/** * pptxjs.js * Ver. : 1.10.4 * last update: 14/05/2020 * Author: meshesha , https://github.com/meshesha * LICENSE: MIT * url:https://meshesha.github.io/pptxjs * New: * - fixed security issue * - new divs2slides (v.1.3.2) * - fixed div width issue */ (function ($) { $.fn.pptxToHtml = function (options) { //var worker; var $result = $(this); var divId = $result.attr("id"); var isDone = false; var MsgQueue = new Array(); var themeContent = null; var slideLayoutClrOvride = ""; var chartID = 0; var _order = 1; var titleFontSize = 42; var bodyFontSize = 20; var otherFontSize = 16; var isSlideMode = false; var styleTable = {}; var settings = $.extend(true, { // These are the defaults. pptxFileUrl: "", fileInputId: "", slidesScale: "", //Change Slides scale by percent slideMode: false, /** true,false*/ keyBoardShortCut: false, /** true,false ,condition: slideMode: true XXXXX - need to remove - this is doublcated*/ mediaProcess: true, /** true,false: if true then process video and audio files */ jsZipV2: false, slideModeConfig: { first: 1, nav: true, /** true,false : show or not nav buttons*/ navTxtColor: "black", /** color */ keyBoardShortCut: true, /** true,false ,condition: */ showSlideNum: true, /** true,false */ showTotalSlideNum: true, /** true,false */ autoSlide: true, /** false or seconds , F8 to active ,keyBoardShortCut: true */ randomAutoSlide: false, /** true,false ,autoSlide:true */ loop: false, /** true,false */ background: false, /** false or color*/ transition: "default", /** transition type: "slid","fade","default","random" , to show transition efects :transitionTime > 0.5 */ transitionTime: 1 /** transition time between slides in seconds */ } }, options); // $("#" + divId).prepend( $("").attr({ "class": "slides-loadnig-msg", "style": "display:block; color:#e0e0e0; font-size:20px; width:50%; margin:0 auto;" }).html("Loading...") ); if (settings.slideMode) { if (!jQuery().divs2slides) { jQuery.getScript('./js/divs2slides.js'); } } if (settings.jsZipV2 !== false) { jQuery.getScript(settings.jsZipV2); if (localStorage.getItem('isPPTXjsReLoaded') !== 'yes') { localStorage.setItem('isPPTXjsReLoaded', 'yes'); location.reload(); } } if (settings.keyBoardShortCut) { $(document).bind("keydown", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var key = event.keyCode; console.log(key, isDone) if (key == 116 && !isSlideMode) { //F5 isSlideMode = true; $("#" + divId + " .slide").hide(); setTimeout(function () { //if(isDone){ var slideConf = settings.slideModeConfig; //console.log(key,isDone,slideConf) $(".slides-loadnig-msg").remove() $("#" + divId).divs2slides({ first: slideConf.first, nav: slideConf.nav, showPlayPauseBtn: settings.showPlayPauseBtn, navTxtColor: slideConf.navTxtColor, keyBoardShortCut: slideConf.keyBoardShortCut, showSlideNum: slideConf.showSlideNum, showTotalSlideNum: slideConf.showTotalSlideNum, autoSlide: slideConf.autoSlide, randomAutoSlide: slideConf.randomAutoSlide, loop: slideConf.loop, background: slideConf.background, transition: slideConf.transition, transitionTime: slideConf.transitionTime }); //} var sScale = settings.slidesScale; var trnsfrmScl = ""; if (sScale != "") { var numsScale = parseInt(sScale); var scaleVal = numsScale / 100; trnsfrmScl = 'transform:scale(' + scaleVal + '); transform-origin:top'; } var numOfSlides = 1; var sScaleVal = (sScale != "") ? scaleVal : 1; var slidesHeight = $("#" + divId + " .slide").height(); //console.log(slidesHeight); $("#all_slides_warpper").attr({ style: trnsfrmScl /*+ ";height: " + (numOfSlides * slidesHeight * sScaleVal) + "px"*/ }) }, 1500); } else if (key == 116 && isSlideMode) { //exit slide mode - TODO } }); } if (settings.pptxFileUrl != "") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(settings.pptxFileUrl, function (err, content) { var blob = new Blob([content]); var file_name = settings.pptxFileUrl; var fArry = file_name.split("."); fArry.pop(); blob.name = fArry[0]; FileReaderJS.setupBlob(blob, { readAsDefault: "ArrayBuffer", on: { load: function (e, file) { //console.log(e.target.result); convertToHtml(e.target.result); } } }); }); } else { $(".slides-loadnig-msg").remove() } if (settings.fileInputId != "") { $("#" + settings.fileInputId).on("change", function (evt) { $result.html(""); var file = evt.target.files[0]; // var fileName = file[0].name; //var fileSize = file[0].size; var fileType = file.type; if (fileType == "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation") { FileReaderJS.setupBlob(file, { readAsDefault: "ArrayBuffer", on: { load: function (e, file) { //console.log(e.target.result); convertToHtml(e.target.result); } } }); } else { alert("This is not pptx file"); } }); } function convertToHtml(file) { //'use strict'; var zip = new JSZip(), s; //if (typeof file === 'string') { // Load zip = zip.load(file); //zip.load(file, { base64: true }); var rslt_ary = processPPTX(zip); //s = readXmlFile(zip, 'ppt/tableStyles.xml'); var slidesHeight = $("#" + divId + " .slide").height(); for (var i = 0; i < rslt_ary.length; i++) { switch (rslt_ary[i]["type"]) { case "slide": $result.append(rslt_ary[i]["data"]); break; case "pptx-thumb": //$("#pptx-thumb").attr("src", "data:image/jpeg;base64," +rslt_ary[i]["data"]); break; case "slideSize": /* var slideWidth = rslt_ary[i]["data"].width; var slideHeight = rslt_ary[i]["data"].height; $("#"+divId).css({ 'width': slideWidth + 80, 'height': slideHeight + 60 }); */ break; case "globalCSS": $result.append(""); break; case "ExecutionTime": // $result.prepend("
"); processMsgQueue(MsgQueue); setNumericBullets($(".block")); setNumericBullets($("table td")); isDone = true; if (settings.slideMode && !isSlideMode) { isSlideMode = true; $("#" + divId + " .slide").hide(); setTimeout(function () { var slideConf = settings.slideModeConfig; $(".slides-loadnig-msg").remove(); $("#" + divId).divs2slides({ first: slideConf.first, nav: slideConf.nav, showPlayPauseBtn: settings.showPlayPauseBtn, navTxtColor: slideConf.navTxtColor, keyBoardShortCut: slideConf.keyBoardShortCut, showSlideNum: slideConf.showSlideNum, showTotalSlideNum: slideConf.showTotalSlideNum, autoSlide: slideConf.autoSlide, randomAutoSlide: slideConf.randomAutoSlide, loop: slideConf.loop, background: slideConf.background, transition: slideConf.transition, transitionTime: slideConf.transitionTime }); var sScale = settings.slidesScale; var trnsfrmScl = ""; if (sScale != "") { var numsScale = parseInt(sScale); var scaleVal = numsScale / 100; trnsfrmScl = 'transform:scale(' + scaleVal + '); transform-origin:top'; } var numOfSlides = 1; var sScaleVal = (sScale != "") ? scaleVal : 1; //console.log(slidesHeight); $("#all_slides_warpper").attr({ style: trnsfrmScl + ";height: " + (numOfSlides * slidesHeight * sScaleVal) + "px" }) }, 1500); } else if (!settings.slideMode) { $(".slides-loadnig-msg").remove(); } break; default: } } if (!settings.slideMode) { if (document.getElementById("all_slides_warpper") === null) { $("#" + divId + " .slide").wrapAll("
"); } } var sScale = settings.slidesScale; var trnsfrmScl = ""; if (sScale != "") { var numsScale = parseInt(sScale); var scaleVal = numsScale / 100; trnsfrmScl = 'transform:scale(' + scaleVal + '); transform-origin:top'; } var slidesHeight = $("#" + divId + " .slide").height(); var numOfSlides = $("#" + divId + " .slide").length; var sScaleVal = (sScale != "") ? scaleVal : 1; //console.log("slidesHeight: " + slidesHeight + "\nnumOfSlides: " + numOfSlides + "\nScale: " + sScaleVal) $("#all_slides_warpper").attr({ style: trnsfrmScl + ";height: " + (numOfSlides * slidesHeight * sScaleVal) + "px" }) //} } function processPPTX(zip) { var post_ary = []; var dateBefore = new Date(); if (zip.file("docProps/thumbnail.jpeg") !== null) { var pptxThumbImg = base64ArrayBuffer(zip.file("docProps/thumbnail.jpeg").asArrayBuffer()); post_ary.push({ "type": "pptx-thumb", "data": pptxThumbImg }); } var filesInfo = getContentTypes(zip); var slideSize = getSlideSize(zip); themeContent = loadTheme(zip); tableStyles = readXmlFile(zip, "ppt/tableStyles.xml"); post_ary.push({ "type": "slideSize", "data": slideSize }); var numOfSlides = filesInfo["slides"].length; for (var i = 0; i < numOfSlides; i++) { var filename = filesInfo["slides"][i]; var slideHtml = processSingleSlide(zip, filename, i, slideSize); post_ary.push({ "type": "slide", "data": slideHtml }); post_ary.push({ "type": "progress-update", "data": (i + 1) * 100 / numOfSlides }); } post_ary.push({ "type": "globalCSS", "data": genGlobalCSS() }); var dateAfter = new Date(); post_ary.push({ "type": "ExecutionTime", "data": dateAfter - dateBefore }); return post_ary; } function readXmlFile(zip, filename) { var xmlData = tXml(zip.file(filename).asText(), { simplify: 1 }); if (xmlData["?xml"] !== undefined) { return xmlData["?xml"]; } else { return xmlData; } } function getContentTypes(zip) { var ContentTypesJson = readXmlFile(zip, "[Content_Types].xml"); var subObj = ContentTypesJson["Types"]["Override"]; var slidesLocArray = []; var slideLayoutsLocArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < subObj.length; i++) { switch (subObj[i]["attrs"]["ContentType"]) { case "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide+xml": slidesLocArray.push(subObj[i]["attrs"]["PartName"].substr(1)); break; case "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideLayout+xml": slideLayoutsLocArray.push(subObj[i]["attrs"]["PartName"].substr(1)); break; default: } } return { "slides": slidesLocArray, "slideLayouts": slideLayoutsLocArray }; } function getSlideSize(zip) { // Pixel = EMUs * Resolution / 914400; (Resolution = 96) var rtenObj = {}; var content = readXmlFile(zip, "ppt/presentation.xml"); var sldSzAttrs = content["p:presentation"]["p:sldSz"]["attrs"]; //var cWidth = settings.width, // cHeight = settings.height; //if(cWidth === false && cHeight === false){ rtenObj = { "width": parseInt(sldSzAttrs["cx"]) * 96 / 914400, "height": parseInt(sldSzAttrs["cy"]) * 96 / 914400 }; /* }else if(cWidth !== false && cHeight === false){ rtenObj = { "width": cWidth, "height": parseInt(sldSzAttrs["cy"]) * 96 / 914400 }; }else if(cWidth === false && cHeight !== false){ rtenObj = { "width": parseInt(sldSzAttrs["cx"]) * 96 / 914400, "height": cHeight }; }else{ rtenObj = { "width": cWidth, "height": cHeight }; }*/ return rtenObj; } function loadTheme(zip) { var preResContent = readXmlFile(zip, "ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels"); var relationshipArray = preResContent["Relationships"]["Relationship"]; var themeURI = undefined; if (relationshipArray.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < relationshipArray.length; i++) { if (relationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Type"] === "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme") { themeURI = relationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Target"]; break; } } } else if (relationshipArray["attrs"]["Type"] === "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme") { themeURI = relationshipArray["attrs"]["Target"]; } if (themeURI === undefined) { throw Error("Can't open theme file."); } return readXmlFile(zip, "ppt/" + themeURI); } function processSingleSlide(zip, sldFileName, index, slideSize) { /* self.postMessage({ "type": "INFO", "data": "Processing slide" + (index + 1) }); */ // =====< Step 1 >===== // Read relationship filename of the slide (Get slideLayoutXX.xml) // @sldFileName: ppt/slides/slide1.xml // @resName: ppt/slides/_rels/slide1.xml.rels var resName = sldFileName.replace("slides/slide", "slides/_rels/slide") + ".rels"; var resContent = readXmlFile(zip, resName); var RelationshipArray = resContent["Relationships"]["Relationship"]; var layoutFilename = ""; var slideResObj = {}; if (RelationshipArray.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < RelationshipArray.length; i++) { switch (RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Type"]) { case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slideLayout": layoutFilename = RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/"); break; case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/notesSlide": case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image": case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chart": case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink": default: slideResObj[RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Id"]] = { "type": RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Type"].replace("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/", ""), "target": RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/") }; } } } else { layoutFilename = RelationshipArray["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/"); } //console.log(slideResObj); // Open slideLayoutXX.xml var slideLayoutContent = readXmlFile(zip, layoutFilename); var slideLayoutTables = indexNodes(slideLayoutContent); var sldLayoutClrOvr = slideLayoutContent["p:sldLayout"]["p:clrMapOvr"]["a:overrideClrMapping"]; //console.log(slideLayoutClrOvride); if (sldLayoutClrOvr !== undefined) { slideLayoutClrOvride = sldLayoutClrOvr["attrs"]; } // =====< Step 2 >===== // Read slide master filename of the slidelayout (Get slideMasterXX.xml) // @resName: ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml // @masterName: ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout1.xml.rels var slideLayoutResFilename = layoutFilename.replace("slideLayouts/slideLayout", "slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout") + ".rels"; var slideLayoutResContent = readXmlFile(zip, slideLayoutResFilename); RelationshipArray = slideLayoutResContent["Relationships"]["Relationship"]; var masterFilename = ""; var layoutResObj = {}; if (RelationshipArray.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < RelationshipArray.length; i++) { switch (RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Type"]) { case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slideMaster": masterFilename = RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/"); break; default: layoutResObj[RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Id"]] = { "type": RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Type"].replace("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/", ""), "target": RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/") }; } } } else { masterFilename = RelationshipArray["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/"); } // Open slideMasterXX.xml var slideMasterContent = readXmlFile(zip, masterFilename); var slideMasterTextStyles = getTextByPathList(slideMasterContent, ["p:sldMaster", "p:txStyles"]); var slideMasterTables = indexNodes(slideMasterContent); /////////////////Amir///////////// //Open slideMasterXX.xml.rels var slideMasterResFilename = masterFilename.replace("slideMasters/slideMaster", "slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster") + ".rels"; var slideMasterResContent = readXmlFile(zip, slideMasterResFilename); RelationshipArray = slideMasterResContent["Relationships"]["Relationship"]; var themeFilename = ""; var masterResObj = {}; if (RelationshipArray.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < RelationshipArray.length; i++) { switch (RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Type"]) { case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme": themeFilename = RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/"); break; default: masterResObj[RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Id"]] = { "type": RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Type"].replace("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/", ""), "target": RelationshipArray[i]["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/") }; } } } else { themeFilename = RelationshipArray["attrs"]["Target"].replace("../", "ppt/"); } //console.log(themeFilename) //Load Theme file if (themeFilename !== undefined) { themeContent = readXmlFile(zip, themeFilename); } // =====< Step 3 >===== var slideContent = readXmlFile(zip, sldFileName); var nodes = slideContent["p:sld"]["p:cSld"]["p:spTree"]; var warpObj = { "zip": zip, "slideLayoutTables": slideLayoutTables, "slideMasterTables": slideMasterTables, "slideResObj": slideResObj, "slideMasterTextStyles": slideMasterTextStyles, "layoutResObj": layoutResObj, "masterResObj": masterResObj }; var bgColor = getSlideBackgroundFill(slideContent, slideLayoutContent, slideMasterContent, warpObj); var result = "
" //result += "
"+getBackgroundShapes(slideContent, slideLayoutContent, slideMasterContent,warpObj) + "
" - TODO for (var nodeKey in nodes) { if (nodes[nodeKey].constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes[nodeKey].length; i++) { result += processNodesInSlide(nodeKey, nodes[nodeKey][i], warpObj); } } else { result += processNodesInSlide(nodeKey, nodes[nodeKey], warpObj); } } return result + "
"; } function indexNodes(content) { var keys = Object.keys(content); var spTreeNode = content[keys[0]]["p:cSld"]["p:spTree"]; var idTable = {}; var idxTable = {}; var typeTable = {}; for (var key in spTreeNode) { if (key == "p:nvGrpSpPr" || key == "p:grpSpPr") { continue; } var targetNode = spTreeNode[key]; if (targetNode.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < targetNode.length; i++) { var nvSpPrNode = targetNode[i]["p:nvSpPr"]; var id = getTextByPathList(nvSpPrNode, ["p:cNvPr", "attrs", "id"]); var idx = getTextByPathList(nvSpPrNode, ["p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "idx"]); var type = getTextByPathList(nvSpPrNode, ["p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "type"]); if (id !== undefined) { idTable[id] = targetNode[i]; } if (idx !== undefined) { idxTable[idx] = targetNode[i]; } if (type !== undefined) { typeTable[type] = targetNode[i]; } } } else { var nvSpPrNode = targetNode["p:nvSpPr"]; var id = getTextByPathList(nvSpPrNode, ["p:cNvPr", "attrs", "id"]); var idx = getTextByPathList(nvSpPrNode, ["p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "idx"]); var type = getTextByPathList(nvSpPrNode, ["p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "type"]); if (id !== undefined) { idTable[id] = targetNode; } if (idx !== undefined) { idxTable[idx] = targetNode; } if (type !== undefined) { typeTable[type] = targetNode; } } } return { "idTable": idTable, "idxTable": idxTable, "typeTable": typeTable }; } function processNodesInSlide(nodeKey, nodeValue, warpObj) { var result = ""; switch (nodeKey) { case "p:sp": // Shape, Text result = processSpNode(nodeValue, warpObj); break; case "p:cxnSp": // Shape, Text (with connection) result = processCxnSpNode(nodeValue, warpObj); break; case "p:pic": // Picture result = processPicNode(nodeValue, warpObj); break; case "p:graphicFrame": // Chart, Diagram, Table result = processGraphicFrameNode(nodeValue, warpObj); break; case "p:grpSp": result = processGroupSpNode(nodeValue, warpObj); break; case "mc:AlternateContent": //Equations and formulas as Image var mcFallbackNode = getTextByPathList(nodeValue, ["mc:Fallback", "p:sp"]); result = processSpNode(mcFallbackNode, warpObj); break; default: } return result; } function processGroupSpNode(node, warpObj) { var factor = 96 / 914400; var xfrmNode = node["p:grpSpPr"]["a:xfrm"]; var x = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:off"]["attrs"]["x"]) * factor; var y = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:off"]["attrs"]["y"]) * factor; var chx = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:chOff"]["attrs"]["x"]) * factor; var chy = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:chOff"]["attrs"]["y"]) * factor; var cx = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:ext"]["attrs"]["cx"]) * factor; var cy = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:ext"]["attrs"]["cy"]) * factor; var chcx = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:chExt"]["attrs"]["cx"]) * factor; var chcy = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:chExt"]["attrs"]["cy"]) * factor; var order = node["attrs"]["order"]; var result = "
"; // Procsee all child nodes for (var nodeKey in node) { if (node[nodeKey].constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < node[nodeKey].length; i++) { result += processNodesInSlide(nodeKey, node[nodeKey][i], warpObj); } } else { result += processNodesInSlide(nodeKey, node[nodeKey], warpObj); } } result += "
"; return result; } function processSpNode(node, warpObj) { /* * 958 * 959 * 960 * 961 * 962 * 963 * 964 * 965 * 966 */ var id = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:cNvPr", "attrs", "id"]); var name = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:cNvPr", "attrs", "name"]); var idx = (getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:nvPr", "p:ph"]) === undefined) ? undefined : getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "idx"]); var type = (getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:nvPr", "p:ph"]) === undefined) ? undefined : getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "type"]); var order = getTextByPathList(node, ["attrs", "order"]); var slideLayoutSpNode = undefined; var slideMasterSpNode = undefined; if (type !== undefined) { if (idx !== undefined) { slideLayoutSpNode = warpObj["slideLayoutTables"]["typeTable"][type]; slideMasterSpNode = warpObj["slideMasterTables"]["typeTable"][type]; } else { slideLayoutSpNode = warpObj["slideLayoutTables"]["typeTable"][type]; slideMasterSpNode = warpObj["slideMasterTables"]["typeTable"][type]; } } else { if (idx !== undefined) { slideLayoutSpNode = warpObj["slideLayoutTables"]["idxTable"][idx]; slideMasterSpNode = warpObj["slideMasterTables"]["idxTable"][idx]; } else { // Nothing } } if (type === undefined) { type = getTextByPathList(slideLayoutSpNode, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "type"]); if (type === undefined) { type = getTextByPathList(slideMasterSpNode, ["p:nvSpPr", "p:nvPr", "p:ph", "attrs", "type"]); } } return genShape(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, id, name, idx, type, order, warpObj); } function processCxnSpNode(node, warpObj) { var id = node["p:nvCxnSpPr"]["p:cNvPr"]["attrs"]["id"]; var name = node["p:nvCxnSpPr"]["p:cNvPr"]["attrs"]["name"]; //var idx = (node["p:nvCxnSpPr"]["p:nvPr"]["p:ph"] === undefined) ? undefined : node["p:nvSpPr"]["p:nvPr"]["p:ph"]["attrs"]["idx"]; //var type = (node["p:nvCxnSpPr"]["p:nvPr"]["p:ph"] === undefined) ? undefined : node["p:nvSpPr"]["p:nvPr"]["p:ph"]["attrs"]["type"]; //(, ) var order = node["attrs"]["order"]; return genShape(node, undefined, undefined, id, name, undefined, undefined, order, warpObj); } function genShape(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, id, name, idx, type, order, warpObj) { var xfrmList = ["p:spPr", "a:xfrm"]; var slideXfrmNode = getTextByPathList(node, xfrmList); var slideLayoutXfrmNode = getTextByPathList(slideLayoutSpNode, xfrmList); var slideMasterXfrmNode = getTextByPathList(slideMasterSpNode, xfrmList); var result = ""; var shpId = getTextByPathList(node, ["attrs", "order"]); //console.log("shpId: ",shpId) var shapType = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "attrs", "prst"]); //custGeom - Amir var custShapType = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:custGeom"]); var isFlipV = false; if (getTextByPathList(slideXfrmNode, ["attrs", "flipV"]) === "1" || getTextByPathList(slideXfrmNode, ["attrs", "flipH"]) === "1") { isFlipV = true; } /////////////////////////Amir//////////////////////// //rotate var rotate = angleToDegrees(getTextByPathList(slideXfrmNode, ["attrs", "rot"])); //console.log("rotate: "+rotate); var txtRotate; var txtXframeNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:txXfrm"]); if (txtXframeNode !== undefined) { var txtXframeRot = getTextByPathList(txtXframeNode, ["attrs", "rot"]); if (txtXframeRot !== undefined) { txtRotate = angleToDegrees(txtXframeRot) + 90; } } else { txtRotate = rotate; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (shapType !== undefined || custShapType !== undefined) { var off = getTextByPathList(slideXfrmNode, ["a:off", "attrs"]); var x = parseInt(off["x"]) * 96 / 914400; var y = parseInt(off["y"]) * 96 / 914400; var ext = getTextByPathList(slideXfrmNode, ["a:ext", "attrs"]); var w = parseInt(ext["cx"]) * 96 / 914400; var h = parseInt(ext["cy"]) * 96 / 914400; result += ""; result += '' // Fill Color var fillColor = getShapeFill(node, true, warpObj); var grndFillFlg = false; var imgFillFlg = false; var clrFillType = getFillType(getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr"])); ///////////////////////////////////////// if (clrFillType == "GRADIENT_FILL") { grndFillFlg = true; var color_arry = fillColor.color; var angl = fillColor.rot; var svgGrdnt = getSvgGradient(w, h, angl, color_arry, shpId); //fill="url(#linGrd)" result += svgGrdnt; } else if (clrFillType == "PIC_FILL") { imgFillFlg = true; var svgBgImg = getSvgImagePattern(fillColor, shpId); //fill="url(#imgPtrn)" //console.log(svgBgImg) result += svgBgImg; } else { if (clrFillType != "SOLID_FILL" && clrFillType != "PATTERN_FILL" && (shapType == "arc" || shapType == "bracketPair" || shapType == "bracePair" || shapType == "leftBracket" || shapType == "leftBrace" || shapType == "rightBrace" || shapType == "rightBracket")) { //Temp. solution - TODO fillColor = "none"; } } // Border Color var border = getBorder(node, true, "shape"); var headEndNodeAttrs = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:ln", "a:headEnd", "attrs"]); var tailEndNodeAttrs = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:ln", "a:tailEnd", "attrs"]); // type: none, triangle, stealth, diamond, oval, arrow if ((headEndNodeAttrs !== undefined && (headEndNodeAttrs["type"] === "triangle" || headEndNodeAttrs["type"] === "arrow")) || (tailEndNodeAttrs !== undefined && (tailEndNodeAttrs["type"] === "triangle" || tailEndNodeAttrs["type"] === "arrow"))) { var triangleMarker = ""; result += triangleMarker; } result += '' } if (shapType !== undefined && custShapType === undefined) { switch (shapType) { case "rect": case "flowChartProcess": case "flowChartPredefinedProcess": case "flowChartInternalStorage": case "actionButtonBlank": result += ""; if (shapType == "flowChartPredefinedProcess") { result += ""; } else if (shapType == "flowChartInternalStorage") { result += " "; result += " "; } break; case "flowChartCollate": var d = "M 0,0" + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "flowChartDocument": var y1, y2, y3, x1; x1 = w * 10800 / 21600; y1 = h * 17322 / 21600; y2 = h * 20172 / 21600; y3 = h * 23922 / 21600; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + y1 + " C" + x1 + "," + y1 + " " + x1 + "," + y3 + " " + 0 + "," + y2 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "flowChartMultidocument": var y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7; y1 = h * 18022 / 21600; y2 = h * 3675 / 21600; y3 = h * 23542 / 21600; y4 = h * 1815 / 21600; y5 = h * 16252 / 21600; y6 = h * 16352 / 21600; y7 = h * 14392 / 21600; y8 = h * 20782 / 21600; y9 = h * 14467 / 21600; x1 = w * 1532 / 21600; x2 = w * 20000 / 21600; x3 = w * 9298 / 21600; x4 = w * 19298 / 21600; x5 = w * 18595 / 21600; x6 = w * 2972 / 21600; x7 = w * 20800 / 21600; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + y2 + " L" + x5 + "," + y2 + " L" + x5 + "," + y1 + " C" + x3 + "," + y1 + " " + x3 + "," + y3 + " " + 0 + "," + y8 + " z" + "M" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y5 + " C" + x4 + "," + y5 + " " + x5 + "," + y6 + " " + x5 + "," + y6 + "M" + x6 + "," + y4 + " L" + x6 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + y7 + " C" + x7 + "," + y7 + " " + x2 + "," + y9 + " " + x2 + "," + y9; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonBackPrevious": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + "M" + g11 + "," + vc + " L" + g12 + "," + g9 + " L" + g12 + "," + g10 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonBeginning": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 / 8; g15 = g13 / 4; g16 = g11 + g14; g17 = g11 + g15; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + "M" + g17 + "," + vc + " L" + g12 + "," + g9 + " L" + g12 + "," + g10 + " z" + "M" + g16 + "," + g9 + " L" + g11 + "," + g9 + " L" + g11 + "," + g10 + " L" + g16 + "," + g10 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonDocument": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, dx1, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; dx1 = ss * 9 / 32; g11 = hc - dx1; g12 = hc + dx1; g13 = ss * 3 / 16; g14 = g12 - g13; g15 = g9 + g13; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + "M" + g11 + "," + g9 + " L" + g14 + "," + g9 + " L" + g12 + "," + g15 + " L" + g12 + "," + g10 + " L" + g11 + "," + g10 + " z" + "M" + g14 + "," + g9 + " L" + g14 + "," + g15 + " L" + g12 + "," + g15 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonEnd": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 * 3 / 4; g15 = g13 * 7 / 8; g16 = g11 + g14; g17 = g11 + g15; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + 0 + "," + 0 + " z" + " M" + g17 + "," + g9 + " L" + g12 + "," + g9 + " L" + g12 + "," + g10 + " L" + g17 + "," + g10 + " z" + " M" + g16 + "," + vc + " L" + g11 + "," + g9 + " L" + g11 + "," + g10 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonForwardNext": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + 0 + "," + 0 + " z" + " M" + g12 + "," + vc + " L" + g11 + "," + g9 + " L" + g11 + "," + g10 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonHelp": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g11, g13, g14, g15, g16, g19, g20, g21, g23, g24, g27, g29, g30, g31, g33, g36, g37, g41, g42; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 / 7; g15 = g13 * 3 / 14; g16 = g13 * 2 / 7; g19 = g13 * 3 / 7; g20 = g13 * 4 / 7; g21 = g13 * 17 / 28; g23 = g13 * 21 / 28; g24 = g13 * 11 / 14; g27 = g9 + g16; g29 = g9 + g21; g30 = g9 + g23; g31 = g9 + g24; g33 = g11 + g15; g36 = g11 + g19; g37 = g11 + g20; g41 = g13 / 14; g42 = g13 * 3 / 28; var cX1 = g33 + g16; var cX2 = g36 + g14; var cY3 = g31 + g42; var cX4 = (g37 + g36 + g16) / 2; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + "M" + g33 + "," + g27 + shapeArc(cX1, g27, g16, g16, 180, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(cX4, g27, g14, g15, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(cX4, g29, g41, g42, 270, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + g37 + "," + g30 + " L" + g36 + "," + g30 + " L" + g36 + "," + g29 + shapeArc(cX2, g29, g14, g15, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(g37, g27, g41, g42, 90, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(cX1, g27, g14, g14, 0, -180, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + "M" + hc + "," + g31 + shapeArc(hc, cY3, g42, g42, 270, 630, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonHome": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22, g23, g24, g25, g26, g27, g28, g29, g30, g31, g32, g33; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 / 16; g15 = g13 / 8; g16 = g13 * 3 / 16; g17 = g13 * 5 / 16; g18 = g13 * 7 / 16; g19 = g13 * 9 / 16; g20 = g13 * 11 / 16; g21 = g13 * 3 / 4; g22 = g13 * 13 / 16; g23 = g13 * 7 / 8; g24 = g9 + g14; g25 = g9 + g16; g26 = g9 + g17; g27 = g9 + g21; g28 = g11 + g15; g29 = g11 + g18; g30 = g11 + g19; g31 = g11 + g20; g32 = g11 + g22; g33 = g11 + g23; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + hc + "," + g9 + " L" + g11 + "," + vc + " L" + g28 + "," + vc + " L" + g28 + "," + g10 + " L" + g33 + "," + g10 + " L" + g33 + "," + vc + " L" + g12 + "," + vc + " L" + g32 + "," + g26 + " L" + g32 + "," + g24 + " L" + g31 + "," + g24 + " L" + g31 + "," + g25 + " z" + " M" + g29 + "," + g27 + " L" + g30 + "," + g27 + " L" + g30 + "," + g10 + " L" + g29 + "," + g10 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonInformation": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g11, g13, g14, g17, g18, g19, g20, g22, g23, g24, g25, g28, g29, g30, g31, g32, g34, g35, g37, g38; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 / 32; g17 = g13 * 5 / 16; g18 = g13 * 3 / 8; g19 = g13 * 13 / 32; g20 = g13 * 19 / 32; g22 = g13 * 11 / 16; g23 = g13 * 13 / 16; g24 = g13 * 7 / 8; g25 = g9 + g14; g28 = g9 + g17; g29 = g9 + g18; g30 = g9 + g23; g31 = g9 + g24; g32 = g11 + g17; g34 = g11 + g19; g35 = g11 + g20; g37 = g11 + g22; g38 = g13 * 3 / 32; var cY1 = g9 + dx2; var cY2 = g25 + g38; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + "M" + hc + "," + g9 + shapeArc(hc, cY1, dx2, dx2, 270, 630, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + "M" + hc + "," + g25 + shapeArc(hc, cY2, g38, g38, 270, 630, false).replace("M", "L") + "M" + g32 + "," + g28 + " L" + g35 + "," + g28 + " L" + g35 + "," + g30 + " L" + g37 + "," + g30 + " L" + g37 + "," + g31 + " L" + g32 + "," + g31 + " L" + g32 + "," + g30 + " L" + g34 + "," + g30 + " L" + g34 + "," + g29 + " L" + g32 + "," + g29 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonMovie": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22, g23, g24, g25, g26, g27, g28, g29, g30, g31, g32, g33, g34, g35, g36, g37, g38, g39, g40, g41, g42, g43, g44, g45, g46, g47, g48; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 * 1455 / 21600; g15 = g13 * 1905 / 21600; g16 = g13 * 2325 / 21600; g17 = g13 * 16155 / 21600; g18 = g13 * 17010 / 21600; g19 = g13 * 19335 / 21600; g20 = g13 * 19725 / 21600; g21 = g13 * 20595 / 21600; g22 = g13 * 5280 / 21600; g23 = g13 * 5730 / 21600; g24 = g13 * 6630 / 21600; g25 = g13 * 7492 / 21600; g26 = g13 * 9067 / 21600; g27 = g13 * 9555 / 21600; g28 = g13 * 13342 / 21600; g29 = g13 * 14580 / 21600; g30 = g13 * 15592 / 21600; g31 = g11 + g14; g32 = g11 + g15; g33 = g11 + g16; g34 = g11 + g17; g35 = g11 + g18; g36 = g11 + g19; g37 = g11 + g20; g38 = g11 + g21; g39 = g9 + g22; g40 = g9 + g23; g41 = g9 + g24; g42 = g9 + g25; g43 = g9 + g26; g44 = g9 + g27; g45 = g9 + g28; g46 = g9 + g29; g47 = g9 + g30; g48 = g9 + g31; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + 0 + "," + 0 + " z" + "M" + g11 + "," + g39 + " L" + g11 + "," + g44 + " L" + g31 + "," + g44 + " L" + g32 + "," + g43 + " L" + g33 + "," + g43 + " L" + g33 + "," + g47 + " L" + g35 + "," + g47 + " L" + g35 + "," + g45 + " L" + g36 + "," + g45 + " L" + g38 + "," + g46 + " L" + g12 + "," + g46 + " L" + g12 + "," + g41 + " L" + g38 + "," + g41 + " L" + g37 + "," + g42 + " L" + g35 + "," + g42 + " L" + g35 + "," + g41 + " L" + g34 + "," + g40 + " L" + g32 + "," + g40 + " L" + g31 + "," + g39 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonReturn": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22, g23, g24, g25, g26, g27; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 * 7 / 8; g15 = g13 * 3 / 4; g16 = g13 * 5 / 8; g17 = g13 * 3 / 8; g18 = g13 / 4; g19 = g9 + g15; g20 = g9 + g16; g21 = g9 + g18; g22 = g11 + g14; g23 = g11 + g15; g24 = g11 + g16; g25 = g11 + g17; g26 = g11 + g18; g27 = g13 / 8; var cX1 = g24 - g27; var cY2 = g19 - g27; var cX3 = g11 + g17; var cY4 = g10 - g17; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + 0 + "," + 0 + " z" + " M" + g12 + "," + g21 + " L" + g23 + "," + g9 + " L" + hc + "," + g21 + " L" + g24 + "," + g21 + " L" + g24 + "," + g20 + shapeArc(cX1, g20, g27, g27, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + g25 + "," + g19 + shapeArc(g25, cY2, g27, g27, 90, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + g26 + "," + g21 + " L" + g11 + "," + g21 + " L" + g11 + "," + g20 + shapeArc(cX3, g20, g17, g17, 180, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + hc + "," + g10 + shapeArc(hc, cY4, g17, g17, 90, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + g22 + "," + g21 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "actionButtonSound": var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, ss = Math.min(w, h); var dx2, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22, g23, g24, g25, g26; dx2 = ss * 3 / 8; g9 = vc - dx2; g10 = vc + dx2; g11 = hc - dx2; g12 = hc + dx2; g13 = ss * 3 / 4; g14 = g13 / 8; g15 = g13 * 5 / 16; g16 = g13 * 5 / 8; g17 = g13 * 11 / 16; g18 = g13 * 3 / 4; g19 = g13 * 7 / 8; g20 = g9 + g14; g21 = g9 + g15; g22 = g9 + g17; g23 = g9 + g19; g24 = g11 + g15; g25 = g11 + g16; g26 = g11 + g18; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + g11 + "," + g21 + " L" + g24 + "," + g21 + " L" + g25 + "," + g9 + " L" + g25 + "," + g10 + " L" + g24 + "," + g22 + " L" + g11 + "," + g22 + " z" + " M" + g26 + "," + g21 + " L" + g12 + "," + g20 + " M" + g26 + "," + vc + " L" + g12 + "," + vc + " M" + g26 + "," + g22 + " L" + g12 + "," + g23; result += ""; break; case "irregularSeal1": case "irregularSeal2": if (shapType == "irregularSeal1") { var d = "M" + w * 10800 / 21600 + "," + h * 5800 / 21600 + " L" + w * 14522 / 21600 + "," + 0 + " L" + w * 14155 / 21600 + "," + h * 5325 / 21600 + " L" + w * 18380 / 21600 + "," + h * 4457 / 21600 + " L" + w * 16702 / 21600 + "," + h * 7315 / 21600 + " L" + w * 21097 / 21600 + "," + h * 8137 / 21600 + " L" + w * 17607 / 21600 + "," + h * 10475 / 21600 + " L" + w + "," + h * 13290 / 21600 + " L" + w * 16837 / 21600 + "," + h * 12942 / 21600 + " L" + w * 18145 / 21600 + "," + h * 18095 / 21600 + " L" + w * 14020 / 21600 + "," + h * 14457 / 21600 + " L" + w * 13247 / 21600 + "," + h * 19737 / 21600 + " L" + w * 10532 / 21600 + "," + h * 14935 / 21600 + " L" + w * 8485 / 21600 + "," + h + " L" + w * 7715 / 21600 + "," + h * 15627 / 21600 + " L" + w * 4762 / 21600 + "," + h * 17617 / 21600 + " L" + w * 5667 / 21600 + "," + h * 13937 / 21600 + " L" + w * 135 / 21600 + "," + h * 14587 / 21600 + " L" + w * 3722 / 21600 + "," + h * 11775 / 21600 + " L" + 0 + "," + h * 8615 / 21600 + " L" + w * 4627 / 21600 + "," + h * 7617 / 21600 + " L" + w * 370 / 21600 + "," + h * 2295 / 21600 + " L" + w * 7312 / 21600 + "," + h * 6320 / 21600 + " L" + w * 8352 / 21600 + "," + h * 2295 / 21600 + " z"; } else if (shapType == "irregularSeal2") { var d = "M" + w * 11462 / 21600 + "," + h * 4342 / 21600 + " L" + w * 14790 / 21600 + "," + 0 + " L" + w * 14525 / 21600 + "," + h * 5777 / 21600 + " L" + w * 18007 / 21600 + "," + h * 3172 / 21600 + " L" + w * 16380 / 21600 + "," + h * 6532 / 21600 + " L" + w + "," + h * 6645 / 21600 + " L" + w * 16985 / 21600 + "," + h * 9402 / 21600 + " L" + w * 18270 / 21600 + "," + h * 11290 / 21600 + " L" + w * 16380 / 21600 + "," + h * 12310 / 21600 + " L" + w * 18877 / 21600 + "," + h * 15632 / 21600 + " L" + w * 14640 / 21600 + "," + h * 14350 / 21600 + " L" + w * 14942 / 21600 + "," + h * 17370 / 21600 + " L" + w * 12180 / 21600 + "," + h * 15935 / 21600 + " L" + w * 11612 / 21600 + "," + h * 18842 / 21600 + " L" + w * 9872 / 21600 + "," + h * 17370 / 21600 + " L" + w * 8700 / 21600 + "," + h * 19712 / 21600 + " L" + w * 7527 / 21600 + "," + h * 18125 / 21600 + " L" + w * 4917 / 21600 + "," + h + " L" + w * 4805 / 21600 + "," + h * 18240 / 21600 + " L" + w * 1285 / 21600 + "," + h * 17825 / 21600 + " L" + w * 3330 / 21600 + "," + h * 15370 / 21600 + " L" + 0 + "," + h * 12877 / 21600 + " L" + w * 3935 / 21600 + "," + h * 11592 / 21600 + " L" + w * 1172 / 21600 + "," + h * 8270 / 21600 + " L" + w * 5372 / 21600 + "," + h * 7817 / 21600 + " L" + w * 4502 / 21600 + "," + h * 3625 / 21600 + " L" + w * 8550 / 21600 + "," + h * 6382 / 21600 + " L" + w * 9722 / 21600 + "," + h * 1887 / 21600 + " z"; } result += ""; break; case "flowChartTerminator": var x1, x2, y1, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270; x1 = w * 3475 / 21600; x2 = w * 18125 / 21600; y1 = h * 10800 / 21600; //path attrs: w = 21600; h = 21600; var d = "M" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(x2, h / 2, x1, y1, c3d4, c3d4 + cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + h + shapeArc(x1, h / 2, x1, y1, cd4, cd4 + cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "flowChartPunchedTape": var x1, x1, y1, y2, cd2 = 180; x1 = w * 5 / 20; y1 = h * 2 / 20; y2 = h * 18 / 20; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(x1, y1, x1, y1, cd2, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w * (3 / 4), y1, x1, y1, cd2, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w + "," + y2 + shapeArc(w * (3 / 4), y2, x1, y1, 0, -cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(x1, y2, x1, y1, 0, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "flowChartOnlineStorage": var x1, y1, c3d4 = 270, cd4 = 90; x1 = w * 1 / 6; y1 = h * 3 / 6; var d = "M" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + shapeArc(w, h / 2, x1, y1, c3d4, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + h + shapeArc(x1, h / 2, x1, y1, cd4, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "flowChartDisplay": var x1, x2, y1, c3d4 = 270, cd2 = 180; x1 = w * 1 / 6; x2 = w * 5 / 6; y1 = h * 3 / 6; //path attrs: w = 6; h = 6; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + y1 + " L" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(w, h / 2, x1, y1, c3d4, c3d4 + cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "flowChartDelay": var wd2 = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2, cd2 = 180, c3d4 = 270, cd4 = 90; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + wd2 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, wd2, hd2, c3d4, c3d4 + cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "flowChartMagneticTape": var wd2 = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2, cd2 = 180, c3d4 = 270, cd4 = 90; var idy, ib, ang1; idy = hd2 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 4); ib = hd2 + idy; ang1 = Math.atan(h / w); var ang1Dg = ang1 * 180 / Math.PI; var d = "M" + wd2 + "," + h + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, wd2, hd2, cd4, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, wd2, hd2, cd2, c3d4, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, wd2, hd2, c3d4, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, wd2, hd2, 0, ang1Dg, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w + "," + ib + " L" + w + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "ellipse": case "flowChartConnector": case "flowChartSummingJunction": case "flowChartOr": result += ""; if (shapType == "flowChartOr") { result += " "; result += " "; } else if (shapType == "flowChartSummingJunction") { var idx, idy, il, ir, it, ib, hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, wd2 = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2; var angVal = Math.PI / 4; idx = wd2 * Math.cos(angVal); idy = hd2 * Math.sin(angVal); il = hc - idx; ir = hc + idx; it = vc - idy; ib = vc + idy; result += " "; result += " "; } break; case "roundRect": case "round1Rect": case "round2DiagRect": case "round2SameRect": case "snip1Rect": case "snip2DiagRect": case "snip2SameRect": case "flowChartAlternateProcess": case "flowChartPunchedCard": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val;// = 0.33334; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val;// = 0.33334; var shpTyp, adjTyp; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined && shapAdjst_ary.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 50000; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj2_val = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 50000; } } } else if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined && shapAdjst_ary.constructor !== Array) { var sAdj = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary, ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj.substr(4)) / 50000; sAdj2_val = 0; } //console.log("shapType: ",shapType,",node: ",node ) var tranglRott = ""; switch (shapType) { case "roundRect": case "flowChartAlternateProcess": shpTyp = "round"; adjTyp = "cornrAll"; if (sAdj1_val === undefined) sAdj1_val = 0.33334; sAdj2_val = 0; break; case "round1Rect": shpTyp = "round"; adjTyp = "cornr1"; if (sAdj1_val === undefined) sAdj1_val = 0.33334; sAdj2_val = 0; break; case "round2DiagRect": shpTyp = "round"; adjTyp = "diag"; if (sAdj1_val === undefined) sAdj1_val = 0.33334; if (sAdj2_val === undefined) sAdj2_val = 0; break; case "round2SameRect": shpTyp = "round"; adjTyp = "cornr2"; if (sAdj1_val === undefined) sAdj1_val = 0.33334; if (sAdj2_val === undefined) sAdj2_val = 0; break; case "snip1Rect": case "flowChartPunchedCard": shpTyp = "snip"; adjTyp = "cornr1"; if (sAdj1_val === undefined) sAdj1_val = 0.33334; sAdj2_val = 0; if (shapType == "flowChartPunchedCard") { tranglRott = "transform='translate(" + w + ",0) scale(-1,1)'"; } break; case "snip2DiagRect": shpTyp = "snip"; adjTyp = "diag"; if (sAdj1_val === undefined) sAdj1_val = 0; if (sAdj2_val === undefined) sAdj2_val = 0.33334; break; case "snip2SameRect": shpTyp = "snip"; adjTyp = "cornr2"; if (sAdj1_val === undefined) sAdj1_val = 0.33334; if (sAdj2_val === undefined) sAdj2_val = 0; break; } var d_val = shapeSnipRoundRect(w, h, sAdj1_val, sAdj2_val, shpTyp, adjTyp); result += ""; break; case "snipRoundRect": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 0.33334; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 0.33334; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 50000; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj2_val = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 50000; } } } var d_val = "M0," + h + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + w + "," + (h / 2) * sAdj2_val + " L" + (w / 2 + (w / 2) * (1 - sAdj2_val)) + ",0 L" + (w / 2) * sAdj1_val + ",0 Q0,0 0," + (h / 2) * sAdj1_val + " z"; result += ""; break; case "bentConnector2": var d = ""; if (isFlipV) { d = "M 0 " + w + " L " + h + " " + w + " L " + h + " 0"; } else { d = "M " + w + " 0 L " + w + " " + h + " L 0 " + h; } result += ""; break; case "triangle": case "flowChartExtract": case "flowChartMerge": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var shapAdjst_val = 0.5; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { shapAdjst_val = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 9144000; //console.log("w: "+w+"\nh: "+h+"\nshapAdjst: "+shapAdjst+"\nshapAdjst_val: "+shapAdjst_val); } var tranglRott = ""; if (shapType == "flowChartMerge") { tranglRott = "transform='rotate(180 " + w / 2 + "," + h / 2 + ")'"; } result += " "; break; case "diamond": case "flowChartDecision": case "flowChartSort": result += " "; if (shapType == "flowChartSort") { result += " "; } break; case "trapezoid": case "flowChartManualOperation": case "flowChartManualInput": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adjst_val = 0.2; var max_adj_const = 0.7407; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { var adjst = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 9144000; adjst_val = (adjst * 0.5) / max_adj_const; // console.log("w: "+w+"\nh: "+h+"\nshapAdjst: "+shapAdjst+"\nadjst_val: "+adjst_val); } var cnstVal = 0; var tranglRott = ""; if (shapType == "flowChartManualOperation") { tranglRott = "transform='rotate(180 " + w / 2 + "," + h / 2 + ")'"; } if (shapType == "flowChartManualInput") { adjst_val = 0; cnstVal = h / 5; } result += " "; break; case "parallelogram": case "flowChartInputOutput": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adjst_val = 0.25; var max_adj_const; if (w > h) { max_adj_const = w / h; } else { max_adj_const = h / w; } if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { var adjst = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) / 100000; adjst_val = adjst / max_adj_const; //console.log("w: "+w+"\nh: "+h+"\nadjst: "+adjst_val+"\nmax_adj_const: "+max_adj_const); } result += " "; break; break; case "pentagon": result += " "; break; case "hexagon": case "flowChartPreparation": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var vf = 115470 * 96 / 914400;; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var angVal1 = 60 * Math.PI / 180; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var maxAdj, a, shd2, x1, x2, dy1, y1, y2, vc = h / 2, hd2 = h / 2; var ss = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj = cnstVal1 * w / ss; a = (adj < 0) ? 0 : (adj > maxAdj) ? maxAdj : adj; shd2 = hd2 * vf / cnstVal2; x1 = ss * a / cnstVal2; x2 = w - x1; dy1 = shd2 * Math.sin(angVal1); y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc + dy1; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + vc + " L" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + w + "," + vc + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "heptagon": result += " "; break; case "octagon": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj1 = 0.25; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj1 = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) / 100000; } var adj2 = (1 - adj1); //console.log("adj1: "+adj1+"\nadj2: "+adj2); result += " "; break; case "decagon": result += " "; break; case "dodecagon": result += " "; break; case "star4": case "star5": case "star6": case "star7": case "star8": case "star10": case "star12": case "star16": case "star24": case "star32": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]);//[0]["attrs"]["fmla"]; var starNum = shapType.substr(4); var shapAdjst1, adj; switch (starNum) { case "4": adj = 30; break; case "5": adj = 40; break; case "6": adj = 60; break; case "7": adj = 70; break; case "8": adj = 77; break; case "10": adj = 86; break; case "12": case "16": case "24": case "32": adj = 75; break; } if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { shapAdjst1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst, ["attrs", "fmla"]); if (shapAdjst1 === undefined) { shapAdjst1 = shapAdjst[0]["attrs"]["fmla"]; } if (shapAdjst1 !== undefined) { adj = 2 * parseInt(shapAdjst1.substr(4)) / 1000; } } var points = shapeStar(adj, starNum); result += " "; break; case "pie": case "pieWedge": case "arc": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var adj1, adj2, H, shapAdjst1, shapAdjst2, isClose; if (shapType == "pie") { adj1 = 0; adj2 = 270; H = h; isClose = true; } else if (shapType == "pieWedge") { adj1 = 180; adj2 = 270; H = 2 * h; isClose = true; } else if (shapType == "arc") { adj1 = 270; adj2 = 0; H = h; isClose = false; } if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { shapAdjst1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst, ["attrs", "fmla"]); shapAdjst2 = shapAdjst1; if (shapAdjst1 === undefined) { shapAdjst1 = shapAdjst[0]["attrs"]["fmla"]; shapAdjst2 = shapAdjst[1]["attrs"]["fmla"]; } if (shapAdjst1 !== undefined) { adj1 = parseInt(shapAdjst1.substr(4)) / 60000; } if (shapAdjst2 !== undefined) { adj2 = parseInt(shapAdjst2.substr(4)) / 60000; } } var pieVals = shapePie(H, w, adj1, adj2, isClose); //console.log("shapType: ",shapType,"\nimgFillFlg: ",imgFillFlg,"\ngrndFillFlg: ",grndFillFlg,"\nshpId: ",shpId,"\nfillColor: ",fillColor); result += ""; break; case "chord": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 45; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 270; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 60000; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj2_val = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 60000; } } } var hR = h / 2; var wR = w / 2; var d_val = shapeArc(wR, hR, wR, hR, sAdj1_val, sAdj2_val, true); //console.log("shapType: ",shapType,", sAdj1_val: ",sAdj1_val,", sAdj2_val: ",sAdj2_val) result += ""; break; case "frame": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj1 = 12500 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj1 = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a1, x1, x4, y4; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > cnstVal1) a1 = cnstVal1 else a1 = adj1 x1 = Math.min(w, h) * a1 / cnstVal2; x4 = w - x1; y4 = h - x1; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + "M" + x1 + "," + x1 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " L" + x4 + "," + y4 + " L" + x4 + "," + x1 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "donut": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a, dr, iwd2, ihd2; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > cnstVal1) a = cnstVal1 else a = adj dr = Math.min(w, h) * a / cnstVal2; iwd2 = w / 2 - dr; ihd2 = h / 2 - dr; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + h / 2 + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 270, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 90, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + "M" + dr + "," + h / 2 + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, iwd2, ihd2, 180, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, iwd2, ihd2, 90, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, iwd2, ihd2, 0, -90, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, iwd2, ihd2, 270, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "noSmoking": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 18750 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a, dr, iwd2, ihd2, ang, ang2rad, ct, st, m, n, drd2, dang, dang2, swAng, t3, stAng1, stAng2; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > cnstVal1) a = cnstVal1 else a = adj dr = Math.min(w, h) * a / cnstVal2; iwd2 = w / 2 - dr; ihd2 = h / 2 - dr; ang = Math.atan(h / w); //ang2rad = ang*Math.PI/180; ct = ihd2 * Math.cos(ang); st = iwd2 * Math.sin(ang); m = Math.sqrt(ct * ct + st * st); //"mod ct st 0" n = iwd2 * ihd2 / m; drd2 = dr / 2; dang = Math.atan(drd2 / n); dang2 = dang * 2; swAng = -Math.PI + dang2; //t3 = Math.atan(h/w); stAng1 = ang - dang; stAng2 = stAng1 - Math.PI; var ct1, st1, m1, n1, dx1, dy1, x1, y1, y1, y2; ct1 = ihd2 * Math.cos(stAng1); st1 = iwd2 * Math.sin(stAng1); m1 = Math.sqrt(ct1 * ct1 + st1 * st1); //"mod ct1 st1 0" n1 = iwd2 * ihd2 / m1; dx1 = n1 * Math.cos(stAng1); dy1 = n1 * Math.sin(stAng1); x1 = w / 2 + dx1; y1 = h / 2 + dy1; x2 = w / 2 - dx1; y2 = h / 2 - dy1; var stAng1deg = stAng1 * 180 / Math.PI; var stAng2deg = stAng2 * 180 / Math.PI; var swAng2deg = swAng * 180 / Math.PI; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + h / 2 + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 270, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 90, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, iwd2, ihd2, stAng1deg, (stAng1deg + swAng2deg), false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + "M" + x2 + "," + y2 + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, iwd2, ihd2, stAng2deg, (stAng2deg + swAng2deg), false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; //console.log("adj: ",adj,"x1:",x1,",y1:",y1," x2:",x2,",y2:",y2,",stAng1:",stAng1,",stAng1deg:",stAng1deg,",stAng2:",stAng2,",stAng2deg:",stAng2deg,",swAng:",swAng,",swAng2deg:",swAng2deg) result += ""; break; case "halfFrame": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 3.5; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 3.5; var cnsVal = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj2_val = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var minWH = Math.min(w, h); var maxAdj2 = (cnsVal * w) / minWH; var a1, a2; if (sAdj2_val < 0) a2 = 0 else if (sAdj2_val > maxAdj2) a2 = maxAdj2 else a2 = sAdj2_val var x1 = (minWH * a2) / cnsVal; var g1 = h * x1 / w; var g2 = h - g1; var maxAdj1 = (cnsVal * g2) / minWH; if (sAdj1_val < 0) a1 = 0 else if (sAdj1_val > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = sAdj1_val var y1 = minWH * a1 / cnsVal; var dx2 = y1 * w / h; var x2 = w - dx2; var dy2 = x1 * h / w; var y2 = h - dy2; var d = "M0,0" + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L0," + h + " z"; result += ""; //console.log("w: ",w,", h: ",h,", sAdj1_val: ",sAdj1_val,", sAdj2_val: ",sAdj2_val,",maxAdj1: ",maxAdj1,",maxAdj2: ",maxAdj2) break; case "blockArc": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 180; var sAdj2, adj2 = 0; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 60000; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 60000; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var stAng, istAng, a3, sw11, sw12, swAng, iswAng; var cd1 = 360; if (adj1 < 0) stAng = 0 else if (adj1 > cd1) stAng = cd1 else stAng = adj1 //180 if (adj2 < 0) istAng = 0 else if (adj2 > cd1) istAng = cd1 else istAng = adj2 //0 if (adj3 < 0) a3 = 0 else if (adj3 > cnstVal1) a3 = cnstVal1 else a3 = adj3 sw11 = istAng - stAng; // -180 sw12 = sw11 + cd1; //180 swAng = (sw11 > 0) ? sw11 : sw12; //180 iswAng = -swAng; //-180 var endAng = stAng + swAng; var iendAng = istAng + iswAng; var wt1, ht1, dx1, dy1, x1, y1, stRd, istRd, wd2, hd2, hc, vc; stRd = stAng * (Math.PI) / 180; istRd = istAng * (Math.PI) / 180; wd2 = w / 2; hd2 = h / 2; hc = w / 2; vc = h / 2; if (stAng > 90 && stAng < 270) { wt1 = wd2 * (Math.sin((Math.PI) / 2 - stRd)); ht1 = hd2 * (Math.cos((Math.PI) / 2 - stRd)); dx1 = wd2 * (Math.cos(Math.atan(ht1 / wt1))); dy1 = hd2 * (Math.sin(Math.atan(ht1 / wt1))); x1 = hc - dx1; y1 = vc - dy1; } else { wt1 = wd2 * (Math.sin(stRd)); ht1 = hd2 * (Math.cos(stRd)); dx1 = wd2 * (Math.cos(Math.atan(wt1 / ht1))); dy1 = hd2 * (Math.sin(Math.atan(wt1 / ht1))); x1 = hc + dx1; y1 = vc + dy1; } var dr, iwd2, ihd2, wt2, ht2, dx2, dy2, x2, y2; dr = Math.min(w, h) * a3 / cnstVal2; iwd2 = wd2 - dr; ihd2 = hd2 - dr; //console.log("stAng: ",stAng," swAng: ",swAng ," endAng:",endAng) if ((endAng <= 450 && endAng > 270) || ((endAng >= 630 && endAng < 720))) { wt2 = iwd2 * (Math.sin(istRd)); ht2 = ihd2 * (Math.cos(istRd)); dx2 = iwd2 * (Math.cos(Math.atan(wt2 / ht2))); dy2 = ihd2 * (Math.sin(Math.atan(wt2 / ht2))); x2 = hc + dx2; y2 = vc + dy2; } else { wt2 = iwd2 * (Math.sin((Math.PI) / 2 - istRd)); ht2 = ihd2 * (Math.cos((Math.PI) / 2 - istRd)); dx2 = iwd2 * (Math.cos(Math.atan(ht2 / wt2))); dy2 = ihd2 * (Math.sin(Math.atan(ht2 / wt2))); x2 = hc - dx2; y2 = vc - dy2; } var d = "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, wd2, hd2, stAng, endAng, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, iwd2, ihd2, istAng, iendAng, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "bracePair": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 8333 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var vc = h / 2, cd = 360, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270, a, x1, x2, x3, x4, y2, y3, y4; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > cnstVal1) a = cnstVal1 else a = adj var minWH = Math.min(w, h); x1 = minWH * a / cnstVal3; x2 = minWH * a / cnstVal2; x3 = w - x2; x4 = w - x1; y2 = vc - x1; y3 = vc + x1; y4 = h - x1; //console.log("w:",w," h:",h," x1:",x1," x2:",x2," x3:",x3," x4:",x4," y2:",y2," y3:",y3," y4:",y4) var d = "M" + x2 + "," + h + shapeArc(x2, y4, x1, x1, cd4, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + shapeArc(0, y3, x1, x1, 0, (-cd4), false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(0, y2, x1, x1, cd4, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + x1 + shapeArc(x2, x1, x1, x1, cd2, c3d4, false).replace("M", "L") + " M" + x3 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(x3, x1, x1, x1, c3d4, cd, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x4 + "," + y2 + shapeArc(w, y2, x1, x1, cd2, cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w, y3, x1, x1, c3d4, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x4 + "," + y4 + shapeArc(x3, y4, x1, x1, 0, cd4, false).replace("M", "L"); result += ""; break; case "leftBrace": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 8333 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270, a1, a2, q1, q2, q3, y1, y2, y3, y4; if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal2) a2 = cnstVal2 else a2 = adj2 var minWH = Math.min(w, h); q1 = cnstVal2 - a2; if (q1 < a2) q2 = q1 else q2 = a2 q3 = q2 / 2; var maxAdj1 = q3 * h / minWH; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = adj1 y1 = minWH * a1 / cnstVal2; y3 = h * a2 / cnstVal2; y2 = y3 - y1; y4 = y3 + y1; //console.log("w:",w," h:",h," q1:",q1," q2:",q2," q3:",q3," y1:",y1," y3:",y3," y4:",y4," maxAdj1:",maxAdj1) var d = "M" + w + "," + h + shapeArc(w, h - y1, w / 2, y1, cd4, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w / 2 + "," + y4 + shapeArc(0, y4, w / 2, y1, 0, (-cd4), false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(0, y2, w / 2, y1, cd4, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w / 2 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(w, y1, w / 2, y1, cd2, c3d4, false).replace("M", "L"); result += ""; break; case "rightBrace": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 8333 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, cd = 360, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270, a1, a2, q1, q2, q3, y1, y2, y3, y4; if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal2) a2 = cnstVal2 else a2 = adj2 var minWH = Math.min(w, h); q1 = cnstVal2 - a2; if (q1 < a2) q2 = q1 else q2 = a2 q3 = q2 / 2; var maxAdj1 = q3 * h / minWH; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = adj1 y1 = minWH * a1 / cnstVal2; y3 = h * a2 / cnstVal2; y2 = y3 - y1; y4 = h - y1; //console.log("w:",w," h:",h," q1:",q1," q2:",q2," q3:",q3," y1:",y1," y2:",y2," y3:",y3," y4:",y4," maxAdj1:",maxAdj1) var d = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(0, y1, w / 2, y1, c3d4, cd, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w / 2 + "," + y2 + shapeArc(w, y2, w / 2, y1, cd2, cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w, y3 + y1, w / 2, y1, c3d4, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w / 2 + "," + y4 + shapeArc(0, y4, w / 2, y1, 0, cd4, false).replace("M", "L"); result += ""; break; case "bracketPair": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 16667 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var r = w, b = h, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270, a, x1, x2, y2; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > cnstVal1) a = cnstVal1 else a = adj x1 = Math.min(w, h) * a / cnstVal2; x2 = r - x1; y2 = b - x1; //console.log("w:",w," h:",h," x1:",x1," x2:",x2," y2:",y2) var d = shapeArc(x1, x1, x1, x1, c3d4, cd2, false) + shapeArc(x1, y2, x1, x1, cd2, cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(x2, x1, x1, x1, c3d4, (c3d4 + cd4), false) + shapeArc(x2, y2, x1, x1, 0, cd4, false).replace("M", "L"); result += ""; break; case "leftBracket": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 8333 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var maxAdj = cnstVal1 * h / Math.min(w, h); if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var r = w, b = h, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270, a, y1, y2; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > maxAdj) a = maxAdj else a = adj y1 = Math.min(w, h) * a / cnstVal2; if (y1 > w) y1 = w; y2 = b - y1; var d = "M" + r + "," + b + shapeArc(y1, y2, y1, y1, cd4, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + 0 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(y1, y1, y1, y1, cd2, c3d4, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + r + "," + 0 result += ""; break; case "rightBracket": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 8333 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var maxAdj = cnstVal1 * h / Math.min(w, h); if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var cd = 360, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270, a, y1, y2, y3; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > maxAdj) a = maxAdj else a = adj y1 = Math.min(w, h) * a / cnstVal2; y2 = h - y1; y3 = w - y1; //console.log("w:",w," h:",h," y1:",y1," y2:",y2," y3:",y3) var d = "M" + 0 + "," + h + shapeArc(y3, y2, y1, y1, cd4, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + //" L"+ r + "," + y2 + " L" + w + "," + h / 2 + shapeArc(y3, y1, y1, y1, cd, c3d4, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + 0 + "," + 0 result += ""; break; case "moon": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 0.5; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) / 100000;//*96/914400;; } var hd2, cd2, cd4; hd2 = h / 2; cd2 = 180; cd4 = 90; var adj2 = (1 - adj) * w; var d = "M" + w + "," + h + shapeArc(w, hd2, w, hd2, cd4, (cd4 + cd2), false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w, hd2, adj2, hd2, (cd4 + cd2), cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "corner": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnsVal = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj2_val = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var minWH = Math.min(w, h); var maxAdj1 = cnsVal * h / minWH; var maxAdj2 = cnsVal * w / minWH; var a1, a2, x1, dy1, y1; if (sAdj1_val < 0) a1 = 0 else if (sAdj1_val > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = sAdj1_val if (sAdj2_val < 0) a2 = 0 else if (sAdj2_val > maxAdj2) a2 = maxAdj2 else a2 = sAdj2_val x1 = minWH * a2 / cnsVal; dy1 = minWH * a1 / cnsVal; y1 = h - dy1; var d = "M0,0" + " L" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + w + "," + y1 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L0," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "diagStripe": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var sAdj1_val = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnsVal = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { sAdj1_val = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a1, x2, y2; if (sAdj1_val < 0) a1 = 0 else if (sAdj1_val > cnsVal) a1 = cnsVal else a1 = sAdj1_val x2 = w * a1 / cnsVal; y2 = h * a1 / cnsVal; var d = "M" + 0 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "gear6": case "gear9": txtRotate = 0; var gearNum = shapType.substr(4), d; if (gearNum == "6") { d = shapeGear(w, h / 3.5, parseInt(gearNum)); } else { //gearNum=="9" d = shapeGear(w, h / 3.5, parseInt(gearNum)); } result += ""; break; case "bentConnector3": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var shapAdjst_val = 0.5; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { shapAdjst_val = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) / 100000; if (isFlipV) { result += " "; break; case "teardrop": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnsVal1 = adj1; var cnsVal2 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj1 = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a1, r2, tw, th, sw, sh, dx1, dy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, rd45; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > cnsVal2) a1 = cnsVal2 else a1 = adj1 r2 = Math.sqrt(2); tw = r2 * (w / 2); th = r2 * (h / 2); sw = (tw * a1) / cnsVal1; sh = (th * a1) / cnsVal1; rd45 = (45 * (Math.PI) / 180); dx1 = sw * (Math.cos(rd45)); dy1 = sh * (Math.cos(rd45)); x1 = (w / 2) + dx1; y1 = (h / 2) - dy1; x2 = ((w / 2) + x1) / 2; y2 = ((h / 2) + y1) / 2; var d_val = shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 180, 270, false) + "Q " + x2 + ",0 " + x1 + "," + y1 + "Q " + w + "," + y2 + " " + w + "," + h / 2 + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 90, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; // console.log("shapAdjst: ",shapAdjst,", adj1: ",adj1); break; case "plaque": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj1 = 16667 * 96 / 914400; var cnsVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnsVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj1 = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a1, x1, x2, y2; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > cnsVal1) a1 = cnsVal1 else a1 = adj1 x1 = a1 * (Math.min(w, h)) / cnsVal2; x2 = w - x1; y2 = h - x1; var d_val = "M0," + x1 + shapeArc(0, 0, x1, x1, 90, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(w, 0, x1, x1, 180, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w + "," + y2 + shapeArc(w, h, x1, x1, 270, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + h + shapeArc(0, h, x1, x1, 0, -90, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "sun": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var adj1 = 25000 * refr; var cnstVal1 = 12500 * refr; var cnstVal2 = 46875 * refr; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj1 = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * refr; } var a1; if (adj1 < cnstVal1) a1 = cnstVal1 else if (adj1 > cnstVal2) a1 = cnstVal2 else a1 = adj1 var cnstVa3 = 50000 * refr; var cnstVa4 = 100000 * refr; var g0 = cnstVa3 - a1, g1 = g0 * (30274 * refr) / (32768 * refr), g2 = g0 * (12540 * refr) / (32768 * refr), g3 = g1 + cnstVa3, g4 = g2 + cnstVa3, g5 = cnstVa3 - g1, g6 = cnstVa3 - g2, g7 = g0 * (23170 * refr) / (32768 * refr), g8 = cnstVa3 + g7, g9 = cnstVa3 - g7, g10 = g5 * 3 / 4, g11 = g6 * 3 / 4, g12 = g10 + 3662 * refr, g13 = g11 + 36620 * refr, g14 = g11 + 12500 * refr, g15 = cnstVa4 - g10, g16 = cnstVa4 - g12, g17 = cnstVa4 - g13, g18 = cnstVa4 - g14, ox1 = w * (18436 * refr) / (21600 * refr), oy1 = h * (3163 * refr) / (21600 * refr), ox2 = w * (3163 * refr) / (21600 * refr), oy2 = h * (18436 * refr) / (21600 * refr), x8 = w * g8 / cnstVa4, x9 = w * g9 / cnstVa4, x10 = w * g10 / cnstVa4, x12 = w * g12 / cnstVa4, x13 = w * g13 / cnstVa4, x14 = w * g14 / cnstVa4, x15 = w * g15 / cnstVa4, x16 = w * g16 / cnstVa4, x17 = w * g17 / cnstVa4, x18 = w * g18 / cnstVa4, x19 = w * a1 / cnstVa4, wR = w * g0 / cnstVa4, hR = h * g0 / cnstVa4, y8 = h * g8 / cnstVa4, y9 = h * g9 / cnstVa4, y10 = h * g10 / cnstVa4, y12 = h * g12 / cnstVa4, y13 = h * g13 / cnstVa4, y14 = h * g14 / cnstVa4, y15 = h * g15 / cnstVa4, y16 = h * g16 / cnstVa4, y17 = h * g17 / cnstVa4, y18 = h * g18 / cnstVa4; var d_val = "M" + w + "," + h / 2 + " L" + x15 + "," + y18 + " L" + x15 + "," + y14 + "z" + " M" + ox1 + "," + oy1 + " L" + x16 + "," + y17 + " L" + x13 + "," + y12 + "z" + " M" + w / 2 + "," + 0 + " L" + x18 + "," + y10 + " L" + x14 + "," + y10 + "z" + " M" + ox2 + "," + oy1 + " L" + x17 + "," + y12 + " L" + x12 + "," + y17 + "z" + " M" + 0 + "," + h / 2 + " L" + x10 + "," + y14 + " L" + x10 + "," + y18 + "z" + " M" + ox2 + "," + oy2 + " L" + x12 + "," + y13 + " L" + x17 + "," + y16 + "z" + " M" + w / 2 + "," + h + " L" + x14 + "," + y15 + " L" + x18 + "," + y15 + "z" + " M" + ox1 + "," + oy2 + " L" + x13 + "," + y16 + " L" + x16 + "," + y13 + " z" + " M" + x19 + "," + h / 2 + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, wR, hR, 180, 540, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; //console.log("adj1: ",adj1,d_val); result += ""; break; case "heart": var dx1, dx2, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1; dx1 = w * 49 / 48; dx2 = w * 10 / 48 x1 = w / 2 - dx1 x2 = w / 2 - dx2 x3 = w / 2 + dx2 x4 = w / 2 + dx1 y1 = -h / 3; var d_val = "M" + w / 2 + "," + h / 4 + "C" + x3 + "," + y1 + " " + x4 + "," + h / 4 + " " + w / 2 + "," + h + "C" + x1 + "," + h / 4 + " " + x2 + "," + y1 + " " + w / 2 + "," + h / 4 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "lightningBolt": var x1 = w * 5022 / 21600, x2 = w * 11050 / 21600, x3 = w * 8472 / 21600, x4 = w * 8757 / 21600, x5 = w * 10012 / 21600, x6 = w * 14767 / 21600, x7 = w * 12222 / 21600, x8 = w * 12860 / 21600, x9 = w * 13917 / 21600, x10 = w * 7602 / 21600, x11 = w * 16577 / 21600, y1 = h * 3890 / 21600, y2 = h * 6080 / 21600, y3 = h * 6797 / 21600, y4 = h * 7437 / 21600, y5 = h * 12877 / 21600, y6 = h * 9705 / 21600, y7 = h * 12007 / 21600, y8 = h * 13987 / 21600, y9 = h * 8382 / 21600, y10 = h * 14277 / 21600, y11 = h * 14915 / 21600; var d_val = "M" + x3 + "," + 0 + " L" + x8 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x11 + "," + y7 + " L" + x6 + "," + y5 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + x5 + "," + y11 + " L" + x7 + "," + y8 + " L" + x1 + "," + y6 + " L" + x10 + "," + y9 + " L" + 0 + "," + y1 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "cube": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var adj = 25000 * refr; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * refr; } var d_val; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a, y1, y4, x4; a = (adj < 0) ? 