<div class="standardContainer"> <div class="ui basic segment"> <h2>Stream Proxy</h2> <p>Proxy traffic flow on layer 3 via TCP or UDP</p> </div> <div class="ui divider"></div> <div class="ui basic segment" style="margin-top: 0;"> <h3>TCP / UDP Proxy Rules</h3> <p>A list of TCP / UDP proxy rules created on this host.</p> <div style="overflow-x: auto; "> <table id="proxyTable" class="ui celled basic unstackable table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Listening Address</th> <th>Target Address</th> <th>Mode</th> <th>Timeout (s)</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div> <br> <button class="ui basic right floated button" onclick="initProxyConfigList();" title="Refresh List"><i class="ui green refresh icon"></i>Refresh</button> <br><br> </div> <div class="ui divider"></div> <div class="ui basic segment" id="addproxyConfig"> <h3>Add or Edit Stream Proxy</h3> <p>Create or edit a new stream proxy instance</p> <form id="streamProxyForm" class="ui form"> <div class="field" style="display:none;"> <label>UUID</label> <input type="text" name="uuid"> </div> <div class="field"> <label>Name</label> <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Config Name"> </div> <div class="field"> <label>Listening Address with Port</label> <input type="text" name="listenAddr" placeholder=""> <small>Address to listen on this host. e.g. :25565 or <br> If you are using Docker, you will also need to expose this port to host network.</small> </div> <div class="field"> <label>Proxy Target Address with Port</label> <input type="text" name="proxyAddr" placeholder=""> <small>Server address to forward TCP / UDP package. e.g.</small> </div> <div class="field"> <label>Timeout (s)</label> <input type="text" name="timeout" placeholder="" value="10"> <small>Connection timeout in seconds</small> </div> <Br> <div class="field"> <div class="ui toggle checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" tabindex="0" name="useTCP" class="hidden"> <label>Enable TCP<br> <small>Forward TCP request on this listening socket</small> </label> </div> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="ui toggle checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" tabindex="0" name="useUDP" class="hidden"> <label>Enable UDP<br> <small>Forward UDP request on this listening socket</small></label> </div> </div> <button id="addStreamProxyButton" class="ui basic button" type="submit"><i class="ui green add icon"></i> Create</button> <button id="editStreamProxyButton" class="ui basic button" onclick="confirmEditTCPProxyConfig(event, this);" style="display:none;"><i class="ui green check icon"></i> Update</button> <button class="ui basic red button" onclick="event.preventDefault(); cancelStreamProxyEdit(event);"><i class="ui red remove icon"></i> Cancel</button> </form> </div> </div> <script> let editingStreamProxyConfigUUID = ""; //The current editing TCP Proxy config UUID $("#streamProxyForm .dropdown").dropdown(); $('#streamProxyForm').on('submit', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //Check if update mode if ($("#editStreamProxyButton").is(":visible")){ confirmEditTCPProxyConfig(event,$("#editStreamProxyButton")[0]); return; } var form = $(this); var formValid = validateTCPProxyConfig(form); if (!formValid){ return; } // Send the AJAX POST request $.cjax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/streamprox/config/add', data: form.serialize(), success: function(response) { if (response.error) { msgbox(response.error, false, 6000); }else{ msgbox("Config Added"); } clearStreamProxyAddEditForm(); initProxyConfigList(); }, error: function() { msgbox('An error occurred while processing the request', false); } }); }); function clearStreamProxyAddEditForm(){ $('#streamProxyForm input, #streamProxyForm select').val(''); $('#streamProxyForm select').dropdown('clear'); $("#streamProxyForm input[name=timeout]").val(10); $("#streamProxyForm .toggle.checkbox").checkbox("set unchecked"); } function cancelStreamProxyEdit(event=undefined) { clearStreamProxyAddEditForm(); $("#addStreamProxyButton").show(); $("#editStreamProxyButton").hide(); } function validateTCPProxyConfig(form){ //Check if name is filled. If not, generate a random name for it var name = form.find('input[name="name"]').val() if (name == ""){ let randomName = "Proxy Rule (#" + Math.round(Date.now()/1000) + ")"; form.find('input[name="name"]').val(randomName); } // Validate timeout is an integer var timeout = parseInt(form.find('input[name="timeout"]').val()); if (form.find('input[name="timeout"]').val() == ""){ //Not set. Assign a random one to it form.find('input[name="timeout"]').val("10"); timeout = 10; } if (isNaN(timeout)) { form.find('input[name="timeout"]').parent().addClass("error"); msgbox('Timeout must be a valid integer', false, 5000); return false; }else{ form.find('input[name="timeout"]').parent().removeClass("error"); } // Validate mode is selected var mode = form.find('select[name="mode"]').val(); if (mode === '') { form.find('select[name="mode"]').parent().addClass("error"); msgbox('Please select a mode', false, 5000); return false; }else{ form.find('select[name="mode"]').parent().removeClass("error"); } return true; } function renderProxyConfigs(proxyConfigs) { var tableBody = $('#proxyTable tbody'); tableBody.empty(); if (proxyConfigs.length === 0) { var noResultsRow = $('<tr><td colspan="7"><i class="green check circle icon"></i>No Proxy Configs</td></tr>'); tableBody.append(noResultsRow); } else { proxyConfigs.forEach(function(config) { var runningLogo = 'Stopped'; var runningClass = "stopped"; var startButton = `<button