networktools.html 2.1 KB

  1. <div class="standardContainer">
  2. <div class="ui basic segment">
  3. <h2>Network Tools</h2>
  4. <p>Network tools to help manage your cluster nodes</p>
  5. </div>
  6. <div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
  7. <a class="nettools item active bluefont" data-tab="tab1">Discovery</a>
  8. <a class="nettools item bluefont" data-tab="tab2">Connections</a>
  9. <a class="nettools item bluefont" data-tab="tab3">Debugging</a>
  10. </div>
  11. <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment active" data-tab="tab1">
  12. <h2>Multicast DNS (mDNS) Scanner</h2>
  13. <p>Discover mDNS enabled service in this gateway forwarded network</p>
  14. <button class="ui basic larger circular button" onclick="launchToolWithSize('./tools/mdns.html',1000, 640);">View Discovery</button>
  15. <div class="ui divider"></div>
  16. <h2>IP Scanner</h2>
  17. <p>Discover local area network devices by pinging them one by one</p>
  18. <button class="ui basic larger circular button" onclick="launchToolWithSize('./tools/ipscan.html',1000, 640);">Start Scanner</button>
  19. </div>
  20. <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="tab2">
  21. <p>Content of tab 2</p>
  22. </div>
  23. <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="tab3">
  24. <p>Content of tab 3</p>
  25. </div>
  26. </div>
  27. <script>
  28. // Activate the default tab
  29. $('.menu .nettools.item').tab();
  30. $('.menu .nettools.item').addClass("activated");
  31. // Switch tabs when clicking on the menu items
  32. $('.menu .nettools.item').on('click', function() {
  33. $('.menu .item').removeClass('active');
  34. $(this).addClass('active');
  35. var tab = $(this).attr('data-tab');
  36. $('.tab.segment').removeClass('active');
  37. $('div[data-tab="' + tab + '"]').addClass('active');
  38. });
  39. </script>
  40. <script>
  41. function launchToolWithSize(url, width, height){
  43. `toolbar=no,
  44. location=no,
  45. status=no,
  46. menubar=no,
  47. scrollbars=yes,
  48. resizable=yes,
  49. width=${width},
  50. height=${height}`);
  51. }
  52. </script>