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auto update script executed

Toby Chui 1 year ago
4 changed files with 164 additions and 57 deletions
  1. 27 0
  2. BIN
  3. 36 0
  4. 101 57

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 27 - 0


+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
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+ 101 - 57

@@ -6,13 +6,12 @@
         <meta charset="UTF-8">
         <meta name="theme-color" content="#4b75ff">
         <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="./favicon.png" />
-        <title>Portal | Zoraxy</title>
+        <title>Control Panel | Zoraxy</title>
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="script/semantic/semantic.min.css">
         <script src="script/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
         <script src="../script/ao_module.js"></script>
         <script src="script/semantic/semantic.min.js"></script>
         <script src="script/tablesort.js"></script>
-        <title>Reverse Proxy</title>
@@ -21,76 +20,113 @@
+            .menubar{
+                width: 100%;
+                padding: 0.4em;
+                padding-left: 1.2em;
+                padding-right: 1.2em;
+                background-color: #f5f5f5;
+                margin-bottom: 1em;
+            }
+            .menubar .logo{
+                height: 36px;
+            }
+            .menubar .item{
+                display: inline-block;
+                vertical-align: middle;
+            }
+            .wrapper{
+                display: flex;
+                flex-wrap: wrap; 
+            }
+            .toolbar{
+                width: 240px;
+            }
+            .contentWindow{
+                padding: 1em;
+                flex: 1;
+            }
-        <br>
-        <div class="ui container">
-            <h3><img class="ui middle aligned mini image" src="img/small_icon.png" style="margin-right:1em;"> Reverse Proxy Settings</h3>
-            <div class="ui divider"></div>
-            <div id="errmsg" class="ui red message" style="display: none;"></div>
-            <div class="ui stackable grid">
-                <div class="four wide column">
-                    <div id="mainmenu" class="ui secondary vertical pointing menu">
-                        <a class="item active" tag="status">
-                            <i class="info circle icon"></i>Status
-                        </a>
-                        <a class="item" tag="vdir">
-                            <i class="folder icon"></i> Virtual Directory
-                        </a>
-                        <a class="item" tag="subd">
-                            <i class="sitemap icon"></i> Subdomain Proxy
-                        </a>
-                        <a class="item" tag="rules">
-                            <i class="plus square icon"></i> Create Proxy Rules
-                        </a>
-                        <a class="item" tag="setroot">
-                            <i class="home icon"></i> Set Proxy Root
-                        </a>
-                        <div class="ui divider"></div>
-                        <a class="item" tag="cert">
-                            <i class="lock icon"></i> TLS / SSL certificate
-                        </a>
-                        <a class="item" tag="redirectset">
-                            <i class="level up alternate icon"></i> Redirection
-                        </a>
-                    </div>
+        <div class="menubar">
+            <div class="item">
+                <img class="logo" src="img/logo.svg">
+            </div>
+            <div class="ui right floated buttons" style="padding-top: 2px;">
+                <button class="ui basic icon button" onclick="logout();"><i class="sign-out icon"></i></button>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="errmsg" class="ui red message" style="display: none;"></div>
+        <div class="wrapper">
+            <div class="toolbar">
+                <div id="mainmenu" class="ui secondary vertical pointing menu">
+                    <a class="item active" tag="status">
+                        <i class="info circle icon"></i>Status
+                    </a>
+                    <a class="item" tag="vdir">
+                        <i class="folder icon"></i> Virtual Directory
+                    </a>
+                    <a class="item" tag="subd">
+                        <i class="sitemap icon"></i> Subdomain Proxy
+                    </a>
+                    <a class="item" tag="rules">
+                        <i class="plus square icon"></i> Create Proxy Rules
+                    </a>
+                    <a class="item" tag="setroot">
+                        <i class="home icon"></i> Set Proxy Root
+                    </a>
+                    <div class="ui divider"></div>
+                    <a class="item" tag="cert">
+                        <i class="lock icon"></i> TLS / SSL certificate
+                    </a>
+                    <a class="item" tag="redirectset">
+                        <i class="level up alternate icon"></i> Redirection
+                    </a>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="contentWindow">
+                <!-- Status Tab -->
+                <div id="status" class="functiontab" target="status.html" style="display: block ;">
+                    <br><br><div class="ui active centered inline loader"></div>
-                <div class="twelve wide column">
-                    <!-- Status Tab -->
-                    <div id="status" class="functiontab" target="status.html" style="display: block ;">
-                        <br><br><div class="ui active centered inline loader"></div>
-                    </div>
-                    <!-- Virtual Directory Tab -->
-                    <div id="vdir" class="functiontab" target="vdir.html"></div>
+                <!-- Virtual Directory Tab -->
+                <div id="vdir" class="functiontab" target="vdir.html"></div>
-                    <!-- Subdomain Proxy -->
-                    <div id="subd" class="functiontab" target="subd.html"></div>
+                <!-- Subdomain Proxy -->
+                <div id="subd" class="functiontab" target="subd.html"></div>
-                    <!-- Create Rules -->
-                    <div id="rules" class="functiontab" target="rules.html"></div>
+                <!-- Create Rules -->
+                <div id="rules" class="functiontab" target="rules.html"></div>
-                    <!-- Set proxy root -->
-                    <div id="setroot" class="functiontab" target="rproot.html"></div>
+                <!-- Set proxy root -->
+                <div id="setroot" class="functiontab" target="rproot.html"></div>
-                    <!-- Set TLS cert -->
-                    <div id="cert" class="functiontab" target="cert.html"></div>
+                <!-- Set TLS cert -->
+                <div id="cert" class="functiontab" target="cert.html"></div>
-                    <!-- Redirections -->
-                    <div id="redirectset" class="functiontab" target="redirection.html"></div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
+                <!-- Redirections -->
+                <div id="redirectset" class="functiontab" target="redirection.html"></div>
-            <br><br>
-            <div class="ui divider"></div>
-            <div class="ui container" style="color: grey; font-size: 90%">
-                <p>Reverse Proxy Subservice. CopyRight imuslab, Licensed under MIT</p>
+        <br><br>
+        <div class="ui divider"></div>
+        <div class="ui container" style="color: grey; font-size: 90%">
+            <p>CopyRight Zoraxy project and its author, 2022 - <span class="year"></span></p>
+        </div>
+            $(".year").text(new Date().getFullYear());
                 Loader function
@@ -151,6 +187,14 @@
+            function logout() {
+                $.get("/api/auth/logout", function(response) {
+                    if (response === "OK") {
+                        window.location.href = "/";
+                    }
+                });
+            }
             function getTabButtonById(targetTabId){
                 let targetTabBtn = undefined;

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff