@@ -38,7 +38,25 @@
<div id="certUploadSuccMsg" class="ui green message" style="display:none;">
<i class="ui checkmark icon"></i> Certificate for domain <span id="certUploadingDomain"></span> uploaded.
- <br>
+ <div class="ui message">
+ <h4><i class="info circle icon"></i> Host Certificates - Tips about Server Names</h4>
+ <div class="ui bulleted list">
+ <div class="item">
+ If you have two subdomains like <code>a.example.com</code> and <code>b.example.com</code> ,
+ for faster response speed, you might want to setup them one by one (i.e. having two seperate certificate for
+ <code>a.example.com</code> and <code>b.example.com</code>).
+ </div>
+ <div class="item">
+ If you have a wildcard certificate that covers <code>*.example.com</code>,
+ you can just enter <code>example.com</code> as server name to add a certificate.
+ </div>
+ <div class="item">
+ If you have a certificate contain multiple host, you can enter the first domain in your certificate
+ and Zoraxy will try to match the remaining CN/DNS for you.
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <p>Current list of loaded certificates</p>
<div style="width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; margin-bottom: 1em;">
<table class="ui sortable unstackable basic celled table">
@@ -56,14 +74,8 @@
<button class="ui basic button" onclick="initManagedDomainCertificateList();"><i class="green refresh icon"></i> Refresh List</button>
- <div class="ui message">
- <h4><i class="info circle icon"></i> Sub-domain Certificates</h4>
- If you have 3rd or even 4th level subdomains like <code>blog.example.com</code> or <code>en.blog.example.com</code> ,
- depending on your certificates coverage, you might need to setup them one by one (i.e. having two seperate certificate for <code>a.example.com</code> and <code>b.example.com</code>).<br>
- If you have a wildcard certificate that covers <code>*.example.com</code>, you can just enter <code>example.com</code> as server name in the form below to add a certificate.
- </div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
- <h3>Fallback Certificates</h3>
+ <h3>Fallback Certificate</h3>
<p>When there are no matching certificate for the requested server name, reverse proxy router will always fallback to this one.<br>Note that you need both of them uploaded for it to fallback properly</p>
<table class="ui very basic unstackable celled table">