//IoT Scanner //This agi script will list the manager cached device list. If the list not exists //It will perform an auto scan instead. //Require the iot lib requirelib("iot"); function main(){ //Check if the IoT Controller is ready if (iot.ready() == true){ //List the iot device in cache var deviceList = iot.list(); if (deviceList.length == 0){ sendResp("No iot device found"); return; } //Get the icon of the first device var iconTagName = iot.iconTag(deviceList[0].DeviceUUID); sendResp("Tag icon for this device is: " + iconTagName + "\n" + "Icon image file can be found in SystemAO/iot/hub/img/devices/" + iconTagName + ".png" ); }else{ sendResp("IoT Manager not ready"); } } //Run the main function main();