package main /* Type and flag definations This file contains all the type and flag definations Author: tobychui */ import ( "embed" "flag" "net/http" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( /* Build Constants */ SYSTEM_NAME = "Zoraxy" SYSTEM_VERSION = "3.1.8" DEVELOPMENT_BUILD = false /* Development: Set to false to use embedded web fs */ /* System Constants */ TMP_FOLDER = "./tmp" WEBSERV_DEFAULT_PORT = 5487 MDNS_HOSTNAME_PREFIX = "zoraxy_" /* Follow by node UUID */ MDNS_IDENTIFY_DEVICE_TYPE = "Network Gateway" MDNS_IDENTIFY_DOMAIN = "" MDNS_IDENTIFY_VENDOR = "" MDNS_SCAN_TIMEOUT = 30 /* Seconds */ MDNS_SCAN_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 15 /* Minutes */ GEODB_CACHE_CLEAR_INTERVAL = 15 /* Minutes */ ACME_AUTORENEW_CONFIG_PATH = "./conf/acme_conf.json" CSRF_COOKIENAME = "zoraxy_csrf" LOG_PREFIX = "zr" LOG_EXTENSION = ".log" /* Configuration Folder Storage Path Constants */ CONF_HTTP_PROXY = "./conf/proxy" CONF_STREAM_PROXY = "./conf/streamproxy" CONF_CERT_STORE = "./conf/certs" CONF_REDIRECTION = "./conf/redirect" CONF_ACCESS_RULE = "./conf/access" CONF_PATH_RULE = "./conf/rules/pathrules" ) /* System Startup Flags */ var ( webUIPort = flag.String("port", ":8000", "Management web interface listening port") databaseBackend = flag.String("db", "auto", "Database backend to use (leveldb, boltdb, auto) Note that fsdb will be used on unsupported platforms like RISCV") noauth = flag.Bool("noauth", false, "Disable authentication for management interface") showver = flag.Bool("version", false, "Show version of this server") allowSshLoopback = flag.Bool("sshlb", false, "Allow loopback web ssh connection (DANGER)") allowMdnsScanning = flag.Bool("mdns", true, "Enable mDNS scanner and transponder") mdnsName = flag.String("mdnsname", "", "mDNS name, leave empty to use default (zoraxy_{node-uuid}.local)") ztAuthToken = flag.String("ztauth", "", "ZeroTier authtoken for the local node") ztAPIPort = flag.Int("ztport", 9993, "ZeroTier controller API port") runningInDocker = flag.Bool("docker", false, "Run Zoraxy in docker compatibility mode") acmeAutoRenewInterval = flag.Int("autorenew", 86400, "ACME auto TLS/SSL certificate renew check interval (seconds)") acmeCertAutoRenewDays = flag.Int("earlyrenew", 30, "Number of days to early renew a soon expiring certificate (days)") enableHighSpeedGeoIPLookup = flag.Bool("fastgeoip", false, "Enable high speed geoip lookup, require 1GB extra memory (Not recommend for low end devices)") allowWebFileManager = flag.Bool("webfm", true, "Enable web file manager for static web server root folder") enableAutoUpdate = flag.Bool("cfgupgrade", true, "Enable auto config upgrade if breaking change is detected") /* Default Configuration Flags */ defaultInboundPort = flag.Int("default_inbound_port", 443, "Default web server listening port") defaultEnableInboundTraffic = flag.Bool("default_inbound_enabled", true, "If web server is enabled by default") /* Path Configuration Flags */ //path_database = flag.String("dbpath", "./sys.db", "Database path") //path_conf = flag.String("conf", "./conf", "Configuration folder path") path_uuid = flag.String("uuid", "./sys.uuid", "sys.uuid file path") path_logFile = flag.String("log", "./log", "Log folder path") path_webserver = flag.String("webroot", "./www", "Static web server root folder. Only allow change in start paramters") /* Maintaince Function Flags */ geoDbUpdate = flag.Bool("update_geoip", false, "Download the latest GeoIP data and exit") ) /* Global Variables and Handlers */ var ( nodeUUID = "generic" //System uuid in uuidv4 format, load from database on startup bootTime = time.Now().Unix() requireAuth = true //Require authentication for webmin panel, override from flag /* Binary Embedding File System */ //go:embed web/* webres embed.FS /* Handler Modules */ sysdb *database.Database //System database authAgent *auth.AuthAgent //Authentication agent tlsCertManager *tlscert.Manager //TLS / SSL management redirectTable *redirection.RuleTable //Handle special redirection rule sets webminPanelMux *http.ServeMux //Server mux for handling webmin panel APIs csrfMiddleware func(http.Handler) http.Handler //CSRF protection middleware pathRuleHandler *pathrule.Handler //Handle specific path blocking or custom headers geodbStore *geodb.Store //GeoIP database, for resolving IP into country code accessController *access.Controller //Access controller, handle black list and white list netstatBuffers *netstat.NetStatBuffers //Realtime graph buffers statisticCollector *statistic.Collector //Collecting statistic from visitors uptimeMonitor *uptime.Monitor //Uptime monitor service worker mdnsScanner *mdns.MDNSHost //mDNS discovery services ganManager *ganserv.NetworkManager //Global Area Network Manager webSshManager *sshprox.Manager //Web SSH connection service streamProxyManager *streamproxy.Manager //Stream Proxy Manager for TCP / UDP forwarding acmeHandler *acme.ACMEHandler //Handler for ACME Certificate renew acmeAutoRenewer *acme.AutoRenewer //Handler for ACME auto renew ticking staticWebServer *webserv.WebServer //Static web server for hosting simple stuffs forwardProxy *forwardproxy.Handler //HTTP Forward proxy, basically VPN for web browser loadBalancer *loadbalance.RouteManager //Global scope loadbalancer, store the state of the lb routing //Authentication Provider autheliaRouter *authelia.AutheliaRouter //Authelia router for Authelia authentication //Helper modules EmailSender *email.Sender //Email sender that handle email sending AnalyticLoader *analytic.DataLoader //Data loader for Zoraxy Analytic DockerUXOptimizer *dockerux.UXOptimizer //Docker user experience optimizer, community contribution only SystemWideLogger *logger.Logger //Logger for Zoraxy LogViewer *logviewer.Viewer //Log viewer HTTP handlers )