0 : (adj > cnstVal2) ? cnstVal2 : adj; y1 = ss * a / cnstVal2; y4 = h - y1; x4 = w - y1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + y1 + " L" + y1 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + y4 + " L" + x4 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + "M" + 0 + "," + y1 + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + " M" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + "M" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x4 + "," + h; result += ""; break; case "bevel": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var adj = 12500 * refr; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * refr; } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * refr; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a, x1, x2, y2; a = (adj < 0) ? 0 : (adj > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj; x1 = ss * a / cnstVal2; x2 = w - x1; y2 = h - x1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + x1 + " L" + x2 + "," + x1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " z" + " M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + x1 + "," + x1 + " M" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " M" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + x2 + "," + x1 + " M" + w + "," + h + " L" + x2 + "," + y2; result += ""; break; case "foldedCorner": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var adj = 16667 * refr; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * refr; } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * refr; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a, dy2, dy1, x1, x2, y2, y1; a = (adj < 0) ? 0 : (adj > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj; dy2 = ss * a / cnstVal2; dy1 = dy2 / 5; x1 = w - dy2; x2 = x1 + dy1; y2 = h - dy2; y1 = y2 + dy1; d_val = "M" + x1 + "," + h + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + w + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + y2; result += ""; break; case "cloud": case "cloudCallout": var x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11, rx1, rx2, rx3, rx4, rx5, rx6, rx7, rx8, rx9, rx10, rx11, ry1, ry2, ry3, ry4, ry5, ry6, ry7, ry8, ry9, ry10, ry11; x0 = w * 3900 / 43200;; x1 = w * 4693 / 43200; x2 = w * 6928 / 43200; x3 = w * 16478 / 43200; x4 = w * 28827 / 43200; x5 = w * 34129 / 43200; x6 = w * 41798 / 43200; x7 = w * 38324 / 43200; x8 = w * 29078 / 43200; x9 = w * 22141 / 43200; x10 = w * 14000 / 43200; x11 = w * 4127 / 43200; y0 = h * 14370 / 43200; y1 = h * 26177 / 43200; y2 = h * 34899 / 43200; y3 = h * 39090 / 43200; y4 = h * 34751 / 43200; y5 = h * 22954 / 43200; y6 = h * 15354 / 43200; y7 = h * 5426 / 43200; y8 = h * 3952 / 43200; y9 = h * 4720 / 43200; y10 = h * 5192 / 43200; y11 = h * 15789 / 43200; //Path: //(path attrs: w = 43200; h = 43200; ) var rX1 = w * 6753 / 43200, rY1 = h * 9190 / 43200, rX2 = w * 5333 / 43200, rY2 = h * 7267 / 43200, rX3 = w * 4365 / 43200, rY3 = h * 5945 / 43200, rX4 = w * 4857 / 43200, rY4 = h * 6595 / 43200, rY5 = h * 7273 / 43200, rX6 = w * 6775 / 43200, rY6 = h * 9220 / 43200, rX7 = w * 5785 / 43200, rY7 = h * 7867 / 43200, rX8 = w * 6752 / 43200, rY8 = h * 9215 / 43200, rX9 = w * 7720 / 43200, rY9 = h * 10543 / 43200, rX10 = w * 4360 / 43200, rY10 = h * 5918 / 43200, rX11 = w * 4345 / 43200; var sA1 = -11429249 / 60000, wA1 = 7426832 / 60000, sA2 = -8646143 / 60000, wA2 = 5396714 / 60000, sA3 = -8748475 / 60000, wA3 = 5983381 / 60000, sA4 = -7859164 / 60000, wA4 = 7034504 / 60000, sA5 = -4722533 / 60000, wA5 = 6541615 / 60000, sA6 = -2776035 / 60000, wA6 = 7816140 / 60000, sA7 = 37501 / 60000, wA7 = 6842000 / 60000, sA8 = 1347096 / 60000, wA8 = 6910353 / 60000, sA9 = 3974558 / 60000, wA9 = 4542661 / 60000, sA10 = -16496525 / 60000, wA10 = 8804134 / 60000, sA11 = -14809710 / 60000, wA11 = 9151131 / 60000; var cX0, cX1, cX2, cX3, cX4, cX5, cX6, cX7, cX8, cX9, cX10, cY0, cY1, cY2, cY3, cY4, cY5, cY6, cY7, cY8, cY9, cY10; var arc1, arc2, arc3, arc4, arc5, arc6, arc7, arc8, arc9, arc10, arc11; var lxy1, lxy2, lxy3, lxy4, lxy5, lxy6, lxy7, lxy8, lxy9, lxy10; cX0 = x0 - rX1 * Math.cos(sA1 * Math.PI / 180); cY0 = y0 - rY1 * Math.sin(sA1 * Math.PI / 180); arc1 = shapeArc(cX0, cY0, rX1, rY1, sA1, sA1 + wA1, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy1 = arc1.substr(arc1.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX1 = parseInt(lxy1[0]) - rX2 * Math.cos(sA2 * Math.PI / 180); cY1 = parseInt(lxy1[1]) - rY2 * Math.sin(sA2 * Math.PI / 180); arc2 = shapeArc(cX1, cY1, rX2, rY2, sA2, sA2 + wA2, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy2 = arc2.substr(arc2.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX2 = parseInt(lxy2[0]) - rX3 * Math.cos(sA3 * Math.PI / 180); cY2 = parseInt(lxy2[1]) - rY3 * Math.sin(sA3 * Math.PI / 180); arc3 = shapeArc(cX2, cY2, rX3, rY3, sA3, sA3 + wA3, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy3 = arc3.substr(arc3.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX3 = parseInt(lxy3[0]) - rX4 * Math.cos(sA4 * Math.PI / 180); cY3 = parseInt(lxy3[1]) - rY4 * Math.sin(sA4 * Math.PI / 180); arc4 = shapeArc(cX3, cY3, rX4, rY4, sA4, sA4 + wA4, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy4 = arc4.substr(arc4.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX4 = parseInt(lxy4[0]) - rX2 * Math.cos(sA5 * Math.PI / 180); cY4 = parseInt(lxy4[1]) - rY5 * Math.sin(sA5 * Math.PI / 180); arc5 = shapeArc(cX4, cY4, rX2, rY5, sA5, sA5 + wA5, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy5 = arc5.substr(arc5.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX5 = parseInt(lxy5[0]) - rX6 * Math.cos(sA6 * Math.PI / 180); cY5 = parseInt(lxy5[1]) - rY6 * Math.sin(sA6 * Math.PI / 180); arc6 = shapeArc(cX5, cY5, rX6, rY6, sA6, sA6 + wA6, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy6 = arc6.substr(arc6.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX6 = parseInt(lxy6[0]) - rX7 * Math.cos(sA7 * Math.PI / 180); cY6 = parseInt(lxy6[1]) - rY7 * Math.sin(sA7 * Math.PI / 180); arc7 = shapeArc(cX6, cY6, rX7, rY7, sA7, sA7 + wA7, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy7 = arc7.substr(arc7.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX7 = parseInt(lxy7[0]) - rX8 * Math.cos(sA8 * Math.PI / 180); cY7 = parseInt(lxy7[1]) - rY8 * Math.sin(sA8 * Math.PI / 180); arc8 = shapeArc(cX7, cY7, rX8, rY8, sA8, sA8 + wA8, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy8 = arc8.substr(arc8.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX8 = parseInt(lxy8[0]) - rX9 * Math.cos(sA9 * Math.PI / 180); cY8 = parseInt(lxy8[1]) - rY9 * Math.sin(sA9 * Math.PI / 180); arc9 = shapeArc(cX8, cY8, rX9, rY9, sA9, sA9 + wA9, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy9 = arc9.substr(arc9.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX9 = parseInt(lxy9[0]) - rX10 * Math.cos(sA10 * Math.PI / 180); cY9 = parseInt(lxy9[1]) - rY10 * Math.sin(sA10 * Math.PI / 180); arc10 = shapeArc(cX9, cY9, rX10, rY10, sA10, sA10 + wA10, false).replace("M", "L"); lxy10 = arc10.substr(arc10.lastIndexOf("L") + 1).split(" "); cX10 = parseInt(lxy10[0]) - rX11 * Math.cos(sA11 * Math.PI / 180); cY10 = parseInt(lxy10[1]) - rY3 * Math.sin(sA11 * Math.PI / 180); arc11 = shapeArc(cX10, cY10, rX11, rY3, sA11, sA11 + wA11, false).replace("M", "L"); var d1 = "M" + x0 + "," + y0 + arc1 + arc2 + arc3 + arc4 + arc5 + arc6 + arc7 + arc8 + arc9 + arc10 + arc11 + " z"; if (shapType == "cloudCallout") { var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var sAdj1, adj1 = -20833 * refr; var sAdj2, adj2 = 62500 * refr; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * refr; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var wd2 = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2; var dxPos, dyPos, xPos, yPos, ht, wt, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22, g23, g24, g25, g26, x23, x24, x25; dxPos = w * adj1 / cnstVal2; dyPos = h * adj2 / cnstVal2; xPos = wd2 + dxPos; yPos = hd2 + dyPos; ht = hd2 * Math.cos(Math.atan(dyPos / dxPos)); wt = wd2 * Math.sin(Math.atan(dyPos / dxPos)); g2 = wd2 * Math.cos(Math.atan(wt / ht)); g3 = hd2 * Math.sin(Math.atan(wt / ht)); //console.log("adj1: ",adj1,"adj2: ",adj2) if (adj1 >= 0) { g4 = wd2 + g2; g5 = hd2 + g3; } else { g4 = wd2 - g2; g5 = hd2 - g3; } g6 = g4 - xPos; g7 = g5 - yPos; g8 = Math.sqrt(g6 * g6 + g7 * g7); g9 = ss * 6600 / 21600; g10 = g8 - g9; g11 = g10 / 3; g12 = ss * 1800 / 21600; g13 = g11 + g12; g14 = g13 * g6 / g8; g15 = g13 * g7 / g8; g16 = g14 + xPos; g17 = g15 + yPos; g18 = ss * 4800 / 21600; g19 = g11 * 2; g20 = g18 + g19; g21 = g20 * g6 / g8; g22 = g20 * g7 / g8; g23 = g21 + xPos; g24 = g22 + yPos; g25 = ss * 1200 / 21600; g26 = ss * 600 / 21600; x23 = xPos + g26; x24 = g16 + g25; x25 = g23 + g12; d_val = //" M" + x23 + "," + yPos + shapeArc(x23 - g26, yPos, g26, g26, 0, 360, false) + //.replace("M","L") + " z" + " M" + x24 + "," + g17 + shapeArc(x24 - g25, g17, g25, g25, 0, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + " M" + x25 + "," + g24 + shapeArc(x25 - g12, g24, g12, g12, 0, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; d1 += d_val; } result += ""; break; case "smileyFace": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var adj = 4653 * refr; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * refr; } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * refr; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * refr; var cnstVal3 = 4653 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y3, dy2, y2, y4, dy3, y5, wR, hR, wd2, hd2; wd2 = w / 2; hd2 = h / 2; a = (adj < -cnstVal3) ? -cnstVal3 : (adj > cnstVal3) ? cnstVal3 : adj; x1 = w * 4969 / 21699; x2 = w * 6215 / 21600; x3 = w * 13135 / 21600; x4 = w * 16640 / 21600; y1 = h * 7570 / 21600; y3 = h * 16515 / 21600; dy2 = h * a / cnstVal2; y2 = y3 - dy2; y4 = y3 + dy2; dy3 = h * a / cnstVal1; y5 = y4 + dy3; wR = w * 1125 / 21600; hR = h * 1125 / 21600; var cX1 = x2 - wR * Math.cos(Math.PI); var cY1 = y1 - hR * Math.sin(Math.PI); var cX2 = x3 - wR * Math.cos(Math.PI); d_val = //eyes shapeArc(cX1, cY1, wR, hR, 180, 540, false) + shapeArc(cX2, cY1, wR, hR, 180, 540, false) + //mouth " M" + x1 + "," + y2 + " Q" + wd2 + "," + y5 + " " + x4 + "," + y2 + " Q" + wd2 + "," + y5 + " " + x1 + "," + y2 + //head " M" + 0 + "," + hd2 + shapeArc(wd2, hd2, wd2, hd2, 180, 540, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "verticalScroll": case "horizontalScroll": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var adj = 12500 * refr; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * refr; } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 25000 * refr; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var t = 0, l = 0, b = h, r = w; var a, ch, ch2, ch4; a = (adj < 0) ? 0 : (adj > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj; ch = ss * a / cnstVal2; ch2 = ch / 2; ch4 = ch / 4; if (shapType == "verticalScroll") { var x3, x4, x6, x7, x5, y3, y4; x3 = ch + ch2; x4 = ch + ch; x6 = r - ch; x7 = r - ch2; x5 = x6 - ch2; y3 = b - ch; y4 = b - ch2; d_val = "M" + ch + "," + y3 + " L" + ch + "," + ch2 + shapeArc(x3, ch2, ch2, ch2, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x7 + "," + t + shapeArc(x7, ch2, ch2, ch2, 270, 450, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x6 + "," + ch + " L" + x6 + "," + y4 + shapeArc(x5, y4, ch2, ch2, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + ch2 + "," + b + shapeArc(ch2, y4, ch2, ch2, 90, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + " M" + x3 + "," + t + shapeArc(x3, ch2, ch2, ch2, 270, 450, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(x3, x3 / 2, ch4, ch4, 90, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x4 + "," + ch2 + " M" + x6 + "," + ch + " L" + x3 + "," + ch + " M" + ch + "," + y4 + shapeArc(ch2, y4, ch2, ch2, 0, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(ch2, (y4 + y3) / 2, ch4, ch4, 270, 450, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + " M" + ch + "," + y4 + " L" + ch + "," + y3; } else if (shapType == "horizontalScroll") { var y3, y4, y6, y7, y5, x3, x4; y3 = ch + ch2; y4 = ch + ch; y6 = b - ch; y7 = b - ch2; y5 = y6 - ch2; x3 = r - ch; x4 = r - ch2; d_val = "M" + l + "," + y3 + shapeArc(ch2, y3, ch2, ch2, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x3 + "," + ch + " L" + x3 + "," + ch2 + shapeArc(x4, ch2, ch2, ch2, 180, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + r + "," + y5 + shapeArc(x4, y5, ch2, ch2, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + ch + "," + y6 + " L" + ch + "," + y7 + shapeArc(ch2, y7, ch2, ch2, 0, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + "M" + x4 + "," + ch + shapeArc(x4, ch2, ch2, ch2, 90, -180, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc((x3 + x4) / 2, ch2, ch4, ch4, 180, 0, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + " M" + x4 + "," + ch + " L" + x3 + "," + ch + " M" + ch2 + "," + y4 + " L" + ch2 + "," + y3 + shapeArc(y3 / 2, y3, ch4, ch4, 180, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(ch2, y3, ch2, ch2, 0, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " M" + ch + "," + y3 + " L" + ch + "," + y6; } result += ""; break; case "wedgeEllipseCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var sAdj1, adj1 = -20833 * refr; var sAdj2, adj2 = 62500 * refr; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * refr; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var angVal1 = 11 * Math.PI / 180; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var dxPos, dyPos, xPos, yPos, sdx, sdy, pang, stAng, enAng, dx1, dy1, x1, y1, dx2, dy2, x2, y2, stAng1, enAng1, swAng1, swAng2, swAng, vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2; dxPos = w * adj1 / cnstVal1; dyPos = h * adj2 / cnstVal1; xPos = hc + dxPos; yPos = vc + dyPos; sdx = dxPos * h; sdy = dyPos * w; pang = Math.atan(sdy / sdx); stAng = pang + angVal1; enAng = pang - angVal1; console.log("dxPos: ", dxPos, "dyPos: ", dyPos) dx1 = hc * Math.cos(stAng); dy1 = vc * Math.sin(stAng); dx2 = hc * Math.cos(enAng); dy2 = vc * Math.sin(enAng); if (dxPos >= 0) { x1 = hc + dx1; y1 = vc + dy1; x2 = hc + dx2; y2 = vc + dy2; } else { x1 = hc - dx1; y1 = vc - dy1; x2 = hc - dx2; y2 = vc - dy2; } /* //stAng = pang+angVal1; //enAng = pang-angVal1; //dx1 = hc*Math.cos(stAng); //dy1 = vc*Math.sin(stAng); x1 = hc+dx1; y1 = vc+dy1; dx2 = hc*Math.cos(enAng); dy2 = vc*Math.sin(enAng); x2 = hc+dx2; y2 = vc+dy2; stAng1 = Math.atan(dy1/dx1); enAng1 = Math.atan(dy2/dx2); swAng1 = enAng1-stAng1; swAng2 = swAng1+2*Math.PI; swAng = (swAng1 > 0)?swAng1:swAng2; var stAng1Dg = stAng1*180/Math.PI; var swAngDg = swAng*180/Math.PI; var endAng = stAng1Dg + swAngDg; */ d_val = "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + xPos + "," + yPos + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + //" z" + shapeArc(hc, vc, hc, vc, 0, 360, true);// + //shapeArc(hc,vc,hc,vc,stAng1Dg,stAng1Dg+swAngDg,false).replace("M","L") + //" z"; result += ""; break; case "wedgeRectCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var sAdj1, adj1 = -20833 * refr; var sAdj2, adj2 = 62500 * refr; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * refr; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var dxPos, dyPos, xPos, yPos, dx, dy, dq, ady, adq, dz, xg1, xg2, x1, x2, yg1, yg2, y1, y2, t1, xl, t2, xt, t3, xr, t4, xb, t5, yl, t6, yt, t7, yr, t8, yb, vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2; dxPos = w * adj1 / cnstVal1; dyPos = h * adj2 / cnstVal1; xPos = hc + dxPos; yPos = vc + dyPos; dx = xPos - hc; dy = yPos - vc; dq = dxPos * h / w; ady = Math.abs(dyPos); adq = Math.abs(dq); dz = ady - adq; xg1 = (dxPos > 0) ? 7 : 2; xg2 = (dxPos > 0) ? 10 : 5; x1 = w * xg1 / 12; x2 = w * xg2 / 12; yg1 = (dyPos > 0) ? 7 : 2; yg2 = (dyPos > 0) ? 10 : 5; y1 = h * yg1 / 12; y2 = h * yg2 / 12; t1 = (dxPos > 0) ? 0 : xPos; xl = (dz > 0) ? 0 : t1; t2 = (dyPos > 0) ? x1 : xPos; xt = (dz > 0) ? t2 : x1; t3 = (dxPos > 0) ? xPos : w; xr = (dz > 0) ? w : t3; t4 = (dyPos > 0) ? xPos : x1; xb = (dz > 0) ? t4 : x1; t5 = (dxPos > 0) ? y1 : yPos; yl = (dz > 0) ? y1 : t5; t6 = (dyPos > 0) ? 0 : yPos; yt = (dz > 0) ? t6 : 0; t7 = (dxPos > 0) ? yPos : y1; yr = (dz > 0) ? y1 : t7; t8 = (dyPos > 0) ? yPos : h; yb = (dz > 0) ? t8 : h; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + xt + "," + yt + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + y1 + " L" + xr + "," + yr + " L" + w + "," + y2 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + x2 + "," + h + " L" + xb + "," + yb + " L" + x1 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + y2 + " L" + xl + "," + yl + " L" + 0 + "," + y1 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "wedgeRoundRectCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var sAdj1, adj1 = -20833 * refr; var sAdj2, adj2 = 62500 * refr; var sAdj3, adj3 = 16667 * refr; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * refr; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var dxPos, dyPos, xPos, yPos, dq, ady, adq, dz, xg1, xg2, x1, x2, yg1, yg2, y1, y2, t1, xl, t2, xt, t3, xr, t4, xb, t5, yl, t6, yt, t7, yr, t8, yb, u1, u2, v2, vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2; dxPos = w * adj1 / cnstVal1; dyPos = h * adj2 / cnstVal1; xPos = hc + dxPos; yPos = vc + dyPos; dq = dxPos * h / w; ady = Math.abs(dyPos); adq = Math.abs(dq); dz = ady - adq; xg1 = (dxPos > 0) ? 7 : 2; xg2 = (dxPos > 0) ? 10 : 5; x1 = w * xg1 / 12; x2 = w * xg2 / 12; yg1 = (dyPos > 0) ? 7 : 2; yg2 = (dyPos > 0) ? 10 : 5; y1 = h * yg1 / 12; y2 = h * yg2 / 12; t1 = (dxPos > 0) ? 0 : xPos; xl = (dz > 0) ? 0 : t1; t2 = (dyPos > 0) ? x1 : xPos; xt = (dz > 0) ? t2 : x1; t3 = (dxPos > 0) ? xPos : w; xr = (dz > 0) ? w : t3; t4 = (dyPos > 0) ? xPos : x1; xb = (dz > 0) ? t4 : x1; t5 = (dxPos > 0) ? y1 : yPos; yl = (dz > 0) ? y1 : t5; t6 = (dyPos > 0) ? 0 : yPos; yt = (dz > 0) ? t6 : 0; t7 = (dxPos > 0) ? yPos : y1; yr = (dz > 0) ? y1 : t7; t8 = (dyPos > 0) ? yPos : h; yb = (dz > 0) ? t8 : h; u1 = ss * adj3 / cnstVal1; u2 = w - u1; v2 = h - u1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + u1 + shapeArc(u1, u1, u1, u1, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + xt + "," + yt + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + " L" + u2 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(u2, u1, u1, u1, 270, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w + "," + y1 + " L" + xr + "," + yr + " L" + w + "," + y2 + " L" + w + "," + v2 + shapeArc(u2, v2, u1, u1, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x2 + "," + h + " L" + xb + "," + yb + " L" + x1 + "," + h + " L" + u1 + "," + h + shapeArc(u1, v2, u1, u1, 90, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + 0 + "," + y2 + " L" + xl + "," + yl + " L" + 0 + "," + y1 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "accentBorderCallout1": case "accentBorderCallout2": case "accentBorderCallout3": case "borderCallout1": case "borderCallout2": case "borderCallout3": case "accentCallout1": case "accentCallout2": case "accentCallout3": case "callout1": case "callout2": case "callout3": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var sAdj1, adj1 = 18750 * refr; var sAdj2, adj2 = -8333 * refr; var sAdj3, adj3 = 18750 * refr; var sAdj4, adj4 = -16667 * refr; var sAdj5, adj5 = 100000 * refr; var sAdj6, adj6 = -16667 * refr; var sAdj7, adj7 = 112963 * refr; var sAdj8, adj8 = -8333 * refr; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj5") { sAdj5 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj5 = parseInt(sAdj5.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj6") { sAdj6 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj6 = parseInt(sAdj6.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj7") { sAdj7 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj7 = parseInt(sAdj7.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj8") { sAdj8 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj8 = parseInt(sAdj8.substr(4)) * refr; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * refr; var isBorder = true; switch (shapType) { case "borderCallout1": case "callout1": if (shapType == "borderCallout1") { isBorder = true; } else { isBorder = false; } if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 18750 * refr; adj2 = -8333 * refr; adj3 = 112500 * refr; adj4 = -38333 * refr; } var y1, x1, y2, x2; y1 = h * adj1 / cnstVal1; x1 = w * adj2 / cnstVal1; y2 = h * adj3 / cnstVal1; x2 = w * adj4 / cnstVal1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2; break; case "borderCallout2": case "callout2": if (shapType == "borderCallout2") { isBorder = true; } else { isBorder = false; } if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 18750 * refr; adj2 = -8333 * refr; adj3 = 18750 * refr; adj4 = -16667 * refr; adj5 = 112500 * refr; adj6 = -46667 * refr; } var y1, x1, y2, x2, y3, x3; y1 = h * adj1 / cnstVal1; x1 = w * adj2 / cnstVal1; y2 = h * adj3 / cnstVal1; x2 = w * adj4 / cnstVal1; y3 = h * adj5 / cnstVal1; x3 = w * adj6 / cnstVal1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2; break; case "borderCallout3": case "callout3": if (shapType == "borderCallout3") { isBorder = true; } else { isBorder = false; } if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 18750 * refr; adj2 = -8333 * refr; adj3 = 18750 * refr; adj4 = -16667 * refr; adj5 = 100000 * refr; adj6 = -16667 * refr; adj7 = 112963 * refr; adj8 = -8333 * refr; } var y1, x1, y2, x2, y3, x3, y4, x4; y1 = h * adj1 / cnstVal1; x1 = w * adj2 / cnstVal1; y2 = h * adj3 / cnstVal1; x2 = w * adj4 / cnstVal1; y3 = h * adj5 / cnstVal1; x3 = w * adj6 / cnstVal1; y4 = h * adj7 / cnstVal1; x4 = w * adj8 / cnstVal1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x4 + "," + y4 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2; break; case "accentBorderCallout1": case "accentCallout1": if (shapType == "accentBorderCallout1") { isBorder = true; } else { isBorder = false; } if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 18750 * refr; adj2 = -8333 * refr; adj3 = 112500 * refr; adj4 = -38333 * refr; } var y1, x1, y2, x2; y1 = h * adj1 / cnstVal1; x1 = w * adj2 / cnstVal1; y2 = h * adj3 / cnstVal1; x2 = w * adj4 / cnstVal1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " M" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + x1 + "," + h; break; case "accentBorderCallout2": case "accentCallout2": if (shapType == "accentBorderCallout2") { isBorder = true; } else { isBorder = false; } if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 18750 * refr; adj2 = -8333 * refr; adj3 = 18750 * refr; adj4 = -16667 * refr; adj5 = 112500 * refr; adj6 = -46667 * refr; } var y1, x1, y2, x2, y3, x3; y1 = h * adj1 / cnstVal1; x1 = w * adj2 / cnstVal1; y2 = h * adj3 / cnstVal1; x2 = w * adj4 / cnstVal1; y3 = h * adj5 / cnstVal1; x3 = w * adj6 / cnstVal1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " M" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + x1 + "," + h; break; case "accentBorderCallout3": case "accentCallout3": if (shapType == "accentBorderCallout3") { isBorder = true; } else { isBorder = false; } isBorder = true; if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 18750 * refr; adj2 = -8333 * refr; adj3 = 18750 * refr; adj4 = -16667 * refr; adj5 = 100000 * refr; adj6 = -16667 * refr; adj7 = 112963 * refr; adj8 = -8333 * refr; } var y1, x1, y2, x2, y3, x3, y4, x4; y1 = h * adj1 / cnstVal1; x1 = w * adj2 / cnstVal1; y2 = h * adj3 / cnstVal1; x2 = w * adj4 / cnstVal1; y3 = h * adj5 / cnstVal1; x3 = w * adj6 / cnstVal1; y4 = h * adj7 / cnstVal1; x4 = w * adj8 / cnstVal1; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x4 + "," + y4 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " M" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + x1 + "," + h; break; } console.log("shapType: ", shapType, ",isBorder:", isBorder) //if(isBorder){ result += ""; //}else{ // result += ""; //} break; case "leftRightRibbon": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var sAdj1, adj1 = 50000 * refr; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * refr; var sAdj3, adj3 = 16667 * refr; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * refr; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 33333 * refr; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * refr; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * refr; var cnstVal4 = 400000 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a3, maxAdj1, a1, w1, maxAdj2, a2, x1, x4, dy1, dy2, ly1, ry4, ly2, ry3, ly4, ry1, ly3, ry2, hR, x2, x3, y1, y2, wd32 = w / 32, vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj3; maxAdj1 = cnstVal2 - a3; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; w1 = hc - wd32; maxAdj2 = cnstVal2 * w1 / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; x1 = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; x4 = w - x1; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal3; dy2 = h * a3 / -cnstVal3; ly1 = vc + dy2 - dy1; ry4 = vc + dy1 - dy2; ly2 = ly1 + dy1; ry3 = h - ly2; ly4 = ly2 * 2; ry1 = h - ly4; ly3 = ly4 - ly1; ry2 = h - ly3; hR = a3 * ss / cnstVal4; x2 = hc - wd32; x3 = hc + wd32; y1 = ly1 + hR; y2 = ry2 - hR; d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + ly2 + "L" + x1 + "," + 0 + "L" + x1 + "," + ly1 + "L" + hc + "," + ly1 + shapeArc(hc, y1, wd32, hR, 270, 450, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(hc, y2, wd32, hR, 270, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + "L" + x4 + "," + ry2 + "L" + x4 + "," + ry1 + "L" + w + "," + ry3 + "L" + x4 + "," + h + "L" + x4 + "," + ry4 + "L" + hc + "," + ry4 + shapeArc(hc, ry4 - hR, wd32, hR, 90, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + "L" + x2 + "," + ly3 + "L" + x1 + "," + ly3 + "L" + x1 + "," + ly4 + " z" + "M" + x3 + "," + y1 + "L" + x3 + "," + ry2 + "M" + x2 + "," + y2 + "L" + x2 + "," + ly3; result += ""; break; case "ribbon": case "ribbon2": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 16667 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 33333 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 75000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal4 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal5 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal6 = 400000 * 96 / 914400; var hc = w / 2, t = 0, l = 0, b = h, r = w, wd8 = w / 8, wd32 = w / 32; var a1, a2, x10, dx2, x2, x9, x3, x8, x5, x6, x4, x7, y1, y2, y4, y3, hR, y6; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal2) ? cnstVal2 : adj1; a2 = (adj2 < cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : (adj2 > cnstVal3) ? cnstVal3 : adj2; x10 = r - wd8; dx2 = w * a2 / cnstVal5; x2 = hc - dx2; x9 = hc + dx2; x3 = x2 + wd32; x8 = x9 - wd32; x5 = x2 + wd8; x6 = x9 - wd8; x4 = x5 - wd32; x7 = x6 + wd32; hR = h * a1 / cnstVal6; if (shapType == "ribbon2") { var dy1, dy2, y7; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal5; y1 = b - dy1; dy2 = h * a1 / cnstVal4; y2 = b - dy2; y4 = t + dy2; y3 = (y4 + b) / 2; y6 = b - hR;/////////////////// y7 = y1 - hR; d_val = "M" + l + "," + b + " L" + wd8 + "," + y3 + " L" + l + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + hR + shapeArc(x3, hR, wd32, hR, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x8 + "," + t + shapeArc(x8, hR, wd32, hR, 270, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x9 + "," + y4 + " L" + x9 + "," + y4 + " L" + r + "," + y4 + " L" + x10 + "," + y3 + " L" + r + "," + b + " L" + x7 + "," + b + shapeArc(x7, y6, wd32, hR, 90, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x8 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(x8, y7, wd32, hR, 90, -90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x3 + "," + y2 + shapeArc(x3, y7, wd32, hR, 270, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(x4, y6, wd32, hR, 270, 450, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + " M" + x5 + "," + y2 + " L" + x5 + "," + y6 + "M" + x6 + "," + y6 + " L" + x6 + "," + y2 + "M" + x2 + "," + y7 + " L" + x2 + "," + y4 + "M" + x9 + "," + y4 + " L" + x9 + "," + y7; } else if (shapType == "ribbon") { var y5; y1 = h * a1 / cnstVal5; y2 = h * a1 / cnstVal4; y4 = b - y2; y3 = y4 / 2; y5 = b - hR; /////////////////////// y6 = y2 - hR; d_val = "M" + l + "," + t + " L" + x4 + "," + t + shapeArc(x4, hR, wd32, hR, 270, 450, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x3 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(x3, y6, wd32, hR, 270, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x8 + "," + y2 + shapeArc(x8, y6, wd32, hR, 90, -90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x7 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(x7, hR, wd32, hR, 90, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + r + "," + t + " L" + x10 + "," + y3 + " L" + r + "," + y4 + " L" + x9 + "," + y4 + " L" + x9 + "," + y5 + shapeArc(x8, y5, wd32, hR, 0, 90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x3 + "," + b + shapeArc(x3, y5, wd32, hR, 90, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x2 + "," + y4 + " L" + l + "," + y4 + " L" + wd8 + "," + y3 + " z" + " M" + x5 + "," + hR + " L" + x5 + "," + y2 + "M" + x6 + "," + y2 + " L" + x6 + "," + hR + "M" + x2 + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y6 + "M" + x9 + "," + y6 + " L" + x9 + "," + y4; } result += ""; break; case "doubleWave": case "wave": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = (shapType == "doubleWave") ? 6250 * 96 / 914400 : 12500 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 0; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal2 = -10000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal4 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var hc = w / 2, t = 0, l = 0, b = h, r = w, wd8 = w / 8, wd32 = w / 32; if (shapType == "doubleWave") { var cnstVal1 = 12500 * 96 / 914400; var a1, a2, y1, dy2, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, of2, dx2, x2, dx8, x8, dx3, x3, dx4, x4, x5, x6, x7, x9, x15, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj1; a2 = (adj2 < cnstVal2) ? cnstVal2 : (adj2 > cnstVal4) ? cnstVal4 : adj2; y1 = h * a1 / cnstVal4; dy2 = y1 * 10 / 3; y2 = y1 - dy2; y3 = y1 + dy2; y4 = b - y1; y5 = y4 - dy2; y6 = y4 + dy2; of2 = w * a2 / cnstVal3; dx2 = (of2 > 0) ? 