package loadbalance import ( "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "" "" "" ) /* Load Balancer Handleing load balance request for upstream destinations */ type Options struct { UseActiveHealthCheck bool //Use active health check, default to false Geodb *geodb.Store //GeoIP resolver for checking incoming request origin country Logger *logger.Logger } type RouteManager struct { LoadBalanceMap sync.Map //Sync map to store the last load balance state of a given node OnlineStatusMap sync.Map //Sync map to store the online status of a given ip address or domain name onlineStatusTickerStop chan bool //Stopping channel for the online status pinger Options Options //Options for the load balancer } /* Upstream or Origin Server */ type Upstream struct { //Upstream Proxy Configs OriginIpOrDomain string //Target IP address or domain name with port RequireTLS bool //Require TLS connection SkipCertValidations bool //Set to true to accept self signed certs SkipWebSocketOriginCheck bool //Skip origin check on websocket upgrade connections //Load balancing configs Priority int //Prirotiy of fallback, set all to 0 for round robin MaxConn int //Maxmium connection to this server, 0 for unlimited Disabled bool //If this upstream is disabled currentConnectionCounts atomic.Uint64 //Counter for number of client currently connected proxy *dpcore.ReverseProxy } // Create a new load balancer func NewLoadBalancer(options *Options) *RouteManager { onlineStatusCheckerStopChan := make(chan bool) return &RouteManager{ LoadBalanceMap: sync.Map{}, OnlineStatusMap: sync.Map{}, onlineStatusTickerStop: onlineStatusCheckerStopChan, Options: *options, } } // UpstreamsReady checks if the group of upstreams contains at least one // origin server that is ready func (m *RouteManager) UpstreamsReady(upstreams []*Upstream) bool { for _, upstream := range upstreams { if upstream.Disabled { //This upstream is disabled. Assume offline continue } if upstream.IsReady() { return true } } return false } // String format and convert a list of upstream into a string representations func GetUpstreamsAsString(upstreams []*Upstream) string { targets := []string{} for _, upstream := range upstreams { targets = append(targets, upstream.String()) } return strings.Join(targets, ", ") } func (m *RouteManager) Close() { if m.onlineStatusTickerStop != nil { m.onlineStatusTickerStop <- true } } // Print debug message func (m *RouteManager) debugPrint(message string, err error) { m.Options.Logger.PrintAndLog("LoadBalancer", message, err) }