@@ -148,6 +148,17 @@
<p><i class="green check circle icon"></i> There are no message</p>
+ <div id="confirmBox" style="display:none;">
+ <div class="ui top attached progress">
+ <div class="bar" style="width: 100%; min-width: 0px;"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="confirmBoxBody">
+ <button class="ui red mini circular icon right floated button" style="margin-left: 0.4em;"><i class="ui times icon"></i></button>
+ <button class="ui green mini circular icon right floated button"><i class="ui check icon"></i></button>
+ <div class="questionToConfirm">Confirm Exit?</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
$(".year").text(new Date().getFullYear());
@@ -280,6 +291,64 @@
+ function confirmBox(question_to_confirm, callback, delaytime=15) {
+ var progressBar = $("#confirmBox .bar");
+ var questionElement = $("#confirmBox .questionToConfirm");
+ //Just to make sure there are no animation runnings
+ progressBar.stop();
+ // Update the question to confirm
+ questionElement.text(question_to_confirm);
+ // Start the progress bar animation
+ progressBar.css("width", "100%");
+ progressBar.animate({ width: "0%", easing: "linear" }, delaytime * 1000, function() {
+ // Animation complete, invoke the callback with undefined
+ callback(undefined);
+ //Unset the event listener
+ $("#confirmBox .ui.green.button").off("click");
+ // Hide the confirm box
+ $("#confirmBox").hide();
+ });
+ // Bind click event to "Yes" button
+ $("#confirmBox .ui.green.button").on("click", function() {
+ // Stop the progress bar animation
+ progressBar.stop();
+ // Invoke the callback with true
+ callback(true);
+ // Hide the confirm box
+ $("#confirmBox").hide();
+ //Unset the event listener
+ $("#confirmBox .ui.green.button").off("click");
+ });
+ // Bind click event to "No" button
+ $("#confirmBox .ui.red.button").on("click", function() {
+ // Stop the progress bar animation
+ progressBar.stop();
+ // Invoke the callback with false
+ callback(false);
+ // Hide the confirm box
+ $("#confirmBox").hide();
+ //Unset the event listener
+ $("#confirmBox .ui.red.button").off("click");
+ });
+ // Show the confirm box
+ $("#confirmBox").show().transition('jiggle');
+ }
Toggles for side wrapper