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Merge branch 'master' of

Toby Chui 7 miesięcy temu

+ 2 - 2

@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ func SetupCloseHandler() {
 func ShutdownSeq() {
 func ShutdownSeq() {
 	SystemWideLogger.Println("Shutting down " + name)
 	SystemWideLogger.Println("Shutting down " + name)
-	SystemWideLogger.Println("Closing GeoDB ")
-	geodbStore.Close()
+	//SystemWideLogger.Println("Closing GeoDB")
+	//geodbStore.Close()
 	SystemWideLogger.Println("Closing Netstats Listener")
 	SystemWideLogger.Println("Closing Netstats Listener")
 	SystemWideLogger.Println("Closing Statistic Collector")
 	SystemWideLogger.Println("Closing Statistic Collector")

+ 6 - 0

@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ func (fm *FileManager) HandleList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
 	// Construct the absolute path to the target directory
 	// Construct the absolute path to the target directory
 	targetDir := filepath.Join(fm.Directory, directory)
 	targetDir := filepath.Join(fm.Directory, directory)
+	// Clean path to prevent path escape #274
+	targetDir = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(targetDir))
+	for strings.Contains(targetDir, "../") {
+		targetDir = strings.ReplaceAll(targetDir, "../", "")
+	}
 	// Open the target directory
 	// Open the target directory
 	dirEntries, err := os.ReadDir(targetDir)
 	dirEntries, err := os.ReadDir(targetDir)
 	if err != nil {
 	if err != nil {

+ 755 - 755

@@ -1,755 +1,755 @@
-<div class="ui stackable grid">
-    <div class="ten wide column serverstatusWrapper">
-        <div id="serverstatus" class="ui statustab inverted segment">
-            <h1 class="ui header" style="margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 0.4em; padding-bottom: 1em;">
-                <i id="rpStatusIcon" class="loading spinner icon"></i>
-                <div class="content">
-                    <span id="statusTitle">Loading</span>
-                    <div class="sub header" id="statusText">Checking server status</div>
-                </div>
-            </h1>
-            <div class="dot-container">
-                <div class="dot"></div>
-                <div class="dot"></div>
-                <div class="dot"></div>
-                <div class="dot"></div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="six wide column statisticWrapper">
-        <div class="ui statustab segment">
-            <h5 class="ui header">
-                <i class="exchange icon"></i>
-                <div class="content">
-                    <span id="summaryTotalCount"></span> <small>Req. Today</small>
-                    <div class="sub header" style="margin-top: 0.4em;">
-                    <i class="green circle check icon"></i> <span id="summarySuccCount"></span>
-                        / <i class="red red exclamation circle icon"></i> <span id="summaryErrCount"></span>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </h5>
-            <div class="ui divider"></div>
-            <h5 class="ui header" style="margin-top: 0px;">
-                <i class="arrows alternate horizontal icon"></i>
-                <div class="content">
-                    <span id="forwardtype"></span>
-                    <div class="sub header" id="forwardtypeList">
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </h5>
-            <div class="ui divider"></div>
-            <h5 class="ui header"  style="margin-top: 0px;">
-                <i class="map marker alternate icon"></i>
-                <div class="content">
-                    <span id="country"></span>
-                    <div class="sub header" id="countryList">
-                        <i class="ui loading circle notch icon"></i> Resolving GeoIP
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </h5>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-<div class="standardContainer" style="padding-bottom: 0 !important;">
-    <!-- Power Buttons-->
-    <button id="startbtn" class="ui basic button" onclick="startService();"><i class="ui green arrow alternate circle up icon"></i> Start Service</button>
-    <button id="stopbtn" class="ui basic notloopbackOnly disabled button" onclick="stopService();"><i class="ui red minus circle icon"></i> Stop Service</button>
-    <div class="ui divider"></div>
-    <h4>Network Status</h4>
-    <p>Overall Network I/O in Current Host Server</p>
-<div id="networkActWrapper" class="standardContainer" style="position: relative;">
-    <canvas id="networkActivity"></canvas>
-<div id="networkActivityPlaceHolder">
-    <p style="opacity: 0.5;"> Graph Render Paused</p>
-<div class="standardContainer">
-    <div class="ui divider"></div>
-    <h4>Global Settings</h4>
-    <p>Inbound Port (Reverse Proxy Listening Port)</p>
-    <div class="ui action fluid notloopbackOnly input">
-        <small id="applyButtonReminder">Click "Apply" button to confirm listening port changes</small>
-        <input type="text" id="incomingPort" placeholder="Incoming Port" value="80">
-        <button class="ui green notloopbackOnly button" style="background: linear-gradient(60deg, #27e7ff, #00ca52);" onclick="handlePortChange();"><i class="ui checkmark icon"></i> Apply</button>
-    </div>
-    <br>
-    <div id="tls" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly checkbox">
-        <input type="checkbox">
-        <label>Use TLS to serve proxy request</label>
-    </div>
-    <br>
-    <div id="listenP80" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly tlsEnabledOnly checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em;" >
-        <input type="checkbox">
-        <label>Enable HTTP server on port 80<br>
-        <small>(Only apply when TLS enabled and not using port 80)</small></label>
-    </div>
-    <br>
-    <div id="redirect" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly tlsEnabledOnly checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em; padding-left: 2em;">
-        <input type="checkbox">
-        <label>Force redirect HTTP request to HTTPS</label>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ui basic segment" style="background-color: #f7f7f7; border-radius: 1em;">
-        <div class="ui accordion advanceSettings">
-            <div class="title">
-              <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
-                Advance Settings
-            </div>
-            <div class="content">
-                <div id="tlsMinVer" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly tlsEnabledOnly checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em;">
-                    <input type="checkbox">
-                    <label>Force TLS v1.2 or above<br>
-                    <small>(Enhance security, but not compatible with legacy browsers)</small></label>
-                </div>
-                <br>
-                <div id="developmentMode" class="ui toggle checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em;">
-                    <input type="checkbox">
-                    <label>Development Mode<br>
-                    <small>(Set Cache-Control to no-store so browser will always fetch new contents from your sites)</small></label>
-                </div>
-                <br>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="rploopbackWarning" class="ui segment" style="display:none;">
-        <b><i class="yellow warning icon"></i> Loopback Routing Warning</b><br>
-        <small>This management interface is a loopback proxied service. <br>If you want to shutdown the reverse proxy server, please remove the proxy rule for the management interface and refresh.</small>
-    </div>
