/* ArOZ Online Module Javascript Wrapper This is a wrapper for module developers to access system API easier and need not to dig through the source code. Basically: Write less do more (?) WARNING! SOME FUNCTION ARE NOT COMPATIBILE WITH PREVIOUS VERSION OF AO_MODULE.JS. PLEASE REFER TO THE SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION FOR MORE INFORMATION. *** Please include this javascript file with relative path instead of absolute path. E.g. ../script/ao_module.js (OK) /script/ao_module.js (NOT OK) */ var ao_module_virtualDesktop = false; try{ ao_module_virtualDesktop = !(!parent.isDesktopMode); }catch(ex){ //Running ArozOS inside iframe for some reason console.log("CORS Access Error. Entering compatibility mode with virtual desktop mode disabled."); } var ao_root = null; //Get the current windowID if in Virtual Desktop Mode, return false if VDI is not detected var ao_module_windowID = false; var ao_module_parentID = false; var ao_module_callback = false; var ao_module_ime = false; if (ao_module_virtualDesktop)ao_module_windowID = $(window.frameElement).parent().parent().attr("windowId"); if (ao_module_virtualDesktop)ao_module_parentID = $(window.frameElement).parent().parent().attr("parent"); if (ao_module_virtualDesktop)ao_module_callback = $(window.frameElement).parent().parent().attr("callback"); if (ao_module_virtualDesktop)ao_module_parentURL = $(window.frameElement).parent().find("iframe").attr("src"); ao_root = ao_module_getAORootFromScriptPath(); /* Event bindings The following events are required for ao_module to operate normally under Web Desktop Mode. */ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ if (parent.window.ime == null){ return; } //Add window focus handler document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) { //When click on this document, focus this ao_module_focus(); if (event.target.tagName == "INPUT" || event.target.tagName == "TEXTAREA"){ }else{ if (parent.window.ime.focus != null){ if (ao_module_ime){ //This is clicking on ime windows. Do not change focus }else{ parent.window.ime.focus = null; } } } }, true); //Add IME registration handler var inputFields = document.querySelectorAll("input,textarea"); for (var i = 0; i < inputFields.length; i++){ if ($(inputFields[i]).attr("type") != undefined){ var thisType = $(inputFields[i]).attr("type"); if ((thisType == "text" || thisType =="search" || thisType =="url")){ //Supported types of input ao_module_bindCustomIMEEvents(inputFields[i]); }else{ //Not supported type of inputs } }else{ //text area ao_module_bindCustomIMEEvents(inputFields[i]); } } } /* //Load html2canvas if ($){ $.getScript(ao_root + "script/html2canvas.min.js", function() { console.log("Html2canvas loaded") }); } */ }); /* Startup Section Script These functions handle the startup of an ao_module and adapt them into the standard arozos desktop eco-system api */ //Function handle to bind custom IME events function ao_module_bindCustomIMEEvents(object){ parent.bindObjectToIMEEvents(object); } function ao_module_screenshot(callback){ html2canvas(document.querySelector("body")).then(screenshot => { return callback(screenshot); }); } //Get the ao_root from script includsion path function ao_module_getAORootFromScriptPath(){ var possibleRoot = ""; $("script").each(function(){ if (this.hasAttribute("src") && $(this).attr("src").includes("ao_module.js")){ var tmp = $(this).attr("src"); tmp = tmp.split("script/ao_module.js"); possibleRoot = tmp[0]; } }); return possibleRoot; } //Get the input filename and filepath from the window hash paramter function ao_module_loadInputFiles(){ try{ if (window.location.hash.length == 0){ return null; } var inputFileInfo = window.location.hash.substring(1,window.location.hash.length); inputFileInfo = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(inputFileInfo)); if (inputFileInfo.length == 0){ return null; } return inputFileInfo }catch{ return null; } } //Set the ao_module window to fixed size (not allowing resize) function ao_module_setFixedWindowSize(){ if (!ao_module_virtualDesktop){ return; } parent.setFloatWindowResizePolicy(ao_module_windowID, false); } //Restore a float window to be resizble function ao_module_setResizableWindowSize(){ if (!ao_module_virtualDesktop){ return; } parent.setFloatWindowResizePolicy(ao_module_windowID, true); } //Update the window size of the given float window object function ao_module_setWindowSize(width, height){ if (!ao_module_virtualDesktop){ return; } parent.setFloatWindowSize(ao_module_windowID, width, height) } //Update the floatWindow title function ao_module_setWindowTitle(newTitle){ if (!ao_module_virtualDesktop){ document.title = newTitle; return; } parent.setFloatWindowTitle(ao_module_windowID, newTitle); } //Set new window theme, default dark, support {dark/white} function ao_module_setWindowTheme(newtheme="dark"){ if (!ao_module_virtualDesktop){ return; } parent.setFloatWindowTheme(ao_module_windowID, newtheme); } //Check if there are any windows with the same path. //If yes, replace its hash content and reload to the new one and close the current floatWindow function ao_module_makeSingleInstance(){ $(window.parent.document).find(".floatWindow").each(function(){ if ($(this).attr("windowid") == ao_module_windowID){ return } var currentPath = window.location.pathname; if ("/" + $(this).find("iframe").attr('src').split("#").shift() == currentPath){ //Another instance already running. Replace it with the current path $(this).find("iframe").attr('src', window.location.pathname.substring(1) + window.location.hash); $(this).find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.location.reload(); //Move the other instant to top var targetfw = parent.getFloatWindowByID($(this).attr("windowid")) parent.MoveFloatWindowToTop(targetfw); //Close the instance ao_module_close(); return true } }); return false } //Use for cross frame communication, example: //let targetOpeningInstances = ao_module_getInstanceByPath("NotepadA/index.html") function ao_module_getInstanceByPath(matchingPath){ let targetInstance = ""; $(window.parent.document).find(".floatWindow").each(function(){ if ($(this).attr("windowid") == ao_module_windowID){ return } let thisfwPath = $(this).find("iframe").attr('src').split("#").shift(); if (thisfwPath == matchingPath){ targetInstance = $(this).attr("windowid"); } }); if (targetInstance == ""){ return null; } return parent.getFloatWindowByID(targetInstance); } //Close the current window function ao_module_close(){ ao_module_closeHandler(); } //Close handler for WebApp special handling of ao_module_close() function ao_module_closeHandler(){ if (!ao_module_virtualDesktop){ window.close('','_parent',''); window.location.href = ao_root + "SystemAO/closeTabInsturction.html"; return; } parent.closeFwProcess(ao_module_windowID); } //Focus this floatWindow function ao_module_focus(){ parent.MoveFloatWindowToTop(parent.getFloatWindowByID(ao_module_windowID)); } //Set the floatWindow to top most mode function ao_module_setTopMost(){ parent.PinFloatWindowToTopMostMode(parent.getFloatWindowByID(ao_module_windowID)); } //Unset the floatWindow top most mode function ao_module_unsetTopMost(){ parent.UnpinFloatWindowFromTopMostMode(parent.getFloatWindowByID(ao_module_windowID)); } //Popup a file selection window for uplaod function ao_module_selectFiles(callback, fileType="file", accept="*", allowMultiple=false){ var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = fileType; input.multiple = allowMultiple; input.accept = accept; input.onchange = e => { var files = e.target.files; callback(files); } input.click(); } //Open a path with File Manager, optional highligh filename function ao_module_openPath(path, filename=undefined){ //Trim away the last / if exists if (path.substr(path.length - 1, 1) == "/"){ path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1); } if (filename == undefined){ if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ parent.newFloatWindow({ url: "SystemAO/file_system/file_explorer.html#" + encodeURIComponent(path), appicon: "SystemAO/file_system/img/small_icon.png", width:1080, height:580, title: "File Manager" }); }else{ window.open(ao_root + "SystemAO/file_system/file_explorer.html#" + encodeURIComponent(path)) } }else{ var fileObject = [{ filepath: path + "/" + filename, filename: filename, }]; if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ parent.newFloatWindow({ url: "SystemAO/file_system/file_explorer.html#" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(fileObject)), appicon: "SystemAO/file_system/img/small_icon.png", width:1080, height:580, title: "File Manager" }); }else{ window.open(ao_root + "SystemAO/file_system/file_explorer.html#" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(fileObject))) } } } //Open a particular tab using System Setting module. Require //1) Setting