@@ -315,6 +315,24 @@
+ <div class="ui divider"></div>
+ <h4>Visitor IP list</h4>
+ <button style="margin-top: -1em;" onclick="initBlacklistQuickBanTable();" class="ui green small right floated circular basic icon button"><i class="ui refresh icon"></i></button>
+ <p>Observe strange traffic on your sites? Ban them in the list below.</p>
+ <table class="ui celled table" id="ipTable">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>IP</th>
+ <th>Access Count</th>
+ <th>Blacklist</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <div class="pagination"></div>
@@ -427,13 +445,15 @@
icon = "home icon";
icon = "home icon";
- <tr>
- <td><i class="${icon}"></i> ${ip}</td>
- <td><button class="ui icon basic mini red button" onclick="removeIpBlacklist('${ip}');"><i class="trash alternate icon"></i></button></td>
+ <tr class="blacklistItem ${encodeURIComponent(ip.split(".").join("_"))}">
+ <td><i class="${icon}"></i> ${ip}</td>
+ <td><button class="ui icon basic mini red button" onclick="removeIpBlacklist('${ip}');"><i class="trash alternate icon"></i></button></td>
+ initBlacklistQuickBanTable();
@@ -563,6 +583,7 @@
error: function() {
error: function() {
alert("Failed to remove IP address from blacklist.");
alert("Failed to remove IP address from blacklist.");
@@ -594,6 +615,93 @@
+ //Load the summary to ip access table
+ function initBlacklistQuickBanTable(){
+ $.get("/api/stats/summary", function(data){
+ initIpAccessTable(data.RequestClientIp);
+ })
+ }
+ initBlacklistQuickBanTable();
+ var blacklist_entriesPerPage = 30;
+ var blacklist_currentPage = 1;
+ var blacklist_totalPages = 0;
+ function initIpAccessTable(ipAccessCounts){
+ blacklist_totalPages = Math.ceil(Object.keys(ipAccessCounts).length / blacklist_entriesPerPage);
+ function sortkv(obj) {
+ var sortable = [];
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ sortable.push([key, obj[key]]);
+ }
+ }
+ sortable.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return b[1] - a[1];
+ });
+ var sortedObj = {};
+ sortable.forEach(function(item) {
+ sortedObj[item[0]] = item[1];
+ });
+ return sortedObj;
+ }
+ ipAccessCounts = sortkv(ipAccessCounts);
+ function renderTable() {
+ var tableBody = $("#ipTable tbody");
+ tableBody.empty();
+ var startIndex = (blacklist_currentPage - 1) * blacklist_entriesPerPage;
+ var endIndex = startIndex + blacklist_entriesPerPage;
+ var slicedEntries = Object.entries(ipAccessCounts).slice(startIndex, endIndex);
+ slicedEntries.forEach(function([ip, accessCount]) {
+ var row = $("<tr>").appendTo(tableBody);
+ $("<td>").text(ip).appendTo(row);
+ $("<td>").text(accessCount).appendTo(row);
+ if (ipInBlacklist(ip)){
+ $("<td>").html(`<button class="ui basic green small button" title"Unban IP" onclick="handleUnban('${ip}');"><i class="green check icon"></i> Unban</button>`).appendTo(row);
+ }else{
+ $("<td>").html(`<button class="ui basic red small button" title"Ban IP" onclick="handleBanIp('${ip}');"><i class="red ban icon"></i> Ban</button>`).appendTo(row);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function renderPagination() {
+ var paginationDiv = $(".pagination");
+ paginationDiv.empty();
+ for (var i = 1; i <= blacklist_totalPages; i++) {
+ var button = $("<button>").text(i).addClass("ui small basic compact button");
+ if (i === blacklist_currentPage) {
+ button.addClass("disabled");
+ }
+ button.click(function() {
+ blacklist_currentPage = parseInt($(this).text());
+ renderTable();
+ renderPagination();
+ });
+ button.appendTo(paginationDiv);
+ }
+ }
+ renderTable();
+ renderPagination();
+ }
+ function ipInBlacklist(targetIp){
+ return $(".blacklistItem." + encodeURIComponent(targetIp.split(".").join("_"))).length > 0;
+ }
+ function handleBanIp(targetIp){
+ $("#ipAddressInput").val(targetIp);
+ addIpBlacklist();
+ }
+ function handleUnban(targetIp){
+ removeIpBlacklist(targetIp);
+ }