123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507 |
- /*
- Quick Setup Tour
- This script file contains all the required script
- for quick setup tour and walkthrough
- */
- //tourStepFactory generate a function that renders the steps in tourModal
- //Keys: {element, title, desc, tab, pos, scrollto, callback}
- // elements -> Element (selector) to focus on
- // tab -> Tab ID to switch pages
- // pos -> Where to display the tour modal, {topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, center}
- // scrollto -> Element (selector) to scroll to, can be different from elements
- // ignoreVisiableCheck -> Force highlight even if element is currently not visable
- function adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(element){;
- if ($(element) == undefined || $(element).offset() == undefined){
- return;
- }
- let padding = 12;
- $("#tourModalOverlay").css({
- "top": $(element).offset().top - padding - $(document).scrollTop(),
- "left": $(element).offset().left - padding,
- "width": $(element).width() + 2 * padding,
- "height": $(element).height() + 2 * padding,
- });
- }
- var tourOverlayUpdateTicker;
- function tourStepFactory(config){
- return function(){
- //Check if this step require tab swap
- if (config.tab != undefined && config.tab != ""){
- //This tour require tab swap. call to openTabById
- openTabById(config.tab);
- }
- if (config.ignoreVisiableCheck == undefined){
- config.ignoreVisiableCheck = false;
- }
- if (config.element == undefined || (!$(config.element).is(":visible") && !config.ignoreVisiableCheck)){
- //No focused element in this step.
- $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject");
- $("#tourModal").addClass("nofocus");
- $("#tourModalOverlay").hide();
- //If there is a target element to scroll to
- if (config.scrollto != undefined){
- $('html, body').animate({
- scrollTop: $(config.scrollto).offset().top - 100
- }, 500);
- }
- }else{
- let elementHighligher = function(){
- //Match the overlay to element position and size
- $(window).off("resize").on("resize", function(){
- adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element);
- });
- if (tourOverlayUpdateTicker != undefined){
- clearInterval(tourOverlayUpdateTicker);
- }
- tourOverlayUpdateTicker = setInterval(function(){
- adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element);
- }, 500);
- adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element);
- $("#tourModalOverlay").fadeIn();
- }
- //Consists of focus element in this step
- $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject");
- $(config.element).addClass("tourFocusObject");
- $("#tourModal").removeClass("nofocus");
- $("#tourModalOverlay").hide();
- //If there is a target element to scroll to
- if (config.scrollto != undefined){
- $('html, body').animate({
- scrollTop: $(config.scrollto).offset().top - 100
- }, 300, function(){
- setTimeout(elementHighligher, 300);
- });
- }else{
- setTimeout(elementHighligher, 300);
- }
- }
- //Get the modal location of this step
- let showupZone = "center";
- if (config.pos != undefined){
- showupZone = config.pos
- }
- $("#tourModal").attr("position", showupZone);
- $("#tourModal .tourStepTitle").html(config.title);
- $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(config.desc);
- if (config.callback != undefined){
- config.callback();
- }
- }
- }
- //Hide the side warpper in tour mode and prevent body from restoring to
- //overflow scroll mode
- function hideSideWrapperInTourMode(){
- hideSideWrapper(); //Call to index.html hide side wrapper function
- $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); //Restore overflow state
- }
- function startQuickStartTour(){
- if (currentQuickSetupClass == ""){
- msgbox("No selected setup service tour", false);
- return;
- }
- //Show the tour modal
- $("#tourModal").show();
- //Load the tour steps
- if (tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass] == undefined || tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length == 0){
- //This tour is not defined or empty
- let notFound = tourStepFactory({
- title: "😭 Tour not found",
- desc: "Seems you are requesting a tour that has not been developed yet. Check back on later!"
