@@ -3,166 +3,183 @@
<p>You might find these tools or information helpful when setting up your gateway server</p>
- <div class="ui divider"></div>
+ <div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
+ <a class="nettools item active" data-tab="tab1"><i class="ui user circle blue icon"></i> Accounts</a>
+ <a class="nettools item" data-tab="tab2"><i class="ui brown box icon"></i> Toolbox</a>
+ <a class="nettools item" data-tab="tab3"><i class="ui grey server icon"></i> Systems</a>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment nettoolstab active" data-tab="tab1">
+ <div class="selfauthOnly">
+ <h3>Change Password</h3>
+ <p>Update the current account credentials</p>
+ <div class="ui basic segment">
+ <h5><i class="chevron down icon"></i> Change Password</h5>
+ <div class="ui form">
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Current Password</label>
+ <input type="password" name="oldPassword" placeholder="Current Password">
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>New Password</label>
+ <input type="password" name="newPassword" placeholder="New Password">
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Confirm New Password</label>
+ <input type="password" name="confirmNewPassword" placeholder="Confirm New Password">
+ </div>
+ <button class="ui basic button" onclick="changePassword()"><i class="ui teal key icon"></i> Change Password</button>
+ </div>
- <div class="selfauthOnly">
- <h3>Account Management</h3>
- <p>Functions to help management the current account</p>
- <div class="ui basic segment">
- <h5><i class="chevron down icon"></i> Change Password</h5>
- <div class="ui form">
- <div class="field">
- <label>Current Password</label>
- <input type="password" name="oldPassword" placeholder="Current Password">
+ <div id="passwordChangeSuccMsg" class="ui green message" style="display:none;">
+ <i class="ui circle checkmark green icon "></i> Password Updated
+ </div>
+ <div class="ui divider"></div>
+ <h3>Forget Password Email</h3>
+ <p>The following SMTP settings help you to reset your password in case you have lost your management account.</p>
+ <form id="email-form" class="ui form">
<div class="field">
- <label>New Password</label>
- <input type="password" name="newPassword" placeholder="New Password">
+ <label>Sender Address</label>
+ <input type="text" name="senderAddr" placeholder="E.g. [email protected]">
<div class="field">
- <label>Confirm New Password</label>
- <input type="password" name="confirmNewPassword" placeholder="Confirm New Password">
- </div>
- <button class="ui basic button" onclick="changePassword()"><i class="ui teal key icon"></i> Change Password</button>
- </div>
- <div id="passwordChangeSuccMsg" class="ui green message" style="display:none;">
- <i class="ui circle checkmark green icon "></i> Password Updated
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="ui divider"></div>
- <h3>Forget Password Email</h3>
- <p>The following SMTP settings help you to reset your password in case you have lost your management account.</p>
- <form id="email-form" class="ui form">
- <div class="field">
- <label>Sender Address</label>
- <input type="text" name="senderAddr" placeholder="E.g. [email protected]">
- </div>
- <div class="field">
- <p><i class="caret down icon"></i> Connection setup for email service provider</p>
- <div class="fields">
- <div class="twelve wide field">
- <label>SMTP Provider Hostname</label>
- <input type="text" name="hostname" placeholder="E.g. mail.gandi.net">
- </div>
- <div class="four wide field">
- <label>Port</label>
- <input type="number" name="port" placeholder="E.g. 587" value="587">
+ <p><i class="caret down icon"></i> Connection setup for email service provider</p>
+ <div class="fields">
+ <div class="twelve wide field">
+ <label>SMTP Provider Hostname</label>
+ <input type="text" name="hostname" placeholder="E.g. mail.gandi.net">
+ </div>
+ <div class="four wide field">
+ <label>Port</label>
+ <input type="number" name="port" placeholder="E.g. 587" value="587">
+ </div>
- </div>
- <div class="field">
- <p><i class="caret down icon"></i> Credentials for SMTP server authentications</p>
- <div class="two fields">
- <div class="field">
- <label>Sender Username</label>
- <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="E.g. admin">
- </div>
- <div class="field">
- <label>Sender Domain</label>
- <div class="ui labeled input">
- <div class="ui basic label">
- @
+ <div class="field">
+ <p><i class="caret down icon"></i> Credentials for SMTP server authentications</p>
+ <div class="two fields">
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Sender Username</label>
+ <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="E.g. admin">
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Sender Domain</label>
+ <div class="ui labeled input">
+ <div class="ui basic label">
+ @
+ </div>
+ <input type="text" name="domain" min="1" max="65534" placeholder="E.g. arozos.com">
- <input type="text" name="domain" min="1" max="65534" placeholder="E.g. arozos.com">
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Sender Password</label>
+ <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password of the email account">
+ <small>Leave empty to use the old password</small>
+ </div>
+ <p> <i class="caret down icon"></i> Email for sending account reset link</p>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Admin / Receiver Address</label>
+ <input type="text" name="recvAddr" placeholder="E.g. [email protected]">
+ </div>
+ <button class="ui basic button" type="submit"><i class="blue save icon"></i> Set SMTP Configs</button>
+ <button class="ui basic button" onclick="event.preventDefault(); sendTestEmail(this);"><i class="teal mail icon"></i> Send Test Email</button>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment nettoolstab" data-tab="tab2">
+ <h3> IP Address to CIDR</h3>
+ <p>No experience with CIDR notations? Here are some tools you can use to make setting up easier.</p>
+ <div class="ui basic segment">
+ <h5><i class="chevron down icon"></i> IP Range to CIDR Conversion</h5>
+ <div class="ui message">
+ <i class="info circle icon"></i> Note that the CIDR generated here covers additional IP address before or after the given range. If you need more details settings, please use CIDR with a smaller range and add additional IPs for detail range adjustment.