0 : of2; x2 = l - dx2; dx8 = (of2 > 0) ? of2 : 0; x8 = r - dx8; dx3 = (dx2 + x8) / 6; x3 = x2 + dx3; dx4 = (dx2 + x8) / 3; x4 = x2 + dx4; x5 = (x2 + x8) / 2; x6 = x5 + dx3; x7 = (x6 + x8) / 2; x9 = l + dx8; x15 = r + dx2; x10 = x9 + dx3; x11 = x9 + dx4; x12 = (x9 + x15) / 2; x13 = x12 + dx3; x14 = (x13 + x15) / 2; d_val = "M" + x2 + "," + y1 + " C" + x3 + "," + y2 + " " + x4 + "," + y3 + " " + x5 + "," + y1 + " C" + x6 + "," + y2 + " " + x7 + "," + y3 + " " + x8 + "," + y1 + " L" + x15 + "," + y4 + " C" + x14 + "," + y6 + " " + x13 + "," + y5 + " " + x12 + "," + y4 + " C" + x11 + "," + y6 + " " + x10 + "," + y5 + " " + x9 + "," + y4 + " z"; } else if (shapType == "wave") { var cnstVal5 = 20000 * 96 / 914400; var a1, a2, y1, dy2, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, of2, dx2, x2, dx5, x5, dx3, x3, x4, x6, x10, x7, x8; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal5) ? cnstVal5 : adj1; a2 = (adj2 < cnstVal2) ? cnstVal2 : (adj2 > cnstVal4) ? cnstVal4 : adj2; y1 = h * a1 / cnstVal4; dy2 = y1 * 10 / 3; y2 = y1 - dy2; y3 = y1 + dy2; y4 = b - y1; y5 = y4 - dy2; y6 = y4 + dy2; of2 = w * a2 / cnstVal3; dx2 = (of2 > 0) ? 0 : of2; x2 = l - dx2; dx5 = (of2 > 0) ? of2 : 0; x5 = r - dx5; dx3 = (dx2 + x5) / 3; x3 = x2 + dx3; x4 = (x3 + x5) / 2; x6 = l + dx5; x10 = r + dx2; x7 = x6 + dx3; x8 = (x7 + x10) / 2; d_val = "M" + x2 + "," + y1 + " C" + x3 + "," + y2 + " " + x4 + "," + y3 + " " + x5 + "," + y1 + " L" + x10 + "," + y4 + " C" + x8 + "," + y6 + " " + x7 + "," + y5 + " " + x6 + "," + y4 + " z"; } result += ""; break; case "ellipseRibbon": case "ellipseRibbon2": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 12500 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var d_val; var cnstVal1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 75000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal4 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal5 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; var hc = w / 2, t = 0, l = 0, b = h, r = w, wd8 = w / 8; var a1, a2, q10, q11, q12, minAdj3, a3, dx2, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, dy1, f1, q1, q2, cx1, cx2, q1, dy3, q3, q4, q5, rh, q8, cx4, q9, cx5; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal4) ? cnstVal4 : adj1; a2 = (adj2 < cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : (adj2 > cnstVal3) ? cnstVal3 : adj2; q10 = cnstVal4 - a1; q11 = q10 / 2; q12 = a1 - q11; minAdj3 = (0 > q12) ? 0 : q12; a3 = (adj3 < minAdj3) ? minAdj3 : (adj3 > a1) ? a1 : adj3; dx2 = w * a2 / cnstVal5; x2 = hc - dx2; x3 = x2 + wd8; x4 = r - x3; x5 = r - x2; x6 = r - wd8; dy1 = h * a3 / cnstVal4; f1 = 4 * dy1 / w; q1 = x3 * x3 / w; q2 = x3 - q1; cx1 = x3 / 2; cx2 = r - cx1; q1 = h * a1 / cnstVal4; dy3 = q1 - dy1; q3 = x2 * x2 / w; q4 = x2 - q3; q5 = f1 * q4; rh = b - q1; q8 = dy1 * 14 / 16; cx4 = x2 / 2; q9 = f1 * cx4; cx5 = r - cx4; if (shapType == "ellipseRibbon") { var y1, cy1, y3, q6, q7, cy3, y2, y5, y6, cy4, cy6, y7, cy7, y8; y1 = f1 * q2; cy1 = f1 * cx1; y3 = q5 + dy3; q6 = dy1 + dy3 - y3; q7 = q6 + dy1; cy3 = q7 + dy3; y2 = (q8 + rh) / 2; y5 = q5 + rh; y6 = y3 + rh; cy4 = q9 + rh; cy6 = cy3 + rh; y7 = y1 + dy3; cy7 = q1 + q1 - y7; y8 = b - dy1; // d_val = "M" + l + "," + t + " Q" + cx1 + "," + cy1 + " " + x3 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " Q" + hc + "," + cy3 + " " + x5 + "," + y3 + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + " Q" + cx2 + "," + cy1 + " " + r + "," + t + " L" + x6 + "," + y2 + " L" + r + "," + rh + " Q" + cx5 + "," + cy4 + " " + x5 + "," + y5 + " L" + x5 + "," + y6 + " Q" + hc + "," + cy6 + " " + x2 + "," + y6 + " L" + x2 + "," + y5 + " Q" + cx4 + "," + cy4 + " " + l + "," + rh + " L" + wd8 + "," + y2 + " z" + "M" + x2 + "," + y5 + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + "M" + x5 + "," + y3 + " L" + x5 + "," + y5 + "M" + x3 + "," + y1 + " L" + x3 + "," + y7 + "M" + x4 + "," + y7 + " L" + x4 + "," + y1; } else if (shapType == "ellipseRibbon2") { var u1, y1, cu1, cy1, q3, q5, u3, y3, q6, q7, cu3, cy3, rh, q8, u2, y2, u5, y5, u6, y6, cu4, cy4, cu6, cy6, u7, y7, cu7, cy7; u1 = f1 * q2; y1 = b - u1; cu1 = f1 * cx1; cy1 = b - cu1; u3 = q5 + dy3; y3 = b - u3; q6 = dy1 + dy3 - u3; q7 = q6 + dy1; cu3 = q7 + dy3; cy3 = b - cu3; u2 = (q8 + rh) / 2; y2 = b - u2; u5 = q5 + rh; y5 = b - u5; u6 = u3 + rh; y6 = b - u6; cu4 = q9 + rh; cy4 = b - cu4; cu6 = cu3 + rh; cy6 = b - cu6; u7 = u1 + dy3; y7 = b - u7; cu7 = q1 + q1 - u7; cy7 = b - cu7; // d_val = "M" + l + "," + b + " L" + wd8 + "," + y2 + " L" + l + "," + q1 + " Q" + cx4 + "," + cy4 + " " + x2 + "," + y5 + " L" + x2 + "," + y6 + " Q" + hc + "," + cy6 + " " + x5 + "," + y6 + " L" + x5 + "," + y5 + " Q" + cx5 + "," + cy4 + " " + r + "," + q1 + " L" + x6 + "," + y2 + " L" + r + "," + b + " Q" + cx2 + "," + cy1 + " " + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x5 + "," + y3 + " Q" + hc + "," + cy3 + " " + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y1 + " Q" + cx1 + "," + cy1 + " " + l + "," + b + " z" + "M" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y5 + "M" + x5 + "," + y5 + " L" + x5 + "," + y3 + "M" + x3 + "," + y7 + " L" + x3 + "," + y1 + "M" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x4 + "," + y7; } result += ""; break; case "line": case "straightConnector1": case "bentConnector4": case "bentConnector5": case "curvedConnector2": case "curvedConnector3": case "curvedConnector4": case "curvedConnector5": if (isFlipV) { result += ""; break; case "leftArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 0.25;//0.5; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 0.5; var max_sAdj2_const = w / h; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = 0.5 - (parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 200000); } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); var sAdj2_val2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 100000; sAdj2_val = (sAdj2_val2) / max_sAdj2_const; } } } //console.log("w: "+w+"\nh: "+h+"\nsAdj1: "+sAdj1_val+"\nsAdj2: "+sAdj2_val); result += " "; break; case "downArrow": case "flowChartOffpageConnector": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 0.25;//0.5; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 0.5; var max_sAdj2_const = h / w; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 200000; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); var sAdj2_val2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 100000; sAdj2_val = (sAdj2_val2) / max_sAdj2_const; } } } if (shapType == "flowChartOffpageConnector") { sAdj1_val = 0.5; sAdj2_val = 0.212; } result += " "; break; case "upArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 0.25;//0.5; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 0.5; var max_sAdj2_const = h / w; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 200000; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); var sAdj2_val2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 100000; sAdj2_val = (sAdj2_val2) / max_sAdj2_const; } } } result += " "; break; case "leftRightArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 0.25; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 0.25; var max_sAdj2_const = w / h; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = 0.5 - (parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 200000); } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); var sAdj2_val2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 100000; sAdj2_val = (sAdj2_val2) / max_sAdj2_const; } } } //console.log("w: "+w+"\nh: "+h+"\nsAdj1: "+sAdj1_val+"\nsAdj2: "+sAdj2_val); result += " "; break; case "upDownArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, sAdj1_val = 0.25; var sAdj2, sAdj2_val = 0.25; var max_sAdj2_const = h / w; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); sAdj1_val = 0.5 - (parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) / 200000); } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); var sAdj2_val2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 100000; sAdj2_val = (sAdj2_val2) / max_sAdj2_const; } } } //console.log("w: "+w+"\nh: "+h+"\nsAdj1: "+sAdj1_val+"\nsAdj2: "+sAdj2_val); result += " "; break; case "quadArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 22500 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 22500 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 22500 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, a1, a2, a3, q1, x1, x2, dx2, x3, dx3, x4, x5, x6, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, maxAdj1, maxAdj3; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal1) a2 = cnstVal1 else a2 = adj2 maxAdj1 = 2 * a2; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = adj1 q1 = cnstVal2 - maxAdj1; maxAdj3 = q1 / 2; if (adj3 < 0) a3 = 0 else if (adj3 > maxAdj3) a3 = maxAdj3 else a3 = adj3 x1 = minWH * a3 / cnstVal2; dx2 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal2; x2 = hc - dx2; x5 = hc + dx2; dx3 = minWH * a1 / cnstVal3; x3 = hc - dx3; x4 = hc + dx3; x6 = w - x1; y2 = vc - dx2; y5 = vc + dx2; y3 = vc - dx3; y4 = vc + dx3; y6 = h - x1; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + vc + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + x1 + " L" + x2 + "," + x1 + " L" + hc + "," + 0 + " L" + x5 + "," + x1 + " L" + x4 + "," + x1 + " L" + x4 + "," + y3 + " L" + x6 + "," + y3 + " L" + x6 + "," + y2 + " L" + w + "," + vc + " L" + x6 + "," + y5 + " L" + x6 + "," + y4 + " L" + x4 + "," + y4 + " L" + x4 + "," + y6 + " L" + x5 + "," + y6 + " L" + hc + "," + h + " L" + x2 + "," + y6 + " L" + x3 + "," + y6 + " L" + x3 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y5 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "leftRightUpArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, a1, a2, a3, q1, x1, x2, dx2, x3, dx3, x4, x5, x6, y2, dy2, y3, y4, y5, maxAdj1, maxAdj3; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal1) a2 = cnstVal1 else a2 = adj2 maxAdj1 = 2 * a2; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = adj1 q1 = cnstVal2 - maxAdj1; maxAdj3 = q1 / 2; if (adj3 < 0) a3 = 0 else if (adj3 > maxAdj3) a3 = maxAdj3 else a3 = adj3 x1 = minWH * a3 / cnstVal2; dx2 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal2; x2 = hc - dx2; x5 = hc + dx2; dx3 = minWH * a1 / cnstVal3; x3 = hc - dx3; x4 = hc + dx3; x6 = w - x1; dy2 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal1; y2 = h - dy2; y4 = h - dx2; y3 = y4 - dx3; y5 = y4 + dx3; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + x1 + " L" + x2 + "," + x1 + " L" + hc + "," + 0 + " L" + x5 + "," + x1 + " L" + x4 + "," + x1 + " L" + x4 + "," + y3 + " L" + x6 + "," + y3 + " L" + x6 + "," + y2 + " L" + w + "," + y4 + " L" + x6 + "," + h + " L" + x6 + "," + y5 + " L" + x1 + "," + y5 + " L" + x1 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "leftUpArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, a1, a2, a3, x1, x2, dx4, dx3, x3, x4, x5, y2, y3, y4, y5, maxAdj1, maxAdj3; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal1) a2 = cnstVal1 else a2 = adj2 maxAdj1 = 2 * a2; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = adj1 maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 - maxAdj1; if (adj3 < 0) a3 = 0 else if (adj3 > maxAdj3) a3 = maxAdj3 else a3 = adj3 x1 = minWH * a3 / cnstVal2; dx2 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal1; x2 = w - dx2; y2 = h - dx2; dx4 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal2; x4 = w - dx4; y4 = h - dx4; dx3 = minWH * a1 / cnstVal3; x3 = x4 - dx3; x5 = x4 + dx3; y3 = y4 - dx3; y5 = y4 + dx3; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + x1 + " L" + x2 + "," + x1 + " L" + x4 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + x1 + " L" + x5 + "," + x1 + " L" + x5 + "," + y5 + " L" + x1 + "," + y5 + " L" + x1 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "bentUpArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, a1, a2, a3, dx1, x1, dx2, x2, dx3, x3, x4, y1, y2, dy2; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > cnstVal1) a1 = cnstVal1 else a1 = adj1 if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal1) a2 = cnstVal1 else a2 = adj2 if (adj3 < 0) a3 = 0 else if (adj3 > maxAdj3) a3 = maxAdj3 else a3 = adj3 y1 = minWH * a3 / cnstVal2; dx1 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal1; x1 = w - dx1; dx3 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal2; x3 = w - dx3; dx2 = minWH * a1 / cnstVal3; x2 = x3 - dx2; x4 = x3 + dx2; dy2 = minWH * a1 / cnstVal2; y2 = h - dy2; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x3 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + y1 + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x4 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "bentArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 43750 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var a1, a2, a3, a4, x3, x4, y3, y4, y5, y6, maxAdj1, maxAdj4; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal1) a2 = cnstVal1 else a2 = adj2 maxAdj1 = 2 * a2; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = adj1 if (adj3 < 0) a3 = 0 else if (adj3 > cnstVal1) a3 = cnstVal1 else a3 = adj3 var th, aw2, th2, dh2, ah, bw, bh, bs, bd, bd3, bd2, th = minWH * a1 / cnstVal2; aw2 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal2; th2 = th / 2; dh2 = aw2 - th2; ah = minWH * a3 / cnstVal2; bw = w - ah; bh = h - dh2; bs = (bw < bh) ? bw : bh; maxAdj4 = cnstVal2 * bs / minWH; if (adj4 < 0) a4 = 0 else if (adj4 > maxAdj4) a4 = maxAdj4 else a4 = adj4 bd = minWH * a4 / cnstVal2; bd3 = bd - th; bd2 = (bd3 > 0) ? bd3 : 0; x3 = th + bd2; x4 = w - ah; y3 = dh2 + th; y4 = y3 + dh2; y5 = dh2 + bd; y6 = y3 + bd2; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + y5 + shapeArc(bd, y5, bd, bd, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x4 + "," + dh2 + " L" + x4 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + aw2 + " L" + x4 + "," + y4 + " L" + x4 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + shapeArc(x3, y6, bd2, bd2, 270, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + th + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "uturnArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 43750 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj5, adj5 = 75000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj5") { sAdj5 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj5 = parseInt(sAdj5.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, q1, q2, q3, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, y4, y5, minAdj5, maxAdj1, maxAdj3, maxAdj4; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > cnstVal1) a2 = cnstVal1 else a2 = adj2 maxAdj1 = 2 * a2; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > maxAdj1) a1 = maxAdj1 else a1 = adj1 q2 = a1 * minWH / h; q3 = cnstVal2 - q2; maxAdj3 = q3 * h / minWH; if (adj3 < 0) a3 = 0 else if (adj3 > maxAdj3) a3 = maxAdj3 else a3 = adj3 q1 = a3 + a1; minAdj5 = q1 * minWH / h; if (adj5 < minAdj5) a5 = minAdj5 else if (adj5 > cnstVal2) a5 = cnstVal2 else a5 = adj5 var th, aw2, th2, dh2, ah, bw, bs, bd, bd3, bd2, th = minWH * a1 / cnstVal2; aw2 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal2; th2 = th / 2; dh2 = aw2 - th2; y5 = h * a5 / cnstVal2; ah = minWH * a3 / cnstVal2; y4 = y5 - ah; x9 = w - dh2; bw = x9 / 2; bs = (bw < y4) ? bw : y4; maxAdj4 = cnstVal2 * bs / minWH; if (adj4 < 0) a4 = 0 else if (adj4 > maxAdj4) a4 = maxAdj4 else a4 = adj4 bd = minWH * a4 / cnstVal2; bd3 = bd - th; bd2 = (bd3 > 0) ? bd3 : 0; x3 = th + bd2; x8 = w - aw2; x6 = x8 - aw2; x7 = x6 + dh2; x4 = x9 - bd; x5 = x7 - bd2; cx = (th + x7) / 2 var cy = (y4 + th) / 2 var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + bd + shapeArc(bd, bd, bd, bd, 180, 270, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x4 + "," + 0 + shapeArc(x4, bd, bd, bd, 270, 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x9 + "," + y4 + " L" + w + "," + y4 + " L" + x8 + "," + y5 + " L" + x6 + "," + y4 + " L" + x7 + "," + y4 + " L" + x7 + "," + x3 + shapeArc(x5, x3, bd2, bd2, 0, -90, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x3 + "," + th + shapeArc(x3, x3, bd2, bd2, 270, 180, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + th + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "stripedRightArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 84375 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var a1, a2, x4, x5, dx5, x6, dx6, y1, dy1, y2, maxAdj2, vc = h / 2; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj2 = cnstVal3 * w / minWH; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > cnstVal1) a1 = cnstVal1 else a1 = adj1 if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > maxAdj2) a2 = maxAdj2 else a2 = adj2 x4 = minWH * 5 / 32; dx5 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal1; x5 = w - dx5; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal2; y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc + dy1; //dx6 = dy1*dx5/hd2; //x6 = w-dx6; var ssd8 = minWH / 8, ssd16 = minWH / 16, ssd32 = minWH / 32; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + y1 + " L" + ssd32 + "," + y1 + " L" + ssd32 + "," + y2 + " L" + 0 + "," + y2 + " z" + " M" + ssd16 + "," + y1 + " L" + ssd8 + "," + y1 + " L" + ssd8 + "," + y2 + " L" + ssd16 + "," + y2 + " z" + " M" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x5 + "," + y1 + " L" + x5 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + vc + " L" + x5 + "," + h + " L" + x5 + "," + y2 + " L" + x4 + "," + y2 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "notchedRightArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var a1, a2, x1, x2, dx2, y1, dy1, y2, maxAdj2, vc = h / 2, hd2 = vc; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * w / minWH; if (adj1 < 0) a1 = 0 else if (adj1 > cnstVal1) a1 = cnstVal1 else a1 = adj1 if (adj2 < 0) a2 = 0 else if (adj2 > maxAdj2) a2 = maxAdj2 else a2 = adj2 dx2 = minWH * a2 / cnstVal1; x2 = w - dx2; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal2; y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc + dy1; x1 = dy1 * dx2 / hd2; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + vc + " L" + x2 + "," + h + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + 0 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + vc + " z"; result += ""; break; case "homePlate": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a, x1, dx1, maxAdj, vc = h / 2; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj = cnstVal1 * w / minWH; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > maxAdj) a = maxAdj else a = adj dx1 = minWH * a / cnstVal1; x1 = w - dx1; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + x1 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + vc + " L" + x1 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "chevron": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var a, x1, dx1, x2, maxAdj, vc = h / 2; var minWH = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj = cnstVal1 * w / minWH; if (adj < 0) a = 0 else if (adj > maxAdj) a = maxAdj else a = adj x1 = minWH * a / cnstVal1; x2 = w - x1; var d_val = "M" + 0 + "," + 0 + " L" + x2 + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + vc + " L" + x2 + "," + h + " L" + 0 + "," + h + " L" + x1 + "," + vc + " z"; result += ""; break; case "rightArrowCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 64977 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var maxAdj2, a2, maxAdj1, a1, maxAdj3, a3, q2, maxAdj4, a4, dy1, dy2, y1, y2, y3, y4, dx3, x3, x2, x1; var vc = h / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0; var ss = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * h / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; maxAdj1 = a2 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * w / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; q2 = a3 * ss / w; maxAdj4 = cnstVal - q2; a4 = (adj4 < 0) ? 0 : (adj4 > maxAdj4) ? maxAdj4 : adj4; dy1 = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; dy2 = ss * a1 / cnstVal3; y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc - dy2; y3 = vc + dy2; y4 = vc + dy1; dx3 = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; x3 = r - dx3; x2 = w * a4 / cnstVal2; x1 = x2 / 2; var d_val = "M" + l + "," + t + " L" + x2 + "," + t + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y1 + " L" + r + "," + vc + " L" + x3 + "," + y4 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + b + " L" + l + "," + b + " z"; result += ""; break; case "downArrowCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 64977 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var maxAdj2, a2, maxAdj1, a1, maxAdj3, a3, q2, maxAdj4, a4, dx1, dx2, x1, x2, x3, x4, dy3, y3, y2, y1; var hc = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0; var ss = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * w / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; maxAdj1 = a2 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * h / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; q2 = a3 * ss / h; maxAdj4 = cnstVal2 - q2; a4 = (adj4 < 0) ? 0 : (adj4 > maxAdj4) ? maxAdj4 : adj4; dx1 = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; dx2 = ss * a1 / cnstVal3; x1 = hc - dx1; x2 = hc - dx2; x3 = hc + dx2; x4 = hc + dx1; dy3 = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; y3 = b - dy3; y2 = h * a4 / cnstVal2; y1 = y2 / 2; var d_val = "M" + l + "," + t + " L" + r + "," + t + " L" + r + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y2 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x4 + "," + y3 + " L" + hc + "," + b + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + l + "," + y2 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "leftArrowCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 64977 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var maxAdj2, a2, maxAdj1, a1, maxAdj3, a3, q2, maxAdj4, a4, dy1, dy2, y1, y2, y3, y4, x1, dx2, x2, x3; var vc = h / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0; var ss = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * h / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; maxAdj1 = a2 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * w / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; q2 = a3 * ss / w; maxAdj4 = cnstVal2 - q2; a4 = (adj4 < 0) ? 0 : (adj4 > maxAdj4) ? maxAdj4 : adj4; dy1 = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; dy2 = ss * a1 / cnstVal3; y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc - dy2; y3 = vc + dy2; y4 = vc + dy1; x1 = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; dx2 = w * a4 / cnstVal2; x2 = r - dx2; x3 = (x2 + r) / 2; var d_val = "M" + l + "," + vc + " L" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + t + " L" + r + "," + t + " L" + r + "," + b + " L" + x2 + "," + b + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "upArrowCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 64977 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var maxAdj2, a2, maxAdj1, a1, maxAdj3, a3, q2, maxAdj4, a4, dx1, dx2, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, dy2, y2, y3; var hc = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0; var ss = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * w / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; maxAdj1 = a2 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * h / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; q2 = a3 * ss / h; maxAdj4 = cnstVal2 - q2; a4 = (adj4 < 0) ? 0 : (adj4 > maxAdj4) ? maxAdj4 : adj4; dx1 = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; dx2 = ss * a1 / cnstVal3; x1 = hc - dx1; x2 = hc - dx2; x3 = hc + dx2; x4 = hc + dx1; y1 = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; dy2 = h * a4 / cnstVal2; y2 = b - dy2; y3 = (y2 + b) / 2; var d_val = "M" + l + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + hc + "," + t + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x3 + "," + y1 + " L" + x3 + "," + y2 + " L" + r + "," + y2 + " L" + r + "," + b + " L" + l + "," + b + " z"; result += ""; break; case "leftRightArrowCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 48123 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var maxAdj2, a2, maxAdj1, a1, maxAdj3, a3, q2, maxAdj4, a4, dy1, dy2, y1, y2, y3, y4, x1, x4, dx2, x2, x3; var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0; var ss = Math.min(w, h); maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * h / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; maxAdj1 = a2 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; maxAdj3 = cnstVal1 * w / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; q2 = a3 * ss / wd2; maxAdj4 = cnstVal2 - q2; a4 = (adj4 < 0) ? 0 : (adj4 > maxAdj4) ? maxAdj4 : adj4; dy1 = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; dy2 = ss * a1 / cnstVal3; y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc - dy2; y3 = vc + dy2; y4 = vc + dy1; x1 = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; x4 = r - x1; dx2 = w * a4 / cnstVal3; x2 = hc - dx2; x3 = hc + dx2; var d_val = "M" + l + "," + vc + " L" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + t + " L" + x3 + "," + t + " L" + x3 + "," + y2 + " L" + x4 + "," + y2 + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + r + "," + vc + " L" + x4 + "," + y4 + " L" + x4 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + b + " L" + x2 + "," + b + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "quadArrowCallout": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 18515 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 18515 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 18515 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj4, adj4 = 48123 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a2, maxAdj1, a1, maxAdj3, a3, q2, maxAdj4, a4, dx2, dx3, ah, dx1, dy1, x8, x2, x7, x3, x6, x4, x5, y8, y2, y7, y3, y6, y4, y5; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj2; maxAdj1 = a2 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; maxAdj3 = cnstVal1 - a2; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; q2 = a3 * 2; maxAdj4 = cnstVal2 - q2; a4 = (adj4 < a1) ? a1 : (adj4 > maxAdj4) ? maxAdj4 : adj4; dx2 = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; dx3 = ss * a1 / cnstVal3; ah = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; dx1 = w * a4 / cnstVal3; dy1 = h * a4 / cnstVal3; x8 = r - ah; x2 = hc - dx1; x7 = hc + dx1; x3 = hc - dx2; x6 = hc + dx2; x4 = hc - dx3; x5 = hc + dx3; y8 = b - ah; y2 = vc - dy1; y7 = vc + dy1; y3 = vc - dx2; y6 = vc + dx2; y4 = vc - dx3; y5 = vc + dx3; var d_val = "M" + l + "," + vc + " L" + ah + "," + y3 + " L" + ah + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x4 + "," + y2 + " L" + x4 + "," + ah + " L" + x3 + "," + ah + " L" + hc + "," + t + " L" + x6 + "," + ah + " L" + x5 + "," + ah + " L" + x5 + "," + y2 + " L" + x7 + "," + y2 + " L" + x7 + "," + y4 + " L" + x8 + "," + y4 + " L" + x8 + "," + y3 + " L" + r + "," + vc + " L" + x8 + "," + y6 + " L" + x8 + "," + y5 + " L" + x7 + "," + y5 + " L" + x7 + "," + y7 + " L" + x5 + "," + y7 + " L" + x5 + "," + y8 + " L" + x6 + "," + y8 + " L" + hc + "," + b + " L" + x3 + "," + y8 + " L" + x4 + "," + y8 + " L" + x4 + "," + y7 + " L" + x2 + "," + y7 + " L" + x2 + "," + y5 + " L" + ah + "," + y5 + " L" + ah + "," + y6 + " z"; result += ""; break; case "curvedDownArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, wd2 = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0, c3d4 = 270, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var maxAdj2, a2, a1, th, aw, q1, wR, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, idy, maxAdj3, a3, ah, x3, q2, q3, q4, q5, dx, x5, x7, q6, dh, x4, x8, aw2, x6, y1, swAng, mswAng, iy, ix, q12, dang2, stAng, stAng2, swAng2, swAng3; maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * w / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal2) ? cnstVal2 : adj1; th = ss * a1 / cnstVal2; aw = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; q1 = (th + aw) / 4; wR = wd2 - q1; q7 = wR * 2; q8 = q7 * q7; q9 = th * th; q10 = q8 - q9; q11 = Math.sqrt(q10); idy = q11 * h / q7; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * idy / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; ah = ss * adj3 / cnstVal2; x3 = wR + th; q2 = h * h; q3 = ah * ah; q4 = q2 - q3; q5 = Math.sqrt(q4); dx = q5 * wR / h; x5 = wR + dx; x7 = x3 + dx; q6 = aw - th; dh = q6 / 2; x4 = x5 - dh; x8 = x7 + dh; aw2 = aw / 2; x6 = r - aw2; y1 = b - ah; swAng = Math.atan(dx / ah); var swAngDeg = swAng * 180 / Math.PI; mswAng = -swAngDeg; iy = b - idy; ix = (wR + x3) / 2; q12 = th / 2; dang2 = Math.atan(q12 / idy); var dang2Deg = dang2 * 180 / Math.PI; stAng = c3d4 + swAngDeg; stAng2 = c3d4 - dang2Deg; swAng2 = dang2Deg - cd4; swAng3 = cd4 + dang2Deg; //var cX = x5 - Math.cos(stAng*Math.PI/180) * wR; //var cY = y1 - Math.sin(stAng*Math.PI/180) * h; var d_val = "M" + x6 + "," + b + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x5 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(wR, h, wR, h, stAng, (stAng + mswAng), false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x3 + "," + t + shapeArc(x3, h, wR, h, c3d4, (c3d4 + swAngDeg), false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + (x5 + th) + "," + y1 + " L" + x8 + "," + y1 + " z" + "M" + x3 + "," + t + shapeArc(x3, h, wR, h, stAng2, (stAng2 + swAng2), false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(wR, h, wR, h, cd2, (cd2 + swAng3), false).replace("M", "L"); result += ""; break; case "curvedLeftArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0, c3d4 = 270, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var maxAdj2, a2, a1, th, aw, q1, hR, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, idx, maxAdj3, a3, ah, y3, q2, q3, q4, q5, dy, y5, y7, q6, dh, y4, y8, aw2, y6, x1, swAng, mswAng, ix, iy, q12, dang2, swAng2, swAng3, stAng3; maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * h / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > a2) ? a2 : adj1; th = ss * a1 / cnstVal2; aw = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; q1 = (th + aw) / 4; hR = hd2 - q1; q7 = hR * 2; q8 = q7 * q7; q9 = th * th; q10 = q8 - q9; q11 = Math.sqrt(q10); idx = q11 * w / q7; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * idx / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; ah = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; y3 = hR + th; q2 = w * w; q3 = ah * ah; q4 = q2 - q3; q5 = Math.sqrt(q4); dy = q5 * hR / w; y5 = hR + dy; y7 = y3 + dy; q6 = aw - th; dh = q6 / 2; y4 = y5 - dh; y8 = y7 + dh; aw2 = aw / 2; y6 = b - aw2; x1 = l + ah; swAng = Math.atan(dy / ah); mswAng = -swAng; ix = l + idx; iy = (hR + y3) / 2; q12 = th / 2; dang2 = Math.atan(q12 / idx); swAng2 = dang2 - swAng; swAng3 = swAng + dang2; stAng3 = -dang2; var swAngDg, swAng2Dg, swAng3Dg, stAng3dg; swAngDg = swAng * 180 / Math.PI; swAng2Dg = swAng2 * 180 / Math.PI; swAng3Dg = swAng3 * 180 / Math.PI; stAng3dg = stAng3 * 180 / Math.PI; var d_val = "M" + r + "," + y3 + shapeArc(l, hR, w, hR, 0, -cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + l + "," + t + shapeArc(l, y3, w, hR, c3d4, (c3d4 + cd4), false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + r + "," + y3 + shapeArc(l, y3, w, hR, 0, swAngDg, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + y7 + " L" + x1 + "," + y8 + " L" + l + "," + y6 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y5 + shapeArc(l, hR, w, hR, swAngDg, (swAngDg + swAng2Dg), false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(l, hR, w, hR, 0, -cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + shapeArc(l, y3, w, hR, c3d4, (c3d4 + cd4), false).replace("M", "L"); result += ""; break; case "curvedRightArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0, c3d4 = 270, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var maxAdj2, a2, a1, th, aw, q1, hR, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, idx, maxAdj3, a3, ah, y3, q2, q3, q4, q5, dy, y5, y7, q6, dh, y4, y8, aw2, y6, x1, swAng, stAng, mswAng, ix, iy, q12, dang2, swAng2, swAng3, stAng3; maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * h / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > a2) ? a2 : adj1; th = ss * a1 / cnstVal2; aw = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; q1 = (th + aw) / 4; hR = hd2 - q1; q7 = hR * 2; q8 = q7 * q7; q9 = th * th; q10 = q8 - q9; q11 = Math.sqrt(q10); idx = q11 * w / q7; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * idx / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; ah = ss * a3 / cnstVal2; y3 = hR + th; q2 = w * w; q3 = ah * ah; q4 = q2 - q3; q5 = Math.sqrt(q4); dy = q5 * hR / w; y5 = hR + dy; y7 = y3 + dy; q6 = aw - th; dh = q6 / 2; y4 = y5 - dh; y8 = y7 + dh; aw2 = aw / 2; y6 = b - aw2; x1 = r - ah; swAng = Math.atan(dy / ah); stAng = Math.PI + 0 - swAng; mswAng = -swAng; ix = r - idx; iy = (hR + y3) / 2; q12 = th / 2; dang2 = Math.atan(q12 / idx); swAng2 = dang2 - Math.PI / 2; swAng3 = Math.PI / 2 + dang2; stAng3 = Math.PI - dang2; var stAngDg, mswAngDg, swAngDg, swAng2dg; stAngDg = stAng * 180 / Math.PI; mswAngDg = mswAng * 180 / Math.PI; swAngDg = swAng * 180 / Math.PI; swAng2dg = swAng2 * 180 / Math.PI; var d_val = "M" + l + "," + hR + shapeArc(w, hR, w, hR, cd2, cd2 + mswAngDg, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + x1 + "," + y5 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " L" + r + "," + y6 + " L" + x1 + "," + y8 + " L" + x1 + "," + y7 + shapeArc(w, y3, w, hR, stAngDg, stAngDg + swAngDg, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + l + "," + hR + shapeArc(w, hR, w, hR, cd2, cd2 + cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + r + "," + th + shapeArc(w, y3, w, hR, c3d4, c3d4 + swAng2dg, false).replace("M", "L") ""; result += ""; break; case "curvedUpArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj3, adj3 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, wd2 = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0, c3d4 = 270, cd2 = 180, cd4 = 90; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var maxAdj2, a2, a1, th, aw, q1, wR, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, idy, maxAdj3, a3, ah, x3, q2, q3, q4, q5, dx, x5, x7, q6, dh, x4, x8, aw2, x6, y1, swAng, mswAng, iy, ix, q12, dang2, swAng2, mswAng2, stAng3, swAng3, stAng2; maxAdj2 = cnstVal1 * w / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal2) ? cnstVal2 : adj1; th = ss * a1 / cnstVal2; aw = ss * a2 / cnstVal2; q1 = (th + aw) / 4; wR = wd2 - q1; q7 = wR * 2; q8 = q7 * q7; q9 = th * th; q10 = q8 - q9; q11 = Math.sqrt(q10); idy = q11 * h / q7; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 * idy / ss; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; ah = ss * adj3 / cnstVal2; x3 = wR + th; q2 = h * h; q3 = ah * ah; q4 = q2 - q3; q5 = Math.sqrt(q4); dx = q5 * wR / h; x5 = wR + dx; x7 = x3 + dx; q6 = aw - th; dh = q6 / 2; x4 = x5 - dh; x8 = x7 + dh; aw2 = aw / 2; x6 = r - aw2; y1 = t + ah; swAng = Math.atan(dx / ah); mswAng = -swAng; iy = t + idy; ix = (wR + x3) / 2; q12 = th / 2; dang2 = Math.atan(q12 / idy); swAng2 = dang2 - swAng; mswAng2 = -swAng2; stAng3 = Math.PI / 2 - swAng; swAng3 = swAng + dang2; stAng2 = Math.PI / 2 - dang2; var stAng2dg, swAng2dg, swAngDg, swAng2dg; stAng2dg = stAng2 * 180 / Math.PI; swAng2dg = swAng2 * 180 / Math.PI; stAng3dg = stAng3 * 180 / Math.PI; swAngDg = swAng * 180 / Math.PI; var d_val = //"M" + ix + "," +iy + shapeArc(wR, 0, wR, h, stAng2dg, stAng2dg + swAng2dg, false) + //.replace("M","L") + " L" + x5 + "," + y1 + " L" + x4 + "," + y1 + " L" + x6 + "," + t + " L" + x8 + "," + y1 + " L" + x7 + "," + y1 + shapeArc(x3, 0, wR, h, stAng3dg, stAng3dg + swAngDg, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + wR + "," + b + shapeArc(wR, 0, wR, h, cd4, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + th + "," + t + shapeArc(x3, 0, wR, h, cd2, cd4, false).replace("M", "L") + ""; result += ""; break; case "mathDivide": case "mathEqual": case "mathMinus": case "mathMultiply": case "mathNotEqual": case "mathPlus": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1; var sAdj2, adj2; var sAdj3, adj3; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { if (shapAdjst_ary.