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  32. <a class="item active" tag="status">
  33. <i class="blue info circle icon"></i>Status
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  35. <a class="item" tag="vdir">
  36. <i class="yellow folder icon"></i> Virtual Directory
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  38. <a class="item" tag="subd">
  39. <i class="teal sitemap icon"></i> Subdomain Proxy
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  41. <a class="item" tag="rules">
  42. <i class="brown plus square icon"></i> Create Proxy Rules
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  44. <a class="item" tag="setroot">
  45. <i class="home icon"></i> Set Proxy Root
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  47. <div class="ui divider menudivider">Access & Connections</div>
  48. <a class="item" tag="cert">
  49. <i class="orange lock icon"></i> TLS / SSL certificate
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  51. <a class="item" tag="redirectset">
  52. <i class="violet level up alternate icon"></i> Redirection
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  54. <a class="item" tag="blacklist">
  55. <i class="red ban icon"></i> Blacklist
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  57. <a class="item" tag="upnp">
  58. <i class="blue exchange icon"></i> Port Forward
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  60. <div class="ui divider menudivider">Bridging</div>
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  62. <i class="remove icon"></i> TCP Proxy
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  67. <div class="ui divider menudivider">Others</div>
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  69. <i class="remove icon"></i> Uptime Monitor
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  75. <i class="grey paperclip icon"></i> Utilities
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  87. <!-- Subdomain Proxy -->
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  90. <div id="rules" class="functiontab" target="rules.html"></div>
  91. <!-- Set proxy root -->
  92. <div id="setroot" class="functiontab" target="rproot.html"></div>
  93. <!-- Set TLS cert -->
  94. <div id="cert" class="functiontab" target="cert.html"></div>
  95. <!-- Redirections -->
  96. <div id="redirectset" class="functiontab" target="redirection.html"></div>
  97. <!-- Blacklist -->
  98. <div id="blacklist" class="functiontab" target="blacklist.html"></div>
  99. <!-- UPnP based port fowarding -->
  100. <div id="upnp" class="functiontab" target="upnp.html"></div>
  101. <!-- Utilities -->
  102. <div id="utils" class="functiontab" target="utils.html"></div>
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  109. <p>CopyRight Zoraxy project and its author, 2022 - <span class="year"></span></p>
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  115. Loader function
  116. Load all the components view from the
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  189. return;
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