "ソースと宛先のパスが同じです",
  1247. "message/Multiple files share is currently not supported": "複数のファイルの共有は現在サポートされていません",
  1248. "message/noMatchResults": "一致するファイルが見つかりませんでした",
  1249. "message/noMatchResultsDesc": "サーバーがキーワードに一致するファイルを見つけられませんでした。",
  1250. "message/noMatchResultsInst": "キーワードまたはワイルドカードが正しいかどうかを確認してください。",
  1251. "message/destIdentical": "ソースと宛先が同じです",
  1252. "message/decodeFilelistFail": "フォルダを読み込めませんでした:ファイルリストを読み込めませんでした",
  1253. "message/uploadFailed": "ファイルのアップロードに失敗しました:ファイルが大きすぎるか、ストレージデバイスがいっぱいです。",
  1254. "message/newFilenameIdentical": "ファイル名の変更に失敗しました:新しい名前が古い名前と同じです。",
  1255. "":""
  1256. },
  1257. "titles": {
  1258. "Back": "戻る",
  1259. "Parent Folder": "一つ上に",
  1260. "Open": "開く",
  1261. "Open with": "別のアプリで開く...",
  1262. "Share File": "ファイルを共有する",
  1263. "Download": "ダウンロード",
  1264. "Copy": "コピー",
  1265. "Paste": "貼り付け",
  1266. "Cut": "切り取り",
  1267. "New File": "新規ファイル",
  1268. "New Folder": "新規フォルダ",
  1269. "Upload": "アップロード",
  1270. "Create Zip": "Zip ファイルを作成",
  1271. "Unzip Here": "ここに解凍",
  1272. "Rename": "名前を変更",
  1273. "Delete": "削除",
  1274. "Refresh": "リフレッシュ",
  1275. "Home": "ホーム",
  1276. "File Info": "ファイル情報",
  1277. "Toggle Folder List": "フォルダリストの切り替え",
  1278. "Dark Theme": "テーマを切り替える",
  1279. "Edit Path": "パスを編集",
  1280. "Sorting Method": "並べ替え方法",
  1281. "Search": "検索",
  1282. "Multi Select":"マルチ選択を切り替える",
  1283. "Select All": "すべて選択",
  1284. "Clear Selection":"選択を解除",
  1285. "Block View": "ブロック表示",
  1286. "List View": "リスト表示",
  1287. "Detail View": "詳細表示",
  1288. "Case Sensitive": "大文字小文字を区別する",
  1289. "Clear Search": "検索結果をクリア",
  1290. "Expand Properties Sidebar":"プロパティサイドバーを開く",
  1291. "Shrink Properties Sidebar":"プロパティサイドバーを縮小する",
  1292. "Show Properties":"プロパティサイドバーを表示"
  1293. },
  1294. "placeholder": {
  1295. "New Filename": "ここに新しいファイル名を入力してください",
  1296. "New Folder Name": "ここに新しいフォルダ名を入力してください",
  1297. "File Search (Start wildcard search with / , e.g. /.mp3)": "ファイル検索 (/ を付けてワイルドカード検索を開始、例:/.mp3)"
  1298. }
  1299. }
  1300. }
  1301. }