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)); } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)); } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)); } } } else { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary, ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)); } } var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal3 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; var dVal; var hc = w / 2, vc = h / 2, hd2 = h / 2; if (shapType == "mathNotEqual") { if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 23520 * 96 / 914400; adj2 = 110 * Math.PI / 180; adj3 = 11760 * 96 / 914400; } else { adj1 = adj1 * 96 / 914400; adj2 = (adj2 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; adj3 = adj3 * 96 / 914400; } var a1, crAng, a2a1, maxAdj3, a3, dy1, dy2, dx1, x1, x8, y2, y3, y1, y4, cadj2, xadj2, len, bhw, bhw2, x7, dx67, x6, dx57, x5, dx47, x4, dx37, x3, dx27, x2, rx7, rx6, rx5, rx4, rx3, rx2, dx7, rxt, lxt, rx, lx, dy3, dy4, ry, ly, dlx, drx, dly, dry, xC1, xC2, yC1, yC2, yC3, yC4; var angVal1 = 70 * Math.PI / 180, angVal2 = 110 * Math.PI / 180; var cnstVal4 = 73490 * 96 / 914400; //var cd4 = 90; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj1; crAng = (adj2 < angVal1) ? angVal1 : (adj2 > angVal2) ? angVal2 : adj2; a2a1 = a1 * 2; maxAdj3 = cnstVal2 - a2a1; a3 = (adj3 < 0) ? 0 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal2; dy2 = h * a3 / cnstVal3; dx1 = w * cnstVal4 / cnstVal3; x1 = hc - dx1; x8 = hc + dx1; y2 = vc - dy2; y3 = vc + dy2; y1 = y2 - dy1; y4 = y3 + dy1; cadj2 = crAng - Math.PI / 2; xadj2 = hd2 * Math.tan(cadj2); len = Math.sqrt(xadj2 * xadj2 + hd2 * hd2); bhw = len * dy1 / hd2; bhw2 = bhw / 2; x7 = hc + xadj2 - bhw2; dx67 = xadj2 * y1 / hd2; x6 = x7 - dx67; dx57 = xadj2 * y2 / hd2; x5 = x7 - dx57; dx47 = xadj2 * y3 / hd2; x4 = x7 - dx47; dx37 = xadj2 * y4 / hd2; x3 = x7 - dx37; dx27 = xadj2 * 2; x2 = x7 - dx27; rx7 = x7 + bhw; rx6 = x6 + bhw; rx5 = x5 + bhw; rx4 = x4 + bhw; rx3 = x3 + bhw; rx2 = x2 + bhw; dx7 = dy1 * hd2 / len; rxt = x7 + dx7; lxt = rx7 - dx7; rx = (cadj2 > 0) ? rxt : rx7; lx = (cadj2 > 0) ? x7 : lxt; dy3 = dy1 * xadj2 / len; dy4 = -dy3; ry = (cadj2 > 0) ? dy3 : 0; ly = (cadj2 > 0) ? 0 : dy4; dlx = w - rx; drx = w - lx; dly = h - ry; dry = h - ly; xC1 = (rx + lx) / 2; xC2 = (drx + dlx) / 2; yC1 = (ry + ly) / 2; yC2 = (y1 + y2) / 2; yC3 = (y3 + y4) / 2; yC4 = (dry + dly) / 2; dVal = "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x6 + "," + y1 + " L" + lx + "," + ly + " L" + rx + "," + ry + " L" + rx6 + "," + y1 + " L" + x8 + "," + y1 + " L" + x8 + "," + y2 + " L" + rx5 + "," + y2 + " L" + rx4 + "," + y3 + " L" + x8 + "," + y3 + " L" + x8 + "," + y4 + " L" + rx3 + "," + y4 + " L" + drx + "," + dry + " L" + dlx + "," + dly + " L" + x3 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x4 + "," + y3 + " L" + x5 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " z"; } else if (shapType == "mathDivide") { if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 23520 * 96 / 914400; adj2 = 5880 * 96 / 914400; adj3 = 11760 * 96 / 914400; } else { adj1 = adj1 * 96 / 914400; adj2 = adj2 * 96 / 914400; adj3 = adj3 * 96 / 914400; } var a1, ma1, ma3h, ma3w, maxAdj3, a3, m4a3, maxAdj2, a2, dy1, yg, rad, dx1, y3, y4, a, y2, y1, y5, x1, x3, x2; var cnstVal4 = 1000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal5 = 36745 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal6 = 73490 * 96 / 914400; a1 = (adj1 < cnstVal4) ? cnstVal4 : (adj1 > cnstVal5) ? cnstVal5 : adj1; ma1 = -a1; ma3h = (cnstVal6 + ma1) / 4; ma3w = cnstVal5 * w / h; maxAdj3 = (ma3h < ma3w) ? ma3h : ma3w; a3 = (adj3 < cnstVal4) ? cnstVal4 : (adj3 > maxAdj3) ? maxAdj3 : adj3; m4a3 = -4 * a3; maxAdj2 = cnstVal6 + m4a3 - a1; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal3; yg = h * a2 / cnstVal2; rad = h * a3 / cnstVal2; dx1 = w * cnstVal6 / cnstVal3; y3 = vc - dy1; y4 = vc + dy1; a = yg + rad; y2 = y3 - a; y1 = y2 - rad; y5 = h - y1; x1 = hc - dx1; x3 = hc + dx1; x2 = hc - rad; var cd4 = 90, c3d4 = 270; var cX1 = hc - Math.cos(c3d4 * Math.PI / 180) * rad; var cY1 = y1 - Math.sin(c3d4 * Math.PI / 180) * rad; var cX2 = hc - Math.cos(Math.PI / 2) * rad; var cY2 = y5 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) * rad; dVal = "M" + hc + "," + y1 + shapeArc(cX1, cY1, rad, rad, c3d4, c3d4 + 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + " M" + hc + "," + y5 + shapeArc(cX2, cY2, rad, rad, cd4, cd4 + 360, false).replace("M", "L") + " z" + " M" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " z"; } else if (shapType == "mathEqual") { if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 23520 * 96 / 914400; adj2 = 11760 * 96 / 914400; } else { adj1 = adj1 * 96 / 914400; adj2 = adj2 * 96 / 914400; } var cnstVal5 = 36745 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal6 = 73490 * 96 / 914400; var a1, a2a1, mAdj2, a2, dy1, dy2, dx1, y2, y3, y1, y4, x1, x2, yC1, yC2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal5) ? cnstVal5 : adj1; a2a1 = a1 * 2; mAdj2 = cnstVal2 - a2a1; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > mAdj2) ? mAdj2 : adj2; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal2; dy2 = h * a2 / cnstVal3; dx1 = w * cnstVal6 / cnstVal3; y2 = vc - dy2; y3 = vc + dy2; y1 = y2 - dy1; y4 = y3 + dy1; x1 = hc - dx1; x2 = hc + dx1; yC1 = (y1 + y2) / 2; yC2 = (y3 + y4) / 2; dVal = "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " z" + "M" + x1 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x2 + "," + y4 + " L" + x1 + "," + y4 + " z"; } else if (shapType == "mathMinus") { if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 23520 * 96 / 914400; } else { adj1 = adj1 * 96 / 914400; } var cnstVal6 = 73490 * 96 / 914400; var a1, dy1, dx1, y1, y2, x1, x2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal2) ? cnstVal2 : adj1; dy1 = h * a1 / cnstVal3; dx1 = w * cnstVal6 / cnstVal3; y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc + dy1; x1 = hc - dx1; x2 = hc + dx1; dVal = "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x1 + "," + y2 + " z"; } else if (shapType == "mathMultiply") { if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 23520 * 96 / 914400; } else { adj1 = adj1 * 96 / 914400; } var cnstVal6 = 51965 * 96 / 914400; var a1, th, a, sa, ca, ta, dl, rw, lM, xM, yM, dxAM, dyAM, xA, yA, xB, yB, xBC, yBC, yC, xD, xE, yFE, xFE, xF, xL, yG, yH, yI, xC2, yC3; var ss = Math.min(w, h); a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal6) ? cnstVal6 : adj1; th = ss * a1 / cnstVal2; a = Math.atan(h / w); sa = 1 * Math.sin(a); ca = 1 * Math.cos(a); ta = 1 * Math.tan(a); dl = Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h); rw = dl * cnstVal6 / cnstVal2; lM = dl - rw; xM = ca * lM / 2; yM = sa * lM / 2; dxAM = sa * th / 2; dyAM = ca * th / 2; xA = xM - dxAM; yA = yM + dyAM; xB = xM + dxAM; yB = yM - dyAM; xBC = hc - xB; yBC = xBC * ta; yC = yBC + yB; xD = w - xB; xE = w - xA; yFE = vc - yA; xFE = yFE / ta; xF = xE - xFE; xL = xA + xFE; yG = h - yA; yH = h - yB; yI = h - yC; xC2 = w - xM; yC3 = h - yM; dVal = "M" + xA + "," + yA + " L" + xB + "," + yB + " L" + hc + "," + yC + " L" + xD + "," + yB + " L" + xE + "," + yA + " L" + xF + "," + vc + " L" + xE + "," + yG + " L" + xD + "," + yH + " L" + hc + "," + yI + " L" + xB + "," + yH + " L" + xA + "," + yG + " L" + xL + "," + vc + " z"; } else if (shapType == "mathPlus") { if (shapAdjst_ary === undefined) { adj1 = 23520 * 96 / 914400; } else { adj1 = adj1 * 96 / 914400; } var cnstVal6 = 73490 * 96 / 914400; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a1, dx1, dy1, dx2, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > cnstVal6) ? cnstVal6 : adj1; dx1 = w * cnstVal6 / cnstVal3; dy1 = h * cnstVal6 / cnstVal3; dx2 = ss * a1 / cnstVal3; x1 = hc - dx1; x2 = hc - dx2; x3 = hc + dx2; x4 = hc + dx1; y1 = vc - dy1; y2 = vc - dx2; y3 = vc + dx2; y4 = vc + dy1; dVal = "M" + x1 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " L" + x3 + "," + y1 + " L" + x3 + "," + y2 + " L" + x4 + "," + y2 + " L" + x4 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y3 + " L" + x3 + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y4 + " L" + x2 + "," + y3 + " L" + x1 + "," + y3 + " z"; } result += ""; //console.log(shapType); break; case "can": case "flowChartMagneticDisk": case "flowChartMagneticDrum": var shapAdjst = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd", "attrs", "fmla"]); var adj = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal1 = 50000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 200000 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst !== undefined) { adj = parseInt(shapAdjst.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } var ss = Math.min(w, h); var maxAdj, a, y1, y2, y3, dVal; if (shapType == "flowChartMagneticDisk" || shapType == "flowChartMagneticDrum") { adj = 50000 * 96 / 914400; } maxAdj = cnstVal1 * h / ss; a = (adj < 0) ? 0 : (adj > maxAdj) ? maxAdj : adj; y1 = ss * a / cnstVal2; y2 = y1 + y1; y3 = h - y1; var cd2 = 180, wd2 = w / 2; var tranglRott = ""; if (shapType == "flowChartMagneticDrum") { tranglRott = "transform='rotate(90 " + w / 2 + "," + h / 2 + ")'"; } dVal = shapeArc(wd2, y1, wd2, y1, 0, cd2, false) + shapeArc(wd2, y1, wd2, y1, cd2, cd2 + cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + w + "," + y3 + shapeArc(wd2, y3, wd2, y1, 0, cd2, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + 0 + "," + y1; result += ""; break; case "swooshArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var refr = 96 / 914400; var sAdj1, adj1 = 25000 * refr; var sAdj2, adj2 = 16667 * refr; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * refr; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) * refr; } } } var cnstVal1 = 1 * refr; var cnstVal2 = 70000 * refr; var cnstVal3 = 75000 * refr; var cnstVal4 = 100000 * refr; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var ssd8 = ss / 8; var hd6 = h / 6; var a1, maxAdj2, a2, ad1, ad2, xB, yB, alfa, dx0, xC, dx1, yF, xF, xE, yE, dy2, dy22, dy3, yD, dy4, yP1, xP1, dy5, yP2, xP2; a1 = (adj1 < cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : (adj1 > cnstVal3) ? cnstVal3 : adj1; maxAdj2 = cnstVal2 * w / ss; a2 = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAdj2) ? maxAdj2 : adj2; ad1 = h * a1 / cnstVal4; ad2 = ss * a2 / cnstVal4; xB = w - ad2; yB = ssd8; alfa = (Math.PI / 2) / 14; dx0 = ssd8 * Math.tan(alfa); xC = xB - dx0; dx1 = ad1 * Math.tan(alfa); yF = yB + ad1; xF = xB + dx1; xE = xF + dx0; yE = yF + ssd8; dy2 = yE - 0; dy22 = dy2 / 2; dy3 = h / 20; yD = dy22 - dy3; dy4 = hd6; yP1 = hd6 + dy4; xP1 = w / 6; dy5 = hd6 / 2; yP2 = yF + dy5; xP2 = w / 4; var dVal = "M" + 0 + "," + h + " Q" + xP1 + "," + yP1 + " " + xB + "," + yB + " L" + xC + "," + 0 + " L" + w + "," + yD + " L" + xE + "," + yE + " L" + xF + "," + yF + " Q" + xP2 + "," + yP2 + " " + 0 + "," + h + " z"; result += ""; break; case "circularArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 12500 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = (1142319 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var sAdj3, adj3 = (20457681 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var sAdj4, adj4 = (10800000 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var sAdj5, adj5 = 12500 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = (parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = (parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = (parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj5") { sAdj5 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj5 = parseInt(sAdj5.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0, wd2 = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var a5, maxAdj1, a1, enAng, stAng, th, thh, th2, rw1, rh1, rw2, rh2, rw3, rh3, wtH, htH, dxH, dyH, xH, yH, rI, u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, u9, u10, u11, u12, u13, u14, u15, u16, u17, u18, u19, u20, u21, maxAng, aAng, ptAng, wtA, htA, dxA, dyA, xA, yA, wtE, htE, dxE, dyE, xE, yE, dxG, dyG, xG, yG, dxB, dyB, xB, yB, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, rO, x1O, y1O, x2O, y2O, dxO, dyO, dO, q1, q2, DO, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, sdelO, ndyO, sdyO, q9, q10, q11, dxF1, q12, dxF2, adyO, q13, q14, dyF1, q15, dyF2, q16, q17, q18, q19, q20, q21, q22, dxF, dyF, sdxF, sdyF, xF, yF, x1I, y1I, x2I, y2I, dxI, dyI, dI, v1, v2, DI, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, sdelI, v9, v10, v11, dxC1, v12, dxC2, adyI, v13, v14, dyC1, v15, dyC2, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, dxC, dyC, sdxC, sdyC, xC, yC, ist0, ist1, istAng, isw1, isw2, iswAng, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, xGp, yGp, xBp, yBp, en0, en1, en2, sw0, sw1, swAng; var cnstVal1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var rdAngVal1 = (1 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var rdAngVal2 = (21599999 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var rdAngVal3 = 2 * Math.PI; a5 = (adj5 < 0) ? 0 : (adj5 > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj5; maxAdj1 = a5 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; enAng = (adj3 < rdAngVal1) ? rdAngVal1 : (adj3 > rdAngVal2) ? rdAngVal2 : adj3; stAng = (adj4 < 0) ? 0 : (adj4 > rdAngVal2) ? rdAngVal2 : adj4; ////////////////////////////////////////// th = ss * a1 / cnstVal2; thh = ss * a5 / cnstVal2; th2 = th / 2; rw1 = wd2 + th2 - thh; rh1 = hd2 + th2 - thh; rw2 = rw1 - th; rh2 = rh1 - th; rw3 = rw2 + th2; rh3 = rh2 + th2; wtH = rw3 * Math.sin(enAng); htH = rh3 * Math.cos(enAng); //dxH = rw3*Math.cos(Math.atan(wtH/htH)); //dyH = rh3*Math.sin(Math.atan(wtH/htH)); dxH = rw3 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(wtH, htH)); dyH = rh3 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(wtH, htH)); xH = hc + dxH; yH = vc + dyH; rI = (rw2 < rh2) ? rw2 : rh2; u1 = dxH * dxH; u2 = dyH * dyH; u3 = rI * rI; u4 = u1 - u3; u5 = u2 - u3; u6 = u4 * u5 / u1; u7 = u6 / u2; u8 = 1 - u7; u9 = Math.sqrt(u8); u10 = u4 / dxH; u11 = u10 / dyH; u12 = (1 + u9) / u11; //u13 = Math.atan(u12/1); u13 = Math.atan2(u12, 1); u14 = u13 + rdAngVal3; u15 = (u13 > 0) ? u13 : u14; u16 = u15 - enAng; u17 = u16 + rdAngVal3; u18 = (u16 > 0) ? u16 : u17; u19 = u18 - cd2; u20 = u18 - rdAngVal3; u21 = (u19 > 0) ? u20 : u18; maxAng = Math.abs(u21); aAng = (adj2 < 0) ? 0 : (adj2 > maxAng) ? maxAng : adj2; ptAng = enAng + aAng; wtA = rw3 * Math.sin(ptAng); htA = rh3 * Math.cos(ptAng); //dxA = rw3*Math.cos(Math.atan(wtA/htA)); //dyA = rh3*Math.sin(Math.atan(wtA/htA)); dxA = rw3 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(wtA, htA)); dyA = rh3 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(wtA, htA)); xA = hc + dxA; yA = vc + dyA; wtE = rw1 * Math.sin(stAng); htE = rh1 * Math.cos(stAng); //dxE = rw1*Math.cos(Math.atan(wtE/htE)); //dyE = rh1*Math.sin(Math.atan(wtE/htE)); dxE = rw1 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(wtE, htE)); dyE = rh1 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(wtE, htE)); xE = hc + dxE; yE = vc + dyE; dxG = thh * Math.cos(ptAng); dyG = thh * Math.sin(ptAng); xG = xH + dxG; yG = yH + dyG; dxB = thh * Math.cos(ptAng); dyB = thh * Math.sin(ptAng); xB = xH - dxB; yB = yH - dyB; sx1 = xB - hc; sy1 = yB - vc; sx2 = xG - hc; sy2 = yG - vc; rO = (rw1 < rh1) ? rw1 : rh1; x1O = sx1 * rO / rw1; y1O = sy1 * rO / rh1; x2O = sx2 * rO / rw1; y2O = sy2 * rO / rh1; dxO = x2O - x1O; dyO = y2O - y1O; dO = Math.sqrt(dxO * dxO + dyO * dyO); q1 = x1O * y2O; q2 = x2O * y1O; DO = q1 - q2; q3 = rO * rO; q4 = dO * dO; q5 = q3 * q4; q6 = DO * DO; q7 = q5 - q6; q8 = (q7 > 0) ? q7 : 0; sdelO = Math.sqrt(q8); ndyO = dyO * -1; sdyO = (ndyO > 0) ? -1 : 1; q9 = sdyO * dxO; q10 = q9 * sdelO; q11 = DO * dyO; dxF1 = (q11 + q10) / q4; q12 = q11 - q10; dxF2 = q12 / q4; adyO = Math.abs(dyO); q13 = adyO * sdelO; q14 = DO * dxO / -1; dyF1 = (q14 + q13) / q4; q15 = q14 - q13; dyF2 = q15 / q4; q16 = x2O - dxF1; q17 = x2O - dxF2; q18 = y2O - dyF1; q19 = y2O - dyF2; q20 = Math.sqrt(q16 * q16 + q18 * q18); q21 = Math.sqrt(q17 * q17 + q19 * q19); q22 = q21 - q20; dxF = (q22 > 0) ? dxF1 : dxF2; dyF = (q22 > 0) ? dyF1 : dyF2; sdxF = dxF * rw1 / rO; sdyF = dyF * rh1 / rO; xF = hc + sdxF; yF = vc + sdyF; x1I = sx1 * rI / rw2; y1I = sy1 * rI / rh2; x2I = sx2 * rI / rw2; y2I = sy2 * rI / rh2; dxI = x2I - x1I; dyI = y2I - y1I; dI = Math.sqrt(dxI * dxI + dyI * dyI); v1 = x1I * y2I; v2 = x2I * y1I; DI = v1 - v2; v3 = rI * rI; v4 = dI * dI; v5 = v3 * v4; v6 = DI * DI; v7 = v5 - v6; v8 = (v7 > 0) ? v7 : 0; sdelI = Math.sqrt(v8); v9 = sdyO * dxI; v10 = v9 * sdelI; v11 = DI * dyI; dxC1 = (v11 + v10) / v4; v12 = v11 - v10; dxC2 = v12 / v4; adyI = Math.abs(dyI); v13 = adyI * sdelI; v14 = DI * dxI / -1; dyC1 = (v14 + v13) / v4; v15 = v14 - v13; dyC2 = v15 / v4; v16 = x1I - dxC1; v17 = x1I - dxC2; v18 = y1I - dyC1; v19 = y1I - dyC2; v20 = Math.sqrt(v16 * v16 + v18 * v18); v21 = Math.sqrt(v17 * v17 + v19 * v19); v22 = v21 - v20; dxC = (v22 > 0) ? dxC1 : dxC2; dyC = (v22 > 0) ? dyC1 : dyC2; sdxC = dxC * rw2 / rI; sdyC = dyC * rh2 / rI; xC = hc + sdxC; yC = vc + sdyC; //ist0 = Math.atan(sdyC/sdxC); ist0 = Math.atan2(sdyC, sdxC); ist1 = ist0 + rdAngVal3; istAng = (ist0 > 0) ? ist0 : ist1; isw1 = stAng - istAng; isw2 = isw1 - rdAngVal3; iswAng = (isw1 > 0) ? isw2 : isw1; p1 = xF - xC; p2 = yF - yC; p3 = Math.sqrt(p1 * p1 + p2 * p2); p4 = p3 / 2; p5 = p4 - thh; xGp = (p5 > 0) ? xF : xG; yGp = (p5 > 0) ? yF : yG; xBp = (p5 > 0) ? xC : xB; yBp = (p5 > 0) ? yC : yB; //en0 = Math.atan(sdyF/sdxF); en0 = Math.atan2(sdyF, sdxF); en1 = en0 + rdAngVal3; en2 = (en0 > 0) ? en0 : en1; sw0 = en2 - stAng; sw1 = sw0 + rdAngVal3; swAng = (sw0 > 0) ? sw0 : sw1; var strtAng = stAng * 180 / Math.PI var endAng = strtAng + (swAng * 180 / Math.PI); var stiAng = istAng * 180 / Math.PI; var swiAng = iswAng * 180 / Math.PI; var ediAng = stiAng + swiAng; var d_val = shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, rw1, rh1, strtAng, endAng, false) + " L" + xGp + "," + yGp + " L" + xA + "," + yA + " L" + xBp + "," + yBp + " L" + xC + "," + yC + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, rw2, rh2, stiAng, ediAng, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "leftCircularArrow": var shapAdjst_ary = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:prstGeom", "a:avLst", "a:gd"]); var sAdj1, adj1 = 12500 * 96 / 914400; var sAdj2, adj2 = (-1142319 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var sAdj3, adj3 = (1142319 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var sAdj4, adj4 = (10800000 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var sAdj5, adj5 = 12500 * 96 / 914400; if (shapAdjst_ary !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < shapAdjst_ary.length; i++) { var sAdj_name = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "name"]); if (sAdj_name == "adj1") { sAdj1 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj1 = parseInt(sAdj1.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj2") { sAdj2 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj2 = (parseInt(sAdj2.substr(4)) / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj3") { sAdj3 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj3 = (parseInt(sAdj3.substr(4)) / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj4") { sAdj4 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj4 = (parseInt(sAdj4.substr(4)) / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; } else if (sAdj_name == "adj5") { sAdj5 = getTextByPathList(shapAdjst_ary[i], ["attrs", "fmla"]); adj5 = parseInt(sAdj5.substr(4)) * 96 / 914400; } } } var vc = h / 2, hc = w / 2, r = w, b = h, l = 0, t = 0, wd2 = w / 2, hd2 = h / 2; var ss = Math.min(w, h); var cnstVal1 = 25000 * 96 / 914400; var cnstVal2 = 100000 * 96 / 914400; var rdAngVal1 = (1 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var rdAngVal2 = (21599999 / 60000) * Math.PI / 180; var rdAngVal3 = 2 * Math.PI; var a5, maxAdj1, a1, enAng, stAng, th, thh, th2, rw1, rh1, rw2, rh2, rw3, rh3, wtH, htH, dxH, dyH, xH, yH, rI, u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, u9, u10, u11, u12, u13, u14, u15, u16, u17, u18, u19, u20, u21, u22, minAng, u23, a2, aAng, ptAng, wtA, htA, dxA, dyA, xA, yA, wtE, htE, dxE, dyE, xE, yE, wtD, htD, dxD, dyD, xD, yD, dxG, dyG, xG, yG, dxB, dyB, xB, yB, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, rO, x1O, y1O, x2O, y2O, dxO, dyO, dO, q1, q2, DO, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, sdelO, ndyO, sdyO, q9, q10, q11, dxF1, q12, dxF2, adyO, q13, q14, dyF1, q15, dyF2, q16, q17, q18, q19, q20, q21, q22, dxF, dyF, sdxF, sdyF, xF, yF, x1I, y1I, x2I, y2I, dxI, dyI, dI, v1, v2, DI, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, sdelI, v9, v10, v11, dxC1, v12, dxC2, adyI, v13, v14, dyC1, v15, dyC2, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, dxC, dyC, sdxC, sdyC, xC, yC, ist0, ist1, istAng0, isw1, isw2, iswAng0, istAng, iswAng, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, xGp, yGp, xBp, yBp, en0, en1, en2, sw0, sw1, swAng, stAng0; a5 = (adj5 < 0) ? 0 : (adj5 > cnstVal1) ? cnstVal1 : adj5; maxAdj1 = a5 * 2; a1 = (adj1 < 0) ? 0 : (adj1 > maxAdj1) ? maxAdj1 : adj1; enAng = (adj3 < rdAngVal1) ? rdAngVal1 : (adj3 > rdAngVal2) ? rdAngVal2 : adj3; stAng = (adj4 < 0) ? 0 : (adj4 > rdAngVal2) ? rdAngVal2 : adj4; th = ss * a1 / cnstVal2; thh = ss * a5 / cnstVal2; th2 = th / 2; rw1 = wd2 + th2 - thh; rh1 = hd2 + th2 - thh; rw2 = rw1 - th; rh2 = rh1 - th; rw3 = rw2 + th2; rh3 = rh2 + th2; wtH = rw3 * Math.sin(enAng); htH = rh3 * Math.cos(enAng); dxH = rw3 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(wtH, htH)); dyH = rh3 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(wtH, htH)); xH = hc + dxH; yH = vc + dyH; rI = (rw2 < rh2) ? rw2 : rh2; u1 = dxH * dxH; u2 = dyH * dyH; u3 = rI * rI; u4 = u1 - u3; u5 = u2 - u3; u6 = u4 * u5 / u1; u7 = u6 / u2; u8 = 1 - u7; u9 = Math.sqrt(u8); u10 = u4 / dxH; u11 = u10 / dyH; u12 = (1 + u9) / u11; u13 = Math.atan2(u12, 1); u14 = u13 + rdAngVal3; u15 = (u13 > 0) ? u13 : u14; u16 = u15 - enAng; u17 = u16 + rdAngVal3; u18 = (u16 > 0) ? u16 : u17; u19 = u18 - cd2; u20 = u18 - rdAngVal3; u21 = (u19 > 0) ? u20 : u18; u22 = Math.abs(u21); minAng = u22 * -1; u23 = Math.abs(adj2); a2 = u23 * -1; aAng = (a2 < minAng) ? minAng : (a2 > 0) ? 0 : a2; ptAng = enAng + aAng; wtA = rw3 * Math.sin(ptAng); htA = rh3 * Math.cos(ptAng); dxA = rw3 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(wtA, htA)); dyA = rh3 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(wtA, htA)); xA = hc + dxA; yA = vc + dyA; wtE = rw1 * Math.sin(stAng); htE = rh1 * Math.cos(stAng); dxE = rw1 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(wtE, htE)); dyE = rh1 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(wtE, htE)); xE = hc + dxE; yE = vc + dyE; wtD = rw2 * Math.sin(stAng); htD = rh2 * Math.cos(stAng); dxD = rw2 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(wtD, htD)); dyD = rh2 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(wtD, htD)); xD = hc + dxD; yD = vc + dyD; dxG = thh * Math.cos(ptAng); dyG = thh * Math.sin(ptAng); xG = xH + dxG; yG = yH + dyG; dxB = thh * Math.cos(ptAng); dyB = thh * Math.sin(ptAng); xB = xH - dxB; yB = yH - dyB; sx1 = xB - hc; sy1 = yB - vc; sx2 = xG - hc; sy2 = yG - vc; rO = (rw1 < rh1) ? rw1 : rh1; x1O = sx1 * rO / rw1; y1O = sy1 * rO / rh1; x2O = sx2 * rO / rw1; y2O = sy2 * rO / rh1; dxO = x2O - x1O; dyO = y2O - y1O; dO = Math.sqrt(dxO * dxO + dyO * dyO); q1 = x1O * y2O; q2 = x2O * y1O; DO = q1 - q2; q3 = rO * rO; q4 = dO * dO; q5 = q3 * q4; q6 = DO * DO; q7 = q5 - q6; q8 = (q7 > 0) ? q7 : 0; sdelO = Math.sqrt(q8); ndyO = dyO * -1; sdyO = (ndyO > 0) ? -1 : 1; q9 = sdyO * dxO; q10 = q9 * sdelO; q11 = DO * dyO; dxF1 = (q11 + q10) / q4; q12 = q11 - q10; dxF2 = q12 / q4; adyO = Math.abs(dyO); q13 = adyO * sdelO; q14 = DO * dxO / -1; dyF1 = (q14 + q13) / q4; q15 = q14 - q13; dyF2 = q15 / q4; q16 = x2O - dxF1; q17 = x2O - dxF2; q18 = y2O - dyF1; q19 = y2O - dyF2; q20 = Math.sqrt(q16 * q16 + q18 * q18); q21 = Math.sqrt(q17 * q17 + q19 * q19); q22 = q21 - q20; dxF = (q22 > 0) ? dxF1 : dxF2; dyF = (q22 > 0) ? dyF1 : dyF2; sdxF = dxF * rw1 / rO; sdyF = dyF * rh1 / rO; xF = hc + sdxF; yF = vc + sdyF; x1I = sx1 * rI / rw2; y1I = sy1 * rI / rh2; x2I = sx2 * rI / rw2; y2I = sy2 * rI / rh2; dxI = x2I - x1I; dyI = y2I - y1I; dI = Math.sqrt(dxI * dxI + dyI * dyI); v1 = x1I * y2I; v2 = x2I * y1I; DI = v1 - v2; v3 = rI * rI; v4 = dI * dI; v5 = v3 * v4; v6 = DI * DI; v7 = v5 - v6; v8 = (v7 > 0) ? v7 : 0; sdelI = Math.sqrt(v8); v9 = sdyO * dxI; v10 = v9 * sdelI; v11 = DI * dyI; dxC1 = (v11 + v10) / v4; v12 = v11 - v10; dxC2 = v12 / v4; adyI = Math.abs(dyI); v13 = adyI * sdelI; v14 = DI * dxI / -1; dyC1 = (v14 + v13) / v4; v15 = v14 - v13; dyC2 = v15 / v4; v16 = x1I - dxC1; v17 = x1I - dxC2; v18 = y1I - dyC1; v19 = y1I - dyC2; v20 = Math.sqrt(v16 * v16 + v18 * v18); v21 = Math.sqrt(v17 * v17 + v19 * v19); v22 = v21 - v20; dxC = (v22 > 0) ? dxC1 : dxC2; dyC = (v22 > 0) ? dyC1 : dyC2; sdxC = dxC * rw2 / rI; sdyC = dyC * rh2 / rI; xC = hc + sdxC; yC = vc + sdyC; ist0 = Math.atan2(sdyC, sdxC); ist1 = ist0 + rdAngVal3; istAng0 = (ist0 > 0) ? ist0 : ist1; isw1 = stAng - istAng0; isw2 = isw1 + rdAngVal3; iswAng0 = (isw1 > 0) ? isw1 : isw2; istAng = istAng0 + iswAng0; iswAng = -iswAng0; p1 = xF - xC; p2 = yF - yC; p3 = Math.sqrt(p1 * p1 + p2 * p2); p4 = p3 / 2; p5 = p4 - thh; xGp = (p5 > 0) ? xF : xG; yGp = (p5 > 0) ? yF : yG; xBp = (p5 > 0) ? xC : xB; yBp = (p5 > 0) ? yC : yB; en0 = Math.atan2(sdyF, sdxF); en1 = en0 + rdAngVal3; en2 = (en0 > 0) ? en0 : en1; sw0 = en2 - stAng; sw1 = sw0 - rdAngVal3; swAng = (sw0 > 0) ? sw1 : sw0; stAng0 = stAng + swAng; var strtAng = stAng0 * 180 / Math.PI; var endAng = stAng * 180 / Math.PI; var stiAng = istAng * 180 / Math.PI; var swiAng = iswAng * 180 / Math.PI; var ediAng = stiAng + swiAng; var d_val = "M" + xE + "," + yE + " L" + xD + "," + yD + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, rw2, rh2, stiAng, ediAng, false).replace("M", "L") + " L" + xBp + "," + yBp + " L" + xA + "," + yA + " L" + xGp + "," + yGp + " L" + xF + "," + yF + shapeArc(w / 2, h / 2, rw1, rh1, strtAng, endAng, false).replace("M", "L") + " z"; result += ""; break; case "leftRightCircularArrow": case "chartPlus": case "chartStar": case "chartX": case "cornerTabs": case "flowChartOfflineStorage": case "folderCorner": case "funnel": case "lineInv": case "nonIsoscelesTrapezoid": case "plaqueTabs": case "squareTabs": case "upDownArrowCallout": console.log(shapType, " -unsupported shape type."); break; case undefined: default: console.warn("Undefine shape type.(" + shapType + ")"); } result += ""; result += "
"; // TextBody if (node["p:txBody"] !== undefined) { result += genTextBody(node["p:txBody"], node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); } result += "
"; } else if (custShapType !== undefined) { //custGeom here - Amir /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //http://officeopenxml.com/drwSp-custGeom.php var pathLstNode = getTextByPathList(custShapType, ["a:pathLst"]); var pathNode = getTextByPathList(pathLstNode, ["a:path", "attrs"]); var maxX = parseInt(pathNode["w"]) * 96 / 914400; var maxY = parseInt(pathNode["h"]) * 96 / 914400; //console.log("w = "+w+"\nh = "+h+"\nmaxX = "+maxX +"\nmaxY = " + maxY); //cheke if it is close shape var closeNode = getTextByPathList(pathLstNode, ["a:path", "a:close"]); var startPoint = getTextByPathList(pathLstNode, ["a:path", "a:moveTo", "a:pt", "attrs"]); var spX = parseInt(startPoint["x"]) * 96 / 914400; var spY = parseInt(startPoint["y"]) * 96 / 914400; var d = "M" + spX + "," + spY; var pathNodes = getTextByPathList(pathLstNode, ["a:path"]); var lnToNodes = pathNodes["a:lnTo"]; var cubicBezToNodes = pathNodes["a:cubicBezTo"]; var arcToNodes = pathNodes["a:arcTo"]; var sortblAry = []; if (lnToNodes !== undefined) { Object.keys(lnToNodes).forEach(function (key) { var lnToPtNode = lnToNodes[key]["a:pt"]; if (lnToPtNode !== undefined) { Object.keys(lnToPtNode).forEach(function (key2) { var ptObj = {}; var lnToNoPt = lnToPtNode[key2]; var ptX = lnToNoPt["attrs", "x"]; var ptY = lnToNoPt["attrs", "y"]; var ptOrdr = lnToNoPt["attrs", "order"]; ptObj.type = "lnto"; ptObj.order = ptOrdr; ptObj.x = ptX; ptObj.y = ptY; sortblAry.push(ptObj); //console.log(key2, lnToNoPt); }); } }); } if (cubicBezToNodes !== undefined) { Object.keys(cubicBezToNodes).forEach(function (key) { //console.log("cubicBezTo["+key+"]:"); var cubicBezToPtNodes = cubicBezToNodes[key]["a:pt"]; if (cubicBezToPtNodes !== undefined) { Object.keys(cubicBezToPtNodes).forEach(function (key2) { //console.log("cubicBezTo["+key+"]pt["+key2+"]:"); var cubBzPts = cubicBezToPtNodes[key2]; Object.keys(cubBzPts).forEach(function (key3) { //console.log(key3, cubBzPts[key3]); var ptObj = {}; var cubBzPt = cubBzPts[key3]; var ptX = cubBzPt["attrs", "x"]; var ptY = cubBzPt["attrs", "y"]; var ptOrdr = cubBzPt["attrs", "order"]; ptObj.type = "cubicBezTo"; ptObj.order = ptOrdr; ptObj.x = ptX; ptObj.y = ptY; sortblAry.push(ptObj); }); }); } }); } if (arcToNodes !== undefined) { var arcToNodesAttrs = arcToNodes["attrs"]; var arcOrder = arcToNodesAttrs["order"]; var hR = arcToNodesAttrs["hR"]; var wR = arcToNodesAttrs["wR"]; var stAng = arcToNodesAttrs["stAng"]; var swAng = arcToNodesAttrs["swAng"]; var shftX = 0; var shftY = 0; var arcToPtNode = getTextByPathList(arcToNodes, ["a:pt", "attrs"]); if (arcToPtNode !== undefined) { shftX = arcToPtNode["x"]; shftY = arcToPtNode["y"]; //console.log("shftX: ",shftX," shftY: ",shftY) } var ptObj = {}; ptObj.type = "arcTo"; ptObj.order = arcOrder; ptObj.hR = hR; ptObj.wR = wR; ptObj.stAng = stAng; ptObj.swAng = swAng; ptObj.shftX = shftX; ptObj.shftY = shftY; sortblAry.push(ptObj); } var sortByOrder = sortblAry.slice(0); sortByOrder.sort(function (a, b) { return a.order - b.order; }); //console.log(sortByOrder); var k = 0; while (k < sortByOrder.length) { if (sortByOrder[k].type == "lnto") { var Lx = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].x) * 96 / 914400; var Ly = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].y) * 96 / 914400; d += "L" + Lx + "," + Ly; k++; } else if (sortByOrder[k].type == "cubicBezTo") { var Cx1 = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].x) * 96 / 914400; var Cy1 = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].y) * 96 / 914400; var Cx2 = parseInt(sortByOrder[k + 1].x) * 96 / 914400; var Cy2 = parseInt(sortByOrder[k + 1].y) * 96 / 914400; var Cx3 = parseInt(sortByOrder[k + 2].x) * 96 / 914400; var Cy3 = parseInt(sortByOrder[k + 2].y) * 96 / 914400; d += "C" + Cx1 + "," + Cy1 + " " + Cx2 + "," + Cy2 + " " + Cx3 + "," + Cy3; k += 3; } else if (sortByOrder[k].type == "arcTo") { var hR = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].hR) * 96 / 914400; var wR = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].wR) * 96 / 914400; var stAng = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].stAng) / 60000; var swAng = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].swAng) / 60000; //var shftX = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].shftX) * 96 / 914400; //var shftY = parseInt(sortByOrder[k].shftY) * 96 / 914400; var endAng = stAng + swAng; d += shapeArc(wR, hR, wR, hR, stAng, endAng, false); k++; } } result += ""; // TextBody if (node["p:txBody"] !== undefined) { result += genTextBody(node["p:txBody"], node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); } result += ""; // result = ""; } else { result += "