-    <div class="ui divider"></div>
-    <div class="">
-    <h4>Statistic Overview</h4>
-    <div class="ui two column stackable grid">
-        <div class="column">
-        <p>Visitor Counts</p>
-        <table class="ui unstackable very basic celled table">
-            <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Country ISO Code</th>
-                <th>Unique Visitors</th>
-            </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody id="countryCodetable">
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="2">No Data</td>
-                </tr>
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
-        </div>
-        <div class="column">
-        <p>Proxy Request Types</p>
-        <table class="ui unstackable very basic celled table">
-            <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Proxy Type</th>
-                <th>Count</th>
-            </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody id="forwardTypeTable">
-                <tr>
-                    <td colspan="2">No Data</td>
-                </tr>
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    </div>
-    <br>
-    <button class="ui right floated basic button" onclick="getDailySummaryDetails();"><i class="green refresh icon"></i> Refresh</button>
-    <br><br>
-    let loopbackProxiedInterface = false;
-    let currentListeningPort = 80;
-    $(".advanceSettings").accordion();
-    //Initial the start stop button if this is reverse proxied
-    $.get("/api/proxy/requestIsProxied", function(data){
-        if (data == true){
-            //This management interface is reverse proxied by itself
-            //do not allow turning off the proxy
-            $(".notloopbackOnly").addClass("disabled");
-            loopbackProxiedInterface = true;
-            $("#rploopbackWarning").show();
-        }   
-    });
-    //Get the latest server status from proxy server
-    function initRPStaste(){
-        $.get("/api/proxy/status", function(data){
-            $("#incomingPort").off("change");
-            if (data.Running == true){
-                $("#startbtn").addClass("disabled");
-                if (!loopbackProxiedInterface){
-                    $("#stopbtn").removeClass("disabled");
-                }
-                $("#serverstatus").addClass("green");
-                $("#statusTitle").text("Online");
-                $("#rpStatusIcon").attr("class", "white circle check icon");
-                $("#statusText").text("Serving request on port: " + data.Option.Port);
-            }else{
-                $("#startbtn").removeClass("disabled");
-                $("#stopbtn").addClass("disabled");
-                $("#statusTitle").text("Offline");
-                $("#rpStatusIcon").attr("class", "yellow moon icon")
-                $("#statusText").text("Reverse proxy server is offline");
-                $("#serverstatus").removeClass("green");
-            }
-            $("#incomingPort").val(data.Option.Port);
-            currentListeningPort = data.Option.Port;
-            $("#incomingPort").on("change", function(){
-                let newPortValue = $("#incomingPort").val().trim();
-                if (currentListeningPort != newPortValue){
-                    $("#applyButtonReminder").show();
-                }else{
-                    $("#applyButtonReminder").hide();
-                }
-            });
-        });
-    }
-    function getDailySummaryDetails(){
-        function sortObjectByValue(obj) {
-            // Convert object to array of [key, value] pairs
-            const entries = Object.entries(obj);
-            // Sort array based on value of each pair
-            entries.sort((a, b) => {
-                return b[1] - a[1];
-            });
-            // Convert sorted array back to object
-            const sortedObj = {};
-            for (const [key, value] of entries) {
-                sortedObj[key] = value;
-            }
-            return sortedObj;
-        }
-        $.get("/api/stats/countries", function(data){
-            data = sortObjectByValue(data);
-            $("#country").html((Object.keys(data)[0])?Object.keys(data)[0]:"No Data");
-            $("#countryList").html(`
-            <div>
-                ${(Object.keys(data)[1])?Object.keys(data)[1]:"-"}<br>
-                ${(Object.keys(data)[2])?Object.keys(data)[2]:"-"}
-            </div>
-            `);
-            //populate the table
-            $("#countryCodetable").html("");
-            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
-                var countryName = getCountryName(key);
-                if (countryName == ""){
-                    countryName = "LAN"
-                }
-                $("#countryCodetable").append(`<tr>
-                    <td>${key} (${countryName})</td>
-                    <td>${value}</td>
-                </tr>`);
-            }
-            if (Object.keys(data).length == 0){
-                $("#countryCodetable").append(`<tr>
-                    <td colspan="2"><i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No Data</td>
-                </tr>`);
-            }
-        });
-        //Filter forward type
-        function fft(ft){
-            if (ft.indexOf("-") >= 0){
-                ft = ft.replace("-", " (");
-                ft = ft + ")";
-            }
-            ft = ft.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + ft.slice(1);
-            return ft;
-        }
-        $.get("/api/stats/summary", function(data){
-            data = sortObjectByValue(data.ForwardTypes);
-            $("#forwardtype").html((Object.keys(data)[0])?fft(Object.keys(data)[0]) + ": " + abbreviateNumber(data[Object.keys(data)[0]]):"No Data");
-            $("#forwardtypeList").html(`
-            <div>
-                ${(Object.keys(data)[1])?fft(Object.keys(data)[1]) + ": " + abbreviateNumber(data[Object.keys(data)[1]]):"-"}<br>
-                ${(Object.keys(data)[2])?fft(Object.keys(data)[2]) + ": " + abbreviateNumber(data[Object.keys(data)[2]]):"-"}
-            </div>
-            `);
-            $("#forwardTypeTable").html("");
-            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
-                $("#forwardTypeTable").append(`<tr>
-                    <td>${key}</td>
-                    <td>${value}</td>
-                </tr>`);
-            }
-            if (Object.keys(data).length == 0){
-                $("#forwardTypeTable").append(`<tr>
-                    <td colspan="2"><i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No Data</td>
-                </tr>`);
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    getDailySummaryDetails();
-    function getDailySummary(){
-        $.get("/api/stats/summary?fast=true", function(data){
-            $("#summaryTotalCount").text(abbreviateNumber(data.TotalRequest));
-            $("#summarySuccCount").text(abbreviateNumber(data.ValidRequest));
-            $("#summaryErrCount").text(abbreviateNumber(data.ErrorRequest));
-        });
-    }
-    setInterval(function(){
-        getDailySummary();
-    }, 10000);
-    getDailySummary();
-    //Start and stop service button
-    function startService(){
-        $.cjax({
-            url: "/api/proxy/enable",
-            method: "POST",
-            data: {enable: true},
-            success: function(data){
-                if (data.error != undefined){
-                    msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
-                }
-                initRPStaste();
-            }
-        });
-    }   
-    function stopService(){
-        $.cjax({
-            url: "/api/proxy/enable",