Group //2) Setting Name function ao_module_openSetting(group, name){ var requestObject = { group: group, name: name } requestObject = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(requestObject)); var openURL = "SystemAO/system_setting/index.html#" + requestObject; if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ ao_module_newfw({ url: openURL, width: 1080, height: 580, appicon: "SystemAO/system_setting/img/small_icon.png", title: "System Setting" }); }else{ window.open(ao_root + openURL) } } /* ao_module_newfw(launchConfig) => Create a new floatWindow object from the given paramters Most basic usage: (With auto assign UID, size and location) ao_module_newfw({ url: "Dummy/index.html", title: "Dummy Module", appicon: "Dummy/img/icon.png" }); Example usage that involve all configs: ao_module_newfw({ url: "Dummy/index.html", uid: "CustomUUID", width: 1024, height: 768, appicon: "Dummy/img/icon.png", title: "Dummy Module", left: 100, top: 100, parent: ao_module_windowID, callback: "childCallbackHandler" }); */ function ao_module_newfw(launchConfig){ if (launchConfig["parent"] == undefined){ launchConfig["parent"] = ao_module_windowID; } if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ parent.newFloatWindow(launchConfig); }else{ window.open(ao_root + launchConfig.url); } } /* File Selector Open a file selector and return selected item back to the current window Tips: Unlike the beta version, you can use this function in both Virtual Desktop Mode and normal mode. Possible selection type: type => {file / folder / all / new} Example usage: ao_module_openFileSelector(fileSelected, "user:/Desktop", "file",true); function fileSelected(filedata){ for (var i=0; i < filedata.length; i++){ var filename = filedata[i].filename; var filepath = filedata[i].filepath; //Do something here } } If you want to create a new file or folder object, you can use the following options paramters option = { defaultName: "newfile.txt", //Default filename used in new operation fnameOverride: "myfunction", //For those defined with window.myfunction filter: ["mp3","aac","ogg","flac","wav"] //File extension filter } */ let ao_module_fileSelectionListener; let ao_module_fileSelectorWindow; function ao_module_openFileSelector(callback,root="user:/", type="file",allowMultiple=false, options=undefined){ var initInfo = { root: root, type: type, allowMultiple: allowMultiple, listenerUUID: "", options: options } var initInfoEncoded = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(initInfo)) if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ var callbackname = callback.name; if (typeof(options) != "undefined" && typeof(options.fnameOverride) != "undefined"){ callbackname = options.fnameOverride; } console.log(callbackname); parent.newFloatWindow({ url: "SystemAO/file_system/file_selector.html#" + initInfoEncoded, width: 700, height: 440, appicon: "SystemAO/file_system/img/selector.png", title: "Open", parent: ao_module_windowID, callback: callbackname }); }else{ //Create a return listener base on localStorage let listenerUUID = "fileSelector_" + new Date().getTime(); ao_module_fileSelectionListener = setInterval(function(){ if (localStorage.getItem(listenerUUID) === undefined || localStorage.getItem(listenerUUID)=== null){ //Not ready }else{ //File ready! var selectedFiles = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(listenerUUID)); console.log("Removing Localstorage Item " + listenerUUID); localStorage.removeItem(listenerUUID); setTimeout(function(){ localStorage.removeItem(listenerUUID); },500); if(selectedFiles == "&&selection_canceled&&"){ //Selection canceled. Returm empty array callback([]); }else{ //Files Selected callback(selectedFiles); } clearInterval(ao_module_fileSelectionListener); ao_module_fileSelectorWindow.close(); } },1000); //Open the file selector in a new tab initInfo.listenerUUID = listenerUUID; initInfoEncoded = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(initInfo)) ao_module_fileSelectorWindow = window.open(ao_root + "SystemAO/file_system/file_selector.html#" + initInfoEncoded,); } } //Check if there is parent to callback function ao_module_hasParentCallback(){ if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ //Check if parent callback exists var thisFw; $(parent.window.document.body).find(".floatWindow").each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('windowid') == ao_module_windowID){ thisFw = $(this); } }); var parentWindowID = thisFw.attr("parent"); var parentCallback = thisFw.attr("callback"); if (parentWindowID == "" || parentCallback == ""){ //No parent window defined return false; } //Check if parent windows is alive var parentWindow = undefined; $(parent.window.document.body).find(".floatWindow").each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('windowid') == parentWindowID){ parentWindow = $(this); } }); if (parentWindow == undefined){ //parent window not exists return false; } //Parent callback is set and ready to callback return true; }else{ return false } } //Callback to parent with results function ao_module_parentCallback(data=""){ if (ao_module_virtualDesktop){ var thisFw; $(parent.window.document.body).find(".floatWindow").each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('windowid') == ao_module_windowID){ thisFw = $(this); } }); var parentWindowID = thisFw.attr("parent"); var parentCallback = thisFw.attr("callback"); if (parentWindowID == "" || parentCallback == ""){ //No parent window defined console.log("Undefined parent window ID or callback name"); return false; } var parentWindow = undefined; $(parent.window.document.body).find(".floatWindow").each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('windowid') == parentWindowID){ parentWindow = $(this); } }); if (parentWindow == undefined){ //parent window not exists console.log("Parent Window not exists!") return false; } $(parentWindow).find('iframe')[0].contentWindow.eval(parentCallback + "(" + JSON.stringify(data) + ");") //Focus the parent windows parent.MoveFloatWindowToTop(parentWindow); return true; }else{ console.log("[ao_module] WARNING! Invalid call to parentCallback under non-virtualDesktop mode"); return false; } } function ao_module_agirun(scriptpath, data, callback, failedcallback = undefined, timeout=0){ $.ajax({ url: ao_root + "system/ajgi/interface?script=" + scriptpath, method: "POST", data: data, success: function(data){ if (typeof(callback) != "undefined"){ callback(data); } }, error: function(){ if (typeof(failedcallback) != "undefined"){ failedcallback(); } }, timeout: timeout }); } function ao_module_uploadFile(file, targetPath, callback=undefined, progressCallback=undefined, failedcallback=undefined) { let url = ao_root + 'system/file_system/upload' let formData = new FormData() let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() formData.append('file', file); formData.append('path', targetPath); xhr.open('POST', url, true); xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(e) { if (progressCallback !== undefined){ progressCallback((e.loaded * 100.0 / e.total) || 100); } }); xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(e) { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { if (callback !== undefined){ callback(e.target.response); } } else if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status != 200) { if (failedcallback !== undefined){ failedcallback(xhr.status); } } }) xhr.send(formData); } /* ao_module_storage, allow key-value storage per module settings. WARNING: NOT CROSS USER READ-WRITABLE ao_module_storage.setStorage(moduleName, configName,configValue); ao_module_storage.loadStorage(moduleName, configName); */ class ao_module_storage { static setStorage(moduleName, configName,configValue){ $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: ao_root + "system/file_system/preference", data: {key: moduleName + "/" + configName,value:configValue}, success: function(data){}, async:true }); return true; } static loadStorage(moduleName, configName, callback=undefined){ var result = ""; if (callback == undefined){ //Do not use async $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: ao_root + "system/file_system/preference", data: {key: moduleName + "/" + configName}, success: function(data){ if (data.error !== undefined){ result = ""; }else{ result = data; } }, error: function(data){result = "";}, async:false, timeout: 3000 }); return result; }else{ //Use sync method $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: ao_root + "system/file_system/preference", data: {key: moduleName + "/" + configName}, success: function(data){ if (data.error !