"; // TextBody if (node["p:txBody"] !== undefined) { result += genTextBody(node["p:txBody"], node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); } result += "
"; } return result; } function shapeStar(adj, starNum) { var innerRadius = adj; /*1-100*/ var outerRadius = 100;//star.outerRadius; var numPoints = starNum;/*1-100*/ var center = Math.max(innerRadius, outerRadius); var angle = Math.PI / numPoints; var points = []; for (var i = 0; i < numPoints * 2; i++) { var radius = i & 1 ? innerRadius : outerRadius; points.push(center + radius * Math.sin(i * angle)); points.push(center - radius * Math.cos(i * angle)); } return points; } function shapePie(H, w, adj1, adj2, isClose) { var pieVal = parseInt(adj2); var piAngle = parseInt(adj1); var size = parseInt(H), radius = (size / 2), value = pieVal - piAngle; if (value < 0) { value = 360 + value; } //console.log("value: ",value) value = Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 360); //calculate x,y coordinates of the point on the circle to draw the arc to. var x = Math.cos((2 * Math.PI) / (360 / value)); var y = Math.sin((2 * Math.PI) / (360 / value)); //d is a string that describes the path of the slice. var longArc, d, rot; if (isClose) { longArc = (value <= 180) ? 0 : 1; d = "M" + radius + "," + radius + " L" + radius + "," + 0 + " A" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 " + longArc + ",1 " + (radius + y * radius) + "," + (radius - x * radius) + " z"; rot = "rotate(" + (piAngle - 270) + ", " + radius + ", " + radius + ")"; } else { longArc = (value <= 180) ? 0 : 1; var radius1 = radius; var radius2 = w / 2; d = "M" + radius1 + "," + 0 + " A" + radius2 + "," + radius1 + " 0 " + longArc + ",1 " + (radius2 + y * radius2) + "," + (radius1 - x * radius1); rot = "rotate(" + (piAngle + 90) + ", " + radius + ", " + radius + ")"; } return [d, rot]; } function shapeGear(w, h, points) { var innerRadius = h;//gear.innerRadius; var outerRadius = 1.5 * innerRadius; var cx = outerRadius;//Math.max(innerRadius, outerRadius), // center x cy = outerRadius;//Math.max(innerRadius, outerRadius), // center y notches = points,//gear.points, // num. of notches radiusO = outerRadius, // outer radius radiusI = innerRadius, // inner radius taperO = 50, // outer taper % taperI = 35, // inner taper % // pre-calculate values for loop pi2 = 2 * Math.PI, // cache 2xPI (360deg) angle = pi2 / (notches * 2), // angle between notches taperAI = angle * taperI * 0.005, // inner taper offset (100% = half notch) taperAO = angle * taperO * 0.005, // outer taper offset a = angle, // iterator (angle) toggle = false; // move to starting point var d = " M" + (cx + radiusO * Math.cos(taperAO)) + " " + (cy + radiusO * Math.sin(taperAO)); // loop for (; a <= pi2 + angle; a += angle) { // draw inner to outer line if (toggle) { d += " L" + (cx + radiusI * Math.cos(a - taperAI)) + "," + (cy + radiusI * Math.sin(a - taperAI)); d += " L" + (cx + radiusO * Math.cos(a + taperAO)) + "," + (cy + radiusO * Math.sin(a + taperAO)); } else { // draw outer to inner line d += " L" + (cx + radiusO * Math.cos(a - taperAO)) + "," + (cy + radiusO * Math.sin(a - taperAO)); // outer line d += " L" + (cx + radiusI * Math.cos(a + taperAI)) + "," + (cy + radiusI * Math.sin(a + taperAI));// inner line } // switch level toggle = !toggle; } // close the final line d += " "; return d; } function shapeArc(cX, cY, rX, rY, stAng, endAng, isClose) { var dData; var angle = stAng; if (endAng >= stAng) { while (angle <= endAng) { var radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180); // convert degree to radians var x = cX + Math.cos(radians) * rX; var y = cY + Math.sin(radians) * rY; if (angle == stAng) { dData = " M" + x + " " + y; } dData += " L" + x + " " + y; angle++; } } else { while (angle > endAng) { var radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180); // convert degree to radians var x = cX + Math.cos(radians) * rX; var y = cY + Math.sin(radians) * rY; if (angle == stAng) { dData = " M " + x + " " + y; } dData += " L " + x + " " + y; angle--; } } dData += (isClose ? " z" : ""); return dData; } function shapeSnipRoundRect(w, h, adj1, adj2, shapeType, adjType) { /* shapeType: snip,round adjType: cornr1,cornr2,cornrAll,diag */ var adjA, adjB, adjC, adjD; if (adjType == "cornr1") { adjA = 0; adjB = 0; adjC = 0; adjD = adj1; } else if (adjType == "cornr2") { adjA = adj1; adjB = adj2; adjC = adj2; adjD = adj1; } else if (adjType == "cornrAll") { adjA = adj1; adjB = adj1; adjC = adj1; adjD = adj1; } else if (adjType == "diag") { adjA = adj1; adjB = adj2; adjC = adj1; adjD = adj2; } //d is a string that describes the path of the slice. var d; if (shapeType == "round") { d = "M0" + "," + (h / 2 + (1 - adjB) * (h / 2)) + " Q" + 0 + "," + h + " " + adjB * (w / 2) + "," + h + " L" + (w / 2 + (1 - adjC) * (w / 2)) + "," + h + " Q" + w + "," + h + " " + w + "," + (h / 2 + (h / 2) * (1 - adjC)) + "L" + w + "," + (h / 2) * adjD + " Q" + w + "," + 0 + " " + (w / 2 + (w / 2) * (1 - adjD)) + ",0 L" + (w / 2) * adjA + ",0" + " Q" + 0 + "," + 0 + " 0," + (h / 2) * (adjA) + " z"; } else if (shapeType == "snip") { d = "M0" + "," + adjA * (h / 2) + " L0" + "," + (h / 2 + (h / 2) * (1 - adjB)) + "L" + adjB * (w / 2) + "," + h + " L" + (w / 2 + (w / 2) * (1 - adjC)) + "," + h + "L" + w + "," + (h / 2 + (h / 2) * (1 - adjC)) + " L" + w + "," + adjD * (h / 2) + "L" + (w / 2 + (w / 2) * (1 - adjD)) + ",0 L" + ((w / 2) * adjA) + ",0 z"; } return d; } /* function shapePolygon(sidesNum) { var sides = sidesNum; var radius = 100; var angle = 2 * Math.PI / sides; var points = []; for (var i = 0; i < sides; i++) { points.push(radius + radius * Math.sin(i * angle)); points.push(radius - radius * Math.cos(i * angle)); } return points; } */ function processPicNode(node, warpObj) { var rtrnData = ""; var mediaPicFlag = false; var order = node["attrs"]["order"]; var rid = node["p:blipFill"]["a:blip"]["attrs"]["r:embed"]; var imgName = warpObj["slideResObj"][rid]["target"]; var imgFileExt = extractFileExtension(imgName).toLowerCase(); var zip = warpObj["zip"]; var imgArrayBuffer = zip.file(imgName).asArrayBuffer(); var mimeType = ""; var xfrmNode = node["p:spPr"]["a:xfrm"]; ///////////////////////////////////////Amir////////////////////////////// var rotate = 0; var rotateNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr", "a:xfrm", "attrs", "rot"]); if (rotateNode !== undefined) { rotate = angleToDegrees(rotateNode); } //video var vdoNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvPicPr", "p:nvPr", "a:videoFile"]); var vdoRid, vdoFile, vdoFileExt, vdoMimeType, uInt8Array, blob, vdoBlob, mediaSupportFlag = false; var mediaProcess = settings.mediaProcess; if (vdoNode !== undefined & mediaProcess) { vdoRid = vdoNode["attrs"]["r:link"]; vdoFile = warpObj["slideResObj"][vdoRid]["target"]; uInt8Array = zip.file(vdoFile).asArrayBuffer(); vdoFileExt = extractFileExtension(vdoFile).toLowerCase(); if (vdoFileExt == "mp4" || vdoFileExt == "webm" || vdoFileExt == "ogg") { vdoMimeType = getMimeType(vdoFileExt); blob = new Blob([uInt8Array], { type: vdoMimeType }); vdoBlob = URL.createObjectURL(blob); mediaSupportFlag = true; mediaPicFlag = true; } } //Audio var audioNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:nvPicPr", "p:nvPr", "a:audioFile"]); var audioRid, audioFile, audioFileExt, audioMimeType, uInt8ArrayAudio, blobAudio, audioBlob; var audioPlayerFlag = false; var audioObjc; if (audioNode !== undefined & mediaProcess) { audioRid = audioNode["attrs"]["r:link"]; audioFile = warpObj["slideResObj"][audioRid]["target"]; audioFileExt = extractFileExtension(audioFile).toLowerCase(); if (audioFileExt == "mp3" || audioFileExt == "wav" || audioFileExt == "ogg") { uInt8ArrayAudio = zip.file(audioFile).asArrayBuffer(); blobAudio = new Blob([uInt8ArrayAudio]); audioBlob = URL.createObjectURL(blobAudio); var cx = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:ext"]["attrs"]["cx"]) * 20; var cy = xfrmNode["a:ext"]["attrs"]["cy"]; var x = parseInt(xfrmNode["a:off"]["attrs"]["x"]) / 2.5; var y = xfrmNode["a:off"]["attrs"]["y"]; audioObjc = { "a:ext": { "attrs": { "cx": cx, "cy": cy } }, "a:off": { "attrs": { "x": x, "y": y } } } audioPlayerFlag = true; mediaSupportFlag = true; mediaPicFlag = true; } } //console.log(node) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mimeType = getMimeType(imgFileExt); rtrnData = "
"; if ((vdoNode === undefined && audioNode === undefined) || !mediaProcess || !mediaSupportFlag) { rtrnData += ""; } else if ((vdoNode !== undefined || audioNode !== undefined) && mediaProcess && mediaSupportFlag) { if (vdoNode !== undefined) { rtrnData += ""; } if (audioNode !== undefined) { rtrnData += ''; //''+ //''; } } if (!mediaSupportFlag && mediaPicFlag) { rtrnData += "This media file Not supported by HTML5"; } if ((vdoNode !== undefined || audioNode !== undefined) && !mediaProcess && mediaSupportFlag) { console.log("Founded supported media file but media process disabled (mediaProcess=false)"); } rtrnData += "
"; //console.log(rtrnData) return rtrnData; } function processGraphicFrameNode(node, warpObj) { var result = ""; var graphicTypeUri = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:graphic", "a:graphicData", "attrs", "uri"]); switch (graphicTypeUri) { case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table": result = genTable(node, warpObj); break; case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart": result = genChart(node, warpObj); break; case "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/diagram": result = genDiagram(node, warpObj); break; default: } return result; } function processSpPrNode(node, warpObj) { /* * 2241 * 2242 * 2243 * 2244 * 2245 * 2246 * 2247 * 2248 * 2249 * 2250 * 2251 * 2252 * 2253 */ // TODO: } function genTextBody(textBodyNode, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj) { var text = ""; var slideMasterTextStyles = warpObj["slideMasterTextStyles"]; if (textBodyNode === undefined) { return text; } //rtl : // //var rtlStr = ""; if (textBodyNode["a:p"].constructor === Array) { // multi p for (var i = 0; i < textBodyNode["a:p"].length; i++) { var pNode = textBodyNode["a:p"][i]; var rNode = pNode["a:r"]; //var isRTL = getTextDirection(pNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles); //rtlStr = "";//"dir='"+isRTL+"'"; text += "
"; text += genBuChar(pNode, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); if (rNode === undefined) { // without r text += genSpanElement(pNode, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); } else if (rNode.constructor === Array) { // with multi r for (var j = 0; j < rNode.length; j++) { text += genSpanElement(rNode[j], spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); //////////////////Amir//////////// if (pNode["a:br"] !== undefined) { text += "
"; } ////////////////////////////////// } } else { // with one r text += genSpanElement(rNode, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); } text += "
"; } } else { // one p var pNode = textBodyNode["a:p"]; var rNode = pNode["a:r"]; //var isRTL = getTextDirection(pNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles); //rtlStr = "";//"dir='"+isRTL+"'"; text += "
"; text += genBuChar(pNode, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); if (rNode === undefined) { // without r text += genSpanElement(pNode, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); } else if (rNode.constructor === Array) { // with multi r for (var j = 0; j < rNode.length; j++) { text += genSpanElement(rNode[j], spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); //////////////////Amir//////////// if (pNode["a:br"] !== undefined) { text += "
"; } ////////////////////////////////// } } else { // with one r text += genSpanElement(rNode, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj); } text += "
"; } return text; } function genBuChar(node, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj) { ///////////////////////////////////////Amir/////////////////////////////// var sldMstrTxtStyles = warpObj["slideMasterTextStyles"]; var rNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:r"]); if (rNode !== undefined && rNode.constructor === Array) { rNode = rNode[0]; } var dfltBultColor, dfltBultSize, bultColor, bultSize; if (rNode !== undefined) { dfltBultColor = getFontColorPr(rNode, spNode, type, sldMstrTxtStyles)[0]; dfltBultSize = getFontSize(rNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, sldMstrTxtStyles); } else { dfltBultColor = getFontColorPr(node, spNode, type, sldMstrTxtStyles)[0]; dfltBultSize = getFontSize(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, sldMstrTxtStyles); } //console.log("Bullet Size: " + bultSize); var bullet = ""; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var pPrNode = node["a:pPr"]; //////////////////cheke if is rtl ///Amir //////////////////////////////////// var getRtlVal = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["attrs", "rtl"]) var isRTL = false; if (getRtlVal !== undefined && getRtlVal == "1") { isRTL = true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var lvl = parseInt(getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["attrs", "lvl"])); if (isNaN(lvl)) { lvl = 0; } var buChar = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buChar", "attrs", "char"]); /////////////////////////////////Amir/////////////////////////////////// var buType = "TYPE_NONE"; var buNum = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buAutoNum", "attrs", "type"]); var buPic = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buBlip"]); if (buChar !== undefined) { buType = "TYPE_BULLET"; // console.log("Bullet Chr to code: " + buChar.charCodeAt(0)); } if (buNum !== undefined) { buType = "TYPE_NUMERIC"; } if (buPic !== undefined) { buType = "TYPE_BULPIC"; } if (buType != "TYPE_NONE") { var buFontAttrs = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buFont", "attrs"]); } //console.log("Bullet Type: " + buType); //console.log("NumericTypr: " + buNum); //console.log("buChar: " + (buChar === undefined?'':buChar.charCodeAt(0))); //get definde bullet COLOR var buClrNode = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buClr"]); var defBultColor = "NoNe"; if (buClrNode !== undefined) { defBultColor = getSolidFill(buClrNode); } else { // console.log("buClrNode: " + buClrNode); } if (defBultColor == "NoNe") { bultColor = dfltBultColor; } else { bultColor = "#" + defBultColor; } //get definde bullet SIZE var buFontSize; buFontSize = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buSzPts", "attrs", "val"]); //pt if (buFontSize !== undefined) { bultSize = parseInt(buFontSize) / 100 + "pt"; } else { buFontSize = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buSzPct", "attrs", "val"]); if (buFontSize !== undefined) { var prcnt = parseInt(buFontSize) / 100000; //dfltBultSize = XXpt var dfltBultSizeNoPt = dfltBultSize.substr(0, dfltBultSize.length - 2); bultSize = prcnt * (parseInt(dfltBultSizeNoPt)) + "pt"; } else { bultSize = dfltBultSize; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (buType == "TYPE_BULLET") { //var buFontAttrs = getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["a:buFont", "attrs"]); if (buFontAttrs !== undefined) { var marginLeft = parseInt(getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["attrs", "marL"])) * 96 / 914400; var marginRight = parseInt(buFontAttrs["pitchFamily"]); if (isNaN(marginLeft)) { marginLeft = 328600 * 96 / 914400; } if (isNaN(marginRight)) { marginRight = 0; } var typeface = buFontAttrs["typeface"]; bullet = "" + buChar + ""; } else { marginLeft = 328600 * 96 / 914400 * lvl; bullet = "" + buChar + ""; } } else if (buType == "TYPE_NUMERIC") { ///////////Amir/////////////////////////////// if (buFontAttrs !== undefined) { var marginLeft = parseInt(getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["attrs", "marL"])) * 96 / 914400; var marginRight = parseInt(buFontAttrs["pitchFamily"]); if (isNaN(marginLeft)) { marginLeft = 328600 * 96 / 914400; } if (isNaN(marginRight)) { marginRight = 0; } //var typeface = buFontAttrs["typeface"]; bullet = ""; } else { marginLeft = 328600 * 96 / 914400 * lvl; bullet = ""; } } else if (buType == "TYPE_BULPIC") { //PIC BULLET var marginLeft = parseInt(getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["attrs", "marL"])) * 96 / 914400; var marginRight = parseInt(getTextByPathList(pPrNode, ["attrs", "marR"])) * 96 / 914400; if (isNaN(marginRight)) { marginRight = 0; } //console.log("marginRight: "+marginRight) //buPic if (isNaN(marginLeft)) { marginLeft = 328600 * 96 / 914400; } else { marginLeft = 0; } //var buPicId = getTextByPathList(buPic, ["a:blip","a:extLst","a:ext","asvg:svgBlip" , "attrs", "r:embed"]); var buPicId = getTextByPathList(buPic, ["a:blip", "attrs", "r:embed"]); var svgPicPath = ""; var buImg; if (buPicId !== undefined) { //svgPicPath = warpObj["slideResObj"][buPicId]["target"]; //buImg = warpObj["zip"].file(svgPicPath).asText(); //}else{ //buPicId = getTextByPathList(buPic, ["a:blip", "attrs", "r:embed"]); var imgPath = warpObj["slideResObj"][buPicId]["target"]; //console.log("imgPath: ", imgPath); var imgArrayBuffer = warpObj["zip"].file(imgPath).asArrayBuffer(); var imgExt = imgPath.split(".").pop(); var imgMimeType = getMimeType(imgExt); buImg = "" //console.log("imgPath: "+imgPath+"\nimgMimeType: "+imgMimeType) } if (buPicId === undefined) { buImg = "‣"; } bullet = "" + buImg + " "; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { bullet = ""; } return bullet; } function genSpanElement(node, spNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, warpObj) { var slideMasterTextStyles = warpObj["slideMasterTextStyles"]; var text = node["a:t"]; if (typeof text !== 'string') { text = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:fld", "a:t"]); if (typeof text !== 'string') { text = " "; } } //console.log("genSpanElement: ",node) //getFontColor var fontClrPr = getFontColorPr(node, spNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles); var styleText = "color:" + fontClrPr[0] + ";" + "text-shadow:" + fontClrPr[1] + ";" + "font-size:" + getFontSize(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "font-family:" + getFontType(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "font-weight:" + getFontBold(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "font-style:" + getFontItalic(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "text-decoration:" + getFontDecoration(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "text-align:" + getTextHorizontalAlign(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "vertical-align:" + getTextVerticalAlign(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";"; //////////////////Amir/////////////// var highlight = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "a:highlight"]); if (highlight !== undefined) { styleText += "background-color:#" + getSolidFill(highlight) + ";"; styleText += "Opacity:" + getColorOpacity(highlight) + ";"; } /////////////////////////////////////////// var cssName = ""; if (styleText in styleTable) { cssName = styleTable[styleText]["name"]; } else { cssName = "_css_" + (Object.keys(styleTable).length + 1); styleTable[styleText] = { "name": cssName, "text": styleText }; } var linkID = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "a:hlinkClick", "attrs", "r:id"]); //get link colors : TODO if (linkID !== undefined) { var linkURL = warpObj["slideResObj"][linkID]["target"]; linkURL = escapeHtml(linkURL); return "" + text.replace(/\s/i, " ") + ""; } else { return "" + text.replace(/\s/i, " ") + ""; } } function genGlobalCSS() { var cssText = ""; for (var key in styleTable) { cssText += "div ." + styleTable[key]["name"] + "{" + styleTable[key]["text"] + "}\n"; //section > div } return cssText; } function genTable(node, warpObj) { var order = node["attrs"]["order"]; var tableNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:graphic", "a:graphicData", "a:tbl"]); var xfrmNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:xfrm"]); /////////////////////////////////////////Amir//////////////////////////////////////////////// var getTblPr = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:graphic", "a:graphicData", "a:tbl", "a:tblPr"]); var getColsGrid = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:graphic", "a:graphicData", "a:tbl", "a:tblGrid", "a:gridCol"]); var tblDir = ""; if (getTblPr !== undefined) { var isRTL = getTblPr["attrs"]["rtl"]; tblDir = (isRTL == 1 ? "dir=rtl" : "dir=ltr"); } var firstRowAttr = getTblPr["attrs"]["firstRow"]; //associated element in the table styles var firstColAttr = getTblPr["attrs"]["firstCol"]; //associated element in the table styles var lastRowAttr = getTblPr["attrs"]["lastRow"]; //associated element in the table styles var lastColAttr = getTblPr["attrs"]["lastCol"]; //associated element in the table styles var bandRowAttr = getTblPr["attrs"]["bandRow"]; //associated element , in the table styles var bandColAttr = getTblPr["attrs"]["bandCol"]; //associated element , in the table styles //console.log(firstColAttr); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var tableHtml = ""; var trNodes = tableNode["a:tr"]; if (trNodes.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < trNodes.length; i++) { //////////////rows Style ////////////Amir var rowHeightParam = trNodes[i]["attrs"]["h"]; var rowHeight = 0; var rowsStyl = ""; if (rowHeightParam !== undefined) { rowHeight = parseInt(rowHeightParam) * 96 / 914400; rowsStyl += "height:" + rowHeight + "px;"; //tableHtml += ""; } //get from Theme (tableStyles.xml) TODO //get tableStyleId = a:tbl => a:tblPr => a:tableStyleId var thisTblStyle; var tbleStyleId = getTblPr["a:tableStyleId"]; if (tbleStyleId !== undefined) { //get Style from tableStyles.xml by {var tbleStyleId} //table style object : tableStyles var tbleStylList = tableStyles["a:tblStyleLst"]["a:tblStyle"]; if (tbleStylList.constructor === Array) { for (var k = 0; k < tbleStylList.length; k++) { if (tbleStylList[k]["attrs"]["styleId"] == tbleStyleId) { thisTblStyle = tbleStylList[k]; } } } else { if (tbleStylList["attrs"]["styleId"] == tbleStyleId) { thisTblStyle = tbleStylList; } } } //console.log(thisTblStyle); if (i == 0 && firstRowAttr !== undefined) { var fillColor = "fff"; var colorOpacity = 1; if (thisTblStyle["a:firstRow"] !== undefined) { var bgFillschemeClr = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:firstRow", "a:tcStyle", "a:fill", "a:solidFill"]); if (bgFillschemeClr !== undefined) { fillColor = getSolidFill(bgFillschemeClr); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(bgFillschemeClr); } //console.log(thisTblStyle["a:firstRow"]) //borders color //borders Width var borderStyl = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:firstRow", "a:tcStyle", "a:tcBdr"]); if (borderStyl !== undefined) { var row_borders = getTableBorders(borderStyl); rowsStyl += row_borders; } //console.log(thisTblStyle["a:firstRow"]) //Text Style - TODO var rowTxtStyl = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:firstRow", "a:tcTxStyle"]); if (rowTxtStyl !== undefined) { /* var fontClrPr = getFontColorPr(node, spNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles); var styleText = "color:" + fontClrPr[0] + ";" + "text-shadow:" + fontClrPr[1] + ";" + "font-size:" + getFontSize(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "font-family:" + getFontType(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "font-weight:" + getFontBold(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "font-style:" + getFontItalic(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "text-decoration:" + getFontDecoration(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "text-align:" + getTextHorizontalAlign(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";" + "vertical-align:" + getTextVerticalAlign(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) + ";"; */ } } rowsStyl += " background-color:#" + fillColor + ";" + " opacity:" + colorOpacity + ";"; } else if (i > 0 && bandRowAttr !== undefined) { var fillColor = "fff"; var colorOpacity = 1; if ((i % 2) == 0) { if (thisTblStyle["a:band2H"] !== undefined) { //console.log(thisTblStyle["a:band2H"]); var bgFillschemeClr = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:band2H", "a:tcStyle", "a:fill", "a:solidFill"]); if (bgFillschemeClr !== undefined) { fillColor = getSolidFill(bgFillschemeClr); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(bgFillschemeClr); } //borders color //borders Width var borderStyl = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:band2H", "a:tcStyle", "a:tcBdr"]); if (borderStyl !== undefined) { var row_borders = getTableBorders(borderStyl); rowsStyl += row_borders; } //console.log(thisTblStyle["a:band2H"]) //Text Style - TODO var rowTxtStyl = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:band2H", "a:tcTxStyle"]); if (rowTxtStyl !== undefined) { } //console.log(i,thisTblStyle) }/*else{ var bgFillschemeClr = thisTblStyle["a:wholeTbl"]["a:tcStyle"]["a:fill"]["a:solidFill"]; if(bgFillschemeClr !==undefined){ fillColor = getSolidFill(bgFillschemeClr); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(bgFillschemeClr); } //borders color //borders Width var borderStyl = thisTblStyle["a:wholeTbl"]["a:tcStyle"]["a:tcBdr"]; if(borderStyl !== undefined){ var row_borders = getTableBorders(borderStyl); rowsStyl += row_borders; } //console.log(thisTblStyle["a:wholeTbl"]) //Text Style - TODO var rowTxtStyl = thisTblStyle["a:wholeTbl"]["a:tcTxStyle"]; if(rowTxtStyl !== undefined){ } }*/ } else { if (thisTblStyle["a:band1H"] !== undefined) { var bgFillschemeClr = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:band1H", "a:tcStyle", "a:fill", "a:solidFill"]); if (bgFillschemeClr !== undefined) { fillColor = getSolidFill(bgFillschemeClr); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(bgFillschemeClr); } //borders color //borders Width var borderStyl = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:band1H", "a:tcStyle", "a:tcBdr"]); if (borderStyl !== undefined) { var row_borders = getTableBorders(borderStyl); rowsStyl += row_borders; } //console.log(thisTblStyle["a:band1H"]) //Text Style - TODO var rowTxtStyl = getTextByPathList(thisTblStyle, ["a:band1H", "a:tcTxStyle"]); if (rowTxtStyl !== undefined) { } } } rowsStyl += " background-color:#" + fillColor + ";" + " opacity:" + colorOpacity + ";"; } tableHtml += ""; //////////////////////////////////////////////// var tcNodes = trNodes[i]["a:tc"]; if (tcNodes.constructor === Array) { for (var j = 0; j < tcNodes.length; j++) { var text = genTextBody(tcNodes[j]["a:txBody"], node, undefined, undefined, undefined, warpObj); var rowSpan = getTextByPathList(tcNodes[j], ["attrs", "rowSpan"]); var colSpan = getTextByPathList(tcNodes[j], ["attrs", "gridSpan"]); var vMerge = getTextByPathList(tcNodes[j], ["attrs", "vMerge"]); var hMerge = getTextByPathList(tcNodes[j], ["attrs", "hMerge"]); //Cells Style : TODO /////////////Amir //console.log(tcNodes[j]); //if(j==0 && ()) var colWidthParam = getColsGrid[j]["attrs"]["w"]; var colStyl = ""; if (colWidthParam !== undefined) { var colWidth = parseInt(colWidthParam) * 96 / 914400; colStyl += "width:" + colWidth + "px;" } var getFill = tcNodes[j]["a:tcPr"]["a:solidFill"]; var fillColor = ""; var colorOpacity = 1; if (getFill !== undefined) { //console.log(getFill); fillColor = getSolidFill(getFill); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(getFill); } else { //get from Theme (tableStyles.xml) TODO //get tableStyleId = a:tbl => a:tblPr => a:tableStyleId var tbleStyleId = getTblPr["a:tableStyleId"]; if (tbleStyleId !== undefined) { //get Style from tableStyles.xml by {var tbleStyleId} //table style object : tableStyles var tbleStylList = tableStyles["a:tblStyleLst"]["a:tblStyle"]; for (var k = 0; k < tbleStylList.length; k++) { if (tbleStylList[k]["attrs"]["styleId"] == tbleStyleId) { //console.log(tbleStylList[k]); } } } //console.log(tbleStyleId); } if (fillColor != "") { colStyl += " background-color:#" + fillColor + ";"; colStyl += " opacity" + colorOpacity + ";"; } //console.log(fillColor); //////////////////////////////////// if (rowSpan !== undefined) { tableHtml += ""; } else if (colSpan !== undefined) { tableHtml += ""; } else if (vMerge === undefined && hMerge === undefined) { tableHtml += ""; } } } else { var text = genTextBody(tcNodes["a:txBody"]); //Cells Style : TODO /////////////Amir var colWidthParam = getColsGrid[0]["attrs"]["w"]; var colStyl = ""; if (colWidthParam !== undefined) { var colWidth = parseInt(colWidthParam) * 96 / 914400; colStyl += "width:" + colWidth + "px;" } var getFill = tcNodes["a:tcPr"]["a:solidFill"]; var fillColor = ""; var colorOpacity = 1; if (getFill !== undefined) { //console.log(getFill); fillColor = getSolidFill(getFill); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(getFill); } else { //get from Theme TODO } if (fillColor != "") { colStyl += " background-color:#" + fillColor + ";" colStyl += " opacity" + colorOpacity + ";"; } //////////////////////////////////// tableHtml += ""; } tableHtml += ""; } } else { //////////////row height ////////////Amir var rowHeightParam = trNodes["attrs"]["h"]; var rowHeight = 0; if (rowHeightParam !== undefined) { rowHeight = parseInt(rowHeightParam) * 96 / 914400; tableHtml += ""; } else { tableHtml += ""; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// var tcNodes = trNodes["a:tc"]; if (tcNodes.constructor === Array) { for (var j = 0; j < tcNodes.length; j++) { var text = genTextBody(tcNodes[j]["a:txBody"]); //Cells Style : TODO /////////////Amir var colWidthParam = getColsGrid[j]["attrs"]["w"]; var colStyl = ""; if (colWidthParam !== undefined) { var colWidth = parseInt(colWidthParam) * 96 / 914400; colStyl += "width:" + colWidth + "px;" } var getFill = tcNodes[j]["a:tcPr"]["a:solidFill"]; var fillColor = ""; var colorOpacity = 1; if (getFill !== undefined) { fillColor = getSolidFill(getFill); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(getFill); } else { //get from Theme TODO //get tableStyleId // a:tbl => a:tblPr => a:tableStyleId } if (fillColor != "") { colStyl += " background-color:#" + fillColor + ";" colStyl += " opacity" + colorOpacity + ";"; } //////////////////////////////////// tableHtml += ""; } } else { var text = genTextBody(tcNodes["a:txBody"]); //Cells Style : TODO /////////////Amir var colWidthParam = getColsGrid[0]["attrs"]["w"]; var colStyl = ""; if (colWidthParam !== undefined) { var colWidth = parseInt(colWidthParam) * 96 / 914400; colStyl += "width:" + colWidth + "px;" } var getFill = tcNodes[j]["a:tcPr"]["a:solidFill"]; var fillColor = ""; var colorOpacity = 1; if (getFill !== undefined) { //console.log(getFill); fillColor = getSolidFill(getFill); colorOpacity = getColorOpacity(getFill); } else { //get from Theme TODO } if (fillColor != "") { colStyl += " background-color:#" + fillColor + ";" colStyl += " opacity" + colorOpacity + ";"; } //////////////////////////////////// tableHtml += ""; } tableHtml += ""; } return tableHtml; } function genChart(node, warpObj) { var order = node["attrs"]["order"]; var xfrmNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:xfrm"]); var result = "
"; var rid = node["a:graphic"]["a:graphicData"]["c:chart"]["attrs"]["r:id"]; var refName = warpObj["slideResObj"][rid]["target"]; var content = readXmlFile(warpObj["zip"], refName); var plotArea = getTextByPathList(content, ["c:chartSpace", "c:chart", "c:plotArea"]); var chartData = null; for (var key in plotArea) { switch (key) { case "c:lineChart": chartData = { "type": "createChart", "data": { "chartID": "chart" + chartID, "chartType": "lineChart", "chartData": extractChartData(plotArea[key]["c:ser"]) } }; break; case "c:barChart": chartData = { "type": "createChart", "data": { "chartID": "chart" + chartID, "chartType": "barChart", "chartData": extractChartData(plotArea[key]["c:ser"]) } }; break; case "c:pieChart": chartData = { "type": "createChart", "data": { "chartID": "chart" + chartID, "chartType": "pieChart", "chartData": extractChartData(plotArea[key]["c:ser"]) } }; break; case "c:pie3DChart": chartData = { "type": "createChart", "data": { "chartID": "chart" + chartID, "chartType": "pie3DChart", "chartData": extractChartData(plotArea[key]["c:ser"]) } }; break; case "c:areaChart": chartData = { "type": "createChart", "data": { "chartID": "chart" + chartID, "chartType": "areaChart", "chartData": extractChartData(plotArea[key]["c:ser"]) } }; break; case "c:scatterChart": chartData = { "type": "createChart", "data": { "chartID": "chart" + chartID, "chartType": "scatterChart", "chartData": extractChartData(plotArea[key]["c:ser"]) } }; break; case "c:catAx": break; case "c:valAx": break; default: } } if (chartData !== null) { MsgQueue.push(chartData); } chartID++; return result; } function genDiagram(node, warpObj) { //console.log(warpObj) //readXmlFile(zip, sldFileName) /**files define the diagram: * 1-colors#.xml, * 2-data#.xml, * 3-layout#.xml, * 4-quickStyle#.xml. * 5-drawing#.xml, which Microsoft added as an extension for persisting diagram layout information. */ ///get colors#.xml, data#.xml , layout#.xml , quickStyle#.xml var order = node["attrs"]["order"]; var zip = warpObj["zip"]; var xfrmNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:xfrm"]); var dgmRelIds = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:graphic", "a:graphicData", "dgm:relIds", "attrs"]); //console.log(dgmRelIds) var dgmClrFileId = dgmRelIds["r:cs"]; var dgmDataFileId = dgmRelIds["r:dm"]; var dgmLayoutFileId = dgmRelIds["r:lo"]; var dgmQuickStyleFileId = dgmRelIds["r:qs"]; var dgmClrFileName = warpObj["slideResObj"][dgmClrFileId].target, dgmDataFileName = warpObj["slideResObj"][dgmDataFileId].target, dgmLayoutFileName = warpObj["slideResObj"][dgmLayoutFileId].target; dgmQuickStyleFileName = warpObj["slideResObj"][dgmQuickStyleFileId].target; //console.log(dgmClrFileName,"\n",dgmDataFileName,"\n",dgmLayoutFileName,"\n",dgmQuickStyleFileName); var dgmClr = readXmlFile(zip, dgmClrFileName); var dgmData = readXmlFile(zip, dgmDataFileName); var dgmLayout = readXmlFile(zip, dgmLayoutFileName); var dgmQuickStyle = readXmlFile(zip, dgmQuickStyleFileName); //console.log(dgmClr,dgmData,dgmLayout,dgmQuickStyle) ///get drawing#.xml var dgmDrwFileName = ""; var dataModelExt = getTextByPathList(dgmData, ["dgm:dataModel", "dgm:extLst", "a:ext", "dsp:dataModelExt", "attrs"]); if (dataModelExt !== undefined) { var dgmDrwFileId = dataModelExt["relId"]; dgmDrwFileName = warpObj["slideResObj"][dgmDrwFileId]["target"]; } //console.log("dgmDrwFileName: ",dgmDrwFileName); var dgmDrwFile = ""; if (dgmDrwFileName != "") { dgmDrwFile = readXmlFile(zip, dgmDrwFileName); } //console.log("dgmDrwFile: ",dgmDrwFile); //processSpNode(node, warpObj) var dgmDrwSpArray = getTextByPathList(dgmDrwFile, ["dsp:drawing", "dsp:spTree", "dsp:sp"]); var rslt = ""; if (dgmDrwSpArray !== undefined) { var dgmDrwSpArrayLen = dgmDrwSpArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < dgmDrwSpArrayLen; i++) { var dspSp = dgmDrwSpArray[i]; var dspSpObjToStr = JSON.stringify(dspSp); var pSpStr = dspSpObjToStr.replace(/dsp:/g, "p:"); var pSpStrToObj = JSON.parse(pSpStr); //console.log("pSpStrToObj["+i+"]: ",pSpStrToObj); rslt += processSpNode(pSpStrToObj, warpObj) //console.log("rslt["+i+"]: ",rslt); } // dgmDrwFile: "dsp:"-> "p:" } return "
