@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<table class="ui very basic compacted unstackable celled table">
<table class="ui very basic compacted unstackable celled table">
- <th>Name</th>
+ <th>Key</th>
@@ -34,18 +34,29 @@
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
- <h4>Add Custom Header</h4>
- <p>Add custom header(s) into this proxy target</p>
+ <h4>Edit Custom Header</h4>
+ <p>Add or remove custom header(s) over this proxy target</p>
<div class="scrolling content ui form">
<div class="scrolling content ui form">
- <div class="three small fields credentialEntry">
+ <div class="five small fields credentialEntry">
+ <div class="field" align="center">
+ <button id="toOriginButton" title="Downstream to Upstream" class="ui circular basic active button">Zoraxy <i class="angle double right blue icon" style="margin-right: 0.4em;"></i> Origin</button>
+ <button id="toClientButton" title="Upstream to Downstream" class="ui circular basic button">Client <i class="angle double left orange icon" style="margin-left: 0.4em;"></i> Zoraxy</button>
+ </div>
+ <div class="field" align="center">
+ <button id="headerModeAdd" class="ui circular basic active button"><i class="ui green circle add icon"></i> Add Header</button>
+ <button id="headerModeRemove" class="ui circular basic button"><i class="ui red circle times icon"></i> Remove Header</button>
+ </div>
<div class="field">
<div class="field">
+ <label>Header Key</label>
<input id="headerName" type="text" placeholder="X-Custom-Header" autocomplete="off">
<input id="headerName" type="text" placeholder="X-Custom-Header" autocomplete="off">
+ <small>The header key is <b>NOT</b> case sensitive</small>
<div class="field">
<div class="field">
+ <label>Header Value</label>
<input id="headerValue" type="text" placeholder="value1,value2,value3" autocomplete="off">
<input id="headerValue" type="text" placeholder="value1,value2,value3" autocomplete="off">
<div class="field" >
<div class="field" >
- <button class="ui basic button" onclick="addCustomHeader();"><i class="green add icon"></i> Add Header</button>
+ <button class="ui basic button" onclick="addCustomHeader();"><i class="green add icon"></i> Add Header Rewrite Rule</button>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
@@ -75,6 +86,47 @@
+ //Bind events to header mod mode
+ $("#headerModeAdd").on("click", function(){
+ $("#headerModeAdd").addClass("active");
+ $("#headerModeRemove").removeClass("active");
+ $("#headerValue").parent().show();
+ });
+ $("#headerModeRemove").on("click", function(){
+ $("#headerModeAdd").removeClass("active");
+ $("#headerModeRemove").addClass("active");
+ $("#headerValue").parent().hide();
+ });
+ //Bind events to header directions option
+ $("#toOriginButton").on("click", function(){
+ $("#toOriginButton").addClass("active");
+ $("#toClientButton").removeClass("active");
+ });
+ $("#toClientButton").on("click", function(){
+ $("#toOriginButton").removeClass("active");
+ $("#toClientButton").addClass("active");
+ });
+ //Return "add" or "remove" depending on mode user selected
+ function getHeaderEditMode(){
+ if ($("#headerModeAdd").hasClass("active")){
+ return "add";
+ }
+ return "remove";
+ }
+ //Return "toOrigin" or "toClient"
+ function getHeaderDirection(){
+ if ($("#toOriginButton").hasClass("active")){
+ return "toOrigin";
+ }
+ return "toClient";
+ }
function addCustomHeader(){
function addCustomHeader(){
@@ -88,18 +140,21 @@
- if (value == ""){
- $("#headerValue").parent().addClass("error");
- return
- }else{
- $("#headerValue").parent().removeClass("error");
+ if (getHeaderEditMode() == "add"){
+ if (value == ""){
+ $("#headerValue").parent().addClass("error");
+ return
+ }else{
+ $("#headerValue").parent().removeClass("error");
+ }
url: "/api/proxy/header/add",
url: "/api/proxy/header/add",
data: {
data: {
- "type": editingEndpoint.ept,
+ "type": getHeaderEditMode(),
"domain": editingEndpoint.ep,
"domain": editingEndpoint.ep,
+ "direction":getHeaderDirection(),
"name": name,
"name": name,
"value": value
"value": value
@@ -129,7 +184,7 @@
url: "/api/proxy/header/remove",
url: "/api/proxy/header/remove",
data: {
data: {
- "type": editingEndpoint.ept,
+ //"type": editingEndpoint.ept,
"domain": editingEndpoint.ep,
"domain": editingEndpoint.ep,
"name": name,
"name": name,
@@ -157,10 +212,16 @@
data.forEach(header => {
data.forEach(header => {
+ let editModeIcon = header.IsRemove?`<i class="ui red times circle icon"></i>`:`<i class="ui green add circle icon"></i>`;
+ let direction = (header.Direction==0)?`<i class="angle double right blue icon"></i>`:`<i class="angle double left orange icon"></i>`;
+ let valueField = header.Value;
+ if (header.IsRemove){
+ valueField = "<small style='color: grey;'>(Field Removed)</small>";
+ }
- <td>${header.Key}</td>
- <td>${header.Value}</td>
+ <td>${direction} ${header.Key}</td>
+ <td>${editModeIcon} ${valueField}</td>
<td><button class="ui basic circular mini red icon button" onclick="deleteCustomHeader('${header.Key}');"><i class="ui trash icon"></i></button></td>
<td><button class="ui basic circular mini red icon button" onclick="deleteCustomHeader('${header.Key}');"><i class="ui trash icon"></i></button></td>