== undefined){ callback(""); }else{ callback(data); } }, error: function(evt){ callback(""); }, timeout: 30000 }); } } } class ao_module_codec{ //Decode umfilename into standard filename in utf-8, which umfilename usually start with "inith" //Example: ao_module_codec.decodeUmFilename(umfilename_here); static decodeUmFilename(umfilename){ if (umfilename.includes("inith")){ var data = umfilename.split("."); if (data.length == 1){ //This is a filename without extension data = data[0].replace("inith",""); var decodedname = ao_module_codec.decode_utf8(ao_module_codec.hex2bin(data)); if (decodedname != "false"){ //This is a umfilename return decodedname; }else{ //This is not a umfilename return umfilename; } }else{ //This is a filename with extension var extension = data.pop(); var filename = data[0]; filename = filename.replace("inith",""); //Javascript replace only remove the first instances (i.e. the first inith in filename) var decodedname = ao_module_codec.decode_utf8(ao_module_codec.hex2bin(filename)); if (decodedname != "false"){ //This is a umfilename return decodedname + "." + extension; }else{ //This is not a umfilename return umfilename; } } }else{ //This is not umfilename as it doesn't have the inith prefix return umfilename; } } //Encode filename to UMfilename //Example: ao_module_codec.encodeUMFilename("test.stl"); static encodeUMFilename(filename){ if (filename.substring(0,5) != "inith"){ //Check if the filename include extension. if (filename.includes(".")){ //Filename with extension. pop it out first. var info = filename.split("."); var ext = info.pop(); var filenameOnly = info.join("."); var encodedFilename = "inith" + ao_module_codec.decode_utf8(ao_module_codec.bin2hex(filenameOnly)) + "." + ext; return encodedFilename; }else{ //Filename with no extension. Convert the whole name into UMfilename var encodedFilename = "inith" + ao_module_codec.decode_utf8(ao_module_codec.bin2hex(filename)); return encodedFilename; } }else{ //This is already a UMfilename. return the raw filename. return filename; } } //Decode hexFoldername into standard foldername in utf-8, return the original name if it is not a hex foldername //Example: ao_module_codec.decodeHexFoldername(hexFolderName_here); static decodeHexFoldername(folderName, prefix=true){ var decodedFoldername = ao_module_codec.decode_utf8(ao_module_codec.hex2bin(folderName)); if (decodedFoldername == "false"){ //This is not a hex encoded foldername decodedFoldername = folderName; }else{ //This is a hex encoded foldername if (prefix){ decodedFoldername = "*" + decodedFoldername; }else{ decodedFoldername =decodedFoldername; } } return decodedFoldername; } //Encode foldername into hexfoldername //Example: ao_module_codec.encodeHexFoldername("test"); static encodeHexFoldername(folderName){ var encodedFilename = ""; if (ao_module_codec.decodeHexFoldername(folderName) == folderName){ //This is not hex foldername. Encode it encodedFilename = ao_module_codec.decode_utf8(ao_module_codec.bin2hex(folderName)); }else{ //This folder name already encoded. Return the original value encodedFilename = folderName; } return encodedFilename; } static hex2bin(s){ var ret = [] var i = 0 var l s += '' for (l = s.length; i < l; i += 2) { var c = parseInt(s.substr(i, 1), 16) var k = parseInt(s.substr(i + 1, 1), 16) if (isNaN(c) || isNaN(k)) return false ret.push((c << 4) | k) } return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, ret) } static bin2hex(s){ var i var l var o = '' var n s += '' for (i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) { n = s.charCodeAt(i) .toString(16) o += n.length < 2 ? '0' + n : n } return o } static decode_utf8(s) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(s)); } } /** ArOZ Online Module Utils for quick deploy of ArOZ Online WebApps ao_module_utils.objectToAttr(object); //object to DOM attr ao_module_utils.attrToObject(attr); //DOM attr to Object ao_module_utils.getRandomUID(); //Get random UUID from timestamp ao_module_utils.getIconFromExt(ext); //Get icon tag from file extension ao_module_utils.stringToBlob(text, mimetype="text/plain") //Convert string to blob ao_module_utils.blobToFile(blob, filename, mimetype="text/plain") //Convert blob to file ao_module_utils.getDropFileInfo(dropEvent); //Get the filepath and filename list from file explorer drag drop ao_module_utils.readFileFromFileObject(fileObject, successCallback, failedCallback=undefined) //Read file object as text ao_module_utils.durationConverter(seconds) //Convert duration in seconds to Days / Hours / Minutes / Seconds ao_module_utils.formatBytes(byte, decimals); //Format file byte size to human readable size