onclick="startStreamProx('${config.UUID}');" class="ui basic mini circular icon button" title="Start Proxy"><i class="green play icon"></i></button>`; if (config.Running){ runningLogo = 'Running'; startButton = `<button onclick="stopStreamProx('${config.UUID}');" class="ui basic mini circular icon button" title="Stop Proxy"><i class="red stop icon"></i></button>`; runningClass = "running" } var modeText = []; if (config.UseTCP){ modeText.push("TCP") } if (config.UseUDP){ modeText.push("UDP") } modeText = modeText.join(" & ") var thisConfig = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(config)); var row = $(`<tr class="streamproxConfig ${runningClass}" uuid="${config.UUID}" config="${thisConfig}">`); row.append($('<td>').html(` ${config.Name} <div class="statusText">${runningLogo}</div>`)); row.append($('<td>').text(config.ListeningAddress)); row.append($('<td>').text(config.ProxyTargetAddr)); row.append($('<td>').text(modeText)); row.append($('<td>').text(config.Timeout)); row.append($('<td>').html(` ${startButton} <button onclick="editTCPProxyConfig('${config.UUID}');" class="ui circular basic mini icon button" title="Edit Config"><i class="edit icon"></i></button> <button onclick="deleteTCPProxyConfig('${config.UUID}');" class="ui circular red basic mini icon button" title="Delete Config"><i class="trash icon"></i></button> `)); tableBody.append(row); }); } } function getConfigDetailsFromDOM(configUUID){ let thisConfig = null; $(".streamproxConfig").each(function(){ let uuid = $(this).attr("uuid"); if (configUUID == uuid){ //This is the one we are looking for thisConfig = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent($(this).attr("config"))); } }); return thisConfig; } function editTCPProxyConfig(configUUID){ let targetConfig = getConfigDetailsFromDOM(configUUID); if (targetConfig != null){ $("#addStreamProxyButton").hide(); $("#editStreamProxyButton").show(); $.each(targetConfig, function(key, value) { var field; if (key == "UseTCP"){ let checkboxEle = $("#streamProxyForm input[name=useTCP]").parent(); if (value === true){ $(checkboxEle).checkbox("set checked"); }else{ $(checkboxEle).checkbox("set unchecked"); } return; }else if (key == "UseUDP"){ let checkboxEle = $("#streamProxyForm input[name=useUDP]").parent(); if (value === true){ $(checkboxEle).checkbox("set checked"); }else{ $(checkboxEle).checkbox("set unchecked"); } return; }else if (key == "ListeningAddress"){ field = $("#streamProxyForm input[name=listenAddr]"); }else if (key == "ProxyTargetAddr"){ field = $("#streamProxyForm input[name=proxyAddr]"); }else if (key == "UUID"){ field = $("#streamProxyForm input[name=uuid]"); }else if (key == "Name"){ field = $("#streamProxyForm input[name=name]"); }else if (key == "Timeout"){ field = $("#streamProxyForm input[name=timeout]"); } if (field != undefined && field.length > 0) { field.val(value); } }); editingStreamProxyConfigUUID = configUUID; }else{ msgbox("Unable to load target config", false); } } function confirmEditTCPProxyConfig(event, btn){ event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var form = $("#streamProxyForm"); let originalButtonHTML = $(btn).html(); $(btn).html(`<i class="ui loading spinner icon"></i> Updating`); $(btn).addClass("disabled"); var formValid = validateTCPProxyConfig(form); if (!formValid){ $(btn).html(originalButtonHTML); $(btn).removeClass("disabled"); return; } // Send the AJAX POST request $.cjax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/streamprox/config/edit', method: "POST", data: { uuid: $("#streamProxyForm input[name=uuid]").val().trim(), name: $("#streamProxyForm input[name=name]").val().trim(), listenAddr: $("#streamProxyForm input[name=listenAddr]").val().trim(), proxyAddr: $("#streamProxyForm input[name=proxyAddr]").val().trim(), useTCP: $("#streamProxyForm input[name=useTCP]")[0].checked , useUDP: $("#streamProxyForm input[name=useUDP]")[0].checked , timeout: parseInt($("#streamProxyForm input[name=timeout]").val().trim()), }, success: function(response) { $(btn).html(originalButtonHTML); $(btn).removeClass("disabled"); if (response.error) { msgbox(response.error, false, 6000); }else{ msgbox("Config Updated"); } initProxyConfigList(); cancelStreamProxyEdit(); clearStreamProxyAddEditForm(); }, error: function() { $(btn).html(originalButtonHTML); $(btn).removeClass("disabled"); msgbox('An error occurred while processing the request', false); } }); } function deleteTCPProxyConfig(configUUID){ $.cjax({ url: "/api/streamprox/config/delete", method: "POST", data: {uuid: configUUID}, success: function(data){ if (data.error != undefined){ msgbox(data.error, false, 6000); }else{ msgbox("Proxy Config Removed"); initProxyConfigList(); } } }) } //Start a TCP proxy by their config UUID function startStreamProx(configUUID){ $.cjax({ url: "/api/streamprox/config/start", method: "POST", data: {uuid: configUUID}, success: function(data){ if (data.error != undefined){ msgbox(data.error, false, 6000); }else{ msgbox("Service Started"); initProxyConfigList(); } } }); } //Stop a TCP proxy by their config UUID function stopStreamProx(configUUID){ $.cjax({ url: "/api/streamprox/config/stop", method: "POST", data: {uuid: configUUID}, success: function(data){ if (data.error != undefined){ msgbox(data.error, false, 6000); }else{ msgbox("Service Stopped"); initProxyConfigList(); } } }); } function initProxyConfigList(){ $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '/api/streamprox/config/list', success: function(response) { renderProxyConfigs(response); }, error: function() { msgbox('Unable to load proxy configs', false); } }); } initProxyConfigList(); </script> </div>