@@ -1,119 +1,114 @@
-<div class="ui stackable grid">
+<!-- Proxy Create Form-->
+ .rulesInstructions{
+ background: var(--theme_background) !important;
+ color: var(--theme_lgrey);
+ border-radius: 1em !important;
+ }
+<div class="standardContainer">
+ <div class="ui stackable grid">
<div class="ten wide column">
- <div class="standardContainer">
- <div class="ui basic segment" style="margin-top: 1em;">
- <h2>New Proxy Rule</h2>
- <p>You can create a proxy endpoing by subdomain or virtual directories</p>
- <div class="ui form">
- <div class="field">
- <label>Proxy Type</label>
- <div class="ui selection dropdown">
- <input type="hidden" id="ptype" value="subd" onchange="handleProxyTypeOptionChange(this.value)">
- <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
- <div class="default text">Proxy Type</div>
- <div class="menu">
- <div class="item" data-value="subd">Sub-domain</div>
- <div class="item" data-value="vdir">Virtual Directory</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="field">
- <label>Subdomain Matching Keyword / Virtual Directory Name</label>
- <input type="text" id="rootname" placeholder="s1.mydomain.com">
- </div>
- <div class="field">
- <label>Target IP Address or Domain Name with port</label>
- <input type="text" id="proxyDomain" onchange="autoCheckTls(this.value);">
- <small>E.g. or example.com</small>
+ <div class="ui basic segment" style="border-radius: 1em; padding: 1em !important;">
+ <h2>New Proxy Rule</h2>
+ <p>You can add more proxy rules to support more site via domain / subdomains</p>
+ <div class="ui form">
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Matching Keyword / Domain</label>
+ <input type="text" id="rootname" placeholder="mydomain.com">
+ <small>Support subdomain and wildcard, e.g. s1.mydomain.com or *.test.mydomain.com</small>
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <label>Target IP Address or Domain Name with port</label>
+ <input type="text" id="proxyDomain" onchange="autoCheckTls(this.value);">
+ <small>E.g. or example.com</small>
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <div class="ui checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="reqTls">
+ <label>Proxy Target require TLS Connection <br><small>(i.e. Your proxy target starts with https://)</small></label>
- <div class="field">
- <div class="ui checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" id="reqTls">
- <label>Proxy Target require TLS Connection <br><small>(i.e. Your proxy target starts with https://)</small></label>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Advance configs -->
+ <div class="ui basic segment" style="background-color: #f7f7f7; border-radius: 1em;">
+ <div id="advanceProxyRules" class="ui fluid accordion">
+ <div class="title">
+ <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
+ Advance Settings
- </div>
- <!-- Advance configs -->
- <div class="ui basic segment" style="background-color: #f7f7f7; border-radius: 1em;">
- <div id="advanceProxyRules" class="ui fluid accordion">
- <div class="title">
- <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
- Advance Settings
+ <div class="content">
+ <p></p>
+ <div class="field">
+ <div class="ui checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="skipTLSValidation">
+ <label>Ignore TLS/SSL Verification Error<br><small>For targets that is using self-signed, expired certificate (Not Recommended)</small></label>
+ </div>
- <div class="content">
- <p></p>
- <div class="field">
- <div class="ui checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" id="skipTLSValidation">
- <label>Ignore TLS/SSL Verification Error<br><small>For targets that is using self-signed, expired certificate (Not Recommended)</small></label>
- </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <div class="ui checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="bypassGlobalTLS">
+ <label>Allow plain HTTP access<br><small>Allow this subdomain to be connected without TLS (Require HTTP server enabled on port 80)</small></label>
- <div class="field">
- <div class="ui checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" id="bypassGlobalTLS">
- <label>Allow plain HTTP access<br><small>Allow this subdomain to be connected without TLS (Require HTTP server enabled on port 80)</small></label>
