@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<div class="ui small input">
<input type="text" id="statsRangeEnd" placeholder="End date">
- <button class="ui basic button"><i class="search icon"></i> Search</button><br>
+ <button onclick="handleLoadStatisticButtonPress();" class="ui basic button"><i class="search icon"></i> Search</button><br>
<small>Leave end range as empty for showing starting day only statistic</small>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
@@ -101,21 +101,34 @@
+ var statisticCharts = [];
function initStatisticSummery(startdate="", enddate=""){
if (startdate == "" && enddate == "" ){
let todaykey = getTodayStatisticKey();
- $.getJSON("/api/analytic/load?id=" + todaykey, function(data){
- console.log(data, todaykey);
- //Render visitor data
- renderVisitorChart(data.RequestOrigin);
+ loadStatisticByDate(todaykey);
+ }else if ((startdate != "" && enddate == "") || startdate == enddate){
+ //Load the target date
+ let targetDate = startdate.trim();
+ loadStatisticByDate(targetDate);
+ }
+ }
- //Render IP versions
- renderIPVersionChart(data.RequestClientIp);
+ function loadStatisticByDate(dateid){
+ $.getJSON("/api/analytic/load?id=" + dateid, function(data){
+ //Destroy all the previous charts
+ statisticCharts.forEach(function(thisChart){
+ thisChart.destroy();
+ })
- //Render user agent analysis
- renderUserAgentCharts(data.UserAgent);
- });
- }
+ //Render visitor data
+ renderVisitorChart(data.RequestOrigin);
+ //Render IP versions
+ renderIPVersionChart(data.RequestClientIp);
+ //Render user agent analysis
+ renderUserAgentCharts(data.UserAgent);
+ });
@@ -132,6 +145,12 @@
return formattedDate
+ function handleLoadStatisticButtonPress(){
+ var sd = $("#statsRangeStart").val();
+ var ed = $("#statsRangeEnd").val();
+ initStatisticSummery(sd, ed);
+ }
function renderUserAgentCharts(userAgentsEntries){
let userAgents = Object.keys(userAgentsEntries);
let requestCounts = Object.values(userAgentsEntries);
@@ -205,6 +224,8 @@
+ statisticCharts.push(deviceTypeChart);
//Create the OS chart
let OSnames = [];
let OSCounts = [];
@@ -231,9 +252,11 @@
+ statisticCharts.push(osTypeChart);
//Populate the OS version table
let sortedOSVersion = Object.entries(osVersion).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
+ $("#stats_OSVersionList").html("");
// Loop through the sorted data and populate the table
for (let i = 0; i < sortedOSVersion.length; i++) {
let osVersion = sortedOSVersion[i][0];
@@ -280,7 +303,7 @@
- console.log(browserTypes);
+ statisticCharts.push(browserTypeChart);
@@ -315,6 +338,8 @@
options: ipvChartOption
+ statisticCharts.push(ipTypeChart);
//Populate the request count table
let requestCounts = Object.entries(RequestClientIp);
@@ -387,5 +412,7 @@
data: CCchartData,
options: CCchartOptions
+ statisticCharts.push(visitorsChart);