-            method: "POST",
-            data: {enable: false},
-            success: function(data){
-                if (data.error != undefined){
-                    msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
-                }
-                initRPStaste();
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    function handleP80ListenerStateChange(enabled){
-        $.cjax({
-            url: "/api/proxy/listenPort80",
-            method: "POST",
-            data: {"enable": enabled},
-            success: function(data){
-                if (data.error != undefined){
-                    console.log(data.error);
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (enabled){
-                    $("#redirect").show();
-                    msgbox("Port 80 listener enabled");
-                }else{
-                    $("#redirect").hide();
-                    msgbox("Port 80 listener disabled");
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    function handlePortChange(){
-        var newPortValue = $("#incomingPort").val();
-        if (isNaN(newPortValue - 1) || newPortValue < 1 || newPortValue > 65535){
-            msgbox("Invalid incoming port value", false, 5000);
-            return;
-        }
-        $.cjax({
-            url: "/api/proxy/setIncoming",
-            method: "POST",
-            data: {incoming: newPortValue},
-            success: function(data){
-                if (data.error != undefined){
-                    msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
-                    return;
-                }
-                msgbox("Listening Port Updated");
-                initRPStaste();
-                //Hide the reminder text
-                $("#applyButtonReminder").hide();
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    function initPort80ListenerSetting(){
-        $.get("/api/proxy/listenPort80", function(data){
-            if (data){
-                $("#listenP80").checkbox("set checked");
-                $("#redirect").show();
-            }else{
-                $("#listenP80").checkbox("set unchecked");
-                $("#redirect").hide();
-            }
-            $("#listenP80").find("input").on("change", function(){
-                let enabled = $(this)[0].checked;
-                handleP80ListenerStateChange(enabled);
-            })
-        });
-    }
-    initPort80ListenerSetting();
-    function initHTTPtoHTTPSRedirectSetting(){
-        $.get("/api/proxy/useHttpsRedirect", function(data){
-            if (data == true){
-                $("#redirect").checkbox("set checked");
-            }
-            //Initiate the input listener on the checkbox
-            $("#redirect").find("input").on("change", function(){
-                let thisValue = $("#redirect").checkbox("is checked");
-                    $.cjax({
-                        url: "/api/proxy/useHttpsRedirect",
-                        method: "POST",
-                        data: {set: thisValue},
-                        success: function(data){
-                            if (data.error != undefined){
-                                msgbox(data.error, false, 8000);
-                                //Restore backend value to make sure the UI is always in sync
-                                $.get("/api/proxy/useHttpsRedirect", function(data){
-                                    if (data == true){
-                                        $("#redirect").checkbox("set checked");
-                                    }else{
-                                        $("#redirect").checkbox("set unchecked");
-                                    }
-                                });
-                            }else{
-                                //Updated
-                                msgbox("Setting Updated");
-                                initRPStaste();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    })
-            });
-        });
-    }
-    initHTTPtoHTTPSRedirectSetting();
-    function initTlsVersionSetting(){
-        $.get("/api/cert/tlsRequireLatest", function(data){
-            if (data == true){
-                $("#tlsMinVer").checkbox("set checked");
-            }else{
-                $("#tlsMinVer").checkbox("set unchecked");
-            }
-            //Bind events to the checkbox
-            $("#tlsMinVer").find("input").on("change", function(){
-                let thisValue = $("#tlsMinVer").checkbox("is checked");
-                $.cjax({
-                    url: "/api/cert/tlsRequireLatest",
-                    data: {"set": thisValue},
-                    method: "POST",
-                    success: function(data){
-                        if (data.error != undefined){
-                            msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
-                        }else{
-                            msgbox("TLS Version Setting Updated");
-                        }
-                    }
-                })
-            });
-        });
-    }
-    initTlsVersionSetting();
-    function initDevelopmentMode(){
-        $.get("/api/proxy/developmentMode", function(data){
-            if (data === true){
-                $("#developmentMode").checkbox("set checked")
-            }else{
-                $("#developmentMode").checkbox("set unchecked")
-            }
-            //Bind change events
-            $("#developmentMode").off("change").on("change", function(data){
-                let enableDevMode = ($(this).find("input[type='checkbox']")[0].checked);
-                $.get("/api/proxy/developmentMode?enable=" + enableDevMode, function(data){
-                    if (enableDevMode){
-                        msgbox("Development mode enabled");
-                    }else{
-                        msgbox("Development mode disabled");
-                    }
-                });
-            });
-        });
-    }
-    initDevelopmentMode();
-    function initTlsSetting(){
-        $.get("/api/cert/tls", function(data){
-            if (data == true){
-                $("#tls").checkbox("set checked");
-            }else{
-                $(".tlsEnabledOnly").addClass('disabled');
-                $(".tlsEnabledOnly").addClass('disabled');
-            }
-            //Initiate the input listener on the checkbox
-            $("#tls").find("input").on("change", function(){
-                let thisValue = $("#tls").checkbox("is checked");
-                if (thisValue){
-                    $(".tlsEnabledOnly").removeClass('disabled');
-                }else{
-                    $(".tlsEnabledOnly").addClass('disabled');
-                }
-                $.cjax({
-                    url: "/api/cert/tls",
-                    method: "POST",
-                    data: {set: thisValue},
-                    success: function(data){
-                        if (data.error != undefined){
-                            msgbox(data.error, false);
-                        }else{
-                            //Updated
-                            //Check for case if the port is invalid default ports
-                            if ($("#incomingPort").val() == "80" && thisValue == true){
-                                confirmBox("Change listen port to :443?", function(choice){
-                                    if (choice == true){
-                                        $("#incomingPort").val("443");
-                                        handlePortChange();
-                                    }
-                                });
-                            }else if ($("#incomingPort").val() == "443" && thisValue == false){
