# PLATFORMS := darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 freebsd/amd64 linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/arm linux/arm64 linux/mipsle windows/386 windows/amd64 windows/arm windows/arm64 PLATFORMS := linux/amd64 linux/386 linux/arm linux/arm64 linux/mipsle linux/riscv64 windows/amd64 temp = $(subst /, ,$@) os = $(word 1, $(temp)) arch = $(word 2, $(temp)) #all: web.tar.gz $(PLATFORMS) fixwindows zoraxy_file_checksum.sha1 all: clear_old $(PLATFORMS) fixwindows binary: $(PLATFORMS) hash: zoraxy_file_checksum.sha1 web: web.tar.gz clean: rm -f zoraxy_*_* rm -f web.tar.gz $(PLATFORMS): @echo "Building $(os)/$(arch)" GOROOT_FINAL=Git/ GOOS=$(os) GOARCH=$(arch) GOARM=6 go build -o './dist/zoraxy_$(os)_$(arch)' -ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath fixwindows: -mv ./dist/zoraxy_windows_amd64 ./dist/zoraxy_windows_amd64.exe # -mv ./dist/zoraxy_windows_arm64 ./dist/zoraxy_windows_arm64.exe clear_old: -rm -rf ./dist/ -mkdir ./dist/ web.tar.gz: @echo "Removing old build resources, if exists" -rm -rf ./dist/ -mkdir ./dist/ @echo "Moving subfolders to build folder" -cp -r ./web ./dist/web/ -cp -r ./system ./dist/system/ @ echo "Remove sensitive information" -rm -rf ./dist/certs/ -rm -rf ./dist/conf/ -rm -rf ./dist/rules/ @echo "Creating tarball for all required files" -rm ./dist/web.tar.gz -cd ./dist/ && tar -czf ./web.tar.gz system/ web/ @echo "Clearing up unzipped folder structures" -rm -rf "./dist/web" -rm -rf "./dist/system" zoraxy_file_checksum.sha1: @echo "Generating the checksum, if sha1sum installed" -sha1sum ./dist/web.tar.gz > ./dist/zoraxy_file_checksum.sha1