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- $("#chapterlist").append(`<div class="${chapterWide} wide column compact" style="color:white; padding: 0.3em !important;"><a class="ui fluid inverted basic disabled button" style="color:white;">${chapterName}</a></div>`);
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- var totalImages = $('img').length;
- $('img').on('load', function(event) {
- imagesLoaded++;
- if (imagesLoaded == totalImages) {
- init();
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- //There is no next chapter
- preRenderComplete = true;
- }else{
- //Start next chapter pre-render
- ao_module_agirun("Manga Cafe/backend/getMangaInfo.js",{folder: prerender}, function(data){
- //Pre-render complete
- console.log("Next chapter pre-render completed")
- preRenderComplete = true;
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- var offsets = $(this).offset();
- var top = offsets.top;
- //console.log(top);
- positions.push(top);
- count += 1;
- });
- if (nextChapterID + 1 > maxChapterID - 1){
- $('#reminder').html('There is no more chapters.');
- }
- //alert(count);
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- pcm = (localStorage.pcm == 'true');
- console.log('PC Mode: ' + pcm);
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- var page = localStorage.getItem(titles[0] + "-" + titles[1]);
- console.log('Loading progress: ' + page);
- if (page != count){
- //Not yet finished
- console.log(count,page)
- setTimeout(function(){ GoToPage(page); },100);
- }
- }
- }
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- console.log("Old autosave record removed.");
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- console.log('Left Hand Mode: ' + leftHandMode);
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- leftHandMode = false;
- console.log('Left Hand Mode Changed to ' + leftHandMode);
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- console.log('Auto Save Changed to ' + autoSave);
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- } else {
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- autoSave = false;
- console.log('Auto Save Changed to ' + autoSave);
- }
- });
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- if($(this).is(':checked')){
- localStorage.pcm = true;
- pcm = true;
- console.log('PC Mode Changed to ' + pcm);
- PCMode();
- } else {
- localStorage.pcm = false;
- pcm = false;
- console.log('PC Mode Changed to ' + pcm);
- MobileMode();
- }
- });
- //End of setting change section
- //Recalculate page number accodring to new image position
- window.onresize = function() {
- positions = [];
- $('.item').each(function(i, obj) {
- var offsets = $(this).offset();
- var top = offsets.top;
- //console.log(top);
- positions.push(top);
- if (nextChapterID + 1 > maxChapterID - 1){
- $('#reminder').html('There is no more chapters.');
- }
- screenWidth = $(window).width();
- screenHeight = $(window).height();
- });
- }
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- var ControlPanel = document.getElementById('clickInterface');
- ControlPanel.addEventListener("click", AutoPageScroll, false);
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- }else{
- //right
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- }
- }else{
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- }
- function scrollUp(){
- $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(window).scrollTop() - screenHeight * 0.8 }, 1000);
- }
- //End of auto scrolling
- //Resize all image to PC mode
- function PCMode(mode){
- var tmpPage = currentPage;
- $('.item').each(function(i, obj) {
- $(this).css("width","50%");
- });
- $('#MangaList').css("width","100%");
- $('#MangaList').prop("align","center");
- setTimeout(function(){ CalculatePageOffsets(); }, 1000);
- if (mode != 0){
- setTimeout(function(){ GoToPage(tmpPage); }, 100);
- }
- }
- function MobileMode(){
- var tmpPage = currentPage;
- $('.item').each(function(i, obj) {
- $(this).css("width","100%");
- });
- $('#MangaList').css("width","");
- $('#MangaList').prop("align","");
- setTimeout(function(){ CalculatePageOffsets(); }, 1000);
- setTimeout(function(){ GoToPage(tmpPage); }, 100);
- }
- function CalculatePageOffsets(){
- console.log('Calculating Page Offsets');
- positions = [];
- $('.item').each(function(i, obj) {
