@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+package rewrite
+import (
+ "net/http/httptest"
+ "testing"
+func TestGetHeaderVariableValuesFromRequest(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a sample request
+ req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "https://example.com/test?foo=bar", nil)
+ req.Host = "example.com"
+ req.RemoteAddr = ""
+ req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "TestAgent")
+ req.Header.Set("Referer", "https://referer.com")
+ // Call the function
+ vars := GetHeaderVariableValuesFromRequest(req)
+ // Expected results
+ expected := map[string]string{
+ "$host": "example.com",
+ "$remote_addr": "",
+ "$request_uri": "https://example.com/test?foo=bar",
+ "$request_method": "GET",
+ "$content_length": "0", // ContentLength is 0 because there's no body in the request
+ "$content_type": "application/json",
+ "$uri": "/test",
+ "$args": "foo=bar",
+ "$scheme": "https",
+ "$query_string": "foo=bar",
+ "$http_user_agent": "TestAgent",
+ "$http_referer": "https://referer.com",
+ }
+ // Check each expected variable
+ for key, expectedValue := range expected {
+ if vars[key] != expectedValue {
+ t.Errorf("Expected %s to be %s, but got %s", key, expectedValue, vars[key])
+ }
+ }
+func TestCustomHeadersIncludeDynamicVariables(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ headers []*UserDefinedHeader
+ expectedHasVar bool
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "No headers",
+ headers: []*UserDefinedHeader{},
+ expectedHasVar: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Headers without dynamic variables",
+ headers: []*UserDefinedHeader{
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToUpstream,
+ Key: "X-Custom-Header",
+ Value: "staticValue",
+ IsRemove: false,
+ },
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToDownstream,
+ Key: "X-Another-Header",
+ Value: "staticValue",
+ IsRemove: false,
+ },
+ },
+ expectedHasVar: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Headers with one dynamic variable",
+ headers: []*UserDefinedHeader{
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToUpstream,
+ Key: "X-Custom-Header",
+ Value: "$dynamicValue",
+ IsRemove: false,
+ },
+ },
+ expectedHasVar: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Headers with multiple dynamic variables",
+ headers: []*UserDefinedHeader{
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToUpstream,
+ Key: "X-Custom-Header",
+ Value: "$dynamicValue1",
+ IsRemove: false,
+ },
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToDownstream,
+ Key: "X-Another-Header",
+ Value: "$dynamicValue2",
+ IsRemove: false,
+ },
+ },
+ expectedHasVar: true,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ hasVar := CustomHeadersIncludeDynamicVariables(tt.headers)
+ if hasVar != tt.expectedHasVar {
+ t.Errorf("Expected %v, but got %v", tt.expectedHasVar, hasVar)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func TestPopulateRequestHeaderVariables(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a sample request with specific values
+ req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "https://example.com/test?foo=bar", nil)
+ req.Host = "example.com"
+ req.RemoteAddr = ""
+ req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "TestAgent")
+ req.Header.Set("Referer", "https://referer.com")
+ // Define user-defined headers with dynamic variables
+ userDefinedHeaders := []*UserDefinedHeader{
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToUpstream,
+ Key: "X-Forwarded-Host",
+ Value: "$host",
+ },
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToDownstream,
+ Key: "X-Client-IP",
+ Value: "$remote_addr",
+ },
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToDownstream,
+ Key: "X-Custom-Header",
+ Value: "$request_uri",
+ },
+ }
+ // Call the function with the test data
+ resultHeaders := PopulateRequestHeaderVariables(req, userDefinedHeaders)
+ // Expected results after variable substitution
+ expectedHeaders := []*UserDefinedHeader{
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToUpstream,
+ Key: "X-Forwarded-Host",
+ Value: "example.com",
+ },
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToDownstream,
+ Key: "X-Client-IP",
+ Value: "",
+ },
+ {
+ Direction: HeaderDirection_ZoraxyToDownstream,
+ Key: "X-Custom-Header",
+ Value: "https://example.com/test?foo=bar",
+ },
+ }
+ // Validate results
+ for i, expected := range expectedHeaders {
+ if resultHeaders[i].Direction != expected.Direction ||
+ resultHeaders[i].Key != expected.Key ||
+ resultHeaders[i].Value != expected.Value {
+ t.Errorf("Expected header %v, but got %v", expected, resultHeaders[i])
+ }
+ }