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- <script>
- let historyStack = [];
- let historyPopStack = [];
- let currentURL = "about:blank";
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- var url = $("#manualInputURL").val();
- downloadToFile(url);
- }
- function downloadToFile(downloadURL){
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- }
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- function updateDownloadProg(elementId){
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- //arrange next progress update check
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/sizechk.js", {
- filepath: $("#" + elementId).attr('fpath')
- }, function(data){
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- `);
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- //Call AGI to download the file
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- link: downloadPendingURL,
- filename: filename,
- filepath: filepath
- }, function(data){
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- $("#" + thisDownloadUUID).attr("status", "done");
- }, function(){
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- $("#" + thisDownloadUUID).find(".mainicon").attr("class", "red remove icon mainicon");
- $("#" + thisDownloadUUID).attr("status", "error");
- })
- }
- function openFileLocation(filepath, filename){
- ao_module_openPath(filepath, filename);
- }
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- $("#downloadDropper").show();
- $("#iframeMode").hide();
- }else{
- $("#downloadDropper").hide();
- $("#iframeMode").show();
- }
- }
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- if (ao_module_virtualDesktop == false){
- $("#notvdiWarning").show();
- }
- $('.message .close').on('click', function() {
- $(this).closest('.message').transition('fade');
- });
- function toggleBookmark(object){
- $(".sidebar:not(#bookmarkbar)").hide();
- var isVisable = $("#bookmarkbar").is(":visible")
- $("#bookmarkbar").fadeToggle('fast');
- $(".sidebarToggle.selected").removeClass("selected");
- if (!isVisable){
- $(object).addClass('selected');
- }
- }
- function toggleDownloadManager(object){
- $(".sidebar:not(#downloadManager)").hide();
- var isVisable = $("#downloadManager").is(":visible")
- $("#downloadManager").fadeToggle('fast');
- $(".sidebarToggle.selected").removeClass("selected");
- if (!isVisable){
- $(object).addClass('selected');
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- }
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- $(window).on("resize", function(){
- updateResizeElements();
- });
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- let buttonWidths = 0;
- $(".menuitem").each(function(){
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- function handleURLKeydown(e){
- if (e.keyCode == 13){
- let url = $("#urlText").val();
- loadWebsite(url);
- }
- }
- function refreshPage(){
- loadWebsite(currentURL);
- }
- function undoPage(){
- //Push current page into the history pop stack
- if (historyStack.length == 0){
- return;
- }
- let currentBackupURL = currentURL;
- historyPopStack.push(currentBackupURL);
- let targetReturnURL = historyStack.pop();
- loadWebsite(targetReturnURL, false);
- }
- function redoPage(){
- if (historyPopStack.length == 0){
- return;
- }
- restorePage = historyPopStack.pop();
- historyStack.push(currentURL);
- loadWebsite(restorePage, false);
- }
- function openInNewWindow(){
- window.open(currentURL);
- }
- function getTitleFromURL(targetURL){
- var title = targetURL;
- if (targetURL.includes("//")){
- title = targetURL.substr(targetURL.indexOf("/") + 2, targetURL.length);
- }
- return title;
- }
- function loadWebsite(targetURL, writeRestoreRecord = true){
- if (writeRestoreRecord && currentURL != targetURL){
- historyPopStack = [];
- }
- //Handle special case
- if (targetURL == "about:blank"){
- $("#xframe").removeAttr("srcdoc");
- $("#xframe").attr("src", "blank.html");
- $("#urlText").val(targetURL);
- $("#toolbar").removeClass("proxy");
- if (writeRestoreRecord && currentURL != targetURL){
- historyStack.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentURL)));
- }
- currentURL = targetURL;
- allowDragAndDrop(false);
- return;
- }
- //Remove the tailing / if exists
- if (targetURL.substr(targetURL.length - 1, targetURL.length) == "/"){
- targetURL = targetURL.substr(0, targetURL.length - 1);
- }
- $("#xframe").removeAttr("srcdoc");
- $("#xframe").attr("src", "loading.html");
- //Filter the URL if required
- if (targetURL.substr(0,4) != "http"){
- if (location.protocol !== "https:"){
- //This page is currently loaded in http mode. Add http:// to it
- targetURL = "http://" + targetURL;
- }else{
- targetURL = "https://" + targetURL;
- }
- }
- $("#urlText").val(targetURL);
- if (writeRestoreRecord && currentURL != targetURL){
- historyStack.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentURL)));
