
You might find these tools or information helpful when setting up your gateway server

Change Password

Update the current account credentials

Change Password

Forget Password Email

The following SMTP settings help you to reset your password in case you have lost your management account.

Connection setup for email service provider

Credentials for SMTP server authentications

Leave empty to use the old password

Email for sending account reset link

IP Address to CIDR

No experience with CIDR notations? Here are some tools you can use to make setting up easier.

IP Range to CIDR Conversion
Note that the CIDR generated here covers additional IP address before or after the given range. If you need more details settings, please use CIDR with a smaller range and add additional IPs for detail range adjustment.



CIDR to IP Range Conversion



System Backup & Restore

Options related to system backup, migrate and restore.

System Information

Basic information about this zoraxy host

Running Since
ZeroTier Linked
Enable SSH Loopback

Zoraxy is developed by tobychui for imuslab and open source under AGPL