- <div class="field">
- <label>Sender Password</label>
- <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password of the email account">
- <small>Leave empty to use the old password</small>
+ <div class="ui input">
+ <input type="text" placeholder="Start IP" id="startIpInput">
- <p> <i class="caret down icon"></i> Email for sending account reset link</p>
- <div class="field">
- <label>Admin / Receiver Address</label>
- <input type="text" name="recvAddr" placeholder="E.g. [email protected]">
+ <div class="ui input">
+ <input type="text" placeholder="End IP" id="endIpInput">
- <button class="ui basic button" type="submit"><i class="blue save icon"></i> Set SMTP Configs</button>
- <button class="ui basic button" onclick="event.preventDefault(); sendTestEmail(this);"><i class="teal mail icon"></i> Send Test Email</button>
- </form>
- </div>
- <div class="ui divider"></div>
- <h3> IP Address to CIDR</h3>
- <p>No experience with CIDR notations? Here are some tools you can use to make setting up easier.</p>
- <div class="ui basic segment">
- <h5><i class="chevron down icon"></i> IP Range to CIDR Conversion</h5>
- <div class="ui message">
- <i class="info circle icon"></i> Note that the CIDR generated here covers additional IP address before or after the given range. If you need more details settings, please use CIDR with a smaller range and add additional IPs for detail range adjustment.
+ <br>
+ <button style="margin-top: 0.6em;" class="ui basic button" onclick="convertToCIDR()">Convert</button>
+ <p>Results: <div id="cidrOutput">N/A</div></p>
- <div class="ui input">
- <input type="text" placeholder="Start IP" id="startIpInput">
- </div>
- <div class="ui input">
- <input type="text" placeholder="End IP" id="endIpInput">
+ <div class="ui basic segment">
+ <h5><i class="chevron down icon"></i> CIDR to IP Range Conversion</h5>
+ <div class="ui action input">
+ <input type="text" placeholder="CIDR" id="cidrInput">
+ <button class="ui basic button" onclick="convertToIPRange()">Convert</button>
+ </div>
+ <p>Results: <div id="ipRangeOutput">N/A</div></p>
- <br>
- <button style="margin-top: 0.6em;" class="ui basic button" onclick="convertToCIDR()">Convert</button>
- <p>Results: <div id="cidrOutput">N/A</div></p>
+ <div class="ui divider"></div>
- <div class="ui basic segment">
- <h5><i class="chevron down icon"></i> CIDR to IP Range Conversion</h5>
- <div class="ui action input">
- <input type="text" placeholder="CIDR" id="cidrInput">
- <button class="ui basic button" onclick="convertToIPRange()">Convert</button>
+ <div class="ui bottom attached tab segment nettoolstab" data-tab="tab3">
+ <!-- Config Tools -->
+ <h3>System Backup & Restore</h3>
+ <p>Options related to system backup, migrate and restore.</p>
+ <button class="ui basic button" onclick="showSideWrapper('snippet/configTools.html');">Open Config Tools</button>
+ <div class="ui divider"></div>
+ <!-- System Information -->
+ <div id="zoraxyinfo">
+ <h3 class="ui header">
+ System Information
+ </h3>
+ <p>Basic information about this zoraxy host</p>
+ <table class="ui very basic collapsing celled table">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Host UUID</td>
+ <td class="uuid"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Version</td>
+ <td class="version"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Build</td>
+ <td class="development"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Running Since</td>
+ <td class="boottime"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>ZeroTier Linked</td>
+ <td class="zt"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Enable SSH Loopback</td>
+ <td class="sshlb"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <p>Zoraxy is developed by tobychui for <a href="//imuslab.com" target="_blank">imuslab</a> and open source under <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt">AGPL</a></p>
- <p>Results: <div id="ipRangeOutput">N/A</div></p>
- </div>
- <!-- Config Tools -->
- <div class="ui divider"></div>
- <h3>System Backup & Restore</h3>
- <p>Options related to system backup, migrate and restore.</p>
- <button class="ui basic button" onclick="showSideWrapper('snippet/configTools.html');">Open Config Tools</button>
- <!-- System Information -->
- <div class="ui divider"></div>
- <div id="zoraxyinfo">
- <h3 class="ui header">
- System Information
- </h3>
- <p>Basic information about this zoraxy host</p>
- <table class="ui very basic collapsing celled table">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>Host UUID</td>
- <td class="uuid"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Version</td>
- <td class="version"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build</td>
- <td class="development"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Running Since</td>
- <td class="boottime"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ZeroTier Linked</td>
- <td class="zt"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Enable SSH Loopback</td>
- <td class="sshlb"></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <p>Zoraxy is developed by tobychui for <a href="//imuslab.com" target="_blank">imuslab</a> and open source under <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt">AGPL</a></p>
+ $('.menu .nettools.item').tab();
Account Password utilities