648 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This script is suppose to run on the public server with public IP access
  3. # Ask user to input the local listening port
  4. read -p "Enter the local listening port for Zoraxy HTTP proxy endpoint: " port1
  5. echo "OK! Remember to add a proxy rule that points your preferred domain (e.g. to$port1"
  6. # Ask user to input the Zoraxy TCP stream proxy target port
  7. read -p "Enter the Zoraxy TCP stream proxy listening port: " port2
  8. echo "OK! Remember to add a TCP stream proxy rule that points your WAN exposed port to$port2"
  9. # Start the tcpcpy with the provided ports
  10. ./tcpcpy.exe -listen $port1 $port2