- var offsets = $(this).offset();
- var top = offsets.top;
- //console.log(top);
- positions.push(top);
- if (nextChapterID + 1 > maxChapterID - 1){
- $('#reminder').html('There is no more chapters.');
- }
- });
- UpdatePageInfo();
- }
- //Update page info on window scroll
- $( window ).scroll(function() {
- //console.log($(window).scrollTop());
- currentPage = getPageNum($(window).scrollTop(),positions);
- if (autoSave == true && currentPage != 0 && lastpage != currentPage){
- //Save Page number as: "title-chapter:page"
- localStorage.setItem(titles[0] + "-" + titles[1], currentPage);
- lastpage = currentPage;
- console.log(localStorage.getItem(titles[0] + "-" + titles[1]));
- }
- var shortentitle = titles[1];
- //console.log(currentPage);
- if (shortentitle.length > 12){
- shortentitle = shortentitle.substring(0, 12) + "...";
- }
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- if (preRenderComplete){
- prerenderFinishIcon = "<i class='checkmark icon' style='color: green;'></i>"
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- $('#clickInterface').hide();
- }else if ( $('#clickInterface').is(':visible') !== true && chapterShown !== true){
- $('#clickInterface').show();
- }
- });
- //Update Page Info (same as window.scroll function)
- function UpdatePageInfo(){
- currentPage = getPageNum($(window).scrollTop(),positions);
- if (autoSave == true && currentPage != 0){
- //Save Page number as: "title-chapter:page"
- localStorage.setItem(titles[0] + "-" + titles[1], currentPage);
- }
- //console.log(currentPage);
- var shortentitle = titles[1];
- //console.log(currentPage);
- if (shortentitle.length > 12){
- shortentitle = shortentitle.substring(0, 12) + "...";
- }
- var prerenderFinishIcon = "";
- if (preRenderComplete){
- prerenderFinishIcon = "<i class='checkmark icon'></i>"
- }
- $('#PageInfo').html(" <i class='chevron left icon' onClick='back();'></i> <i class='setting icon' onClick='ShowSetting();'></i>" + shortentitle + " " + prerenderFinishIcon + " " + currentPage.toString() + "/" + positions.length.toString() + " " + titles[0] + " ");
- }
- function back(){
- window.location.href='index.html';
- }
- //Setting Interface controlling
- function ShowSetting(){
- $('#SettingInterface').fadeIn('slow');
- }
- var ExitPanel = document.getElementById('SettingInterface');
- ExitPanel.addEventListener("click", HideSetting, false);
- function HideSetting(e){
- //console.log(e.clientX);
- //console.log(e.clientY);
- pleft = $('#settingMenu').offset().left;
- pright = pleft + $('#settingMenu').width();
- ptop = $('#settingMenu').offset().top;
- pbottom = ptop + $('#settingMenu').height();
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- if (e.clientX < pleft || e.clientX > pright || e.clientY + $(window).scrollTop() < ptop || e.clientY + $(window).scrollTop()> pbottom){
- $('#SettingInterface').fadeOut('slow');
- }
- }
- //Next chapter controlling algorithm
- function NextChapter(){
- var id = nextChapterID + 1;
- if (id > maxChapterID - 1){
- }else{
- ChapterRedirect(chapterPaths[id]);
- }
- }
- function ChapterRedirect(path){
- window.location.href= "viewComic.html#" + path;
- window.location.reload();
- }
- //Show all chapters of this manga
- function ToggleChapters(){
- if (chapterShown == true){
- $('#ChapterSelector').fadeOut('slow');
- //$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $("#ChapterSelector").offset().top }, 1000);
- $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 1000);
- chapterShown = false;
- $('#clickInterface').show();
- }else{
- $('#ChapterSelector').fadeIn('slow');
- $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $("#ChapterSelector").offset().top }, 1000);
- //$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 1000);
- chapterShown = true;
- $('#clickInterface').hide();
- }
- }
- //Convert current view top to page number
- function getPageNum (num, arr) {
- for (var i = 0;i<arr.length;i++){
- if (arr[i] > num){
- return i;
- }
- }
- return arr.length;
- }
- function GoToPage(num){
- //console.log('Going to page: ' + num);
- CalculatePageOffsets();
- console.log("Going to page number:" + num);
- var targetTop = positions[num - 1];
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: targetTop + 5}, 1000);
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