@@ -42,11 +42,10 @@ import (
const (
/* Build Constants */
SYSTEM_NAME = "Zoraxy"
- SYSTEM_VERSION = "3.1.5"
- DEVELOPMENT_BUILD = true /* Development: Set to false to use embedded web fs */
+ SYSTEM_VERSION = "3.1.6"
+ DEVELOPMENT_BUILD = false /* Development: Set to false to use embedded web fs */
/* System Constants */
- DATABASE_PATH = "sys.db"
TMP_FOLDER = "./tmp"
MDNS_HOSTNAME_PREFIX = "zoraxy_" /* Follow by node UUID */
@@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ const (
ACME_AUTORENEW_CONFIG_PATH = "./conf/acme_conf.json"
CSRF_COOKIENAME = "zoraxy_csrf"
- LOG_FOLDER = "./log"
/* Configuration Folder Storage Path Constants */
@@ -86,10 +84,16 @@ var (
acmeAutoRenewInterval = flag.Int("autorenew", 86400, "ACME auto TLS/SSL certificate renew check interval (seconds)")
acmeCertAutoRenewDays = flag.Int("earlyrenew", 30, "Number of days to early renew a soon expiring certificate (days)")
enableHighSpeedGeoIPLookup = flag.Bool("fastgeoip", false, "Enable high speed geoip lookup, require 1GB extra memory (Not recommend for low end devices)")
- staticWebServerRoot = flag.String("webroot", "./www", "Static web server root folder. Only allow chnage in start paramters")
allowWebFileManager = flag.Bool("webfm", true, "Enable web file manager for static web server root folder")
enableAutoUpdate = flag.Bool("cfgupgrade", true, "Enable auto config upgrade if breaking change is detected")
+ /* Path Configuration Flags */
+ //path_database = flag.String("dbpath", "./sys.db", "Database path")
+ //path_conf = flag.String("conf", "./conf", "Configuration folder path")
+ path_uuid = flag.String("uuid", "./sys.uuid", "sys.uuid file path")
+ path_logFile = flag.String("log", "./log", "Log folder path")
+ path_webserver = flag.String("webroot", "./www", "Static web server root folder. Only allow change in start paramters")
/* Maintaince Function Flags */
geoDbUpdate = flag.Bool("update_geoip", false, "Download the latest GeoIP data and exit")