- </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <div class="ui checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="requireBasicAuth">
+ <label>Require Basic Auth<br><small>Require client to login in order to view the page</small></label>
- <div class="field">
- <div class="ui checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" id="requireBasicAuth">
- <label>Require Basic Auth<br><small>Require client to login in order to view the page</small></label>
+ </div>
+ <div id="basicAuthCredentials" class="field">
+ <p>Enter the username and password for allowing them to access this proxy endpoint</p>
+ <table class="ui very basic celled table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Username</th>
+ <th>Password</th>
+ <th>Remove</th>
+ </tr></thead>
+ <tbody id="basicAuthCredentialTable">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3"><i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No Entered Credential</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <div class="three small fields credentialEntry">
+ <div class="field">
+ <input id="basicAuthCredUsername" type="text" placeholder="Username" autocomplete="off">
- </div>
- <div id="basicAuthCredentials" class="field">
- <p>Enter the username and password for allowing them to access this proxy endpoint</p>
- <table class="ui very basic celled table">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Username</th>
- <th>Password</th>
- <th>Remove</th>
- </tr></thead>
- <tbody id="basicAuthCredentialTable">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3"><i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No Entered Credential</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <div class="three small fields credentialEntry">
- <div class="field">
- <input id="basicAuthCredUsername" type="text" placeholder="Username" autocomplete="off">
- </div>
- <div class="field">
- <input id="basicAuthCredPassword" type="password" placeholder="Password" autocomplete="off">
- </div>
- <div class="field">
- <button class="ui basic button" onclick="addCredentials();"><i class="blue add icon"></i> Add Credential</button>
- </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <input id="basicAuthCredPassword" type="password" placeholder="Password" autocomplete="off">
+ </div>
+ <div class="field">
+ <button class="ui basic button" onclick="addCredentials();"><i class="blue add icon"></i> Add Credential</button>
- <br>
- <button class="ui basic button" onclick="newProxyEndpoint();"><i class="blue add icon"></i> Create Endpoint</button>
- <br><br>
+ <br>
+ <button class="ui basic button" onclick="newProxyEndpoint();"><i class="blue add icon"></i> Create Endpoint</button>
+ <br><br>
<div class="six wide column">
- <div class="ui basic segment" style="height: 100%; background-color: var(--theme_grey); color: var(--theme_lgrey);">
- <br>
- <span style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 300;">Subdomain</span><br>
+ <div class="ui basic segment rulesInstructions">
+ <span style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 300;"><i class="ui yellow star icon"></i> Domain</span><br>
+ Example of domain matching keyword:<br>
+ <code>arozos.com</code> <br>Any acess requesting arozos.com will be proxy to the IP address below<br>
+ <div class="ui divider"></div>
+ <span style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 300;"><i class="ui yellow star icon"></i> Subdomain</span><br>
Example of subdomain matching keyword:<br>
- <code>s1.arozos.com</code> <br>(Any access starting with s1.arozos.com will be proxy to the IP address below)<br>
+ <code>s1.arozos.com</code> <br>Any request starting with s1.arozos.com will be proxy to the IP address below<br>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
- <span style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 300;">Virtual Directory</span><br>
- Example of virtual directory name: <br>
- <code>/s1/home/</code> <br>(Any access to {this_server}/s1/home/ will be proxy to the IP address below)<br>
- You can also ignore the tailing slash for wildcard like usage.<br>
- <code>/s1/room-</code> <br>Any access to {this_server}/s1/classroom_* will be proxied, for example: <br>
+ <span style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 300;"><i class="ui yellow star icon"></i> Wildcard</span><br>
+ Example of wildcard matching keyword:<br>
