@@ -118,6 +118,14 @@
<label>ACME Server URL</label>
<input id="caURL" type="text" placeholder="https://example.com/acme/dictionary">
+ <div class="field" id="kidInput" style="display:none;">
+ <label>EAB Credentials (KID) for current provider</label>
+ <input id="eab_kid" type="text" placeholder="Leave this field blank to keep the current configuration">
+ </div>
+ <div class="field" id="hmacInput" style="display:none;">
+ <label>EAB HMAC Key for current provider</label>
+ <input id="eab_hmac" type="text" placeholder="Leave this field blank to keep the current configuration">
+ </div>
<div class="field" id="skipTLS" style="display:none;">
<div class="ui checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="skipTLSCheckbox">
@@ -314,19 +322,88 @@
// Button click event handler for obtaining certificate
$("#obtainButton").click(function() {
+ updateCertificateEAB();
$("input[name=ca]").on('change', function() {
if(this.value == "Custom ACME Server") {
+ $("#kidInput").show();
+ $("#hmacInput").show();
- } else {
+ } else if (this.value == "ZeroSSL") {
+ $("#kidInput").show();
+ $("#hmacInput").show();
+ } else if (this.value == "Buypass") {
+ $("#kidInput").show();
+ $("#hmacInput").show();
+ }else {
+ $("#kidInput").hide();
+ $("#hmacInput").hide();
+ // Obtain certificate from API
+ function updateCertificateEAB() {
+ var ca = $("#ca").dropdown("get value");
+ var caURL = "";
+ if (ca == "Custom ACME Server") {
+ ca = "custom";
+ caURL = $("#caURL").val();
+ }else if(ca == "Buypass") {
+ caURL = "https://api.buypass.com/acme/directory";
+ }else if(ca == "ZeroSSL") {
+ caURL = "https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90";
+ }
+ if(caURL == "") {
+ return;
+ }
+ var kid = $("#eab_kid").val();
+ var hmac = $("#eab_hmac").val();
+ if(kid == "" || hmac == "") {
+ return;
+ }
+ console.log(caURL + " " + kid + " " + hmac);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/api/acme/autoRenew/setEAB",
+ method: "GET",
+ data: {
+ acmeDirectoryURL: caURL,
+ kid: kid,
+ hmacEncoded: hmac,
+ },
+ success: function(response) {
+ //$("#obtainButton").removeClass("loading").removeClass("disabled");
+ if (response.error) {
+ console.log("Error:", response.error);
+ // Show error message
+ parent.msgbox(response.error, false, 12000);
+ } else {
+ console.log("Certificate EAB updated successfully");
+ // Show success message
+ parent.msgbox("Certificate EAB updated successfully");
+ // Renew the parent certificate list
+ parent.initManagedDomainCertificateList();
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(error) {
+ //$("#obtainButton").removeClass("loading").removeClass("disabled");
+ console.log("Failed to update EAB configuration:", error);
+ parent.msgbox("Failed to update EAB configuration");
+ }
+ });
+ }
// Obtain certificate from API
function obtainCertificate() {
var domains = $("#domainsInput").val();