- });
- notFound();
- //Enable the finish button
- $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").hide();
- $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").show();
- //Set step counter to 1
- $("#tourModal .tourStepCounter").text("0 / 0");
- return;
- }else{
- tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass][0]();
- }
- updateTourStepCount();
- //Disable the previous button
- if (tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length == 1){
- //There are only 1 step in this tour
- $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").hide();
- $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").show();
- }else{
- $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").show();
- $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").hide();
- }
- $("#tourModal .tourStepButtonBack").addClass("disabled");
- //Disable body scroll and let tour steps to handle scrolling
- $("body").css("overflow-y","hidden");
- $("#mainmenu").css("pointer-events", "none");
- }
- function updateTourStepCount(){
- let tourlistLength = tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass]==undefined?1:tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length;
- $("#tourModal .tourStepCounter").text((currentQuickSetupTourStep + 1) + " / " + tourlistLength);
- }
- function nextTourStep(){
- //Add one to the tour steps
- currentQuickSetupTourStep++;
- if (currentQuickSetupTourStep == tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length - 1){
- //Already the last step
- $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").hide();
- $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").show();
- }
- updateTourStepCount();
- tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass][currentQuickSetupTourStep]();
- if (currentQuickSetupTourStep > 0){
- $("#tourModal .tourStepButtonBack").removeClass("disabled");
- }
- }
- function previousTourStep(){
- if (currentQuickSetupTourStep > 0){
- currentQuickSetupTourStep--;
- }
- if (currentQuickSetupTourStep != tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length - 1){
- //Not at the last step
- $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").show();
- $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").hide();
- }
- if (currentQuickSetupTourStep == 0){
- //Cant go back anymore
- $("#tourModal .tourStepButtonBack").addClass("disabled");
- }
- updateTourStepCount();
- tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass][currentQuickSetupTourStep]();
- }
- //End tour and reset everything
- function endTourFocus(){
- $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject");
- $(".serviceOption.active").removeClass("active");
- currentQuickSetupClass = "";
- currentQuickSetupTourStep = 0;
- $("#tourModal").hide();
- $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").show();
- $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").hide();
- $("#tourModalOverlay").hide();
- if (tourOverlayUpdateTicker != undefined){
- clearInterval(tourOverlayUpdateTicker);
- }
- $("body").css("overflow-y","auto");
- $("#mainmenu").css("pointer-events", "auto");
- }
- var tourSteps = {
- //Homepage steps
- "homepage": [
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🎉 Congratulation on your first site!",
- desc: "In this tour, you will be guided through the steps required to setup a basic static website using your own domain name with Zoraxy."
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "👉 Pointing domain DNS to Zoraxy's IP",
- desc: `Setup a DNS A Record that points your domain name to this Zoraxy instances public IP address. <br>
- Assume your public IP is, you should have an A record like this.
- <table class="ui celled collapsing basic striped table">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Name</th>
- <th>Type</th>
- <th>Value</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>yourdomain.com</td>
- <td>A</td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <br>If the IP of Zoraxy start from 192.168, you might want to use your router's public IP address and setup port forward for both port 80 and 443 as well.`,
- callback: function(){
- $.get("/api/acme/wizard?step=10", function(data){
- if (data.error == undefined){
- //Should return the public IP address from acme wizard
- //Overwrite the sample IP address
- let originalText = $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html();
- originalText = originalText.split("").join(data);
- $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(originalText);
- }
- })
- }
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🏠 Setup Default Site",
- desc: `If you already have an apache or nginx web server running, use "Reverse Proxy Target" and enter your current web server IP address. <br>Otherwise, pick "Internal Static Web Server" and click "Apply Change"`,
- tab: "setroot",
- element: "#setroot",
- pos: "bottomright"
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🌐 Enable Static Web Server",
- desc: `Enable the static web server if it is not already enabled. Skip this step if you are using external web servers like Apache or Nginx.`,
- tab: "webserv",
- element: "#webserv",
- pos: "bottomright"
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "📤 Upload Static Website",
- desc: `Upload your static website files (e.g. HTML files) to the web directory. If remote access is not avaible, you can also upload it with the web server file manager here.`,
- tab: "webserv",
- element: "#webserv_dirManager",
- pos: "bottomright",
- scrollto: "#webserv_dirManager"
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "💡 Start Zoraxy HTTP listener",
- desc: `Start Zoraxy (if it is not already running) by pressing the "Start Service" button.<br>You should now be able to visit your domain and see the static web server contents show up in your browser.`,
- tab: "status",
- element: "#status .poweroptions",
- pos: "bottomright",
- })
- ],
- //Subdomains tour steps
- "subdomain":[
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🎉 Creating your first subdomain",
- desc: "Seems you are now ready to expand your site with more services! To do so, you can create a new subdomain for your new web services. <br><br>In this tour, you will be guided through the steps to setup a new subdomain reverse proxy.",
- pos: "center"
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "👉 Pointing subdomain DNS to Zoraxy's IP",
- desc: `Setup a DNS CNAME Record that points your subdomain to your root domain. <br>
- Assume your public IP is, you should have an CNAME record like this.