+ <code>*.arozos.com</code> <br>Any request with a host name matching *.arozos.com will be proxy to the IP address below. Here are some examples.<br>
<div class="ui list">
- <div class="item"><code>/s1/room-101</code></div>
- <div class="item"><code>/s1/room-102/</code></div>
- <div class="item"><code>/s1/room-103/map.txt</code></div>
- </div><br>
+ <div class="item"><code>www.arozos.com</code></div>
+ <div class="item"><code>foo.bar.arozos.com</code></div>
+ </div>
@@ -124,7 +119,6 @@
//New Proxy Endpoint
function newProxyEndpoint(){
- var type = $("#ptype").val();
var rootname = $("#rootname").val();
var proxyDomain = $("#proxyDomain").val();
var useTLS = $("#reqTls")[0].checked;
@@ -132,20 +126,6 @@
var bypassGlobalTLS = $("#bypassGlobalTLS")[0].checked;
var requireBasicAuth = $("#requireBasicAuth")[0].checked;
- if (type === "vdir") {
- if (!rootname.startsWith("/")) {
- rootname = "/" + rootname
- $("#rootname").val(rootname);
- }
- }else{
- if (!isSubdomainDomain(rootname)){
- //This doesn't seems like a subdomain
- if (!confirm(rootname + " does not looks like a subdomain. Continue anyway?")){
- return;
- }
- }
- }
if (rootname.trim() == ""){
@@ -164,7 +144,7 @@
url: "/api/proxy/add",
data: {
- type: type,
+ type: "host",
rootname: rootname,
tls: useTLS,
ep: proxyDomain,
@@ -178,8 +158,6 @@
msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
- listVdirs();
- listSubd();
//Clear old data
@@ -189,7 +167,7 @@
//Check if it is a new subdomain and TLS enabled
- if (type == "subd" && $("#tls").checkbox("is checked")){
+ if ($("#tls").checkbox("is checked")){
confirmBox("Request new SSL Cert for this subdomain?", function(choice){
if (choice == true){
//Load the prefer CA from TLS page
@@ -214,23 +192,14 @@
- function handleProxyTypeOptionChange(newType){
- if (newType == "subd"){
- $("#bypassGlobalTLS").parent().removeClass("disabled");
- }else if (newType == "vdir"){
- $("#bypassGlobalTLS").parent().addClass("disabled");
- }
- }
//Generic functions for delete rp endpoints
function deleteEndpoint(ptype, epoint){
if (confirm("Confirm remove proxy for :" + epoint + "?")){
url: "/api/proxy/del",
- data: {ep: epoint},
+ data: {ep: epoint, },
success: function(){
- listVdirs();
- listSubd();
+ listProxyEndpoints();
@@ -330,16 +299,8 @@
- //Check if a string is a valid subdomain
- function isSubdomainDomain(str) {
- const regex = /^(localhost|[a-z0-9]+([\-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,}|[a-z0-9]+([\-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,}\.)$/i;
- return regex.test(str);
- }
- Inline editor for subd.html and vdir.html
+ Inline editor for httprp.html
function editEndpoint(endpointType, uuid) {
@@ -408,10 +369,11 @@
}else if (datatype == 'action'){
- <button title="Cancel" onclick="exitProxyInlineEdit('${endpointType}');" class="ui basic small circular icon button"><i class="ui remove icon"></i></button>
- <button title="Save" onclick="saveProxyInlineEdit('${uuid}');" class="ui basic small circular icon button"><i class="ui green save icon"></i></button>
+ <button title="Save" onclick="saveProxyInlineEdit('${uuid}');" class="ui basic small icon circular button inlineEditActionBtn"><i class="ui green save icon"></i></button>
+ <button title="Cancel" onclick="exitProxyInlineEdit('${endpointType}');" class="ui basic small icon circular button inlineEditActionBtn"><i class="ui remove icon"></i></button>
- }else if (datatype == "inbound" && payload.ProxyType == 0){
+ }else if (datatype == "inbound"){
let originalContent = $(column).html();
<div class="ui divider"></div>
@@ -430,8 +392,7 @@
function exitProxyInlineEdit(endpointType){
- listSubd();
- listVdirs();
+ listProxyEndpoints();
$("#" + endpointType).find(".editBtn").removeClass("disabled");
@@ -440,14 +401,8 @@
if (row.length == 0){
- var epttype = $(row).attr("class");
- if (epttype == "subdEntry"){
- epttype = "subd";
- }else if (epttype == "vdirEntry"){
- epttype = "vdir";
- }
+ var epttype = "host";
let newDomain = $(row).find(".Domain").val();
let requireTLS = $(row).find(".RequireTLS")[0].checked;
let skipCertValidations = $(row).find(".SkipCertValidations")[0].checked;
@@ -473,11 +428,7 @@
msgbox(data.error, false, 6000);
msgbox("Proxy endpoint updated");
- if (epttype == "subd"){
- listSubd();
- }else if (epttype == "vdir"){
- listVdirs();
- }
+ listProxyEndpoints();