typedef.go 4.6 KB

  1. package dynamicproxy
  2. import (
  3. _ "embed"
  4. "net"
  5. "net/http"
  6. "sync"
  7. "imuslab.com/zoraxy/mod/dynamicproxy/dpcore"
  8. "imuslab.com/zoraxy/mod/dynamicproxy/redirection"
  9. "imuslab.com/zoraxy/mod/geodb"
  10. "imuslab.com/zoraxy/mod/statistic"
  11. "imuslab.com/zoraxy/mod/tlscert"
  12. )
  13. const (
  14. ProxyType_Subdomain = 0
  15. ProxyType_Vdir = 1
  16. )
  17. type ProxyHandler struct {
  18. Parent *Router
  19. }
  20. type RouterOption struct {
  21. HostUUID string //The UUID of Zoraxy, use for heading mod
  22. Port int //Incoming port
  23. UseTls bool //Use TLS to serve incoming requsts
  24. ForceTLSLatest bool //Force TLS1.2 or above
  25. ForceHttpsRedirect bool //Force redirection of http to https endpoint
  26. TlsManager *tlscert.Manager
  27. RedirectRuleTable *redirection.RuleTable
  28. GeodbStore *geodb.Store //GeoIP blacklist and whitelist
  29. StatisticCollector *statistic.Collector
  30. WebDirectory string //The static web server directory containing the templates folder
  31. }
  32. type Router struct {
  33. Option *RouterOption
  34. ProxyEndpoints *sync.Map
  35. SubdomainEndpoint *sync.Map
  36. Running bool
  37. Root *ProxyEndpoint
  38. RootRoutingOptions *RootRoutingOptions
  39. mux http.Handler
  40. server *http.Server
  41. tlsListener net.Listener
  42. routingRules []*RoutingRule
  43. tlsRedirectStop chan bool //Stop channel for tls redirection server
  44. tldMap map[string]int //Top level domain map, see tld.json
  45. }
  46. // Auth credential for basic auth on certain endpoints
  47. type BasicAuthCredentials struct {
  48. Username string
  49. PasswordHash string
  50. }
  51. // Auth credential for basic auth on certain endpoints
  52. type BasicAuthUnhashedCredentials struct {
  53. Username string
  54. Password string
  55. }
  56. // Paths to exclude in basic auth enabled proxy handler
  57. type BasicAuthExceptionRule struct {
  58. PathPrefix string
  59. }
  60. // A proxy endpoint record
  61. type ProxyEndpoint struct {
  62. ProxyType int //The type of this proxy, see const def
  63. RootOrMatchingDomain string //Root for vdir or Matching domain for subd, also act as key
  64. Domain string //Domain or IP to proxy to
  65. RequireTLS bool //Target domain require TLS
  66. BypassGlobalTLS bool //Bypass global TLS setting options if TLS Listener enabled (parent.tlsListener != nil)
  67. SkipCertValidations bool //Set to true to accept self signed certs
  68. RequireBasicAuth bool //Set to true to request basic auth before proxy
  69. BasicAuthCredentials []*BasicAuthCredentials `json:"-"` //Basic auth credentials
  70. BasicAuthExceptionRules []*BasicAuthExceptionRule //Path to exclude in a basic auth enabled proxy target
  71. Proxy *dpcore.ReverseProxy `json:"-"`
  72. parent *Router
  73. }
  74. // Root options are those that are required for reverse proxy handler to work
  75. type RootOptions struct {
  76. ProxyLocation string //Proxy Root target, all unset traffic will be forward to here
  77. RequireTLS bool //Proxy root target require TLS connection (not recommended)
  78. BypassGlobalTLS bool //Bypass global TLS setting and make root http only (not recommended)
  79. SkipCertValidations bool //Skip cert validation, suitable for self-signed certs, CURRENTLY NOT USED
  80. //Basic Auth Related
  81. RequireBasicAuth bool //Require basic auth, CURRENTLY NOT USED
  82. BasicAuthCredentials []*BasicAuthCredentials
  83. BasicAuthExceptionRules []*BasicAuthExceptionRule
  84. }
  85. // Additional options are here for letting router knows how to route exception cases for root
  86. type RootRoutingOptions struct {
  87. //Root only configs
  88. EnableRedirectForUnsetRules bool //Force unset rules to redirect to custom domain
  89. UnsetRuleRedirectTarget string //Custom domain to redirect to for unset rules
  90. }
  91. type VdirOptions struct {
  92. RootName string
  93. Domain string
  94. RequireTLS bool
  95. BypassGlobalTLS bool
  96. SkipCertValidations bool
  97. RequireBasicAuth bool
  98. BasicAuthCredentials []*BasicAuthCredentials
  99. BasicAuthExceptionRules []*BasicAuthExceptionRule
  100. }
  101. type SubdOptions struct {
  102. MatchingDomain string
  103. Domain string
  104. RequireTLS bool
  105. BypassGlobalTLS bool
  106. SkipCertValidations bool
  107. RequireBasicAuth bool
  108. BasicAuthCredentials []*BasicAuthCredentials
  109. BasicAuthExceptionRules []*BasicAuthExceptionRule
  110. }
  111. /*
  112. Web Templates
  113. */
  114. var (
  115. //go:embed templates/forbidden.html
  116. page_forbidden []byte
  117. )