var loadedfile = requirelib("filelib"); if (!loadedfile) { console.log("Failed to load lib filelib, terminated."); } function listNearby(){ var result = []; //Extract the path from the filepath var dirpath = path.split("\\").join("/"); dirpath = dirpath.split("/"); dirpath.pop(); dirpath = dirpath.join("/"); //Get nearby files and filter out the one that is web supported photo format var nearbyFiles = filelib.readdir(dirpath, "user") for (var i = 0; i < nearbyFiles.length; i++){ var thisFile = nearbyFiles[i]; //console.log(JSON.stringify(nearbyFiles[i])); var ext = thisFile.Ext.substr(1); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); if (ext == "png" || ext == "jpg" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "gif" || ext == "webp"){ result.push(thisFile.Filepath); } } sendJSONResp(JSON.stringify(result)) } if (typeof(path) == "undefined"){ sendJSONResp(JSON.stringify({ "error": "Invalid path given" })); }else{ listNearby(); }