Access Control

Setup blacklist or whitelist based on estimated IP geographic location or IP address


Limit access from the following country or IP address
Tips: If you only want a few regions to access your site, use whitelist instead.

Country Blacklist

This will block all requests from the selected country. The requester's location is estimated from their IP address and may not be 100% accurate.

ISO Code Remove

IP Blacklist

Black a certain IP or IP range

IP Address support the following formats
Fixed IP Address (e.g. or fe80::210:5aff:feaa:20a2)
IP Wildcard (e.g. 172.164.*.*)
CIDR String (e.g.
IP Address Remove


Enable access from the following countries or IP.
Whitelist has lower priority than blacklist if both whitelist and blacklist are enabled
Tips: You can use blacklist to fine tune whitelist coverage

Country Whitelist

This will allow all requests from the selected country. The requester's location is estimated from their IP address and may not be 100% accurate.

ISO Code Remove

IP Whitelist

Whitelist a certain IP or IP range

IP Address support the following formats
Fixed IP Address (e.g. or fe80::210:5aff:feaa:20a2)
IP Wildcard (e.g. 172.164.*.*)
CIDR String (e.g.
IP Address Remarks Remove

Quick Ban List

You can perform one-click IP ban on the list below if you observe unusual traffic from an unknown origin
Blacklist must be enabled in order to use this feature.

IP Access Count Blacklist
Access checking and validation will slightly increase proxy latency.
Enabling this feature on servers with low end hardware is not recommended.