- <table class="ui celled collapsing basic striped table">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Name</th>
- <th>Type</th>
- <th>Value</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>example.com</td>
- <td>A</td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>sub.example.com</td>
- <td>CNAME</td>
- <td>example.com</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>`,
- callback: function(){
- $.get("/api/acme/wizard?step=10", function(data){
- if (data.error == undefined){
- //Should return the public IP address from acme wizard
- //Overwrite the sample IP address
- let originalText = $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html();
- originalText = originalText.split("").join(data);
- $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(originalText);
- }
- })
- }
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "➕ Create New Proxy Rule",
- desc: `Next, you can now move on to create a proxy rule that reverse proxy your new subdomain in Zoraxy. You can easily add new rules using the "New Proxy Rule" web form.`,
- tab: "rules",
- pos: "topright"
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🌐 Matching Keyword / Domain",
- desc: `Fill in your new subdomain in the "Matching Keyword / Domain" field.<br> e.g. sub.example.com`,
- element: "#rules .field[tourstep='matchingkeyword']",
- pos: "bottomright"
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🖥️ Target IP Address or Domain Name with port",
- desc: `Fill in the Reverse Proxy Destination. e.g. localhost:8080 or <br><br>Please make sure your web services is accessible by Zoraxy.`,
- element: "#rules .field[tourstep='targetdomain']",
- pos: "bottomright"
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🔐 Proxy Target require TLS Connection",
- desc: `If your upstream service only accept https connection, select this option.`,
- element: "#rules .field[tourstep='requireTLS']",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🔓 Ignore TLS Validation Error",
- desc: `Some open source projects like Proxmox or NextCloud use self-signed certificate to serve its web UI. If you are proxying services like that, enable this option. `,
- element: "#rules #advanceProxyRules .field[tourstep='skipTLSValidation']",
- scrollto: "#rules #advanceProxyRules",
- pos: "bottomright",
- ignoreVisiableCheck: true,
- callback: function(){
- $("#advanceProxyRules").accordion();
- if (!$("#rules #advanceProxyRules .content").is(":visible")){
- //Open up the advance config menu
- $("#rules #advanceProxyRules .title")[0].click()
- }
- }
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "💾 Save New Proxy Rule",
- desc: `Now, click "Create Endpoint" to add this reverse proxy rule to runtime.`,
- element: "#rules div[tourstep='newProxyRule']",
- scrollto: "#rules div[tourstep='newProxyRule']",
- pos: "topright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🎉 New Proxy Rule Setup Completed!",
- desc: `You can continue to add more subdomains or alias domain using this web form. To view the created reverse proxy rules, you can navigate to the HTTP Proxy tab.`,
- element: "#rules",
- tab: "rules",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🌲 HTTP Proxy List",
- desc: `In this tab, you will see all the created HTTP proxy rules and edit them if needed. You should see your newly created HTTP proxy rule in the above list. <Br><Br>
- This is the end of this tour. If you want further documentation on how to setup access control filters or load balancer, check out our Github Wiki page.`,
- element: "#httprp",
- tab: "httprp",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- ],
- //TLS and ACME tour steps
- "tls":[
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🔐 Enable HTTPS (TLS) for your site",
- desc: `Some technologies only work with HTTPS for security reasons. In this tour, you will be guided through the steps to enable HTTPS in Zoraxy.`,
- pos: "center",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "➡️ Change Listening Port",
- desc: `HTTPS listen on port 443 instead of 80. If your Zoraxy is currently listening to ports other than 443, change it to 443 in incoming port option and click "Apply"`,
- tab: "status",
- element: "#status div[tourstep='incomingPort']",
- scrollto: "#status div[tourstep='incomingPort']",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🔑 Enable TLS Serving",
- desc: `Next, you can enable TLS by checking the "Use TLS to serve proxy request"`,
- element: "#tls",
- scrollto: "#tls",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "💻 Enable HTTP Server on Port 80",
- desc: `As we might want some proxy rules to be accessible by HTTP, turn on the HTTP server listener on port 80 as well.`,
- element: "#listenP80",
- scrollto: "#tls",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "↩️ Force redirect HTTP request to HTTPS",
- desc: `By default, if a HTTP host-name is not found, 404 error page will be returned. However, in common scenerio for self-hosting, you might want to redirect that request to your HTTPS server instead. <br><br>Enabling this option allows such redirection to be done automatically.`,
- element: "#status div[tourstep='forceHttpsRedirect']",
- scrollto: "#tls",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🎉 HTTPS Enabled!",
- desc: `Now, your Zoraxy instance is ready to serve HTTPS requests.