-                                confirmBox("Change listen port to :80?", function(choice){
-                                    if (choice == true){
-                                        $("#incomingPort").val("80");
-                                        handlePortChange();
-                                    }
-                                });
-                            }else{
-                                msgbox("Setting Updated");
-                            }
-                            initRPStaste();
-                        }
-                    }
-                })
-            });
-        })
-    }
-    initTlsSetting();
-    /*
-        Render Network Activity Graph
-    */
-    /*
-        Setup Graph
-    */
-    let rxValues = [];
-    let txValues = [];
-    let dataCount = 300;
-    let timestamps = [];
-    for(var i = 0; i < dataCount; i++){
-        timestamps.push(parseInt( / 1000) + i);
-    }
-    function fetchData() {
-        $.ajax({
-            url: '/api/stats/netstatgraph?array=true',
-            success: function(data){
-                if (rxValues.length == 0){
-                    rxValues = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.Rx));
-                }else{
-                    rxValues.push(data.Rx[dataCount-1]);
-                    rxValues.shift();
-                }
-                if (txValues.length == 0){
-                    txValues = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.Tx));
-                }else{
-                    txValues.push(data.Tx[dataCount-1]);
-                    txValues.shift();
-                }
-                timestamps.push(parseInt( / 1000));
-                timestamps.shift();
-                updateChart();
-            }
-        })
-    }
-    function formatBandwidth(bps) {
-        const KBPS = 1000;
-        const MBPS = 1000 * KBPS;
-        const GBPS = 1000 * MBPS;
-        if (bps >= GBPS) {
-            return (bps / GBPS).toFixed(2) + " Gbps";
-        } else if (bps >= MBPS) {
-            return (bps / MBPS).toFixed(2) + " Mbps";
-        } else if (bps >= KBPS) {
-            return (bps / KBPS).toFixed(2) + " Kbps";
-        } else {
-            return bps.toFixed(2) + " bps";
-        }
-    }
-    var networkStatisticChart;
-    function initChart(){
-        $.get("/api/stats/netstat", function(data){
-        networkStatisticChart = new Chart(
-                document.getElementById('networkActivity'),
-                {
-                    type: 'line',
-                    responsive: true,
-                    resizeDelay: 300,
-                    options: {
-                        animation: false,
-                        maintainAspectRatio: false,
-                        bezierCurve: true,
-                        tooltips: {enabled: false},
-                        hover: {mode: null},
-                        //stepped: 'middle',
-                        plugins: {
-                            legend: {
-                                display: true,
-                                position: "right",
-                            },
-                            title: {
-                                display: false,
-                                text: 'Network Statistic'
-                            },
-                        },
-                        scales: {
-                            x: {
-                                display: false,
-                                },
-                            y: {
-                                display: true,
-                                scaleLabel: {
-                                display: true,
-                                labelString: 'Value'
-                                },
-                                ticks: {
-                                    stepSize: 10000000,
-                                    callback: function(label, index, labels) {
-                                        return formatBandwidth(parseInt(label));
-                                    }
-                                },
-                                gridLines: {
-                                    display: true
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    },
-                    data: {
-                        labels: timestamps,
-                        datasets: [
-                            {
-                                label: 'Inbound',
-                                data: rxValues,
-                                borderColor: "#484bb8",
-                                borderWidth: 1,
-                                backgroundColor: 'rgba(72, 75, 184, 0.2)',
-                                fill: true,
-                                pointStyle: false,
-                            },
-                            {
-                                label: 'Outbound',
-                                data: txValues,
-                                borderColor: '#02a9c1',
-                                borderWidth: 1,
-                                backgroundColor: 'rgba(2, 169, 193, 0.2)',
-                                fill: true,
-                                pointStyle: false,
-                            }
-                        ]
-                    }
-                }
-            );
-        });
-    }
-    function updateChart() {
-        //[0].data = rxValues;
-        //[1].data = txValues;
-        if (networkStatisticChart != undefined){
-            networkStatisticChart.update();
-        }
-    }
-    function updateChartSize(){
-        let newSize = $("#networkActWrapper").width() - 300;
-        if (window.innerWidth > 750){
-            newSize = window.innerWidth - $(".toolbar").width() - 500;
-        }else{
-            newSize = $("#networkActWrapper").width() - 500;
-        }
-        if (networkStatisticChart != undefined){
-            networkStatisticChart.resize(newSize, 200);
-        }
-    }
-    function handleChartAccumulateResize(){
-        $("#networkActivity").hide();
-        $("#networkActivityPlaceHolder").show();
-        if (chartResizeTimeout != undefined){
-            clearTimeout(chartResizeTimeout);
-        }
-        chartResizeTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
-            chartResizeTimeout = undefined;
-            $("#networkActivityPlaceHolder").hide();
-            $("#networkActivity").show();
-            updateChartSize();
-        }, 300);
-    }
-    var chartResizeTimeout;
-    window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
-        handleChartAccumulateResize();
-    });
-    //Bind event to tab switch
-    tabSwitchEventBind["status"] = function(){
-        //On switch over to this page, resize the chart
-        handleChartAccumulateResize();
-    }
-    window.addEventListener("focus", function(event){
-        handleChartAccumulateResize();
-    });
-    //Initialize chart data
-    initChart();
-    fetchData();
-    setInterval(fetchData, 1000);
+<div class="ui stackable grid">
+    <div class="ten wide column serverstatusWrapper">
+        <div id="serverstatus" class="ui statustab inverted segment">
+            <h1 class="ui header" style="margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 0.4em; padding-bottom: 1em;">
+                <i id="rpStatusIcon" class="loading spinner icon"></i>
+                <div class="content">
+                    <span id="statusTitle">Loading</span>
+                    <div class="sub header" id="statusText">Checking server status</div>
+                </div>
+            </h1>
+            <div class="dot-container">