ao_module_utils.timeConverter(unix_timestamp); //Get human readable timestamp ao_module_utils.getWebSocketEndpoint() //Build server websocket endpoint root, e.g. wss:// ao_module_utils.formatBytes(bytes, decimalPlace=2) //Convert and rounds bytes into KB, MB, GB or TB **/ class ao_module_utils{ //Two simple functions for converting any Javascript object into string that can be put into the attr value of an DOM object static objectToAttr(object){ return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(object)); } static attrToObject(attr){ return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(attr)); } //Get a random id for a new floatWindow, use with var uid = ao_module_utils.getRandomUID(); static getRandomUID(){ return new Date().getTime(); } static stringToBlob(text, mimetype="text/plain"){ var blob = new Blob([text], { type: mimetype }); return blob } static blobToFile(blob, filename, mimetype="text/plain"){ var file = new File([blob], filename, {type: mimetype}); return file } //Get the icon of a file with given extension (ext), use with ao_module_utils.getIconFromExt("ext"); static getIconFromExt(ext){ var ext = ext.toLowerCase().trim(); var iconList={ md:"file text outline", txt:"file text outline", pdf:"file pdf outline", doc:"file word outline", docx:"file word outline", odt:"file word outline", xlsx:"file excel outline", ods:"file excel outline", ppt:"file powerpoint outline", pptx:"file powerpoint outline", odp:"file powerpoint outline", jpg:"file image outline", png:"file image outline", jpeg:"file image outline", gif:"file image outline", odg:"file image outline", psd:"file image outline", zip:"file archive outline", '7z':"file archive outline", rar:"file archive outline", tar:"file archive outline", mp3:"file audio outline", m4a:"file audio outline", flac:"file audio outline", wav:"file audio outline", aac:"file audio outline", mp4:"file video outline", webm:"file video outline", php:"file code outline", html:"file code outline", htm:"file code outline", js:"file code outline", css:"file code outline", xml:"file code outline", json:"file code outline", csv:"file code outline", odf:"file code outline", bmp:"file image outline", rtf:"file text outline", wmv:"file video outline", mkv:"file video outline", ogg:"file audio outline", stl:"cube", obj:"cube", "3ds":"cube", fbx:"cube", collada:"cube", step:"cube", iges:"cube", gcode:"cube", shortcut:"external square", opus:"file audio outline", apscene:"cubes" }; var icon = ""; if (ext == ""){ icon = "folder outline"; }else{ icon = iconList[ext]; if (icon == undefined){ icon = "file outline" } } return icon; } //Get the drop file properties {filepath: xxx, filename: xxx} from file drop events from file exploere static getDropFileInfo(dropEvent){ if (dropEvent.dataTransfer.getData("filedata") !== ""){ var filelist = dropEvent.dataTransfer.getData("filedata"); filelist = JSON.parse(filelist); return filelist; } } static readFileFromFileObject(fileObject, successCallback, failedCallback=undefined){ let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(fileObject); reader.onload = function() { successCallback(reader.result); }; reader.onerror = function() { if (failedCallback != undefined){ failedCallback(reader.error); }else{ console.log(reader.error); } }; } static durationConverter(seconds){ var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); seconds -= days * 86400; var hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600) % 24; seconds -= hours * 3600; var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60; seconds -= minutes * 60; var seconds = seconds % 60; var resultDuration = ""; if (days > 0){ resultDuration += days + " Day"; if (days > 1){ resultDuration+= "s" } resultDuration += " " } if (hours > 0){ resultDuration += hours + " Hour" if (hours > 1){ resultDuration += "s" } resultDuration += " " } if (minutes > 0){ resultDuration += minutes + " Minute" if (minutes > 1){ resultDuration += "s" } resultDuration += " " } if (seconds > 0){ resultDuration += seconds + " Second" if (seconds > 1){ resultDuration += "s" } resultDuration += " " } return resultDuration; } static timeConverter(UNIX_timestamp){ var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000); var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']; var year = a.getFullYear(); var month = months[a.getMonth()]; var date = a.getDate(); var hour = a.getHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"); var min = a.