Statistical Analysis

Statistic of your server in every aspects


Leave end range as empty for showing starting day only statistic

Visitors Countries

Distributions of visitors by country code. Access origin are estimated using open source GeoIP database and might not be accurate.

Requests IP Version

The version of Internet Protocol that the client is using. If the request client is pass through a DNS proxy like CloudFlare, the CloudFlare proxy server address will be filtered and only the first value in the RemoteAddress field will be analysised.

Request Origins

Top 25 request origin sorted by request count

Request Origin No of Requests

Client Devices

Device type analysis by its request interactions.The number of iteration count does not means the number unique device, as no cookie is used to track the devices identify.

Client Browsers

The browsers where your client is using to visit your site

Client OS

The OS where your client is using. Estimated using the UserAgent header sent by the client browser while requesting a resources from one of your host.

OS Versions

The OS versions most commonly used by your site's visitors.

OS Version Request Counts Percentage