+                <div class="dot"></div>
+                <div class="dot"></div>
+                <div class="dot"></div>
+                <div class="dot"></div>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="six wide column statisticWrapper">
+        <div class="ui statustab segment">
+            <h5 class="ui header">
+                <i class="exchange icon"></i>
+                <div class="content">
+                    <span id="summaryTotalCount"></span> <small>Req. Today</small>
+                    <div class="sub header" style="margin-top: 0.4em;">
+                    <i class="green circle check icon"></i> <span id="summarySuccCount"></span>
+                        / <i class="red red exclamation circle icon"></i> <span id="summaryErrCount"></span>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </h5>
+            <div class="ui divider"></div>
+            <h5 class="ui header" style="margin-top: 0px;">
+                <i class="arrows alternate horizontal icon"></i>
+                <div class="content">
+                    <span id="forwardtype"></span>
+                    <div class="sub header" id="forwardtypeList">
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </h5>
+            <div class="ui divider"></div>
+            <h5 class="ui header"  style="margin-top: 0px;">
+                <i class="map marker alternate icon"></i>
+                <div class="content">
+                    <span id="country"></span>
+                    <div class="sub header" id="countryList">
+                        <i class="ui loading circle notch icon"></i> Resolving GeoIP
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </h5>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+<div class="standardContainer" style="padding-bottom: 0 !important;">
+    <!-- Power Buttons-->
+    <button id="startbtn" class="ui basic button" onclick="startService();"><i class="ui green arrow alternate circle up icon"></i> Start Service</button>
+    <button id="stopbtn" class="ui basic notloopbackOnly disabled button" onclick="stopService();"><i class="ui red minus circle icon"></i> Stop Service</button>
+    <div class="ui divider"></div>
+    <h4>Network Status</h4>
+    <p>Overall Network I/O in Current Host Server</p>
+<div id="networkActWrapper" class="standardContainer" style="position: relative;">
+    <canvas id="networkActivity"></canvas>
+<div id="networkActivityPlaceHolder">
+    <p style="opacity: 0.5;"> Graph Render Paused</p>
+<div class="standardContainer">
+    <div class="ui divider"></div>
+    <h4>Global Settings</h4>
+    <p>Inbound Port (Reverse Proxy Listening Port)</p>
+    <div class="ui action fluid notloopbackOnly input">
+        <small id="applyButtonReminder">Click "Apply" button to confirm listening port changes</small>
+        <input type="text" id="incomingPort" placeholder="Incoming Port" value="80">
+        <button class="ui green notloopbackOnly button" style="background: linear-gradient(60deg, #27e7ff, #00ca52);" onclick="handlePortChange();"><i class="ui checkmark icon"></i> Apply</button>
+    </div>
+    <br>
+    <div id="tls" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly checkbox">
+        <input type="checkbox">
+        <label>Use TLS to serve proxy request</label>
+    </div>
+    <br>
+    <div id="listenP80" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly tlsEnabledOnly checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em;" >
+        <input type="checkbox">
+        <label>Enable HTTP server on port 80<br>
+        <small>(Only apply when TLS enabled and not using port 80)</small></label>
+    </div>
+    <br>
+    <div id="redirect" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly tlsEnabledOnly checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em; padding-left: 2em;">
+        <input type="checkbox">
+        <label>Force redirect HTTP request to HTTPS</label>
+    </div>
+    <div class="ui basic segment" style="background-color: #f7f7f7; border-radius: 1em;">
+        <div class="ui accordion advanceSettings">
+            <div class="title">
+              <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
+                Advance Settings
+            </div>
+            <div class="content">
+                <div id="tlsMinVer" class="ui toggle notloopbackOnly tlsEnabledOnly checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em;">
+                    <input type="checkbox">
+                    <label>Force TLS v1.2 or above<br>
+                    <small>(Enhance security, but not compatible with legacy browsers)</small></label>
+                </div>
+                <br>
+                <div id="developmentMode" class="ui toggle checkbox" style="margin-top: 0.6em;">
+                    <input type="checkbox">
+                    <label>Development Mode<br>
+                    <small>(Set Cache-Control to no-store so browser will always fetch new contents from your sites)</small></label>
+                </div>
+                <br>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div id="rploopbackWarning" class="ui segment" style="display:none;">
+        <b><i class="yellow warning icon"></i> Loopback Routing Warning</b><br>
+        <small>This management interface is a loopback proxied service. <br>If you want to shutdown the reverse proxy server, please remove the proxy rule for the management interface and refresh.</small>
+    </div>
+    <div class="ui divider"></div>
+    <div class="">
+    <h4>Statistic Overview</h4>
+    <div class="ui two column stackable grid">
+        <div class="column">
+        <p>Visitor Counts</p>
+        <table class="ui unstackable very basic celled table">
+            <thead>
+            <tr>
+                <th>Country ISO Code</th>
+                <th>Unique Visitors</th>
+            </tr>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody id="countryCodetable">
+                <tr>
+                    <td colspan="2">No Data</td>
+                </tr>
+            </tbody>
+        </table>
+        </div>
+        <div class="column">
+        <p>Proxy Request Types</p>
+        <table class="ui unstackable very basic celled table">
+            <thead>
+            <tr>
+                <th>Proxy Type</th>
+                <th>Count</th>
+            </tr>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody id="forwardTypeTable">
+                <tr>
+                    <td colspan="2">No Data</td>
+                </tr>
+            </tbody>
+        </table>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+    <br>
+    <button class="ui right floated basic button" onclick="getDailySummaryDetails();"><i class="green refresh icon"></i> Refresh</button>
+    <br><br>
+    let loopbackProxiedInterface = false;
+    let currentListeningPort = 80;
+    $(".advanceSettings").accordion();
+    //Initial the start stop button if this is reverse proxied
+    $.get("/api/proxy/requestIsProxied", function(data){
+        if (data == true){
+            //This management interface is reverse proxied by itself
+            //do not allow turning off the proxy
+            $(".notloopbackOnly").addClass("disabled");
+            loopbackProxiedInterface = true;
+            $("#rploopbackWarning").show();
+        }   
+    });
+    //Get the latest server status from proxy server
+    function initRPStaste(){
+        $.get("/api/proxy/status", function(data){
+            $("#incomingPort").off("change");
+            if (data.Running == true){
+                $("#startbtn").addClass("disabled");
+                if (!loopbackProxiedInterface){
