@@ -47,6 +47,26 @@
<div class="sub header">A list of users that are registered with the SSO server</div>
+ <table class="ui celled table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Username</th>
+ <th>Registered On</th>
+ <th>Reset Password</th>
+ <th>Remove</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody id="registeredSsoUsers">
+ <tr>
+ <td>admin</td>
+ <td>2020-01-01</td>
+ <td><button class="ui blue basic small icon button"><i class="ui blue key icon"></i></button></td>
+ <td><button class="ui red basic small icon button"><i class="ui red trash icon"></i></button></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <button onclick="handleUserListRefresh();" class="ui basic right floated button"><i class="ui green refresh icon"></i> Refresh</button>
+ <button onclick="openRegisteredUserManager();" class="ui basic button"><i class="ui blue users icon"></i> Manage Registered Users</button>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
@@ -57,6 +77,28 @@
<div class="sub header">A list of apps that are registered with the SSO server</div>
+ <table class="ui celled table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>App Name</th>
+ <th>Domain</th>
+ <th>App ID</th>
+ <th>Registered On</th>
+ <th>Remove</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody id="registeredSsoApps">
+ <tr>
+ <td>My App</td>
+ <td><a href="//example.com" target="_blank">example.com</a></td>
+ <td>123456</td>
+ <td>2020-01-01</td>
+ <td><button class="ui red basic small icon button"><i class="ui red trash icon"></i></button></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <button onclick="handleRegisterAppListRefresh();" class="ui basic right floated button"><i class="ui green refresh icon"></i> Refresh</button>
+ <button onclick="openRegisterAppManagementSnippet();" class="ui basic button"><i style="font-size: 1em; margin-top: -0.2em;" class="ui green th large icon"></i> Manage Registered App</button>
@@ -198,5 +240,109 @@
+ /* Registered Apps Event Handlers */
+ //Function to initialize the registered app table
+ function initRegisteredAppTable(){
+ $.get("/api/sso/app/list", function(data){
+ if(data.error != undefined){
+ msgbox("Failed to get registered apps: " + data.error, false);
+ }else{
+ var tbody = $("#registeredSsoApps");
+ tbody.empty();
+ for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
+ var app = data[i];
+ var tr = $("<tr>");
+ tr.append($("<td>").text(app.AppName));
+ tr.append($("<td>").html('<a href="//'+app.Domain+'" target="_blank">'+app.Domain+'</a>'));
+ tr.append($("<td>").text(app.AppID));
+ tr.append($("<td>").text(app.RegisteredOn));
+ var removeBtn = $("<button>").addClass("ui red basic small icon button").html('<i class="ui red trash icon"></i>');
+ removeBtn.on("click", function(){
+ removeApp(app.AppID);
+ });
+ tr.append($("<td>").append(removeBtn));
+ tbody.append(tr);
+ }
+ if (data.length == 0){
+ tbody.append($("<tr>").append($("<td>").attr("colspan", 4).html(`<i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No registered users`)));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ initRegisteredAppTable();
+ //Also bind the refresh button to the initRegisteredAppTable function
+ function handleRegisterAppListRefresh(){
+ initRegisteredAppTable();
+ }
+ function openRegisterAppManagementSnippet(){
+ //Open the register app management snippet
+ showSideWrapper("snippet/sso_app.html");
+ }
+ //Bind the remove button to the removeApp function
+ function removeApp(appID){
+ $.cjax({
+ url: "/api/sso/removeApp",
+ method: "POST",
+ data: {
+ appID: appID
+ },
+ success: function(data){
+ if(data.error != undefined){
+ msgbox("Failed to remove app: " + data.error, false);
+ }else{
+ msgbox("App removed", true);
+ updateSSOStatus();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* Registered Users Event Handlers */
+ function initUserList(){
+ $.get("/api/sso/user/list", function(data){
+ if(data.error != undefined){
+ msgbox("Failed to get registered users: " + data.error, false);
+ }else{
+ var tbody = $("#registeredSsoUsers");
+ tbody.empty();
+ for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
+ var user = data[i];
+ var tr = $("<tr>");
+ tr.append($("<td>").text(user.Username));
+ tr.append($("<td>").text(user.RegisteredOn));
+ var resetBtn = $("<button>").addClass("ui blue basic small icon button").html('<i class="ui blue key icon"></i>');
+ resetBtn.on("click", function(){
+ resetPassword(user.Username);
+ });
+ tr.append($("<td>").append(resetBtn));
+ var removeBtn = $("<button>").addClass("ui red basic small icon button").html('<i class="ui red trash icon"></i>');
+ removeBtn.on("click", function(){
+ removeUser(user.Username);
+ });
+ tr.append($("<td>").append(removeBtn));
+ tbody.append(tr);
+ }
+ if (data.length == 0){
+ tbody.append($("<tr>").append($("<td>").attr("colspan", 4).html(`<i class="ui green circle check icon"></i> No registered users`)));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //Bind the refresh button to the initUserList function
+ function handleUserListRefresh(){
+ initUserList();
+ }
+ function openRegisteredUserManager(){
+ //Open the registered user management snippet
+ showSideWrapper("snippet/sso_user.html");
+ }