/* Quick Setup Tour This script file contains all the required script for quick setup tour and walkthrough */ //tourStepFactory generate a function that renders the steps in tourModal //Keys: {element, title, desc, tab, pos, scrollto, callback} // elements -> Element (selector) to focus on // tab -> Tab ID to switch pages // pos -> Where to display the tour modal, {topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, center} // scrollto -> Element (selector) to scroll to, can be different from elements function adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(element){; if ($(element) == undefined || $(element).offset() == undefined){ return; } let padding = 12; $("#tourModalOverlay").css({ "top": $(element).offset().top - padding - $(document).scrollTop(), "left": $(element).offset().left - padding, "width": $(element).width() + 2 * padding, "height": $(element).height() + 2 * padding, }); } var tourOverlayUpdateTicker; function tourStepFactory(config){ return function(){ //Check if this step require tab swap if (config.tab != undefined && config.tab != ""){ //This tour require tab swap. call to openTabById openTabById(config.tab); } if (config.element == undefined){ //No focused element in this step. $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject"); $("#tourModal").addClass("nofocus"); $("#tourModalOverlay").hide(); //If there is a target element to scroll to if (config.scrollto != undefined){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(config.scrollto).offset().top - 100 }, 500); } }else{ let elementHighligher = function(){ //Match the overlay to element position and size $(window).off("resize").on("resize", function(){ adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element); }); if (tourOverlayUpdateTicker != undefined){ clearInterval(tourOverlayUpdateTicker); } tourOverlayUpdateTicker = setInterval(function(){ adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element); }, 300); adjustTourModalOverlayToElement(config.element); $("#tourModalOverlay").fadeIn(); } //Consists of focus element in this step $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject"); $(config.element).addClass("tourFocusObject"); $("#tourModal").removeClass("nofocus"); $("#tourModalOverlay").hide(); //If there is a target element to scroll to if (config.scrollto != undefined){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(config.scrollto).offset().top - 100 }, 500, function(){ setTimeout(elementHighligher, 300); }); }else{ setTimeout(elementHighligher, 300); } } //Get the modal location of this step let showupZone = "center"; if (config.pos != undefined){ showupZone = config.pos } $("#tourModal").attr("position", showupZone); $("#tourModal .tourStepTitle").html(config.title); $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(config.desc); if (config.callback != undefined){ config.callback(); } } } function startQuickStartTour(){ if (currentQuickSetupClass == ""){ msgbox("No selected setup service tour", false); return; } //Show the tour modal $("#tourModal").show(); //Load the tour steps if (tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass] == undefined || tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length == 0){ //This tour is not defined or empty let notFound = tourStepFactory({ title: "😭 Tour not found", desc: "Seems you are requesting a tour that has not been developed yet. Check back on later!" }); notFound(); //Enable the finish button $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").hide(); $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").show(); //Set step counter to 1 $("#tourModal .tourStepCounter").text("0 / 0"); return; }else{ tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass][0](); } updateTourStepCount(); //Disable the previous button if (tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length == 1){ //There are only 1 step in this tour $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").hide(); $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").show(); }else{ $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").show(); $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").hide(); } $("#tourModal .tourStepButtonBack").addClass("disabled"); //Disable body scroll and let tour steps to handle scrolling $("body").css("overflow-y","hidden"); $("#mainmenu").css("pointer-events", "none"); } function updateTourStepCount(){ let tourlistLength = tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass]==undefined?1:tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length; $("#tourModal .tourStepCounter").text((currentQuickSetupTourStep + 1) + " / " + tourlistLength); } function nextTourStep(){ //Add one to the tour steps currentQuickSetupTourStep++; if (currentQuickSetupTourStep == tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length - 1){ //Already the last step $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").hide(); $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").show(); } updateTourStepCount(); tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass][currentQuickSetupTourStep](); if (currentQuickSetupTourStep > 0){ $("#tourModal .tourStepButtonBack").removeClass("disabled"); } } function previousTourStep(){ if (currentQuickSetupTourStep > 0){ currentQuickSetupTourStep--; } if (currentQuickSetupTourStep != tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass].length - 1){ //Not at the last step $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").show(); $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").hide(); } if (currentQuickSetupTourStep == 0){ //Cant go back anymore $("#tourModal .tourStepButtonBack").addClass("disabled"); } updateTourStepCount(); tourSteps[currentQuickSetupClass][currentQuickSetupTourStep](); } //End tour and reset everything function endTourFocus(){ $(".tourFocusObject").removeClass("tourFocusObject"); $(".serviceOption.active").removeClass("active"); currentQuickSetupClass = ""; currentQuickSetupTourStep = 0; $("#tourModal").hide(); $("#tourModal .nextStepAvaible").show(); $("#tourModal .nextStepFinish").hide(); $("#tourModalOverlay").hide(); if (tourOverlayUpdateTicker != undefined){ clearInterval(tourOverlayUpdateTicker); } $("body").css("overflow-y","auto"); $("#mainmenu").css("pointer-events", "auto"); } var tourSteps = { //Homepage steps "homepage": [ tourStepFactory({ title: "🎉 Congratulation on your first site!", desc: "In this tour, you will be guided through the steps required to setup a basic static website using your own domain name with Zoraxy." }), tourStepFactory({ title: "👉 Pointing domain DNS to Zoraxy's IP", desc: `Setup a DNS A Record that points your domain name to this Zoraxy instances public IP address.
Assume your public IP is, you should have an A record like this.
Name Type Value
yourdomain.com A