+                    $("#stopbtn").removeClass("disabled");
+                }
+                $("#serverstatus").addClass("green");
+                $("#statusTitle").text("Online");
+                $("#rpStatusIcon").attr("class", "white circle check icon");
+                $("#statusText").text("Serving request on port: " + data.Option.Port);
+            }else{
+                $("#startbtn").removeClass("disabled");
+                $("#stopbtn").addClass("disabled");
+                $("#statusTitle").text("Offline");
+                $("#rpStatusIcon").attr("class", "yellow moon icon")
+                $("#statusText").text("Reverse proxy server is offline");
+                $("#serverstatus").removeClass("green");
+            }
+            $("#incomingPort").val(data.Option.Port);
+            currentListeningPort = data.Option.Port;
+            $("#incomingPort").on("change", function(){
+                let newPortValue = $("#incomingPort").val().trim();
+                if (currentListeningPort != newPortValue){
+                    $("#applyButtonReminder").show();
+                }else{
+                    $("#applyButtonReminder").hide();
+                }
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    function getDailySummaryDetails(){
+        function sortObjectByValue(obj) {
+            // Convert object to array of [key, value] pairs
+            const entries = Object.entries(obj);
+            // Sort array based on value of each pair
+            entries.sort((a, b) => {
+                return b[1] - a[1];
+            });
+            // Convert sorted array back to object
+            const sortedObj = {};
+            for (const [key, value] of entries) {
+                sortedObj[key] = value;
+            }
+            return sortedObj;
+        }
+        $.get("/api/stats/countries", function(data){
+            data = sortObjectByValue(data);
+            $("#country").html((Object.keys(data)[0])?Object.keys(data)[0]:"No Data");
+            $("#countryList").html(`
+            <div>
+                ${(Object.keys(data)[1])?Object.keys(data)[1]:"-"}<br>
+                ${(Object.keys(data)[2])?Object.keys(data)[2]:"-"}
+            </div>
+            `);
+            //populate the table
+            $("#countryCodetable").html("");
+            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
+                var countryName = getCountryName(key);
+                if (countryName == ""){
+                    countryName = "LAN"
+                }
+                $("#countryCodetable").append(`<tr>
+                    <td>${key} (${countryName})</td>
+                    <td>${value}</td>
+                </tr>`);
+            }
+            if (Object.keys(data).length == 0){
+                $("#countryCodetable").append(`<tr>
+                    <td colspan="2"><i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No Data</td>
+                </tr>`);
+            }
+        });
+        //Filter forward type
+        function fft(ft){
+            if (ft.indexOf("-") >= 0){
+                ft = ft.replace("-", " (");
+                ft = ft + ")";
+            }
+            ft = ft.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + ft.slice(1);
+            return ft;
+        }
+        $.get("/api/stats/summary", function(data){
+            data = sortObjectByValue(data.ForwardTypes);
+            $("#forwardtype").html((Object.keys(data)[0])?fft(Object.keys(data)[0]) + ": " + abbreviateNumber(data[Object.keys(data)[0]]):"No Data");
+            $("#forwardtypeList").html(`
+            <div>
+                ${(Object.keys(data)[1])?fft(Object.keys(data)[1]) + ": " + abbreviateNumber(data[Object.keys(data)[1]]):"-"}<br>
+                ${(Object.keys(data)[2])?fft(Object.keys(data)[2]) + ": " + abbreviateNumber(data[Object.keys(data)[2]]):"-"}
+            </div>
+            `);
+            $("#forwardTypeTable").html("");
+            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
+                $("#forwardTypeTable").append(`<tr>
+                    <td>${key}</td>
+                    <td>${value}</td>
+                </tr>`);
+            }
+            if (Object.keys(data).length == 0){
+                $("#forwardTypeTable").append(`<tr>
+                    <td colspan="2"><i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No Data</td>
+                </tr>`);
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    getDailySummaryDetails();
+    function getDailySummary(){
+        $.get("/api/stats/summary?fast=true", function(data){
+            $("#summaryTotalCount").text(abbreviateNumber(data.TotalRequest));
+            $("#summarySuccCount").text(abbreviateNumber(data.ValidRequest));
+            $("#summaryErrCount").text(abbreviateNumber(data.ErrorRequest));
+        });
+    }
+    setInterval(function(){
+        getDailySummary();
+    }, 10000);
+    getDailySummary();
+    //Start and stop service button
+    function startService(){
+        $.cjax({
+            url: "/api/proxy/enable",
+            method: "POST",
+            data: {enable: true},
+            success: function(data){
+                if (data.error != undefined){
+                    msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
+                }
+                initRPStaste();
+            }
+        });
+    }   
+    function stopService(){
+        $.cjax({
+            url: "/api/proxy/enable",
+            method: "POST",
+            data: {enable: false},
+            success: function(data){
+                if (data.error != undefined){
+                    msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
+                }
+                initRPStaste();
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    function handleP80ListenerStateChange(enabled){
+        $.cjax({
+            url: "/api/proxy/listenPort80",
+            method: "POST",
+            data: {"enable": enabled},
+            success: function(data){
+                if (data.error != undefined){
+                    console.log(data.error);
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (enabled){
+                    $("#redirect").show();
+                    msgbox("Port 80 listener enabled");
+                }else{
+                    $("#redirect").hide();
+                    msgbox("Port 80 listener disabled");
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    function handlePortChange(){
+        var newPortValue = $("#incomingPort").val();
+        if (isNaN(newPortValue - 1) || newPortValue < 1 || newPortValue > 65535){
+            msgbox("Invalid incoming port value", false, 5000);
+            return;
+        }
+        $.cjax({
+            url: "/api/proxy/setIncoming",
+            method: "POST",
+            data: {incoming: newPortValue},
+            success: function(data){
+                if (data.error != undefined){
+                    msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
+                    return;
+                }
+                msgbox("Listening Port Updated");
+                initRPStaste();
+                //Hide the reminder text
+                $("#applyButtonReminder").hide();
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    function initPort80ListenerSetting(){
+        $.get("/api/proxy/listenPort80", function(data){
+            if (data){
+                $("#listenP80").checkbox("set checked");
+                $("#redirect").show();
+            }else{
+                $("#listenP80").checkbox("set unchecked");
+                $("#redirect").hide();