- <br><br>By default, Zoraxy serve all your host-names by its internal self-signed certificate which is not a proper setup. That is why you will need to request a proper certificate for your site from your ISP or CA. `,
- tab: "status",
- pos: "center",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🔐 TLS / SSL Certificates",
- desc: `Zoraxy come with a simple and handy TLS management interface, where you can upload or request your certificates with a web form. You can click "TLS / SSL Certificate" from the side menu to open this page.`,
- tab: "cert",
- element: "#mainmenu",
- pos: "center",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "📤 Uploading Fallback (Default) Certificate",
- desc: `If you are using Cloudflare, you can upload the Cloudflare (full) strict mode certificate in the "Fallback Certificate" section and let Cloudflare handle all the remaining certificate dispatch. <br><br>
- Public key usually use a file extension of .pub or .pem, and private key usually ends with .key.`,
- element: "#cert div[tourstep='defaultCertificate']",
- scrollto: "#cert div[tourstep='defaultCertificate']",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "⚙️ Setup ACME",
- desc: `If you didn't want to pay for a certificate, there are free CA where you can use to obtain a certificate. By default, Let's Encrypt is used and in order to use their service, you will need to fill in your webmin contact email in the "ACME EMAIL" field.
- <br><br> After you are done, click "Save Settings" and continue.`,
- element: "#cert div[tourstep='acmeSettings']",
- scrollto: "#cert div[tourstep='acmeSettings']",
- pos: "bottomright",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "👉 Open ACME Tool",
- desc: `Open the ACME Tool by pressing the button below the ACME settings. You will see a tool window popup from the side.`,
- element: ".sideWrapper",
- pos: "center",
- callback: function(){
- //Call to function in cert.html
- openACMEManager();
- }
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "📃 Obtain Certificate with ACME",
- desc: `Now, we can finally start requesting a free certificate from the selected CA. Fill in the "Generate New Certificate" web-form and click <b>"Get Certificate"</b>.
- This usually will takes a few minutes. Wait until the spinning icon disappear before moving on the next step.
- <br><br>Tips: You can check the "Use DNS Challenge" if you are trying to request a certificate containing wildcard character (*).`,
- element: ".sideWrapper",
- pos: "topleft",
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🔄 Enable Auto Renew",
- desc:`Free certificate only last for a few months. If you want Zoraxy to help you automate the certificate renew process, enable "Auto Renew" by clicking the <b>"Enable Certificate Auto Renew"</b> toggle switch.
- <br><br>You can fine tune which certificate to renew in the "Advance Renew Policy" dropdown.`,
- element: ".sideWrapper",
- pos: "bottomleft",
- callback: function(){
- //If the user arrive this step from "Back"
- if (!$(".sideWrapper").is(":visible")){
- openACMEManager();
- }
- }
- }),
- tourStepFactory({
- title: "🎉 Certificate Installed!",
- desc:`Now, your certificate is loaded into the database and it is ready to use! In Zoraxy, you do not need to manually assign the certificate to a domain. Zoraxy will do that automatically for you.
- <br><br>Now, you can try to visit your website with https:// and see your green lock shows up next to your domain name!`,
- element: "#cert div[tourstep='certTable']",
- scrollto: "#cert div[tourstep='certTable']",
- tab: "cert",
- pos: "bottomright",
- callback: function(){
- hideSideWrapperInTourMode();
- }
- }),
- ],
- }