System Update
Update the ArozOS System to the latest version


Backup all the important files before performing system update

Update from Vendor ( Recommended)

Update from your vendor based on the system update configuration that ship with this machine

Update via Download

Binary Executable Download URL

Usually with pattern like: arozos_{platform}_{cpu_arch}

Webpack Download URL

Usually with named as: webpack.tar.gz

Update Instruction

To update your ArozOS system, you will need two files: A compiled binary of the newer version of ArozOS and the webpack compress file in .tar.gz format. You can get the two files on Github, private distribution servers or from cluster nodes. Please choose one of the update method below and press "Update" to start the update process.

Notes that updates only work if ArozOS is started by the launcher. If not, you might need to manually update the system using system commands.

How to update manually?

If your system is not started by any launcher (versions before v1.120), you might want to manually update the ArozOS following the steps below.

Linux (Debian)
Download the update of the latest ArozOS using one of the above methods
SSH into your host, cd into the ArozOS root (Usually located at ~/arozos/src/)
Check if the "updates" folder exists. If yes, check if the new ArozOS binary and "system" and "web" folder exists
Backup any important files or config if needed
Stop the arozos service using sudo systemctl stop arozos
Copy the updates to the arozos root using cp -r ./updates/* ./
Restore the files or config
Start the arozos service using sydo systemctl start arozos
The new ArozOS should be updated and ready.
Download the update of the latest ArozOS using one of the above methods
Locate the cmd / powershell window that is running ArozOS
Press Ctrl + C to gracefully stop ArozOS
Open ArozOS root and check if "updates" folder exists. If yes, check if the new ArozOS binary and "system" and "web" folder exists
Backup any important files or config if needed
Copy all the file from the "updates" folder and overwrite the one in ArozOS root (.\arozos\src\)
Restore the files or config
Start the new ArozOS binary (exe) by double clicking it OR starting the start.bat file