+            }
+            $("#listenP80").find("input").on("change", function(){
+                let enabled = $(this)[0].checked;
+                handleP80ListenerStateChange(enabled);
+            })
+        });
+    }
+    initPort80ListenerSetting();
+    function initHTTPtoHTTPSRedirectSetting(){
+        $.get("/api/proxy/useHttpsRedirect", function(data){
+            if (data == true){
+                $("#redirect").checkbox("set checked");
+            }
+            //Initiate the input listener on the checkbox
+            $("#redirect").find("input").on("change", function(){
+                let thisValue = $("#redirect").checkbox("is checked");
+                    $.cjax({
+                        url: "/api/proxy/useHttpsRedirect",
+                        method: "POST",
+                        data: {set: thisValue},
+                        success: function(data){
+                            if (data.error != undefined){
+                                msgbox(data.error, false, 8000);
+                                //Restore backend value to make sure the UI is always in sync
+                                $.get("/api/proxy/useHttpsRedirect", function(data){
+                                    if (data == true){
+                                        $("#redirect").checkbox("set checked");
+                                    }else{
+                                        $("#redirect").checkbox("set unchecked");
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }else{
+                                //Updated
+                                msgbox("Setting Updated");
+                                initRPStaste();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    })
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    initHTTPtoHTTPSRedirectSetting();
+    function initTlsVersionSetting(){
+        $.get("/api/cert/tlsRequireLatest", function(data){
+            if (data == true){
+                $("#tlsMinVer").checkbox("set checked");
+            }else{
+                $("#tlsMinVer").checkbox("set unchecked");
+            }
+            //Bind events to the checkbox
+            $("#tlsMinVer").find("input").on("change", function(){
+                let thisValue = $("#tlsMinVer").checkbox("is checked");
+                $.cjax({
+                    url: "/api/cert/tlsRequireLatest",
+                    data: {"set": thisValue},
+                    method: "POST",
+                    success: function(data){
+                        if (data.error != undefined){
+                            msgbox(data.error, false, 5000);
+                        }else{
+                            msgbox("TLS Version Setting Updated");
+                        }
+                    }
+                })
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    initTlsVersionSetting();
+    function initDevelopmentMode(){
+        $.get("/api/proxy/developmentMode", function(data){
+            if (data === true){
+                $("#developmentMode").checkbox("set checked")
+            }else{
+                $("#developmentMode").checkbox("set unchecked")
+            }
+            //Bind change events
+            $("#developmentMode").off("change").on("change", function(data){
+                let enableDevMode = ($(this).find("input[type='checkbox']")[0].checked);
+                $.get("/api/proxy/developmentMode?enable=" + enableDevMode, function(data){
+                    if (enableDevMode){
+                        msgbox("Development mode enabled");
+                    }else{
+                        msgbox("Development mode disabled");
+                    }
+                });
+            });
+        });
+    }
+    initDevelopmentMode();
+    function initTlsSetting(){
+        $.get("/api/cert/tls", function(data){
+            if (data == true){
+                $("#tls").checkbox("set checked");
+            }else{
+                $(".tlsEnabledOnly").addClass('disabled');
+                $(".tlsEnabledOnly").addClass('disabled');
+            }
+            //Initiate the input listener on the checkbox
+            $("#tls").find("input").on("change", function(){
+                let thisValue = $("#tls").checkbox("is checked");
+                if (thisValue){
+                    $(".tlsEnabledOnly").removeClass('disabled');
+                }else{
+                    $(".tlsEnabledOnly").addClass('disabled');
+                }
+                $.cjax({
+                    url: "/api/cert/tls",
+                    method: "POST",
+                    data: {set: thisValue},
+                    success: function(data){
+                        if (data.error != undefined){
+                            msgbox(data.error, false);
+                        }else{
+                            //Updated
+                            //Check for case if the port is invalid default ports
+                            if ($("#incomingPort").val() == "80" && thisValue == true){
+                                confirmBox("Change listen port to :443?", function(choice){
+                                    if (choice == true){
+                                        $("#incomingPort").val("443");
+                                        handlePortChange();
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }else if ($("#incomingPort").val() == "443" && thisValue == false){
+                                confirmBox("Change listen port to :80?", function(choice){
+                                    if (choice == true){
+                                        $("#incomingPort").val("80");
+                                        handlePortChange();
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }else{
+                                msgbox("Setting Updated");
+                            }
+                            initRPStaste();
+                        }
+                    }
+                })
+            });
+        })
+    }
+    initTlsSetting();
+    /*
+        Render Network Activity Graph
+    */
+    /*
+        Setup Graph
+    */
+    let rxValues = [];
+    let txValues = [];
+    let dataCount = 300;
+    let timestamps = [];
+    for(var i = 0; i < dataCount; i++){
+        timestamps.push(parseInt( / 1000) + i);
+    }
+    function fetchData() {
+        $.ajax({
+            url: '/api/stats/netstatgraph?array=true',
+            success: function(data){
+                if (rxValues.length == 0){
+                    rxValues.push(;
+                }else{
+                    rxValues.push(data.Rx[dataCount-1]);
+                    rxValues.shift();
+                }
+                if (txValues.length == 0){
+                    txValues.push(;
+                }else{
+                    txValues.push(data.Tx[dataCount-1]);
+                    txValues.shift();
+                }
+                timestamps.push(parseInt( / 1000));
+                timestamps.shift();
+                updateChart();
+            }
+        })
+    }
+    function formatBandwidth(bps) {
+        const KBPS = 1000;
+        const MBPS = 1000 * KBPS;
+        const GBPS = 1000 * MBPS;
+        if (bps >= GBPS) {
+            return (bps / GBPS).toFixed(2) + " Gbps";
+        } else if (bps >= MBPS) {
+            return (bps / MBPS).toFixed(2) + " Mbps";
+        } else if (bps >= KBPS) {
+            return (bps / KBPS).toFixed(2) + " Kbps";
+        } else {
+            return bps.toFixed(2) + " bps";
+        }
+    }
+    var networkStatisticChart;
+    function initChart(){
+        $.get("/api/stats/netstat", function(data){
+        networkStatisticChart = new Chart(
