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  78. <script src="photo.js"></script>
  79. <div id="main" x-data='photoListObject()' x-init="init()">
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  85. Browse Photos
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  87. <template x-for="vroot in vroots" x-init="getRootInfo()">
  88. <a class="item" :rootpath="vroot[1]" x-on:click="updateRenderingPath(vroot[2]);"><i class="ui disk icon"></i> <span x-text="vroot[0] + ' (' + vroot[1] + ')'"></span></a>
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  92. <a id="parentFolderButton" class="item" x-on:click="parentFolder();" style="display:none;">
  93. <i class="reply icon"></i> Parent Folder
  94. </a>
  95. <div class="item">
  96. Sub Folders
  97. <div class="menu" style="max-height: 100px; overflow-y: auto;">
  98. <div class="item" id="nosubfolder" style="display:none;">No Sub Folders</div>
  99. <template x-for="folder in folders">
  100. <a class="item" x-on:click="updateRenderingPath(folder);" ><i class="ui folder open icon"></i> <span x-text="extractFolderName(folder);"></span></a>
  101. </template>
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  105. Tags
  106. <div class="menu" >
  107. <div style="max-height: 100px; overflow-y: auto;">
  108. <template x-for="key in Object.keys(tags)">
  109. <a class="item" x-on:click="console.log( tags[key][0],tags[key][1]); images = tags[key]; $('#noimg').hide();" :filedata="encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(tags[key]));" ><i class="ui hashtag icon"></i> <span x-text="key"></span></a>
  110. </template>
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  114. <a class="item" onclick="rescan(this);">Rescan <i class="ui search icon"></i></a>
  115. <a class="item" onclick="showSetting();">Settings <i class="ui setting icon"></i></a>
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  117. <div id="display">
  118. <div id="noimg" class="ui basic segment" style="display:none;">
  119. <h4 class="ui header">
  120. <i class="red question icon"></i>
  121. <div class="content">
  122. Empty Folder
  123. <div class="sub header">There are no photo stored in <span x-text="currentPath + '/'"></span></div>
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  128. <div id="viewbox" class="ui six cards viewbox">
  129. <template x-for="image in images">
  130. <div class="imagecard" style="cursor: pointer;" x-on:click="showImage($el); ShowModal();" :style="{width: renderSize + 'px', height: renderSize + 'px'}" :filedata="encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({'filename':image.split('/').pop(),'filepath':image}))">
  131. <a class="image" x-init="updateImageSizes();">
  132. <img :src="'../system/file_system/loadThumbnail?bytes=true&vpath=' + image">
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  140. <button id="showmenuBtn" class="ui basic big icon button" onclick="toggleMenu();"><i class="ui content icon"></i></button>
  141. <!-- Photo Viewing Modal -->
  142. <div class="ui basic small modal viewer">
  143. <i class="close icon" style="margin-top: -2em;"></i>
  144. <div class="image content">
  145. <img id="fullImage" class="ui fluid image" src="" onload="$('.ui.modal.viewer').modal('refresh');"/>
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  148. <div class="ui modal setting" x-data="settingObject()" x-init="init();">
  149. <i class="close icon"></i>
  150. <div class="header">
  151. Photo Classification Settings
  152. </div>
  153. <div class="content">
  154. <p><i class="angle right icon"></i> Select Neural Network Model for Classification</p>
  155. <div class="ui selection dropdown" id="selectedModel" onchange="updateSelectedModel($(this).dropdown('get value'));">
  156. <input type="hidden" name="nnm">
  157. <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
  158. <div class="default text">default</div>
  159. <div class="menu">
  160. <div class="item" data-value="yolo3">YOLO 3</div>
  161. <div class="item" data-value="darknet19">Darknet 19</div>
  162. </div>
  163. </div>
  164. <div class="ui green message" id="modelUpdated" style="display:none;">
  165. <div class="content">
  166. <i class="green small checkmark icon"></i> Model Updated
  167. </div>
  168. </div>
  169. <br>
  170. <small><i class="ui info icon"></i> For host with less than 1GB free memory, Darknet 19 is recommend. However, this might result is less accurate classification predictions.</small>
  171. <div class="ui divider"></div>
  172. <p><i class="angle right icon"></i> Base folder name to exclude when auto-tag generaton</p>
  173. <div id="newexc" class="ui action fluid input">
  174. <input type="text" placeholder="Private">
  175. <button class="ui blue basic button" x-on:click="addDir($el);"><i class="ui add icon"></i> Add</button>
  176. </div>
  177. <small>Example: To exclude *:/Photo/Private/, just fill in the folder name "Private"</small>
  178. <div class="ui middle aligned relaxed divided list">
  179. <div class="item" id="noexcRecords" style="display:none;"><i class="remove icon"></i> No Exclude Directory Record</div>
  180. <template x-for="excludedir in excludeDirs">
  181. <div class="item">
  182. <div class="right floated content">
  183. <div class="ui negative small basic button" x-on:click="removeDir(excludedir);"><i class="remove icon"></i> Remove</div>
  184. </div>
  185. <img class="ui avatar image" src="./img/collection.svg">
  186. <div class="content" x-text="excludedir + ' (Exclude *:/Photo/' + excludedir + '/)'">
  187. </div>
  188. </div>
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  193. <div class="ui deny right button">
  194. Close
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  196. <div class="ui positive left labeled icon button" x-on:click="save();">
  197. Save
  198. <i class="checkmark icon"></i>
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  203. <script>
  204. //Calculate image size on document ready
  205. $(window).on("resize ", function() {
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  211. if (window.innerWidth >= 850) {
  212. $('#menu').slideDown('fast',function(){
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  214. }
  215. updateImageSizes();
  216. });
  217. function toggleMenu(){
  218. $('#menu').toggle('fast',function(){
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  220. setTimeout(function(){
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