This Wizard require both client and server connected to the internet.

HTTPS (TLS/SSL Certificate) Setup Wizard
This tool help you setup https with your domain / subdomain on your Zoraxy host.
Follow the steps below to get started

1. Setup Zoraxy to listen to port 80 or 443 and start listening
ACME can only works on port 80 (or 80 redirected 443). Please make sure Zoarxy is listening to either one of the ports.

2. If you are under NAT, setup Port Forward and forward external port 80 (and 443, if you are using 443) to your Zoraxy's LAN IP address port 80 (and 443)
If your Zoraxy server IP address starts with 192.168., you are mostly under a NAT router.

The check function below will use public ip to check if port is opened. Make sure your host is reachable from the internet!
If you are using 443, you still need to forward port 80 for performing 80 to 443 redirect.

3. Point your domain (or sub-domain) to your Zoraxy server public IP address
DNS records might takes 5 - 10 minutes to take effect. If checking did not poss the first time, wait for a few minutes and retry.

4. Request a public CA to assign you a certificate
This process might take a few minutes and usually fully automated. If there are any error, you can see Zoraxy STDOUT / log for more information.

Your CA might send expire notification to you via this email.
If you have more than one domain in a single certificate, enter the domains separated by commas (e.g.,