+                document.getElementById('networkActivity'),
+                {
+                    type: 'line',
+                    responsive: true,
+                    resizeDelay: 300,
+                    options: {
+                        animation: false,
+                        maintainAspectRatio: false,
+                        bezierCurve: true,
+                        tooltips: {enabled: false},
+                        hover: {mode: null},
+                        //stepped: 'middle',
+                        plugins: {
+                            legend: {
+                                display: true,
+                                position: "right",
+                            },
+                            title: {
+                                display: false,
+                                text: 'Network Statistic'
+                            },
+                        },
+                        scales: {
+                            x: {
+                                display: false,
+                                },
+                            y: {
+                                display: true,
+                                scaleLabel: {
+                                display: true,
+                                labelString: 'Value'
+                                },
+                                ticks: {
+                                    stepSize: 10000000,
+                                    callback: function(label, index, labels) {
+                                        return formatBandwidth(parseInt(label));
+                                    }
+                                },
+                                gridLines: {
+                                    display: true
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    data: {
+                        labels: timestamps,
+                        datasets: [
+                            {
+                                label: 'Inbound',
+                                data: rxValues,
+                                borderColor: "#484bb8",
+                                borderWidth: 1,
+                                backgroundColor: 'rgba(72, 75, 184, 0.2)',
+                                fill: true,
+                                pointStyle: false,
+                            },
+                            {
+                                label: 'Outbound',
+                                data: txValues,
+                                borderColor: '#02a9c1',
+                                borderWidth: 1,
+                                backgroundColor: 'rgba(2, 169, 193, 0.2)',
+                                fill: true,
+                                pointStyle: false,
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    }
+                }
+            );
+        });
+    }
+    function updateChart() {
+        //[0].data = rxValues;
+        //[1].data = txValues;
+        if (networkStatisticChart != undefined){
+            networkStatisticChart.update();
+        }
+    }
+    function updateChartSize(){
+        let newSize = $("#networkActWrapper").width() - 300;
+        if (window.innerWidth > 750){
+            newSize = window.innerWidth - $(".toolbar").width() - 500;
+        }else{
+            newSize = $("#networkActWrapper").width() - 500;
+        }
+        if (networkStatisticChart != undefined){
+            networkStatisticChart.resize(newSize, 200);
+        }
+    }
+    function handleChartAccumulateResize(){
+        $("#networkActivity").hide();
+        $("#networkActivityPlaceHolder").show();
+        if (chartResizeTimeout != undefined){
+            clearTimeout(chartResizeTimeout);
+        }
+        chartResizeTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
+            chartResizeTimeout = undefined;
+            $("#networkActivityPlaceHolder").hide();
+            $("#networkActivity").show();
+            updateChartSize();
+        }, 300);
+    }
+    var chartResizeTimeout;
+    window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
+        handleChartAccumulateResize();
+    });
+    //Bind event to tab switch
+    tabSwitchEventBind["status"] = function(){
+        //On switch over to this page, resize the chart
+        handleChartAccumulateResize();
+    }
+    window.addEventListener("focus", function(event){
+        handleChartAccumulateResize();
+    });
+    //Initialize chart data
+    initChart();
+    fetchData();
+    setInterval(fetchData, 1000);

+ 11 - 8

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
       const lines = {};
       const lines = {};
-      const linesAded = [];
+      const linesAded = {};
       function getDockerContainers() {
       function getDockerContainers() {
         const hostRequest = $.get("/api/proxy/list?type=host");
         const hostRequest = $.get("/api/proxy/list?type=host");
@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@
                   Config: [{ Gateway: gateway }],
                   Config: [{ Gateway: gateway }],
               } = bridge;
               } = bridge;
-              const existedDomains ={ Domain }) => Domain);
+              const existedDomains = hostData.reduce((acc, { ActiveOrigins }) => {
+                return acc.concat({ OriginIpOrDomain }) => OriginIpOrDomain));
+              }, []);
               for (const container of containers) {
               for (const container of containers) {
                 const {
                 const {
@@ -63,19 +65,20 @@
                 } = container;
                 } = container;
                 for (const portObject of Ports.filter(
                 for (const portObject of Ports.filter(
-                  ({ IP: ip }) => ip === "::"
+                  ({ IP: ip }) => ip === "::" || ip === ''
                 )) {
                 )) {
                   const { IP: ip, PublicPort: port } = portObject;
                   const { IP: ip, PublicPort: port } = portObject;
                   const key = `${name}-${port}`;
                   const key = `${name}-${port}`;
                   if (
                   if (
-                    existedDomains.some((item) => item === `${gateway}:${port}`)
+                    existedDomains.some((item) => item === `${gateway}:${port}`) &&
+                    !linesAded[key]
                   ) {
                   ) {
-                    linesAded.push({
+                    linesAded[key] = {
                       name: name.replace(/^\//, ""),
                       name: name.replace(/^\//, ""),
                       ip: gateway,
                       ip: gateway,
-                    });
+                    };
                   } else if (!lines[key]) {
                   } else if (!lines[key]) {
                     lines[key] = {
                     lines[key] = {
                       name: name.replace(/^\//, ""),
                       name: name.replace(/^\//, ""),
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@
-              for (const line of linesAded) {
+              for (const [key, line] of Object.entries(linesAded)) {
                   `<div class="item">
                   `<div class="item">
                     <div class="content">
                     <div class="content">
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@
-              linesAded.length &&
+              Object.entries(linesAded).length &&
               $("#containersList .loader").removeClass("active");
               $("#containersList .loader").removeClass("active");
             } else {
             } else {