@@ -108,6 +108,36 @@
+ function showStatusDotInfo(targetDot){
+ $(".statusbar .selectedDotInfo").hide();
+ let payload = $(targetDot).attr("payload");
+ let statusData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(payload));
+ let statusDotInfoEle = $(targetDot).parent().parent().find(".selectedDotInfo");
+ let statusInfoEle = $(statusDotInfoEle).find(".status_dot_status_info");
+ //Fill in the data to the info box
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).find(".status_dot_timestamp").text(format_time(statusData.Timestamp));
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).find(".status_dot_latency").text(statusData.Latency + "ms");
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).find(".status_dot_status_code").text(statusData.StatusCode);
+ //Set the class of the info box if status code is 5xx
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).removeClass("yellow");
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).removeClass("red");
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).removeClass("green");
+ if (statusData.StatusCode >= 500 && statusData.StatusCode < 600){
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).addClass("yellow");
+ $(statusInfoEle).text(httpErrorStatusCodeToText(statusData.StatusCode));
+ }else if (statusData.StatusCode == 0 && !statusData.Online){
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).addClass("red");
+ $(statusInfoEle).text("Upstream is offline");
+ }else{
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).addClass("green");
+ $(statusInfoEle).text("Upstream Online");
+ }
+ $(statusDotInfoEle).show();
+ }
function renderUptimeData(key, value){
if (value.length == 0){
@@ -132,6 +162,7 @@
let thisStatus = value[i];
let dotType = "";
let statusCode = thisStatus.StatusCode;
+ let statusDotPayload = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(thisStatus));
if (!thisStatus.Online && statusCode == 0){
dotType = "offline";
@@ -159,7 +190,7 @@
let datetime = format_time(thisStatus.Timestamp);
- statusDotList += `<div title="${datetime}" class="${dotType} statusDot"></div>`
+ statusDotList += `<div title="${datetime}" class="${dotType} statusDot" payload="${statusDotPayload}" onclick="showStatusDotInfo(this);"></div>`
ontimeRate = ontimeRate / value.length * 100;
@@ -207,7 +238,7 @@
onlineStatusCss = `color: #f38020;`;
reminderEle = `<small style="${onlineStatusCss}">Target online but not accessible</small>`;
currentOnlineStatus = `<i class="circle icon"></i> Offline`;
onlineStatusCss = `color: #df484a;`;
@@ -233,8 +264,71 @@
+ <div class="ui basic segment selectedDotInfo" style="display:none; border: 0.4em;">
+ <div class="ui list">
+ <div class="item"><b>Timestamp</b>: <span class="status_dot_timestamp"></span></div>
+ <div class="item"><b>Latency</b>: <span class="status_dot_latency"></span></div>
+ <div class="item"><b>Status Code</b>: <span class="status_dot_status_code"></span></div>
+ <div class="item"><b>Status Info</b>: <span class="status_dot_status_info"></span></div>
+ </div>
+ <button onclick="$(this).parent().hide();" style="position: absolute; right: 0.4em; top: 0.6em;" class="ui basic tiny circular icon button"><i class="ui times icon"></i></button>
+ </div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
+ function httpErrorStatusCodeToText(statusCode){
+ switch(statusCode){
+ case 400:
+ return "Bad Request";
+ case 401:
+ return "Unauthorized";
+ case 403:
+ return "Forbidden";
+ case 404:
+ return "Not Found";
+ case 405:
+ return "Method Not Allowed";
+ case 500:
+ return "Internal Server Error";
+ case 501:
+ return "Not Implemented";
+ case 502:
+ return "Bad Gateway";
+ case 503:
+ return "Service Unavailable";
+ case 504:
+ return "Gateway Timeout";
+ case 505:
+ return "HTTP Version Not Supported";
+ case 506:
+ return "Variant Also Negotiates";
+ case 507:
+ return "Insufficient Storage";
+ case 508:
+ return "Loop Detected";
+ case 510:
+ return "Not Extended";
+ case 511:
+ return "Network Authentication Required";
+ case 520:
+ return "Web Server Returned an Unknown Error (Cloudflare)";
+ case 521:
+ return "Web Server is Down (Cloudflare)";
+ case 522:
+ return "Connection Timed Out (Cloudflare)";
+ case 523:
+ return "Origin is Unreachable (Cloudflare)";
+ case 524:
+ return "A Timeout Occurred (Cloudflare)";
+ case 525:
+ return "SSL Handshake Failed (Cloudflare)";
+ case 526:
+ return "Invalid SSL Certificate (Cloudflare)";
+ case 527:
+ return "Railgun Error (Cloudflare)";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown Error";
+ }
+ }