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  16. Auto Login Mode for Administrator
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  20. <h4>What is Auto Login Mode?</h4>
  21. <p>Auto Login mode is an alternative authentication method designed for bots and machines that is designed for automate processes. It is called the "Auto Login Mode" is because of its main purposes is designed for Auto Logins and other simple logic bot programs that launch into Interface Modules.</p>
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  23. <h4>Why administrator account(s) is not suitable for Auto Login Mode?</h4>
  24. <p>Auto Login mode provides a lower security protection than other login methods due to the token generated can be easily misplaced or disclosed by URL parameters and network request headers. If you enable Auto Login mode on your administrator account, hackers might be able to access your system using the Auto Login mode token and damage to the data stored on the system or even cause hardware damage. </p>
  25. <h4>What is the correct way to configure Auto Login Mode account?</h4>
  26. <p>The correct way to configure Auto Login mode account is to create a <mark>READONLY, NON ADMINISTRATOR</mark> account without any module permission except the interface module and file system module (if your interface module require reading / writing to the arozos virtual file system). </p>
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  28. Last Updates: 16 Oct 2020
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