- }
- currentURL = targetURL;
- //Check if the website allow iframe
- checkIfAllowIframing(targetURL, function(allowIframe, redirectTarget){
- if (allowIframe == null){
- $("#xframe").attr("src", "notfound.html#" + targetURL);
- }else{
- if (allowIframe == true){
- allowDragAndDrop(false);
- $("#xframe").removeAttr("srcdoc");
- $("#xframe").attr("src", targetURL);
- $("#toolbar").removeClass("proxy");
- $("#xframe").on("load", function(){
- //Get the page title
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/getTitle.js", {url: targetURL}, function(data){
- if (data == ""){
- let title = getTitleFromURL(targetURL);
- ao_module_setWindowTitle(title);
- currentTitle = title;
- }else{
- ao_module_setWindowTitle(data);
- currentTitle = data;
- }
- });
- $("#xframe").off("load");
- });
- }else{
- allowDragAndDrop(true);
- proxyWebContent(targetURL, function(content){
- $("#xframe").attr("src", "");
- $("#xframe").attr("srcdoc", content);
- $("#toolbar").addClass("proxy");
- //Extract the title
- var matches = content.match(/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/);
- if (matches == null){
- let title = getTitleFromURL(targetURL);
- ao_module_setWindowTitle(title);
- currentTitle = title;
- }else{
- var title = matches[0].replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, "");
- ao_module_setWindowTitle(title);
- currentTitle = title;
- }
- });
- //alert("Target website do not allow embedding");
- }
- if (redirectTarget != undefined && redirectTarget != ""){
- $("#urlText").val(redirectTarget);
- }
- }
- });
- updateBookmarkButtonColor();
- }
- function updateBookmarkButtonColor(){
- if (insideBookmark(currentURL)){
- $("#starBtn").addClass("yellow");
- }else{
- $("#starBtn").removeClass("yellow");
- }
- }
- function initbookmark(){
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/bookmark.js", {opr: "read"}, function(bookmarkData){
- bookmarkBuffer = bookmarkData;
- console.log("BOOKMARK DATA", bookmarkData);
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/bookmark.js", {rtype: "titles", opr: "read"}, function(data){
- titleBuffer = data;
- $("#bookmarklist").html("");
- bookmarkBuffer.forEach(bookmark => {
- let matchingTitle = titleBuffer[bookmark];
- if (matchingTitle == undefined){
- matchingTitle = getTitleFromURL(bookmark);
- }
- //Render the bookmark table
- $("#bookmarklist").append(`
- <div class="item">
- <div class="right floated content">
- <div class="ui mini icon basic blue circular button" onclick="loadWebsite('${bookmark}');"><i class="ui linkify icon"></i></div>
- </div>
- <div class="content">
- ${matchingTitle}
- </div>
- </div>`);
- });
- if (bookmarkBuffer.length == 0){
- $("#bookmarklist").append(`<div class="item">
- <div class="content">
- <i class="ui bookmark icon"></i> No bookmark saved
- </div>
- </div>`);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- initbookmark();
- function addBookMark(){
- if (bookmarkBuffer.includes(currentURL)){
- //Remove bookmark
- bookmarkBuffer = bookmarkBuffer.filter(e => e !== currentURL);
- delete(titleBuffer[currentURL]);
- }else{
- //Add bookmark
- bookmarkBuffer.push(currentURL);
- //Remove array in the table
- bookmarkBuffer = bookmarkBuffer.filter(function(item, pos, self) {
- return self.indexOf(item) == pos;
- });
- titleBuffer[currentURL] = currentTitle;
- }
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/bookmark.js", {"opr": "write", "newBookmarkArray": JSON.stringify(bookmarkBuffer)}, function(data){
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/bookmark.js", {"rtype": "titles", "opr": "write", "newTitleArray": JSON.stringify(titleBuffer)}, function(data){
- console.log(data);
- updateBookmarkButtonColor();
- initbookmark();
- });
- });
- }
- function insideBookmark(url){
- return bookmarkBuffer.includes(url);
- }
- function proxyWebContent(url, callback){
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/proxy.js", {
- url: url,
- }, function(data){
- callback(data);
- });
- }
- //Check if a website can be directly embedded as iframe, can return true / false /null (site not exists)
- function checkIfAllowIframing(url, callback){
- ao_module_agirun("Browser/functions/getHeader.js", {
- url: url
- }, function(data){
- let xFrameOptions = JSON.parse(data);
- let header = "";
- if (xFrameOptions.header == null){
- xFrameOptions.header = "deny";
- }else{
- header = xFrameOptions.header.toLowerCase().trim();
- }
- let location = xFrameOptions.location;
- if (header == "null"){
- //Site not exists
- callback(null);
- }
- if (header == "sameorigin" || header == "deny"){
- //This webpage do not allow iframeing
- callback(false, location);
- }else{
- //This webpage allow iframing. Show it
- callback(true, location);
- }
- }, undefined, 5000)
- }
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