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"); var sec = a.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0"); var time = date + ' ' + month + ' ' + year + ' ' + hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec ; return time; } static getWebSocketEndpoint(){ let protocol = "wss://"; if (location.protocol !== 'https:') { protocol = "ws://"; } let port = window.location.port; if (window.location.port == ""){ if (location.protocol !== 'https:') { port = "80"; }else{ port = "443"; } } let wsept = (protocol + window.location.hostname + ":" + port); return wsept; } static formatBytes(a,b=2){if(0===a)return"0 Bytes";const c=0>b?0:b,d=Math.floor(Math.log(a)/Math.log(1024));return parseFloat((a/Math.pow(1024,d)).toFixed(c))+" "+["Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"][d]} } /* Backend Programming Logic These code are design to use with ao_backend.js for wrapping AGI programming gateway content */ function ao_module_backend(){ return { timeout: 500, start: function(libraryPath){ this.libpath = libraryPath; //Initialize the parent objects this.appdata.parent = this; this.file.parent = this; this.http.parent = this; }, _agi_run: function(data, callback, failedcallback = undefined){ $.ajax({ url: ao_root + "system/ajgi/interface?script=" + this.libpath, method: "POST", data: data, success: function(data){ if (typeof(callback) != "undefined"){ callback(data); } }, error: function(){ if (typeof(failedcallback) != "undefined"){ failedcallback(); } console.log("Request failed"); }, timeout: this.timeout }) }, appdata: { readFile: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "appdata.readFile", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, listDir: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "appdata.listDir", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, }, file: { writeFile: function(filepath, content, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.writeFile", filepath: filepath, content: content, }, callback) }, readFile: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.readFile", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, deleteFile: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.deleteFile", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, readdir: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.readdir", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, walk: function(filepath, mode="all", callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.walk", filepath: filepath, mode: mode, }, callback) }, glob: function(wildcard, sort="user", callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.glob", wildcard: wildcard, sort: sort, }, callback) }, aglob: function(wildcard, sort="user", callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.aglob", wildcard: wildcard, sort: sort, }, callback) }, filesize: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.filesize", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, fileExists: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.fileExists", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, isDir: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.isDir", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, mkdir: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.mkdir", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, mtime: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.mtime", filepath: filepath }, callback) }, rootName: function(filepath, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "file.rootName", filepath: filepath }, callback) } }, http: { get: function(targetURL, callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "http.get", targetURL: targetURL }, callback) }, post: function(targetURL, postdata="", callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "http.post", targetURL: targetURL, postdata: postdata }, callback) }, head: function(targetURL, header="", callback=undefined){ this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "http.head", targetURL: targetURL, header: header }, callback) }, download: function(targetURL, saveDir="tmp:/", saveFilename="", callback=undefined){ if (saveFilename == ""){ saveFilename = targetURL.split("/").pop(); saveFilename = decodeURIComponent(saveFilename); } this.parent._agi_run({ opr: "http.download", targetURL: targetURL, saveDir: saveDir, saveFilename: saveFilename }, callback) }, } } }