@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package loadbalance
import (
+ "sync"
+ "time"
- "imuslab.com/zoraxy/mod/uptime"
@@ -14,47 +16,81 @@ import (
type BalancePolicy int
-const (
- BalancePolicy_RoundRobin BalancePolicy = 0 //Round robin, will ignore upstream if down
- BalancePolicy_Fallback BalancePolicy = 1 //Fallback only. Will only switch to next node if the first one failed
- BalancePolicy_Random BalancePolicy = 2 //Random, randomly pick one from the list that is online
- BalancePolicy_GeoRegion BalancePolicy = 3 //Use the one defined for this geo-location, when down, pick the next avaible node
+// Data structure to hold the upstream server information
+type Upstream struct {
+ ProxyTargetIpOrDomain string //Target IP address or domain name with port
+ RequireTLS bool //Require TLS connection
+ PreferedCountryCode []string //Prefered country codes, default to empty string slice (not assigned)
+ Priority int //Prirotiy of fallback, set all to 0 for round robin
+// LoadBalanceRule stores the load balance option of this host. If there are no usable upstreams for lb, the primary one will be used
type LoadBalanceRule struct {
- Upstreams []string //Reverse proxy upstream servers
- LoadBalancePolicy BalancePolicy //Policy in deciding which target IP to proxy
- UseRegionLock bool //If this is enabled with BalancePolicy_Geo, when the main site failed, it will not pick another node
- UseStickySession bool //Use sticky session, if you are serving EU countries, make sure to add the "Do you want cookie" warning
+ Upstreams []Upstream //Reverse proxy upstream servers
+ UseStickySession bool //Enable stick session
- parent *RouteManager
+// PrimaryRoutingRule stores the primary routing target of this host
+type PrimaryRoutingRule struct {
+ MatchingDomainOrIp string //Primary proxy upstream origin server
+ RequireTLS bool //Target require TLS
type Options struct {
- Geodb *geodb.Store //GeoIP resolver for checking incoming request origin country
- UptimeMonitor *uptime.Monitor //For checking if the target is online, this might be nil when the module starts
+ Geodb *geodb.Store //GeoIP resolver for checking incoming request origin country
+ Logger *logger.Logger
type RouteManager struct {
- Options Options
- Logger *logger.Logger
+ LoadBalanceMap sync.Map //Sync map to store the last load balance state of a given node
+ OnlineStatusMap sync.Map //Sync map to store the online status of a given ip address or domain name
+ onlineStatusTickerStop chan bool //Stopping channel for the online status pinger
+ Options Options //Options for the load balancer
-// Create a new load balance route manager
-func NewRouteManager(options *Options, logger *logger.Logger) *RouteManager {
- newManager := RouteManager{
- Options: *options,
- Logger: logger,
+// Create a new load balancer
+func NewLoadBalancer(options *Options) *RouteManager {
+ onlineStatusCheckerStopChan := make(chan bool)
+ return &RouteManager{
+ LoadBalanceMap: sync.Map{},
+ OnlineStatusMap: sync.Map{},
+ onlineStatusTickerStop: onlineStatusCheckerStopChan,
+ Options: *options,
- logger.PrintAndLog("INFO", "Load Balance Route Manager started", nil)
- return &newManager
-func (b *LoadBalanceRule) GetProxyTargetIP() {
-//TODO: Implement get proxy target IP logic here
+func (m *RouteManager) UpdateKeepAliveTargets(pingTargets []*PrimaryRoutingRule) {
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Minute)
+ defer ticker.Stop()
+ go func() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-m.onlineStatusTickerStop:
+ ticker.Stop()
+ return
+ case <-ticker.C:
+ for _, target := range pingTargets {
+ isOnline := PingTarget(target)
+ m.LoadBalanceMap.Store(target.MatchingDomainOrIp, isOnline)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+// GetProxyTargetIP Get the proxy target given the primary routing rule and load balance options
+func (m *RouteManager) GetProxyTargetIP(pr *PrimaryRoutingRule, lbr *LoadBalanceRule) {
+func (m *RouteManager) Close() {
+ m.onlineStatusTickerStop <- true
// Print debug message
func (m *RouteManager) debugPrint(message string, err error) {
- m.Logger.PrintAndLog("LB", message, err)
+ m.Options.Logger.PrintAndLog("LoadBalancer", message, err)