" + rslt + "
"; } function getPosition(slideSpNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode) { var off = undefined; var x = -1, y = -1; if (slideSpNode !== undefined) { off = slideSpNode["a:off"]["attrs"]; } else if (slideLayoutSpNode !== undefined) { off = slideLayoutSpNode["a:off"]["attrs"]; } else if (slideMasterSpNode !== undefined) { off = slideMasterSpNode["a:off"]["attrs"]; } if (off === undefined) { return ""; } else { x = parseInt(off["x"]) * 96 / 914400; y = parseInt(off["y"]) * 96 / 914400; return (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) ? "" : "top:" + y + "px; left:" + x + "px;"; } } function getSize(slideSpNode, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode) { var ext = undefined; var w = -1, h = -1; if (slideSpNode !== undefined) { ext = slideSpNode["a:ext"]["attrs"]; } else if (slideLayoutSpNode !== undefined) { ext = slideLayoutSpNode["a:ext"]["attrs"]; } else if (slideMasterSpNode !== undefined) { ext = slideMasterSpNode["a:ext"]["attrs"]; } if (ext === undefined) { return ""; } else { w = parseInt(ext["cx"]) * 96 / 914400; h = parseInt(ext["cy"]) * 96 / 914400; return (isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)) ? "" : "width:" + w + "px; height:" + h + "px;"; } } function getHorizontalAlign(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { var algn = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:pPr", "attrs", "algn"]); if (algn === undefined) { algn = getTextByPathList(slideLayoutSpNode, ["p:txBody", "a:p", "a:pPr", "attrs", "algn"]); if (algn === undefined) { algn = getTextByPathList(slideMasterSpNode, ["p:txBody", "a:p", "a:pPr", "attrs", "algn"]); if (algn === undefined) { switch (type) { case "title": case "subTitle": case "ctrTitle": algn = getTextByPathList(slideMasterTextStyles, ["p:titleStyle", "a:lvl1pPr", "attrs", "alng"]); break; default: algn = getTextByPathList(slideMasterTextStyles, ["p:otherStyle", "a:lvl1pPr", "attrs", "alng"]); } } } } // TODO: if (algn === undefined) { if (type == "title" || type == "subTitle" || type == "ctrTitle") { return "h-mid"; } else if (type == "sldNum") { return "h-right"; } } return algn === "ctr" ? "h-mid" : algn === "r" ? "h-right" : "h-left"; } function getVerticalAlign(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { // 上中下對齊: X, , var anchor = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:txBody", "a:bodyPr", "attrs", "anchor"]); if (anchor === undefined) { anchor = getTextByPathList(slideLayoutSpNode, ["p:txBody", "a:bodyPr", "attrs", "anchor"]); if (anchor === undefined) { anchor = getTextByPathList(slideMasterSpNode, ["p:txBody", "a:bodyPr", "attrs", "anchor"]); } } return anchor === "ctr" ? "v-mid" : anchor === "b" ? "v-down" : "v-up"; } function getFontType(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { var typeface = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "a:latin", "attrs", "typeface"]); if (typeface === undefined) { var fontSchemeNode = getTextByPathList(themeContent, ["a:theme", "a:themeElements", "a:fontScheme"]); if (type == "title" || type == "subTitle" || type == "ctrTitle") { typeface = getTextByPathList(fontSchemeNode, ["a:majorFont", "a:latin", "attrs", "typeface"]); } else if (type == "body") { typeface = getTextByPathList(fontSchemeNode, ["a:minorFont", "a:latin", "attrs", "typeface"]); } else { typeface = getTextByPathList(fontSchemeNode, ["a:minorFont", "a:latin", "attrs", "typeface"]); } } return (typeface === undefined) ? "inherit" : typeface; } function getFontColorPr(node, spNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { //text border using: text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black; //{getFontColor(..) return color} -> getFontColorPr(..) return array[color,textBordr/shadow] //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2570972/css-font-border //https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_text-shadow.asp //console.log(node) var rPrNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr"]); var filTyp, color, textBordr; if (rPrNode !== undefined) { filTyp = getFillType(rPrNode); if (filTyp == "SOLID_FILL") { var solidFillNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "a:solidFill"]); color = getSolidFill(solidFillNode); } else if (filTyp == "PATTERN_FILL") { var pattFill = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "a:pattFill"]); color = getPatternFill(pattFill); } else { var sPstyle = getTextByPathList(spNode, ["p:style", "a:fontRef"]); if (sPstyle !== undefined) { color = getSolidFill(sPstyle); } } //console.log(node,filTyp,color) } if (color === undefined || color === "FFF") { color = "#000"; } else { color = "#" + color; } //textBordr var txtBrdrNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "a:ln"]); if (txtBrdrNode !== undefined) { var txBrd = getBorder(node, false, "text"); var txBrdAry = txBrd.split(" "); var brdSize = (parseInt(txBrdAry[0].substring(0, txBrdAry[0].indexOf("pt"))) * (4 / 3)) + "px"; var brdClr = txBrdAry[2]; //var brdTyp = txBrdAry[1]; //not in use textBordr = "-" + brdSize + " 0 " + brdClr + ", 0 " + brdSize + " " + brdClr + ", " + brdSize + " 0 " + brdClr + ", 0 -" + brdSize + " " + brdClr + ";" //console.log(node,"txBrd: ",textBordr); } else { textBordr = "none"; } return [color, textBordr]; } function getFontSize(node, slideLayoutSpNode, slideMasterSpNode, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { var fontSize = undefined; if (node["a:rPr"] !== undefined) { fontSize = parseInt(node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["sz"]) / 100; } if ((isNaN(fontSize) || fontSize === undefined)) { var sz = getTextByPathList(slideLayoutSpNode, ["p:txBody", "a:lstStyle", "a:lvl1pPr", "a:defRPr", "attrs", "sz"]); fontSize = parseInt(sz) / 100; } if (isNaN(fontSize) || fontSize === undefined) { if (type == "title" || type == "subTitle" || type == "ctrTitle") { var sz = getTextByPathList(slideMasterTextStyles, ["p:titleStyle", "a:lvl1pPr", "a:defRPr", "attrs", "sz"]); } else if (type == "body") { var sz = getTextByPathList(slideMasterTextStyles, ["p:bodyStyle", "a:lvl1pPr", "a:defRPr", "attrs", "sz"]); } else if (type == "dt" || type == "sldNum") { var sz = "1200"; } else if (type === undefined) { var sz = getTextByPathList(slideMasterTextStyles, ["p:otherStyle", "a:lvl1pPr", "a:defRPr", "attrs", "sz"]); } fontSize = parseInt(sz) / 100; } var baseline = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "attrs", "baseline"]); if (baseline !== undefined && !isNaN(fontSize)) { fontSize -= 10; } return isNaN(fontSize) ? "inherit" : (fontSize + "pt"); } function getFontBold(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { return (node["a:rPr"] !== undefined && node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["b"] === "1") ? "bold" : "initial"; } function getFontItalic(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { return (node["a:rPr"] !== undefined && node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["i"] === "1") ? "italic" : "normal"; } function getFontDecoration(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { ///////////////////////////////Amir/////////////////////////////// if (node["a:rPr"] !== undefined) { var underLine = node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["u"] !== undefined ? node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["u"] : "none"; var strikethrough = node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["strike"] !== undefined ? node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["strike"] : 'noStrike'; //console.log("strikethrough: "+strikethrough); if (underLine != "none" && strikethrough == "noStrike") { return "underline"; } else if (underLine == "none" && strikethrough != "noStrike") { return "line-through"; } else if (underLine != "none" && strikethrough != "noStrike") { return "underline line-through"; } else { return "initial"; } } else { return "initial"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //return (node["a:rPr"] !== undefined && node["a:rPr"]["attrs"]["u"] === "sng") ? "underline" : "initial"; } ////////////////////////////////////Amir///////////////////////////////////// function getTextHorizontalAlign(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { var getAlgn = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:pPr", "attrs", "algn"]); var align = "initial"; if (getAlgn !== undefined) { switch (getAlgn) { case "l": align = "left"; break; case "r": align = "right"; break; case "ctr": align = "center"; break; case "just": align = "justify"; break; case "dist": align = "justify"; break; default: align = "initial"; } } return align; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getTextVerticalAlign(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { var baseline = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:rPr", "attrs", "baseline"]); return baseline === undefined ? "baseline" : (parseInt(baseline) / 1000) + "%"; } ///////////////////////////////////Amir///////////////////////////// function getTextDirection(node, type, slideMasterTextStyles) { //get lvl var pprLvl = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:pPr", "attrs", "lvl"]); var pprLvlNum = pprLvl === undefined ? 1 : Number(pprLvl) + 1; var lvlNode = "a:lvl" + pprLvlNum + "pPr"; var pprAlgn = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:pPr", "attrs", "algn"]); var isDir = getTextByPathList(slideMasterTextStyles, ["p:bodyStyle", lvlNode, "attrs", "rtl"]); //var tmp = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:r", "a:t"]); var dir = ""; if (isDir !== undefined) { if (isDir == "1" && (pprAlgn === undefined || pprAlgn == "r")) { dir = "rtl"; } else { //isDir =="0" dir = "ltr"; } } //console.log(tmp,isDir,pprAlgn,dir) return dir; } function getTableBorders(node) { var borderStyle = ""; if (node["a:bottom"] !== undefined) { var obj = { "p:spPr": { "a:ln": node["a:bottom"]["a:ln"] } } var borders = getBorder(obj, false, "shape"); borderStyle += borders.replace("border", "border-bottom"); } if (node["a:top"] !== undefined) { var obj = { "p:spPr": { "a:ln": node["a:top"]["a:ln"] } } var borders = getBorder(obj, false, "shape"); borderStyle += borders.replace("border", "border-top"); } if (node["a:right"] !== undefined) { var obj = { "p:spPr": { "a:ln": node["a:right"]["a:ln"] } } var borders = getBorder(obj, false, "shape"); borderStyle += borders.replace("border", "border-right"); } if (node["a:left"] !== undefined) { var obj = { "p:spPr": { "a:ln": node["a:left"]["a:ln"] } } var borders = getBorder(obj, false, "shape"); borderStyle += borders.replace("border", "border-left"); } return borderStyle; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getBorder(node, isSvgMode, bType) { var cssText, lineNode; if (bType == "shape") { cssText = "border: "; lineNode = node["p:spPr"]["a:ln"]; } else if (bType == "text") { cssText = ""; lineNode = node["a:rPr"]["a:ln"]; } // Border width: 1pt = 12700, default = 0.75pt var borderWidth = parseInt(getTextByPathList(lineNode, ["attrs", "w"])) / 12700; if (isNaN(borderWidth) || borderWidth < 1) { cssText += "1pt "; } else { cssText += borderWidth + "pt "; } // Border type var borderType = getTextByPathList(lineNode, ["a:prstDash", "attrs", "val"]); var strokeDasharray = "0"; switch (borderType) { case "solid": cssText += "solid"; strokeDasharray = "0"; break; case "dash": cssText += "dashed"; strokeDasharray = "5"; break; case "dashDot": cssText += "dashed"; strokeDasharray = "5, 5, 1, 5"; break; case "dot": cssText += "dotted"; strokeDasharray = "1, 5"; break; case "lgDash": cssText += "dashed"; strokeDasharray = "10, 5"; break; case "lgDashDotDot": cssText += "dashed"; strokeDasharray = "10, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5"; break; case "sysDash": cssText += "dashed"; strokeDasharray = "5, 2"; break; case "sysDashDot": cssText += "dashed"; strokeDasharray = "5, 2, 1, 5"; break; case "sysDashDotDot": cssText += "dashed"; strokeDasharray = "5, 2, 1, 5, 1, 5"; break; case "sysDot": cssText += "dotted"; strokeDasharray = "2, 5"; break; case undefined: //console.log(borderType); default: cssText += "solid"; strokeDasharray = "0"; } // Border color var borderColor = getTextByPathList(lineNode, ["a:solidFill", "a:srgbClr", "attrs", "val"]); if (borderColor === undefined) { var schemeClrNode = getTextByPathList(lineNode, ["a:solidFill", "a:schemeClr"]); if (schemeClrNode !== undefined) { var schemeClr = "a:" + getTextByPathList(schemeClrNode, ["attrs", "val"]); var borderColor = getSchemeColorFromTheme(schemeClr, undefined); } } // 2. drawingML namespace if (borderColor === undefined) { var schemeClrNode = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:style", "a:lnRef", "a:schemeClr"]); if (schemeClrNode !== undefined) { var schemeClr = "a:" + getTextByPathList(schemeClrNode, ["attrs", "val"]); var borderColor = getSchemeColorFromTheme(schemeClr, undefined); } if (borderColor !== undefined) { var shade = getTextByPathList(schemeClrNode, ["a:shade", "attrs", "val"]); if (shade !== undefined) { shade = parseInt(shade) / 100000; var color = new colz.Color("#" + borderColor); color.setLum(color.hsl.l * shade); borderColor = color.hex.replace("#", ""); } } } if (borderColor === undefined) { if (isSvgMode) { borderColor = "none"; } else { borderColor = "#000"; } } else { borderColor = "#" + borderColor; } cssText += " " + borderColor + " "; if (isSvgMode) { return { "color": borderColor, "width": borderWidth, "type": borderType, "strokeDasharray": strokeDasharray }; } else { return cssText + ";"; } } function getSlideBackgroundFill(slideContent, slideLayoutContent, slideMasterContent, warpObj) { //console.log(slideContent) //getFillType(node) var bgPr = getTextByPathList(slideContent, ["p:sld", "p:cSld", "p:bg", "p:bgPr"]); var bgRef = getTextByPathList(slideContent, ["p:sld", "p:cSld", "p:bg", "p:bgRef"]); var bgcolor; if (bgPr !== undefined) { //bgcolor = "background-color: blue;"; var bgFillTyp = getFillType(bgPr); if (bgFillTyp == "SOLID_FILL") { var sldFill = bgPr["a:solidFill"]; var bgColor = getSolidFill(sldFill); var sldTint = getColorOpacity(sldFill); bgcolor = "background: rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(bgColor) + "," + sldTint + ");"; } else if (bgFillTyp == "GRADIENT_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgGradientFill(bgPr, undefined, slideMasterContent); } else if (bgFillTyp == "PIC_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgPicFill(bgPr, "slideBg", warpObj); } //console.log(slideContent,slideMasterContent,color_ary,tint_ary,rot,bgcolor) } else if (bgRef !== undefined) { //console.log("slideContent",bgRef) var phClr; if (bgRef["a:srgbClr"] !== undefined) { phClr = getTextByPathList(bgRef, ["a:srgbClr", "attrs", "val"]); //#... } else if (bgRef["a:schemeClr"] !== undefined) { //a:schemeClr var schemeClr = getTextByPathList(bgRef, ["a:schemeClr", "attrs", "val"]); phClr = getSchemeColorFromTheme("a:" + schemeClr, slideMasterContent); //#... //console.log("schemeClr",schemeClr,"phClr=",phClr) } var idx = Number(bgRef["attrs"]["idx"]); if (idx == 0 || idx == 1000) { //no background } else if (idx > 0 && idx < 1000) { //fillStyleLst in themeContent //themeContent["a:fmtScheme"]["a:fillStyleLst"] //bgcolor = "background: red;"; } else if (idx > 1000) { //bgFillStyleLst in themeContent //themeContent["a:fmtScheme"]["a:bgFillStyleLst"] var trueIdx = idx - 1000; var bgFillLst = themeContent["a:theme"]["a:themeElements"]["a:fmtScheme"]["a:bgFillStyleLst"]; var sortblAry = []; Object.keys(bgFillLst).forEach(function (key) { var bgFillLstTyp = bgFillLst[key]; if (key != "attrs") { if (bgFillLstTyp.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < bgFillLstTyp.length; i++) { var obj = {}; obj[key] = bgFillLstTyp[i]; obj["idex"] = bgFillLstTyp[i]["attrs"]["order"]; sortblAry.push(obj) } } else { var obj = {}; obj[key] = bgFillLstTyp; obj["idex"] = bgFillLstTyp["attrs"]["order"]; sortblAry.push(obj) } } }); var sortByOrder = sortblAry.slice(0); sortByOrder.sort(function (a, b) { return a.idex - b.idex; }); var bgFillLstIdx = sortByOrder[trueIdx - 1]; var bgFillTyp = getFillType(bgFillLstIdx); if (bgFillTyp == "SOLID_FILL") { var sldFill = bgFillLstIdx["a:solidFill"]; //var sldBgColor = getSolidFill(sldFill); var sldTint = getColorOpacity(sldFill); bgcolor = "background: rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(phClr) + "," + sldTint + ");"; //console.log("slideMasterContent - sldFill",sldFill) } else if (bgFillTyp == "GRADIENT_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgGradientFill(bgFillLstIdx, phClr, slideMasterContent); } } } else { bgPr = getTextByPathList(slideLayoutContent, ["p:sldLayout", "p:cSld", "p:bg", "p:bgPr"]); bgRef = getTextByPathList(slideLayoutContent, ["p:sldLayout", "p:cSld", "p:bg", "p:bgRef"]); //console.log("slideLayoutContent",bgPr,bgRef) if (bgPr !== undefined) { var bgFillTyp = getFillType(bgPr); if (bgFillTyp == "SOLID_FILL") { var sldFill = bgPr["a:solidFill"]; var bgColor = getSolidFill(sldFill); var sldTint = getColorOpacity(sldFill); bgcolor = "background: rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(bgColor) + "," + sldTint + ");"; } else if (bgFillTyp == "GRADIENT_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgGradientFill(bgPr, undefined, slideMasterContent); } else if (bgFillTyp == "PIC_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgPicFill(bgPr, "layoutBg", warpObj); } //console.log("slideLayoutContent",bgcolor) } else if (bgRef !== undefined) { bgcolor = "background: red;"; } else { bgPr = getTextByPathList(slideMasterContent, ["p:sldMaster", "p:cSld", "p:bg", "p:bgPr"]); bgRef = getTextByPathList(slideMasterContent, ["p:sldMaster", "p:cSld", "p:bg", "p:bgRef"]); //console.log("bgRef",bgRef["a:schemeClr"]["attrs"]["val"]) if (bgPr !== undefined) { var bgFillTyp = getFillType(bgPr); if (bgFillTyp == "SOLID_FILL") { var sldFill = bgPr["a:solidFill"]; var bgColor = getSolidFill(sldFill); var sldTint = getColorOpacity(sldFill); bgcolor = "background: rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(bgColor) + "," + sldTint + ");"; } else if (bgFillTyp == "GRADIENT_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgGradientFill(bgPr, undefined, slideMasterContent); } else if (bgFillTyp == "PIC_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgPicFill(bgPr, "masterBg", warpObj); } } else if (bgRef !== undefined) { //var obj={ // "a:solidFill": bgRef //} //var phClr = getSolidFill(bgRef); var phClr; if (bgRef["a:srgbClr"] !== undefined) { phClr = getTextByPathList(bgRef, ["a:srgbClr", "attrs", "val"]); //#... } else if (bgRef["a:schemeClr"] !== undefined) { //a:schemeClr var schemeClr = getTextByPathList(bgRef, ["a:schemeClr", "attrs", "val"]); phClr = getSchemeColorFromTheme("a:" + schemeClr, slideMasterContent); //#... //console.log("phClr",phClr) } var idx = Number(bgRef["attrs"]["idx"]); //console.log("phClr=",phClr,"idx=",idx) if (idx == 0 || idx == 1000) { //no background } else if (idx > 0 && idx < 1000) { //fillStyleLst in themeContent //themeContent["a:fmtScheme"]["a:fillStyleLst"] //bgcolor = "background: red;"; } else if (idx > 1000) { //bgFillStyleLst in themeContent //themeContent["a:fmtScheme"]["a:bgFillStyleLst"] var trueIdx = idx - 1000; var bgFillLst = themeContent["a:theme"]["a:themeElements"]["a:fmtScheme"]["a:bgFillStyleLst"]; var sortblAry = []; Object.keys(bgFillLst).forEach(function (key) { //console.log("cubicBezTo["+key+"]:"); var bgFillLstTyp = bgFillLst[key]; if (key != "attrs") { if (bgFillLstTyp.constructor === Array) { for (var i = 0; i < bgFillLstTyp.length; i++) { var obj = {}; obj[key] = bgFillLstTyp[i]; obj["idex"] = bgFillLstTyp[i]["attrs"]["order"]; sortblAry.push(obj) } } else { var obj = {}; obj[key] = bgFillLstTyp; obj["idex"] = bgFillLstTyp["attrs"]["order"]; sortblAry.push(obj) } } }); var sortByOrder = sortblAry.slice(0); sortByOrder.sort(function (a, b) { return a.idex - b.idex; }); var bgFillLstIdx = sortByOrder[trueIdx - 1]; var bgFillTyp = getFillType(bgFillLstIdx); //console.log("bgFillLstIdx",bgFillLstIdx); if (bgFillTyp == "SOLID_FILL") { var sldFill = bgFillLstIdx["a:solidFill"]; var sldTint = getColorOpacity(sldFill); bgcolor = "background: rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(phClr) + "," + sldTint + ");"; } else if (bgFillTyp == "GRADIENT_FILL") { bgcolor = getBgGradientFill(bgFillLstIdx, phClr, slideMasterContent); } else { console.log(bgFillTyp) } } } } } //console.log("bgcolor: ",bgcolor) return bgcolor; } function getBgGradientFill(bgPr, phClr, slideMasterContent) { var bgcolor = ""; if (bgPr !== undefined) { var grdFill = bgPr["a:gradFill"]; var gsLst = grdFill["a:gsLst"]["a:gs"]; var startColorNode, endColorNode; var color_ary = []; var tint_ary = []; for (var i = 0; i < gsLst.length; i++) { var lo_tint; var lo_color = ""; if (gsLst[i]["a:srgbClr"] !== undefined) { if (phClr === undefined) { lo_color = getTextByPathList(gsLst[i], ["a:srgbClr", "attrs", "val"]); //#... } lo_tint = getTextByPathList(gsLst[i], ["a:srgbClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); } else if (gsLst[i]["a:schemeClr"] !== undefined) { //a:schemeClr if (phClr === undefined) { var schemeClr = getTextByPathList(gsLst[i], ["a:schemeClr", "attrs", "val"]); lo_color = getSchemeColorFromTheme("a:" + schemeClr, slideMasterContent); //#... } lo_tint = getTextByPathList(gsLst[i], ["a:schemeClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); //console.log("schemeClr",schemeClr,slideMasterContent) } //console.log("lo_color",lo_color) color_ary[i] = lo_color; tint_ary[i] = (lo_tint !== undefined) ? parseInt(lo_tint) / 100000 : 1; } //get rot var lin = grdFill["a:lin"]; var rot = 90; if (lin !== undefined) { rot = angleToDegrees(lin["attrs"]["ang"]) + 90; } bgcolor = "background: linear-gradient(" + rot + "deg,"; for (var i = 0; i < gsLst.length; i++) { if (i == gsLst.length - 1) { if (phClr === undefined) { bgcolor += "rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(color_ary[i]) + "," + tint_ary[i] + ")" + ");"; } else { bgcolor += "rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(phClr) + "," + tint_ary[i] + ")" + ");"; } } else { if (phClr === undefined) { bgcolor += "rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(color_ary[i]) + "," + tint_ary[i] + ")" + ", "; } else { bgcolor += "rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(phClr) + "," + tint_ary[i] + ")" + ", "; } } } } else { if (phClr === undefined) { bgcolor = "rgba(" + hexToRgbNew(phClr) + ",0);"; } } return bgcolor; } function getBgPicFill(bgPr, sorce, warpObj) { var bgcolor; var picFillBase64 = getPicFill(sorce, bgPr["a:blipFill"], warpObj); var ordr = bgPr["attrs"]["order"]; //a:srcRect //a:stretch => a:fillRect =>attrs (l:-17000, r:-17000) bgcolor = "background-image: url(" + picFillBase64 + "); z-index: " + ordr + ";"; return bgcolor; } function hexToRgbNew(hex) { var arrBuff = new ArrayBuffer(4); var vw = new DataView(arrBuff); vw.setUint32(0, parseInt(hex, 16), false); var arrByte = new Uint8Array(arrBuff); return arrByte[1] + "," + arrByte[2] + "," + arrByte[3]; } function getShapeFill(node, isSvgMode, warpObj) { // 1. presentationML // p:spPr/ [a:noFill, solidFill, gradFill, blipFill, pattFill, grpFill] // From slide //Fill Type: //console.log("ShapeFill: ", node) var fillType = getFillType(getTextByPathList(node, ["p:spPr"])); var fillColor; if (fillType == "NO_FILL") { return isSvgMode ? "none" : "background-color: initial;"; } else if (fillType == "SOLID_FILL") { var shpFill = node["p:spPr"]["a:solidFill"]; fillColor = getSolidFill(shpFill); } else if (fillType == "GRADIENT_FILL") { var shpFill = node["p:spPr"]["a:gradFill"]; // fillColor = getSolidFill(shpFill); fillColor = getGradientFill(shpFill); //console.log("shpFill",shpFill,grndColor.color) } else if (fillType == "PATTERN_FILL") { var shpFill = node["p:spPr"]["a:pattFill"]; fillColor = getPatternFill(shpFill); } else if (fillType == "PIC_FILL") { var shpFill = node["p:spPr"]["a:blipFill"]; fillColor = getPicFill("slideBg", shpFill, warpObj); } // 2. drawingML namespace if (fillColor === undefined) { var clrName = getTextByPathList(node, ["p:style", "a:fillRef"]); fillColor = getSolidFill(clrName); } if (fillColor !== undefined) { if (fillType == "GRADIENT_FILL") { if (isSvgMode) { // console.log("GRADIENT_FILL color", fillColor.color[0]) return fillColor; } else { var colorAry = fillColor.color; var rot = fillColor.rot; var bgcolor = "background: linear-gradient(" + rot + "deg,"; for (var i = 0; i < colorAry.length; i++) { if (i == colorAry.length - 1) { bgcolor += colorAry[i] + ");"; } else { bgcolor += colorAry[i] + ", "; } } return bgcolor; } } else if (fillType == "PIC_FILL") { if (isSvgMode) { return fillColor; } else { return "background-image:url(" + fillColor + ");"; } } else { if (isSvgMode) { var color = new colz.Color(fillColor); fillColor = color.rgb.toString(); return fillColor; } else { //console.log(node,"fillColor: ",fillColor,"fillType: ",fillType,"isSvgMode: ",isSvgMode) return "background-color: #" + fillColor + ";"; } } } else { if (isSvgMode) { return "none"; } else { return "background-color: initial;"; } } } ///////////////////////Amir////////////////////////////// function getFillType(node) { //Need to test///////////////////////////////////////////// //SOLID_FILL //PIC_FILL //GRADIENT_FILL //PATTERN_FILL //NO_FILL var fillType = ""; if (node["a:noFill"] !== undefined) { fillType = "NO_FILL"; } if (node["a:solidFill"] !== undefined) { fillType = "SOLID_FILL"; } if (node["a:gradFill"] !== undefined) { fillType = "GRADIENT_FILL"; } if (node["a:pattFill"] !== undefined) { fillType = "PATTERN_FILL"; } if (node["a:blipFill"] !== undefined) { fillType = "PIC_FILL"; } return fillType; } function getGradientFill(node) { var gsLst = node["a:gsLst"]["a:gs"]; //get start color var color_ary = []; var tint_ary = []; for (var i = 0; i < gsLst.length; i++) { var lo_tint; var lo_color = getSolidFill(gsLst[i]); if (gsLst[i]["a:srgbClr"] !== undefined) { var lumMod = parseInt(getTextByPathList(node, ["a:srgbClr", "a:lumMod", "attrs", "val"])) / 100000; var lumOff = parseInt(getTextByPathList(node, ["a:srgbClr", "a:lumOff", "attrs", "val"])) / 100000; if (isNaN(lumMod)) { lumMod = 1.0; } if (isNaN(lumOff)) { lumOff = 0; } //console.log([lumMod, lumOff]); lo_color = applyLumModify(lo_color, lumMod, lumOff); } else if (gsLst[i]["a:schemeClr"] !== undefined) { //a:schemeClr var lumMod = parseInt(getTextByPathList(gsLst[i], ["a:schemeClr", "a:lumMod", "attrs", "val"])) / 100000; var lumOff = parseInt(getTextByPathList(gsLst[i], ["a:schemeClr", "a:lumOff", "attrs", "val"])) / 100000; if (isNaN(lumMod)) { lumMod = 1.0; } if (isNaN(lumOff)) { lumOff = 0; } //console.log([lumMod, lumOff]); lo_color = applyLumModify(lo_color, lumMod, lumOff); } //console.log("lo_color",lo_color) color_ary[i] = lo_color; } //get rot var lin = node["a:lin"]; var rot = 0; if (lin !== undefined) { rot = angleToDegrees(lin["attrs"]["ang"]) + 90; } return { "color": color_ary, "rot": rot } } function getPicFill(type, node, warpObj) { //Need to test///////////////////////////////////////////// //rId //TODO - Image Properties - Tile, Stretch, or Display Portion of Image //(http://officeopenxml.com/drwPic-tile.php) var img; var rId = node["a:blip"]["attrs"]["r:embed"]; var imgPath; if (type == "slideBg") { imgPath = getTextByPathList(warpObj, ["slideResObj", rId, "target"]); } else if (type == "layoutBg") { imgPath = getTextByPathList(warpObj, ["layoutResObj", rId, "target"]); } else if (type == "masterBg") { imgPath = getTextByPathList(warpObj, ["masterResObj", rId, "target"]); } imgPath = escapeHtml(imgPath); if (imgPath === undefined) { return undefined; } var imgExt = imgPath.split(".").pop(); if (imgExt == "xml") { return undefined; } var imgArrayBuffer = warpObj["zip"].file(imgPath).asArrayBuffer(); var imgMimeType = getMimeType(imgExt); img = "data:" + imgMimeType + ";base64," + base64ArrayBuffer(imgArrayBuffer); return img; } function getPatternFill(node) { var color = ""; var fgClr = node["a:fgClr"]; color = getSolidFill(fgClr); return color; } function getSolidFill(node) { if (node === undefined) { return undefined; } var color = "FFF"; if (node["a:srgbClr"] !== undefined) { color = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:srgbClr", "attrs", "val"]); //#... } else if (node["a:schemeClr"] !== undefined) { //a:schemeClr var schemeClr = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:schemeClr", "attrs", "val"]); //console.log(schemeClr) color = getSchemeColorFromTheme("a:" + schemeClr, undefined); //#... } else if (node["a:scrgbClr"] !== undefined) { // //Need to test///////////////////////////////////////////// var defBultColorVals = node["a:scrgbClr"]["attrs"]; var red = (defBultColorVals["r"].indexOf("%") != -1) ? defBultColorVals["r"].split("%").shift() : defBultColorVals["r"]; var green = (defBultColorVals["g"].indexOf("%") != -1) ? defBultColorVals["g"].split("%").shift() : defBultColorVals["g"]; var blue = (defBultColorVals["b"].indexOf("%") != -1) ? defBultColorVals["b"].split("%").shift() : defBultColorVals["b"]; var scrgbClr = red + "," + green + "," + blue; color = toHex(255 * (Number(red) / 100)) + toHex(255 * (Number(green) / 100)) + toHex(255 * (Number(blue) / 100)); //console.log("scrgbClr: " + scrgbClr); } else if (node["a:prstClr"] !== undefined) { // //Need to test///////////////////////////////////////////// var prstClr = node["a:prstClr"]["attrs"]["val"]; color = getColorName2Hex(prstClr); //console.log("prstClr: " + prstClr+" => hexClr: "+color); } else if (node["a:hslClr"] !== undefined) { // //Need to test///////////////////////////////////////////// var defBultColorVals = node["a:hslClr"]["attrs"]; var hue = Number(defBultColorVals["hue"]) / 100000; var sat = Number((defBultColorVals["sat"].indexOf("%") != -1) ? defBultColorVals["sat"].split("%").shift() : defBultColorVals["sat"]) / 100; var lum = Number((defBultColorVals["lum"].indexOf("%") != -1) ? defBultColorVals["lum"].split("%").shift() : defBultColorVals["lum"]) / 100; var hslClr = defBultColorVals["hue"] + "," + defBultColorVals["sat"] + "," + defBultColorVals["lum"]; var hsl2rgb = hslToRgb(hue, sat, lum); color = toHex(hsl2rgb.r) + toHex(hsl2rgb.g) + toHex(hsl2rgb.b); //defBultColor = cnvrtHslColor2Hex(hslClr); //TODO // console.log("hslClr: " + hslClr); } else if (node["a:sysClr"] !== undefined) { // //Need to test///////////////////////////////////////////// var sysClr = getTextByPathList(node, ["a:sysClr", "attrs", "lastClr"]); if (sysClr !