package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "path/filepath" "strconv" "syscall" "time" console "" ) /* arozos author: tobychui To edit startup flags, see main.flag.go To edit main routing logic, see main.router.go To edit startup sequence, see startup.go P.S. Try to keep this file < 300 lines */ //Close handler, close db and clearn up everything before exit func SetupCloseHandler() { c := make(chan os.Signal, 2) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-c executeShutdownSequence() }() } func executeShutdownSequence() { //Shutdown authAgent systemWideLogger.PrintAndLog("System", " Shutting down auth gateway", nil) authAgent.Close() //Shutdown all storage pools systemWideLogger.PrintAndLog("System", " Shutting down storage pools", nil) closeAllStoragePools() //Shutdown Logger systemWideLogger.Close() //Shutdown database systemWideLogger.PrintAndLog("System", " Shutting down database", nil) sysdb.Close() //Shutdown network services StopNetworkServices() //Shutdown FTP Server if FTPManager != nil { systemWideLogger.PrintAndLog("System", " Shutting down FTP Server", nil) FTPManager.StopFtpServer() } //Cleaning up tmp files systemWideLogger.PrintAndLog("System", " Cleaning up tmp folder", nil) os.RemoveAll(*tmp_directory) //Do other things os.Exit(0) } func main() { //Parse startup flags and paramters flag.Parse() //Handle version printing if *show_version { fmt.Println("ArozOS " + build_version + " Revision " + internal_version) fmt.Println("Developed by tobychui and other co-developers, Licensed to " + deviceVendor) //fmt.Println("THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.") os.Exit(0) } //Handle flag assignments max_upload_size = int64(*max_upload) << 20 //Parse the max upload size if *demo_mode { //Disable hardware man under demo mode enablehw := false allow_hardware_management = &enablehw } //Clean up previous tmp files final_tmp_directory := filepath.Clean(*tmp_directory) + "/tmp/" tmp_directory = &final_tmp_directory os.RemoveAll(*tmp_directory) os.Mkdir(*tmp_directory, 0777) //Print copyRight information log.Println("ArozOS(C) " + strconv.Itoa(time.Now().Year()) + " " + deviceVendor + ".") log.Println("ArozOS " + build_version + " Revision " + internal_version) /* New Implementation of the ArOZ Online System, Sept 2020 */ RunStartup() /* Development build test execution */ Run_Test() //Initiate all the static files transfer fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("./web")) /* if *enable_gzip { //Gzip enabled. Always serve with gzip if header exists //http.Handle("/", gzipmiddleware.Compress(mrouter(fs))) http.Handle("/", mrouter(fs)) } else { //Normal file server without gzip http.Handle("/", mrouter(fs)) } */ //Updates 2022-09-06: Gzip handler moved inside the master router http.Handle("/", mrouter(fs)) //Set database read write to ReadOnly after startup if demo mode if *demo_mode { sysdb.UpdateReadWriteMode(true) } //Setup handler for Ctrl +C SetupCloseHandler() //Start http server go func() { if *use_tls { if !*disable_http { go func() { log.Println("Standard (HTTP) Web server listening at :" + strconv.Itoa(*listen_port)) http.ListenAndServe(":"+strconv.Itoa(*listen_port), nil) }() } log.Println("Secure (HTTPS) Web server listening at :" + strconv.Itoa(*tls_listen_port)) http.ListenAndServeTLS(":"+strconv.Itoa(*tls_listen_port), *tls_cert, *tls_key, nil) } else { log.Println("Web server listening at :" + strconv.Itoa(*listen_port)) http.ListenAndServe(":"+strconv.Itoa(*listen_port), nil) } }() if *enable_console == true { //Startup interactive shell for debug and basic controls Console := console.NewConsole(consoleCommandHandler) Console.ListenAndHandle() } else { //Just do a blocking loop here select {} } }