If the IP of Zoraxy start from 192.168, you might want to use your router's public IP address and setup port forward for both port 80 and 443 as well.`, callback: function(){ $.get("/api/acme/wizard?step=10", function(data){ if (data.error == undefined){ //Should return the public IP address from acme wizard //Overwrite the sample IP address let originalText = $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(); originalText = originalText.split("").join(data); $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(originalText); } }) } }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🏠 Setup Default Site", desc: `If you already have an apache or nginx web server running, use "Reverse Proxy Target" and enter your current web server IP address.
Otherwise, pick "Internal Static Web Server" and click "Apply Change"`, tab: "setroot", element: "#setroot", pos: "bottomright" }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🌐 Enable Static Web Server", desc: `Enable the static web server if it is not already enabled. Skip this step if you are using external web servers like Apache or Nginx.`, tab: "webserv", element: "#webserv", pos: "bottomright" }), tourStepFactory({ title: "📤 Upload Static Website", desc: `Upload your static website files (e.g. HTML files) to the web directory. If remote access is not avaible, you can also upload it with the web server file manager here.`, tab: "webserv", element: "#webserv", pos: "bottomright", scrollto: "#webserv_dirManager" }), tourStepFactory({ title: "💡 Start Zoraxy HTTP listener", desc: `Start Zoraxy (if it is not already running) by pressing the "Start Service" button.
You should now be able to visit your domain and see the static web server contents show up in your browser.`, tab: "status", element: "#status .poweroptions", pos: "bottomright", }) ], //Subdomains tour steps "subdomain":[ tourStepFactory({ title: "🎉 Creating your first subdomain", desc: "Seems you are now ready to expand your site with more services! To do so, you can create a new subdomain for your new web services.

In this tour, you will be guided through the steps to setup a new subdomain reverse proxy.", pos: "center" }), tourStepFactory({ title: "👉 Pointing subdomain DNS to Zoraxy's IP", desc: `Setup a DNS CNAME Record that points your subdomain to your root domain.
Assume your public IP is, you should have an CNAME record like this.
Name Type Value
example.com A
sub.example.com CNAME example.com
`, callback: function(){ $.get("/api/acme/wizard?step=10", function(data){ if (data.error == undefined){ //Should return the public IP address from acme wizard //Overwrite the sample IP address let originalText = $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(); originalText = originalText.split("").join(data); $("#tourModal .tourStepContent").html(originalText); } }) } }), tourStepFactory({ title: "➕ Create New Proxy Rule", desc: `Next, you can now move on to create a proxy rule that reverse proxy your new subdomain in Zoraxy. You can easily add new rules using the "New Proxy Rule" web form.`, tab: "rules", pos: "topright" }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🌐 Matching Keyword / Domain", desc: `Fill in your new subdomain in the "Matching Keyword / Domain" field.
e.g. sub.example.com`, element: "#rules .field[tourstep='matchingkeyword']", pos: "bottomright" }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🖥️ Target IP Address or Domain Name with port", desc: `Fill in the Reverse Proxy Destination. e.g. localhost:8080 or

Please make sure your web services is accessible by Zoraxy.`, element: "#rules .field[tourstep='targetdomain']", pos: "bottomright" }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🔐 Proxy Target require TLS Connection", desc: `If your upstream service only accept https connection, select this option.`, element: "#rules .field[tourstep='requireTLS']", pos: "bottomright", }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🔓 Ignore TLS Validation Error", desc: `Some open source projects like Proxmox or NextCloud use self-signed certificate to serve its web UI. If you are proxying services like that, enable this option. `, element: "#rules #advanceProxyRules .field[tourstep='skipTLSValidation']", scrollto: "#rules #advanceProxyRules", pos: "bottomright", callback: function(){ $("#advanceProxyRules").accordion(); if (!$("#rules #advanceProxyRules .content").is(":visible")){ //Open up the advance config menu $("#rules #advanceProxyRules .title")[0].click() } } }), tourStepFactory({ title: "💾 Save New Proxy Rule", desc: `Now, click "Create Endpoint" to add this reverse proxy rule to runtime.`, element: "#rules div[tourstep='newProxyRule']", scrollto: "#rules div[tourstep='newProxyRule']", pos: "topright", }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🎉 New Proxy Rule Setup Completed!", desc: `You can continue to add more subdomains or alias domain using this web form. To view the created reverse proxy rules, you can navigate to the HTTP Proxy tab.`, element: "#rules", tab: "rules", pos: "bottomright", }), tourStepFactory({ title: "🌲 HTTP Proxy List", desc: `In this tab, you will see all the created HTTP proxy rules and edit them if needed. You should see your newly created HTTP proxy rule in the above list.

This is the end of this tour. If you want further documentation on how to setup access control filters or load balancer, check out our Github Wiki page.`, element: "#httprp", tab: "httprp", pos: "bottomright", }), ], //TLS and ACME tour steps "tls":[ ], }