== undefined) { color = sysClr; } } return color; } function toHex(n) { var hex = n.toString(16); while (hex.length < 2) { hex = "0" + hex; } return hex; } function hslToRgb(hue, sat, light) { var t1, t2, r, g, b; hue = hue / 60; if (light <= 0.5) { t2 = light * (sat + 1); } else { t2 = light + sat - (light * sat); } t1 = light * 2 - t2; r = hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue + 2) * 255; g = hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue) * 255; b = hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue - 2) * 255; return { r: r, g: g, b: b }; } function hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue) { if (hue < 0) hue += 6; if (hue >= 6) hue -= 6; if (hue < 1) return (t2 - t1) * hue + t1; else if (hue < 3) return t2; else if (hue < 4) return (t2 - t1) * (4 - hue) + t1; else return t1; } function getColorName2Hex(name) { var hex; var colorName = ['AliceBlue', 'AntiqueWhite', 'Aqua', 'Aquamarine', 'Azure', 'Beige', 'Bisque', 'Black', 'BlanchedAlmond', 'Blue', 'BlueViolet', 'Brown', 'BurlyWood', 'CadetBlue', 'Chartreuse', 'Chocolate', 'Coral', 'CornflowerBlue', 'Cornsilk', 'Crimson', 'Cyan', 'DarkBlue', 'DarkCyan', 'DarkGoldenRod', 'DarkGray', 'DarkGrey', 'DarkGreen', 'DarkKhaki', 'DarkMagenta', 'DarkOliveGreen', 'DarkOrange', 'DarkOrchid', 'DarkRed', 'DarkSalmon', 'DarkSeaGreen', 'DarkSlateBlue', 'DarkSlateGray', 'DarkSlateGrey', 'DarkTurquoise', 'DarkViolet', 'DeepPink', 'DeepSkyBlue', 'DimGray', 'DimGrey', 'DodgerBlue', 'FireBrick', 'FloralWhite', 'ForestGreen', 'Fuchsia', 'Gainsboro', 'GhostWhite', 'Gold', 'GoldenRod', 'Gray', 'Grey', 'Green', 'GreenYellow', 'HoneyDew', 'HotPink', 'IndianRed', 'Indigo', 'Ivory', 'Khaki', 'Lavender', 'LavenderBlush', 'LawnGreen', 'LemonChiffon', 'LightBlue', 'LightCoral', 'LightCyan', 'LightGoldenRodYellow', 'LightGray', 'LightGrey', 'LightGreen', 'LightPink', 'LightSalmon', 'LightSeaGreen', 'LightSkyBlue', 'LightSlateGray', 'LightSlateGrey', 'LightSteelBlue', 'LightYellow', 'Lime', 'LimeGreen', 'Linen', 'Magenta', 'Maroon', 'MediumAquaMarine', 'MediumBlue', 'MediumOrchid', 'MediumPurple', 'MediumSeaGreen', 'MediumSlateBlue', 'MediumSpringGreen', 'MediumTurquoise', 'MediumVioletRed', 'MidnightBlue', 'MintCream', 'MistyRose', 'Moccasin', 'NavajoWhite', 'Navy', 'OldLace', 'Olive', 'OliveDrab', 'Orange', 'OrangeRed', 'Orchid', 'PaleGoldenRod', 'PaleGreen', 'PaleTurquoise', 'PaleVioletRed', 'PapayaWhip', 'PeachPuff', 'Peru', 'Pink', 'Plum', 'PowderBlue', 'Purple', 'RebeccaPurple', 'Red', 'RosyBrown', 'RoyalBlue', 'SaddleBrown', 'Salmon', 'SandyBrown', 'SeaGreen', 'SeaShell', 'Sienna', 'Silver', 'SkyBlue', 'SlateBlue', 'SlateGray', 'SlateGrey', 'Snow', 'SpringGreen', 'SteelBlue', 'Tan', 'Teal', 'Thistle', 'Tomato', 'Turquoise', 'Violet', 'Wheat', 'White', 'WhiteSmoke', 'Yellow', 'YellowGreen']; var colorHex = ['f0f8ff', 'faebd7', '00ffff', '7fffd4', 'f0ffff', 'f5f5dc', 'ffe4c4', '000000', 'ffebcd', '0000ff', '8a2be2', 'a52a2a', 'deb887', '5f9ea0', '7fff00', 'd2691e', 'ff7f50', '6495ed', 'fff8dc', 'dc143c', '00ffff', '00008b', '008b8b', 'b8860b', 'a9a9a9', 'a9a9a9', '006400', 'bdb76b', '8b008b', '556b2f', 'ff8c00', '9932cc', '8b0000', 'e9967a', '8fbc8f', '483d8b', '2f4f4f', '2f4f4f', '00ced1', '9400d3', 'ff1493', '00bfff', '696969', '696969', '1e90ff', 'b22222', 'fffaf0', '228b22', 'ff00ff', 'dcdcdc', 'f8f8ff', 'ffd700', 'daa520', '808080', '808080', '008000', 'adff2f', 'f0fff0', 'ff69b4', 'cd5c5c', '4b0082', 'fffff0', 'f0e68c', 'e6e6fa', 'fff0f5', '7cfc00', 'fffacd', 'add8e6', 'f08080', 'e0ffff', 'fafad2', 'd3d3d3', 'd3d3d3', '90ee90', 'ffb6c1', 'ffa07a', '20b2aa', '87cefa', '778899', '778899', 'b0c4de', 'ffffe0', '00ff00', '32cd32', 'faf0e6', 'ff00ff', '800000', '66cdaa', '0000cd', 'ba55d3', '9370db', '3cb371', '7b68ee', '00fa9a', '48d1cc', 'c71585', '191970', 'f5fffa', 'ffe4e1', 'ffe4b5', 'ffdead', '000080', 'fdf5e6', '808000', '6b8e23', 'ffa500', 'ff4500', 'da70d6', 'eee8aa', '98fb98', 'afeeee', 'db7093', 'ffefd5', 'ffdab9', 'cd853f', 'ffc0cb', 'dda0dd', 'b0e0e6', '800080', '663399', 'ff0000', 'bc8f8f', '4169e1', '8b4513', 'fa8072', 'f4a460', '2e8b57', 'fff5ee', 'a0522d', 'c0c0c0', '87ceeb', '6a5acd', '708090', '708090', 'fffafa', '00ff7f', '4682b4', 'd2b48c', '008080', 'd8bfd8', 'ff6347', '40e0d0', 'ee82ee', 'f5deb3', 'ffffff', 'f5f5f5', 'ffff00', '9acd32']; var findIndx = colorName.indexOf(name); if (findIndx != -1) { hex = colorHex[findIndx]; } return hex; } function getColorOpacity(solidFill) { if (solidFill === undefined) { return undefined; } var opcity = 1; if (solidFill["a:srgbClr"] !== undefined) { var tint = getTextByPathList(solidFill, ["a:srgbClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); if (tint !== undefined) { opcity = parseInt(tint) / 100000; } } else if (solidFill["a:schemeClr"] !== undefined) { var tint = getTextByPathList(solidFill, ["a:schemeClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); if (tint !== undefined) { opcity = parseInt(tint) / 100000; } } else if (solidFill["a:scrgbClr"] !== undefined) { var tint = getTextByPathList(solidFill, ["a:scrgbClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); if (tint !== undefined) { opcity = parseInt(tint) / 100000; } } else if (solidFill["a:prstClr"] !== undefined) { var tint = getTextByPathList(solidFill, ["a:prstClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); if (tint !== undefined) { opcity = parseInt(tint) / 100000; } } else if (solidFill["a:hslClr"] !== undefined) { var tint = getTextByPathList(solidFill, ["a:hslClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); if (tint !== undefined) { opcity = parseInt(tint) / 100000; } } else if (solidFill["a:sysClr"] !== undefined) { var tint = getTextByPathList(solidFill, ["a:sysClr", "a:tint", "attrs", "val"]); if (tint !== undefined) { opcity = parseInt(tint) / 100000; } } return opcity; } function getSchemeColorFromTheme(schemeClr, sldMasterNode) { // in slide master // e.g. tx2="dk2" bg2="lt2" tx1="dk1" bg1="lt1" slideLayoutClrOvride if (slideLayoutClrOvride == "" || slideLayoutClrOvride === undefined) { slideLayoutClrOvride = getTextByPathList(sldMasterNode, ["p:sldMaster", "p:clrMap", "attrs"]) } //console.log(slideLayoutClrOvride); var schmClrName = schemeClr.substr(2); if (slideLayoutClrOvride !== undefined) { switch (schmClrName) { case "tx1": case "tx2": case "bg1": case "bg2": schemeClr = "a:" + slideLayoutClrOvride[schmClrName]; //console.log(schmClrName+ "=> "+schemeClr); break; } } else { switch (schmClrName) { case "tx1": schemeClr = "a:dk1"; break; case "tx2": schemeClr = "a:dk2"; break; case "bg1": schemeClr = "a:lt1"; break; case "bg2": schemeClr = "a:lt2"; break; } } var refNode = getTextByPathList(themeContent, ["a:theme", "a:themeElements", "a:clrScheme", schemeClr]); var color = getTextByPathList(refNode, ["a:srgbClr", "attrs", "val"]); if (color === undefined && refNode !== undefined) { color = getTextByPathList(refNode, ["a:sysClr", "attrs", "lastClr"]); } //console.log(color) return color; } function extractChartData(serNode) { var dataMat = new Array(); if (serNode === undefined) { return dataMat; } if (serNode["c:xVal"] !== undefined) { var dataRow = new Array(); eachElement(serNode["c:xVal"]["c:numRef"]["c:numCache"]["c:pt"], function (innerNode, index) { dataRow.push(parseFloat(innerNode["c:v"])); return ""; }); dataMat.push(dataRow); dataRow = new Array(); eachElement(serNode["c:yVal"]["c:numRef"]["c:numCache"]["c:pt"], function (innerNode, index) { dataRow.push(parseFloat(innerNode["c:v"])); return ""; }); dataMat.push(dataRow); } else { eachElement(serNode, function (innerNode, index) { var dataRow = new Array(); var colName = getTextByPathList(innerNode, ["c:tx", "c:strRef", "c:strCache", "c:pt", "c:v"]) || index; // Category (string or number) var rowNames = {}; if (getTextByPathList(innerNode, ["c:cat", "c:strRef", "c:strCache", "c:pt"]) !== undefined) { eachElement(innerNode["c:cat"]["c:strRef"]["c:strCache"]["c:pt"], function (innerNode, index) { rowNames[innerNode["attrs"]["idx"]] = innerNode["c:v"]; return ""; }); } else if (getTextByPathList(innerNode, ["c:cat", "c:numRef", "c:numCache", "c:pt"]) !== undefined) { eachElement(innerNode["c:cat"]["c:numRef"]["c:numCache"]["c:pt"], function (innerNode, index) { rowNames[innerNode["attrs"]["idx"]] = innerNode["c:v"]; return ""; }); } // Value if (getTextByPathList(innerNode, ["c:val", "c:numRef", "c:numCache", "c:pt"]) !== undefined) { eachElement(innerNode["c:val"]["c:numRef"]["c:numCache"]["c:pt"], function (innerNode, index) { dataRow.push({ x: innerNode["attrs"]["idx"], y: parseFloat(innerNode["c:v"]) }); return ""; }); } dataMat.push({ key: colName, values: dataRow, xlabels: rowNames }); return ""; }); } return dataMat; } // ===== Node functions ===== /** * getTextByPathStr * @param {Object} node * @param {string} pathStr */ function getTextByPathStr(node, pathStr) { return getTextByPathList(node, pathStr.trim().split(/\s+/)); } /** * getTextByPathList * @param {Object} node * @param {string Array} path */ function getTextByPathList(node, path) { if (path.constructor !== Array) { throw Error("Error of path type! path is not array."); } if (node === undefined) { return undefined; } var l = path.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { node = node[path[i]]; if (node === undefined) { return undefined; } } return node; } /** * eachElement * @param {Object} node * @param {function} doFunction */ function eachElement(node, doFunction) { if (node === undefined) { return; } var result = ""; if (node.constructor === Array) { var l = node.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { result += doFunction(node[i], i); } } else { result += doFunction(node, 0); } return result; } // ===== Color functions ===== /** * applyShade * @param {string} rgbStr * @param {number} shadeValue */ function applyShade(rgbStr, shadeValue) { var color = new colz.Color(rgbStr); color.setLum(color.hsl.l * shadeValue); return color.rgb.toString(); } /** * applyTint * @param {string} rgbStr * @param {number} tintValue */ function applyTint(rgbStr, tintValue) { var color = new colz.Color(rgbStr); color.setLum(color.hsl.l * tintValue + (1 - tintValue)); return color.rgb.toString(); } /** * applyLumModify * @param {string} rgbStr * @param {number} factor * @param {number} offset */ function applyLumModify(rgbStr, factor, offset) { var color = new colz.Color(rgbStr); //color.setLum(color.hsl.l * factor); color.setLum(color.hsl.l * (1 + offset)); return color.rgb.toString(); } ///////////////////////Amir//////////////// function angleToDegrees(angle) { if (angle == "" || angle == null) { return 0; } return Math.round(angle / 60000); } function getMimeType(imgFileExt) { var mimeType = ""; //console.log(imgFileExt) switch (imgFileExt.toLowerCase()) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": mimeType = "image/jpeg"; break; case "png": mimeType = "image/png"; break; case "gif": mimeType = "image/gif"; break; case "emf": // Not native support mimeType = "image/x-emf"; break; case "wmf": // Not native support mimeType = "image/x-wmf"; break; case "svg": mimeType = "image/svg+xml"; break; case "mp4": mimeType = "video/mp4"; break; case "webm": mimeType = "video/webm"; break; case "ogg": mimeType = "video/ogg"; break; case "avi": mimeType = "video/avi"; break; case "mpg": mimeType = "video/mpg"; break; case "wmv": mimeType = "video/wmv"; break; case "mp3": mimeType = "audio/mpeg"; break; case "wav": mimeType = "audio/wav"; break; } return mimeType; } function getSvgGradient(w, h, angl, color_arry, shpId) { var stopsArray = getMiddleStops(color_arry.length - 2); var svgAngle = '', svgHeight = h, svgWidth = w, svg = '', xy_ary = SVGangle(angl, svgHeight, svgWidth), x1 = xy_ary[0], y1 = xy_ary[1], x2 = xy_ary[2], y2 = xy_ary[3]; var sal = stopsArray.length, sr = sal < 20 ? 100 : 1000; svgAngle = ' gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="' + x1 + '%" y1="' + y1 + '%" x2="' + x2 + '%" y2="' + y2 + '%"'; svgAngle = '\n'; svg += svgAngle; for (var i = 0; i < sal; i++) { svg += ''; //console.log("fillColor: ", fillColor) fillColor = escapeHtml(fillColor); ptrn += ''; ptrn += ''; return ptrn; } function processMsgQueue(queue) { for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { processSingleMsg(queue[i].data); } } function processSingleMsg(d) { var chartID = d.chartID; var chartType = d.chartType; var chartData = d.chartData; var data = []; var chart = null; switch (chartType) { case "lineChart": data = chartData; chart = nv.models.lineChart() .useInteractiveGuideline(true); chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function (d) { return chartData[0].xlabels[d] || d; }); break; case "barChart": data = chartData; chart = nv.models.multiBarChart(); chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function (d) { return chartData[0].xlabels[d] || d; }); break; case "pieChart": case "pie3DChart": data = chartData[0].values; chart = nv.models.pieChart(); break; case "areaChart": data = chartData; chart = nv.models.stackedAreaChart() .clipEdge(true) .useInteractiveGuideline(true); chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function (d) { return chartData[0].xlabels[d] || d; }); break; case "scatterChart": for (var i = 0; i < chartData.length; i++) { var arr = []; for (var j = 0; j < chartData[i].length; j++) { arr.push({ x: j, y: chartData[i][j] }); } data.push({ key: 'data' + (i + 1), values: arr }); } //data = chartData; chart = nv.models.scatterChart() .showDistX(true) .showDistY(true) .color(d3.scale.category10().range()); chart.xAxis.axisLabel('X').tickFormat(d3.format('.02f')); chart.yAxis.axisLabel('Y').tickFormat(d3.format('.02f')); break; default: } if (chart !== null) { d3.select("#" + chartID) .append("svg") .datum(data) .transition().duration(500) .call(chart); nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); isDone = true; } } function setNumericBullets(elem) { var prgrphs_arry = elem; for (var i = 0; i < prgrphs_arry.length; i++) { var buSpan = $(prgrphs_arry[i]).find('.numeric-bullet-style'); if (buSpan.length > 0) { //console.log("DIV-"+i+":"); var prevBultTyp = ""; var prevBultLvl = ""; var buletIndex = 0; var tmpArry = new Array(); var tmpArryIndx = 0; var buletTypSrry = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < buSpan.length; j++) { var bult_typ = $(buSpan[j]).data("bulltname"); var bult_lvl = $(buSpan[j]).data("bulltlvl"); //console.log(j+" - "+bult_typ+" lvl: "+bult_lvl ); if (buletIndex == 0) { prevBultTyp = bult_typ; prevBultLvl = bult_lvl; tmpArry[tmpArryIndx] = buletIndex; buletTypSrry[tmpArryIndx] = bult_typ; buletIndex++; } else { if (bult_typ == prevBultTyp && bult_lvl == prevBultLvl) { prevBultTyp = bult_typ; prevBultLvl = bult_lvl; buletIndex++; tmpArry[tmpArryIndx] = buletIndex; buletTypSrry[tmpArryIndx] = bult_typ; } else if (bult_typ != prevBultTyp && bult_lvl == prevBultLvl) { prevBultTyp = bult_typ; prevBultLvl = bult_lvl; tmpArryIndx++; tmpArry[tmpArryIndx] = buletIndex; buletTypSrry[tmpArryIndx] = bult_typ; buletIndex = 1; } else if (bult_typ != prevBultTyp && Number(bult_lvl) > Number(prevBultLvl)) { prevBultTyp = bult_typ; prevBultLvl = bult_lvl; tmpArryIndx++; tmpArry[tmpArryIndx] = buletIndex; buletTypSrry[tmpArryIndx] = bult_typ; buletIndex = 1; } else if (bult_typ != prevBultTyp && Number(bult_lvl) < Number(prevBultLvl)) { prevBultTyp = bult_typ; prevBultLvl = bult_lvl; tmpArryIndx--; buletIndex = tmpArry[tmpArryIndx] + 1; } } //console.log(buletTypSrry[tmpArryIndx]+" - "+buletIndex); var numIdx = getNumTypeNum(buletTypSrry[tmpArryIndx], buletIndex); $(buSpan[j]).html(numIdx); } } } } function getNumTypeNum(numTyp, num) { var rtrnNum = ""; switch (numTyp) { case "arabicPeriod": rtrnNum = num + ". "; break; case "arabicParenR": rtrnNum = num + ") "; break; case "alphaLcParenR": rtrnNum = alphaNumeric(num, "lowerCase") + ") "; break; case "alphaLcPeriod": rtrnNum = alphaNumeric(num, "lowerCase") + ". "; break; case "alphaUcParenR": rtrnNum = alphaNumeric(num, "upperCase") + ") "; break; case "alphaUcPeriod": rtrnNum = alphaNumeric(num, "upperCase") + ". "; break; case "romanUcPeriod": rtrnNum = romanize(num) + ". "; break; case "romanLcParenR": rtrnNum = romanize(num) + ") "; break; case "hebrew2Minus": rtrnNum = hebrew2Minus.format(num) + "-"; break; default: rtrnNum = num; } return rtrnNum; } function romanize(num) { if (!+num) return false; var digits = String(+num).split(""), key = ["", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM", "", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC", "", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"], roman = "", i = 3; while (i--) roman = (key[+digits.pop() + (i * 10)] || "") + roman; return Array(+digits.join("") + 1).join("M") + roman; } var hebrew2Minus = archaicNumbers([ [1000, ''], [400, 'ת'], [300, 'ש'], [200, 'ר'], [100, 'ק'], [90, 'צ'], [80, 'פ'], [70, 'ע'], [60, 'ס'], [50, 'נ'], [40, 'מ'], [30, 'ל'], [20, 'כ'], [10, 'י'], [9, 'ט'], [8, 'ח'], [7, 'ז'], [6, 'ו'], [5, 'ה'], [4, 'ד'], [3, 'ג'], [2, 'ב'], [1, 'א'], [/יה/, 'ט״ו'], [/יו/, 'ט״ז'], [/([א-ת])([א-ת])$/, '$1״$2'], [/^([א-ת])$/, "$1׳"] ]); function archaicNumbers(arr) { var arrParse = arr.slice().sort(function (a, b) { return b[1].length - a[1].length }); return { format: function (n) { var ret = ''; jQuery.each(arr, function () { var num = this[0]; if (parseInt(num) > 0) { for (; n >= num; n -= num) ret += this[1]; } else { ret = ret.replace(num, this[1]); } }); return ret; } } } function alphaNumeric(num, upperLower) { num = Number(num) - 1; var aNum = ""; if (upperLower == "upperCase") { aNum = (((num / 26 >= 1) ? String.fromCharCode(num / 26 + 64) : '') + String.fromCharCode(num % 26 + 65)).toUpperCase(); } else if (upperLower == "lowerCase") { aNum = (((num / 26 >= 1) ? String.fromCharCode(num / 26 + 64) : '') + String.fromCharCode(num % 26 + 65)).toLowerCase(); } return aNum; } function base64ArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) { var base64 = ''; var encodings = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; var bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); var byteLength = bytes.byteLength; var byteRemainder = byteLength % 3; var mainLength = byteLength - byteRemainder; var a, b, c, d; var chunk; for (var i = 0; i < mainLength; i = i + 3) { chunk = (bytes[i] << 16) | (bytes[i + 1] << 8) | bytes[i + 2]; a = (chunk & 16515072) >> 18; b = (chunk & 258048) >> 12; c = (chunk & 4032) >> 6; d = chunk & 63; base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + encodings[c] + encodings[d]; } if (byteRemainder == 1) { chunk = bytes[mainLength]; a = (chunk & 252) >> 2; b = (chunk & 3) << 4; base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + '=='; } else if (byteRemainder == 2) { chunk = (bytes[mainLength] << 8) | bytes[mainLength + 1]; a = (chunk & 64512) >> 10; b = (chunk & 1008) >> 4; c = (chunk & 15) << 2; base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + encodings[c] + '='; } return base64; } function extractFileExtension(filename) { return filename.substr((~-filename.lastIndexOf(".") >>> 0) + 2); } function escapeHtml(text) { var map = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; return text.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function (m) { return map[m]; }); } /////////////////////////////////////tXml/////////////////////////// /* This is my custom tXml.js file */ function tXml(t, r) { "use strict"; function e() { for (var r = []; t[l];)if (t.charCodeAt(l) == s) { if (t.charCodeAt(l + 1) === h) return l = t.indexOf(u, l), l + 1 && (l += 1), r; if (t.charCodeAt(l + 1) === v) { if (t.charCodeAt(l + 2) == m) { for (; -1 !== l && (t.charCodeAt(l) !== d || t.charCodeAt(l - 1) != m || t.charCodeAt(l - 2) != m || -1 == l);)l = t.indexOf(u, l + 1); -1 === l && (l = t.length) } else for (l += 2; t.charCodeAt(l) !== d && t[l];)l++; l++; continue } var e = a(); r.push(e) } else { var i = n(); i.trim().length > 0 && r.push(i), l++ } return r } function n() { var r = l; return l = t.indexOf(c, l) - 1, -2 === l && (l = t.length), t.slice(r, l + 1) } function i() { for (var r = l; -1 === A.indexOf(t[l]) && t[l];)l++; return t.slice(r, l) } function a() { var r = {}; l++, r.tagName = i(); for (var n = !1; t.charCodeAt(l) !== d && t[l];) { var a = t.charCodeAt(l); if (a > 64 && 91 > a || a > 96 && 123 > a) { for (var f = i(), c = t.charCodeAt(l); c && c !== p && c !== g && !(c > 64 && 91 > c || c > 96 && 123 > c) && c !== d;)l++, c = t.charCodeAt(l); if (n || (r.attributes = {}, n = !0), c === p || c === g) { var s = o(); if (-1 === l) return r } else s = null, l--; r.attributes[f] = s } l++ } if (t.charCodeAt(l - 1) !== h) if ("script" == r.tagName) { var u = l + 1; l = t.indexOf("", l), r.children = [t.slice(u, l - 1)], l += 8 } else if ("style" == r.tagName) { var u = l + 1; l = t.indexOf("", l), r.children = [t.slice(u, l - 1)], l += 7 } else -1 == C.indexOf(r.tagName) && (l++, r.children = e(f)); else l++; return r } function o() { var r = t[l], e = ++l; return l = t.indexOf(r, e), t.slice(e, l) } function f() { var e = new RegExp("\\s" + r.attrName + "\\s*=['\"]" + r.attrValue + "['\"]").exec(t); return e ? e.index : -1 } r = r || {}; var l = r.pos || 0, c = "<", s = "<".charCodeAt(0), u = ">", d = ">".charCodeAt(0), m = "-".charCodeAt(0), h = "/".charCodeAt(0), v = "!".charCodeAt(0), p = "'".charCodeAt(0), g = '"'.charCodeAt(0), A = "\n >/= ", C = ["img", "br", "input", "meta", "link"], y = null; if (void 0 !== r.attrValue) { r.attrName = r.attrName || "id"; for (var y = []; -1 !== (l = f());)l = t.lastIndexOf("<", l), -1 !== l && y.push(a()), t = t.substr(l), l = 0 } else y = r.parseNode ? a() : e(); return r.filter && (y = tXml.filter(y, r.filter)), r.simplify && (y = tXml.simplify(y)), y.pos = l, y } var _order = 1; tXml.simplify = function (t) { var r = {}; if (void 0 === t) return {}; if (1 === t.length && "string" == typeof t[0]) return t[0]; t.forEach(function (t) { if ("object" == typeof t) { r[t.tagName] || (r[t.tagName] = []); var e = tXml.simplify(t.children || []); r[t.tagName].push(e), t.attributes && (e.attrs = t.attributes), void 0 === e.attrs ? e.attrs = { order: _order } : e.attrs.order = _order, _order++ } }); for (var e in r) 1 == r[e].length && (r[e] = r[e][0]); return r }, tXml.filter = function (t, r) { var e = []; return t.forEach(function (t) { if ("object" == typeof t && r(t) && e.push(t), t.children) { var n = tXml.filter(t.children, r); e = e.concat(n) } }), e }, tXml.stringify = function (t) { function r(t) { if (t) for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)"string" == typeof t[r] ? n += t[r].trim() : e(t[r]) } function e(t) { n += "<" + t.tagName; for (var e in t.attributes) n += null === t.attributes[e] ? " " + e : -1 === t.attributes[e].indexOf('"') ? " " + e + '="' + t.attributes[e].trim() + '"' : " " + e + "='" + t.attributes[e].trim() + "'"; n += ">", r(t.children), n += "" } var n = ""; return r(t), n }, tXml.toContentString = function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) { var r = ""; return t.forEach(function (t) { r += " " + tXml.toContentString(t), r = r.trim() }), r } return "object" == typeof t ? tXml.toContentString(t.children) : " " + t }, tXml.getElementById = function (t, r, e) { var n = tXml(t, { attrValue: r, simplify: e }); return e ? n : n[0] }, tXml.getElementsByClassName = function (t, r, e) { return tXml(t, { attrName: "class", attrValue: "[a-zA-Z0-9-s ]*" + r + "[a-zA-Z0-9-s ]*", simplify: e }) }, tXml.parseStream = function (t, r) { if ("function" == typeof r && (cb = r, r = 0), "string" == typeof r && (r = r.length + 2), "string" == typeof t) { var e = require("fs"); t = e.createReadStream(t, { start: r }), r = 0 } var n = r, i = "", a = 0; return t.on("data", function (r) { a++, i += r; for (var e = 0; ;) { n = i.indexOf("<", n) + 1; var o = tXml(i, { pos: n, parseNode: !0 }); if (n = o.pos, n > i.length - 1 || e > n) return void (e && (i = i.slice(e), n = 0, e = 0)); t.emit("xml", o), e = n } i = i.slice(n), n = 0 }), t.on("end", function () { console.log("end") }), t }, "object" == typeof module && (module.exports = tXml); }; /*! JSZipUtils - A collection of cross-browser utilities to go along with JSZip. (c) 2014 Stuart Knightley, David Duponchel Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See https://raw.github.com/Stuk/jszip-utils/master/LICENSE.markdown. */ !function (a) { "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = a() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(a) : "undefined" != typeof window ? window.JSZipUtils = a() : "undefined" != typeof global ? global.JSZipUtils = a() : "undefined" != typeof self && (self.JSZipUtils = a()) }(function () { return function a(b, c, d) { function e(g, h) { if (!c[g]) { if (!b[g]) { var i = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!h && i) return i(g, !0); if (f) return f(g, !0); throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + g + "'") } var j = c[g] = { exports: {} }; b[g][0].call(j.exports, function (a) { var c = b[g][1][a]; return e(c ? c : a) }, j, j.exports, a, b, c, d) } return c[g].exports } for (var f = "function" == typeof require && require, g = 0; g < d.length; g++)e(d[g]); return e }({ 1: [function (a, b) { "use strict"; function c() { try { return new window.XMLHttpRequest } catch (a) { } } function d() { try { return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (a) { } } var e = {}; e._getBinaryFromXHR = function (a) { return a.response || a.responseText }; var f = window.ActiveXObject ? function () { return c() || d() } : c; e.getBinaryContent = function (a, b) { try { var c = f(); c.open("GET", a, !0), "responseType" in c && (c.responseType = "arraybuffer"), c.overrideMimeType && c.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"), c.onreadystatechange = function () { var d, f; if (4 === c.readyState) if (200 === c.status || 0 === c.status) { d = null, f = null; try { d = e._getBinaryFromXHR(c) } catch (g) { f = new Error(g) } b(f, d) } else b(new Error("Ajax error for " + a + " : " + this.status + " " + this.statusText), null) }, c.send() } catch (d) { b(new Error(d), null) } }, b.exports = e }, {}] }, {}, [1])(1) }); /** * Colorz (or Colz) is a Javascript "library" to help * in color conversion between the usual color-spaces * Hex - Rgb - Hsl / Hsv - Hsb * * It provides some helpers to output Canvas / CSS * color strings. * * by Carlos Cabo 2013 * http://carloscabo.com * * Some formulas borrowed from Wikipedia or other authors. */ (function (name, definition) { if (typeof define === "function") { define(definition); } else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = definition(); } else { var theModule = definition(), global = this, old = global[name]; theModule.noConflict = function () { global[name] = old; return theModule; }; global[name] = theModule; } })("colz", function () { var round = Math.round, toString = "toString", colz = colz || {}, Rgb, Rgba, Hsl, Hsla, Color, ColorScheme, hexToRgb, componentToHex, rgbToHex, rgbToHsl, hue2rgb, hslToRgb, rgbToHsb, hsbToRgb, hsbToHsl, hsvToHsl, hsvToRgb, randomColor; Rgb = colz.Rgb = function (col) { this.r = col[0]; this.g = col[1]; this.b = col[2]; }; Rgb.prototype[toString] = function () { return "rgb(" + this.r + "," + this.g + "," + this.b + ")"; }; Rgba = colz.Rgba = function (col) { this.r = col[0]; this.g = col[1]; this.b = col[2]; this.a = col[3]; }; Rgba.prototype[toString] = function () { return ( "rgba(" + this.r + "," + this.g + "," + this.b + "," + this.a + ")" ); }; Hsl = colz.Hsl = function (col) { this.h = col[0]; this.s = col[1]; this.l = col[2]; }; Hsl.prototype[toString] = function () { return "hsl(" + this.h + "," + this.s + "%," + this.l + "%)"; }; Hsla = colz.Hsla = function (col) { this.h = col[0]; this.s = col[1]; this.l = col[2]; this.a = col[3]; }; Hsla.prototype[toString] = function () { return ( "hsla(" + this.h + "," + this.s + "%," + this.l + "%," + this.a + ")" ); }; Color = colz.Color = function () { this.hex = this.r = this.g = this.b = this.h = this.s = this.l = this.a = this.hsl = this.hsla = this.rgb = this.rgba = null; this.init(arguments); }; var colorPrototype = Color.prototype; colorPrototype.init = function (arg) { var _this = this; if (typeof arg[0] === "string") { if (arg[0].charAt(0) !== "#") { arg[0] = "#" + arg[0]; } if (arg[0].length < 7) { arg[0] = "#" + arg[0][1] + arg[0][1] + arg[0][2] + arg[0][2] + arg[0][3] + arg[0][3]; } _this.hex = arg[0].toLowerCase(); _this.rgb = new Rgb(hexToRgb(_this.hex)); _this.r = _this.rgb.r; _this.g = _this.rgb.g; _this.b = _this.rgb.b; _this.a = 1; _this.rgba = new Rgba([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b, _this.a]); } if (typeof arg[0] === "number") { _this.r = arg[0]; _this.g = arg[1]; _this.b = arg[2]; if (typeof arg[3] === "undefined") { _this.a = 1; } else { _this.a = arg[3]; } _this.rgb = new Rgb([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b]); _this.rgba = new Rgba([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b, _this.a]); _this.hex = rgbToHex([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b]); } if (arg[0] instanceof Array) { _this.r = arg[0][0]; _this.g = arg[0][1]; _this.b = arg[0][2]; if (typeof arg[0][3] === "undefined") { _this.a = 1; } else { _this.a = arg[0][3]; } _this.rgb = new Rgb([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b]); _this.rgba = new Rgba([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b, _this.a]); _this.hex = rgbToHex([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b]); } _this.hsl = new Hsl(colz.rgbToHsl([_this.r, _this.g, _this.b])); _this.h = _this.hsl.h; _this.s = _this.hsl.s; _this.l = _this.hsl.l; _this.hsla = new Hsla([_this.h, _this.s, _this.l, _this.a]); }; colorPrototype.setHue = function (newhue) { var _this = this; _this.h = newhue; _this.hsl.h = newhue; _this.hsla.h = newhue; _this.updateFromHsl(); }; colorPrototype.setSat = function (newsat) { var _this = this; _this.s = newsat; _this.hsl.s = newsat; _this.hsla.s = newsat; _this.updateFromHsl(); }; colorPrototype.setLum = function (newlum) { var _this = this; _this.l = newlum; _this.hsl.l = newlum; _this.hsla.l = newlum; _this.updateFromHsl(); }; colorPrototype.setAlpha = function (newalpha) { this.a = newalpha; this.hsla.a = newalpha; this.rgba.a = newalpha; }; colorPrototype.updateFromHsl = function () { this.rgb = null; this.rgb = new Rgb(colz.hslToRgb([this.h, this.s, this.l])); this.r = this.rgb.r; this.g = this.rgb.g; this.b = this.rgb.b; this.rgba.r = this.rgb.r; this.rgba.g = this.rgb.g; this.rgba.b = this.rgb.b; this.hex = null; this.hex = rgbToHex([this.r, this.g, this.b]); }; randomColor = colz.randomColor = function () { var r = "#" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 8); return new Color(r); }; hexToRgb = colz.hexToRgb = function (hex) { var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? [ parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16) ] : null; }; componentToHex = colz.componentToHex = function (c) { var hex = c.toString(16); return hex.length === 1 ? "0" + hex : hex; }; rgbToHex = colz.rgbToHex = function () { var arg, r, g, b; arg = arguments; if (arg.length > 1) { r = arg[0]; g = arg[1]; b = arg[2]; } else { r = arg[0][0]; g = arg[0][1]; b = arg[0][2]; } return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b); }; rgbToHsl = colz.rgbToHsl = function () { var arg, r, g, b, h, s, l, d, max, min; arg = arguments; if (typeof arg[0] === "number") { r = arg[0]; g = arg[1]; b = arg[2]; } else { r = arg[0][0]; g = arg[0][1]; b = arg[0][2]; } r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255; max = Math.max(r, g, b); min = Math.min(r, g, b); l = (max + min) / 2; if (max === min) { h = s = 0; } else { d = max - min; s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min); switch (max) { case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; } h /= 6; } h = round(h * 360); s = round(s * 100); l = round(l * 100); return [h, s, l]; }; hue2rgb = colz.hue2rgb = function (p, q, t) { if (t < 0) { t += 1; } if (t > 1) { t -= 1; } if (t < 1 / 6) { return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; } if (t < 1 / 2) { return q; } if (t < 2 / 3) { return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6; } return p; }; hslToRgb = colz.hslToRgb = function () { var arg, r, g, b, h, s, l, q, p; arg = arguments; if (typeof arg[0] === "number") { h = arg[0] / 360; s = arg[1] / 100; l = arg[2] / 100; } else { h = arg[0][0] / 360; s = arg[0][1] / 100; l = arg[0][2] / 100; } if (s === 0) { r = g = b = l; } else { q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; p = 2 * l - q; r = colz.hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3); g = colz.hue2rgb(p, q, h); b = colz.hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3); } return [round(r * 255), round(g * 255), round(b * 255)]; }; rgbToHsb = colz.rgbToHsb = function (r, g, b) { var max, min, h, s, v, d; r = r / 255; g = g / 255; b = b / 255; max = Math.max(r, g, b); min = Math.min(r, g, b); v = max; d = max - min; s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max; if (max === min) { h = 0; } else { switch (max) { case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; } h /= 6; } h = round(h * 360); s = round(s * 100); v = round(v * 100); return [h, s, v]; }; hsbToRgb = colz.hsbToRgb = function (h, s, v) { var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t; if (v === 0) { return [0, 0, 0]; } s = s / 100; v = v / 100; h = h / 60; i = Math.floor(h); f = h - i; p = v * (1 - s); q = v * (1 - s * f); t = v * (1 - s * (1 - f)); if (i === 0) { r = v; g = t; b = p; } else if (i === 1) { r = q; g = v; b = p; } else if (i === 2) { r = p; g = v; b = t; } else if (i === 3) { r = p; g = q; b = v; } else if (i === 4) { r = t; g = p; b = v; } else if (i === 5) { r = v; g = p; b = q; } r = Math.floor(r * 255); g = Math.floor(g * 255); b = Math.floor(b * 255); return [r, g, b]; }; hsbToHsl = colz.hsbToHsl = function (h, s, b) { return colz.rgbToHsl(colz.hsbToRgb(h, s, b)); }; hsvToHsl = colz.hsvToHsl = colz.hsbToHsl; hsvToRgb = colz.hsvToRgb = colz.hsbToRgb; ColorScheme = colz.ColorScheme = function (color_val, angle_array) { this.palette = []; if (angle_array === undefined && color_val instanceof Array) { this.createFromColors(color_val); } else { this.createFromAngles(color_val, angle_array); } }; var colorSchemePrototype = ColorScheme.prototype; colorSchemePrototype.createFromColors = function (color_val) { for (var i in color_val) { if (color_val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.palette.push(new Color(color_val[i])); } } return this.palette; }; colorSchemePrototype.createFromAngles = function (color_val, angle_array) { this.palette.push(new Color(color_val)); for (var i in angle_array) { if (angle_array.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var tempHue = (this.palette[0].h + angle_array[i]) % 360; this.palette.push( new Color( colz.hslToRgb([tempHue, this.palette[0].s, this.palette[0].l]) ) ); } } return this.palette; }; ColorScheme.Compl = function (color_val) { return new ColorScheme(color_val, [180]); }; ColorScheme.Triad = function (color_val) { return new ColorScheme(color_val, [120, 240]); }; ColorScheme.Tetrad = function (color_val) { return new ColorScheme(color_val, [60, 180, 240]); }; ColorScheme.Analog = function (color_val) { return new ColorScheme(color_val, [-45, 45]); }; ColorScheme.Split = function (color_val) { return new ColorScheme(color_val, [150, 210]); }; ColorScheme.Accent = function (color_val) { return new ColorScheme(color_val, [-45, 45, 180]); }; return colz; }); }(jQuery));
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