@@ -81,7 +81,10 @@
$("#httpProxyList").append(`<tr eptuuid="${subd.RootOrMatchingDomain}" payload="${subdData}" class="subdEntry">
- <td data-label="" editable="true" datatype="inbound"><a href="//${subd.RootOrMatchingDomain}" target="_blank">${subd.RootOrMatchingDomain}</a> ${inboundTlsIcon}</td>
+ <td data-label="" editable="true" datatype="inbound">
+ <a href="//${subd.RootOrMatchingDomain}" target="_blank">${subd.RootOrMatchingDomain}</a> ${inboundTlsIcon}<br>
+ <small class="accessRuleNameUnderHost" ruleid="${subd.AccessFilterUUID}"></small>
+ </td>
<td data-label="" editable="true" datatype="domain">${subd.Domain} ${tlsIcon}</td>
<td data-label="" editable="true" datatype="vdir">${vdList}</td>
<td data-label="" editable="true" datatype="basicauth">
@@ -98,9 +101,65 @@
+ resolveAccessRuleNameOnHostRPlist();
+ //Resolve & Update all rule names on host PR list
+ function resolveAccessRuleNameOnHostRPlist(){
+ //Resolve the access filters
+ $.get("/api/access/list", function(data){
+ console.log(data);
+ if (data.error == undefined){
+ //Build a map base on the data
+ let accessRuleMap = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
+ accessRuleMap[data[i].ID] = data[i];
+ }
+ $(".accessRuleNameUnderHost").each(function(){
+ let thisAccessRuleID = $(this).attr("ruleid");
+ if (thisAccessRuleID== ""){
+ thisAccessRuleID = "default"
+ }
+ if (thisAccessRuleID == "default"){
+ //No need to label default access rules
+ $(this).html("");
+ return;
+ }
+ let rule = accessRuleMap[thisAccessRuleID];
+ let icon = `<i class="ui grey filter icon"></i>`;
+ if (rule.ID == "default"){
+ icon = `<i class="ui yellow star icon"></i>`;
+ }else if (rule.BlacklistEnabled && !rule.WhitelistEnabled){
+ //This is a blacklist filter
+ icon = `<i class="ui red filter icon"></i>`;
+ }else if (rule.WhitelistEnabled && !rule.BlacklistEnabled){
+ //This is a whitelist filter
+ icon = `<i class="ui green filter icon"></i>`;
+ }else if (rule.WhitelistEnabled && rule.BlacklistEnabled){
+ //Whitelist and blacklist filter
+ icon = `<i class="ui yellow filter icon"></i>`;
+ }
+ if (rule != undefined){
+ $(this).html(`${icon} ${rule.Name}`);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ //Update the access rule name on given epuuid, call by hostAccessEditor.html
+ function updateAccessRuleNameUnderHost(epuuid, newruleUID){
+ $(`tr[eptuuid='${epuuid}'].subdEntry`).find(".accessRuleNameUnderHost").attr("ruleid", newruleUID);
+ resolveAccessRuleNameOnHostRPlist();
+ }
Inline editor for httprp.html