Fetch and renew your certificates with Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol
Setting Updated
ACME Email
Email is required by many CAs for renewing via ACME protocol
If you don't want to share your private email address, you can also fill in an email address that point to a mailbox not exists on your domain.
Advance Renew Policy
Renew all certificates with ACME supported CAs
Select the certificates to automatic renew in the list below
Domain Name
Match Rule
Domain in red are expired
Certificate Renew only works on the certification authority (CA) supported by Zoraxy. Check Zoraxy wiki for more information on supported list of CAs.
Generate New Certificate
Enter a new / existing domain(s) to request new certificate(s)
If you have more than one domain in a single certificate, enter the domains separated by commas (e.g. s1.dev.example.com,s2.dev.example.com)
Current selected CA do not support DNS challenge
Matching rule to let Zoraxy pick which certificate to use (Also be used as filename). Usually is the longest common suffix of the entered addresses. (e.g. dev.example.com)
Let's Encrypt
Let's Encrypt
Custom ACME Server
Pick a DNS Provider
DNS Credentials
Generating WebForm
Notes & FAQ
Domain DNS credentials are stored separately. For each new subdomain, you will need to enter a new DNS credentials.
For some DNS providers like CloudFlare, you do not need to fill in all fields.