package dynamicproxy import ( "errors" "log" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) func (router *Router) getTargetProxyEndpointFromRequestURI(requestURI string) *ProxyEndpoint { var targetProxyEndpoint *ProxyEndpoint = nil router.ProxyEndpoints.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool { rootname := key.(string) if strings.HasPrefix(requestURI, rootname) { thisProxyEndpoint := value.(*ProxyEndpoint) targetProxyEndpoint = thisProxyEndpoint } return true }) return targetProxyEndpoint } func (router *Router) getProxyEndpointFromHostname(hostname string) *ProxyEndpoint { var targetSubdomainEndpoint *ProxyEndpoint = nil ep, ok := router.ProxyEndpoints.Load(hostname) if ok { targetSubdomainEndpoint = ep.(*ProxyEndpoint) } //No hit. Try with wildcard router.ProxyEndpoints.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { ep := v.(*ProxyEndpoint) match, err := filepath.Match(ep.RootOrMatchingDomain, hostname) if err != nil { //Continue return true } if match { targetSubdomainEndpoint = ep return false } return true }) return targetSubdomainEndpoint } // Clearn URL Path (without the http:// part) replaces // in a URL to / func (router *Router) clearnURL(targetUrlOPath string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(targetUrlOPath, "//", "/") } // Rewrite URL rewrite the prefix part of a virtual directory URL with / func (router *Router) rewriteURL(rooturl string, requestURL string) string { rewrittenURL := requestURL rewrittenURL = strings.TrimPrefix(rewrittenURL, strings.TrimSuffix(rooturl, "/")) if strings.Contains(rewrittenURL, "//") { rewrittenURL = router.clearnURL(rewrittenURL) } return rewrittenURL } // Handle host request func (h *ProxyHandler) hostRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, target *ProxyEndpoint) { r.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Host", r.Host) r.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Server", "zoraxy-"+h.Parent.Option.HostUUID) requestURL := r.URL.String() if r.Header["Upgrade"] != nil && strings.ToLower(r.Header["Upgrade"][0]) == "websocket" { //Handle WebSocket request. Forward the custom Upgrade header and rewrite origin r.Header.Set("A-Upgrade", "websocket") wsRedirectionEndpoint := target.Domain if wsRedirectionEndpoint[len(wsRedirectionEndpoint)-1:] != "/" { //Append / to the end of the redirection endpoint if not exists wsRedirectionEndpoint = wsRedirectionEndpoint + "/" } if len(requestURL) > 0 && requestURL[:1] == "/" { //Remove starting / from request URL if exists requestURL = requestURL[1:] } u, _ := url.Parse("ws://" + wsRedirectionEndpoint + requestURL) if target.RequireTLS { u, _ = url.Parse("wss://" + wsRedirectionEndpoint + requestURL) } h.logRequest(r, true, 101, "subdomain-websocket", target.Domain) wspHandler := websocketproxy.NewProxy(u, target.SkipCertValidations) wspHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r) return } originalHostHeader := r.Host if r.URL != nil { r.Host = r.URL.Host } else { //Fallback when the upstream proxy screw something up in the header r.URL, _ = url.Parse(originalHostHeader) } err := target.proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r, &dpcore.ResponseRewriteRuleSet{ ProxyDomain: target.Domain, OriginalHost: originalHostHeader, UseTLS: target.RequireTLS, PathPrefix: "", }) var dnsError *net.DNSError if err != nil { if errors.As(err, &dnsError) { http.ServeFile(w, r, "./web/hosterror.html") log.Println(err.Error()) h.logRequest(r, false, 404, "subdomain-http", target.Domain) } else { http.ServeFile(w, r, "./web/rperror.html") log.Println(err.Error()) h.logRequest(r, false, 521, "subdomain-http", target.Domain) } } h.logRequest(r, true, 200, "subdomain-http", target.Domain) } // Handle vdir type request func (h *ProxyHandler) vdirRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, target *ProxyEndpoint) { rewriteURL := h.Parent.rewriteURL(target.RootOrMatchingDomain, r.RequestURI) r.URL, _ = url.Parse(rewriteURL) r.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Host", r.Host) r.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Server", "zoraxy-"+h.Parent.Option.HostUUID) if r.Header["Upgrade"] != nil && strings.ToLower(r.Header["Upgrade"][0]) == "websocket" { //Handle WebSocket request. Forward the custom Upgrade header and rewrite origin r.Header.Set("A-Upgrade", "websocket") wsRedirectionEndpoint := target.Domain if wsRedirectionEndpoint[len(wsRedirectionEndpoint)-1:] != "/" { wsRedirectionEndpoint = wsRedirectionEndpoint + "/" } u, _ := url.Parse("ws://" + wsRedirectionEndpoint + r.URL.String()) if target.RequireTLS { u, _ = url.Parse("wss://" + wsRedirectionEndpoint + r.URL.String()) } h.logRequest(r, true, 101, "vdir-websocket", target.Domain) wspHandler := websocketproxy.NewProxy(u, target.SkipCertValidations) wspHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r) return } originalHostHeader := r.Host if r.URL != nil { r.Host = r.URL.Host } else { //Fallback when the upstream proxy screw something up in the header r.URL, _ = url.Parse(originalHostHeader) } err := target.proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r, &dpcore.ResponseRewriteRuleSet{ ProxyDomain: target.Domain, OriginalHost: originalHostHeader, UseTLS: target.RequireTLS, PathPrefix: target.RootOrMatchingDomain, }) var dnsError *net.DNSError if err != nil { if errors.As(err, &dnsError) { http.ServeFile(w, r, "./web/hosterror.html") log.Println(err.Error()) h.logRequest(r, false, 404, "vdir-http", target.Domain) } else { http.ServeFile(w, r, "./web/rperror.html") log.Println(err.Error()) h.logRequest(r, false, 521, "vdir-http", target.Domain) } } h.logRequest(r, true, 200, "vdir-http", target.Domain) } func (h *ProxyHandler) logRequest(r *http.Request, succ bool, statusCode int, forwardType string, target string) { if h.Parent.Option.StatisticCollector != nil { go func() { requestInfo := statistic.RequestInfo{ IpAddr: geodb.GetRequesterIP(r), RequestOriginalCountryISOCode: h.Parent.Option.GeodbStore.GetRequesterCountryISOCode(r), Succ: succ, StatusCode: statusCode, ForwardType: forwardType, Referer: r.Referer(), UserAgent: r.UserAgent(), RequestURL: r.Host + r.RequestURI, Target: target, } h.Parent.Option.StatisticCollector.RecordRequest(requestInfo) }() } }