/* API.ino This script handle API requests functions. */ /* Utilities Functions */ String GetPara(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, String key) { if (request->hasParam(key)) { return request->getParam(key)->value(); } return ""; } void SendErrorResp(AsyncWebServerRequest *r, String errorMessage) { //Parse the error message into json StaticJsonDocument<200> jsonDocument; JsonObject root = jsonDocument.to(); root["error"] = errorMessage; String jsonString; serializeJson(root, jsonString); //Send it out with request handler r->send(200, "application/json", jsonString); } void SendJsonResp(AsyncWebServerRequest *r, String jsonString) { r->send(200, "application/json", jsonString); } void SendOK(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { r->send(200, "application/json", "\"ok\""); } //Handle auth check if the request has been authed. //Return false if user is not authed bool HandleAuth(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { //Handle for API calls authentication validate if (!IsUserAuthed(request)) { //user not logged in request->send(401, "text/html", "401 - Unauthorized"); return false; } return true; } /* Handler Functions These are API endpoints handler which handle special API call for backend operations */ /* Authentications */ //Check if the user has logged in void HandleCheckAuth(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (IsUserAuthed(r)) { SendJsonResp(r, "true"); } else { SendJsonResp(r, "false"); } } //Handle login request void HandleLogin(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { String username = GetPara(r, "username"); String password = GetPara(r, "password"); if (adminUsername == "") { SendErrorResp(r, "admin account not enabled"); return; } if (username.equals(adminUsername) && password.equals(adminPassword)) { //Username and password correct. Set a cookie for this login. //Generate a unique cookie for this login session String cookieId = GeneratedRandomHex(); Serial.print("Generating new cookie ID "); Serial.println(cookieId); String expireUTC = getUTCTimeString(getTime() + 604800); Serial.print("Generating expire UTC timestamp "); Serial.println(expireUTC); AsyncWebServerResponse *response = r->beginResponse(200, "application/json", "\"ok\""); response->addHeader("Server", mdnsName); response->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response->addHeader("Set-Cookie", "web-auth=" + cookieId + "; Path=/; Expires=" + expireUTC + "; Max-Age=604800"); //Save the cookie id DBWrite("auth", "cookie", cookieId); authSession = cookieId; //Return login succ r->send(response); Serial.println(username + " logged in"); return; } else if (UserCheckAuth(username, password)) { //User Login. Generate a session for this user String cookieId = GeneratedRandomHex(); Serial.print("Generating new cookie ID "); Serial.println(cookieId); String expireUTC = getUTCTimeString(getTime() + 604800); Serial.print("Generating expire UTC timestamp "); Serial.println(expireUTC); AsyncWebServerResponse *response = r->beginResponse(200, "application/json", "\"ok\""); response->addHeader("Server", mdnsName); response->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response->addHeader("Set-Cookie", "web-auth=" + cookieId + "; Path=/; Expires=" + expireUTC + "; Max-Age=604800"); //Save the cookie id DBWrite("sess", cookieId, username); //Return login succ r->send(response); Serial.println(username + " logged in"); return; } else { SendErrorResp(r, "invalid username or password"); return; } SendOK(r); } //Handle logout request, or you can logout with //just front-end by going to log:out@{ip_addr}/api/auth/logout void HandleLogout(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!IsUserAuthed(r)) { SendErrorResp(r, "not logged in"); return; } //Delete the server side cookie if (IsAdmin(r)) { DBRemove("auth", "cookie"); authSession = ""; } else { //Get the session from user String authCookie = GetCookieValueByKey(r, "web-auth"); if (authCookie == "") { SendErrorResp(r, "unknown error: unable to read cookie from header"); return; } //Remove the session map DBRemove("sess", authCookie); } //Remove the cookie on client side AsyncWebServerResponse *response = r->beginResponse(200, "application/json", "\"ok\""); response->addHeader("Server", mdnsName); response->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response->addHeader("Set-Cookie", "web-auth=deleted; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); r->send(response); } /* File System Functions */ //HandleListDir handle the listing of directory under /www/ void HandleListDir(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } //Get the folder path to be listed //As ESP8266 dont have enough memory for proper struct to json conv, we are hacking a json string out of a single for-loop String jsonString = "["; String folderSubPath = GetPara(r, "dir"); String folderPath = "/www" + folderSubPath; if (SD.exists(folderPath)) { File root = SD.open(folderPath); bool firstObject = true; if (root) { while (true) { File entry = root.openNextFile(); if (!entry) { // No more files break; } else { //There are more lines. Add a , to the end of the previous json object if (!firstObject) { jsonString = jsonString + ","; } else { firstObject = false; } } String isDirString = "true"; if (!entry.isDirectory()) { isDirString = "false"; } //Get share UUID, return empty string if not shared //prefix "/www" have to be removed for share entry lookup String shareUUID = GetFileShareIDByFilename(folderSubPath + entry.name()); jsonString = jsonString + "{\"Filename\":\"" + entry.name() + "\",\"Filesize\":" + String(entry.size()) + ",\"IsDir\":" + isDirString + ",\"Share\":\"" + shareUUID + "\"}"; entry.close(); } root.close(); jsonString += "]"; SendJsonResp(r, jsonString); } else { SendErrorResp(r, "path read failed"); } } else { SendErrorResp(r, "path not found"); } Serial.println(folderPath); } //Handle file rename on SD card void HandleFileRename(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } String srcFile = GetPara(r, "src"); String destFile = GetPara(r, "dest"); srcFile.trim(); destFile.trim(); srcFile = "/www" + srcFile; destFile = "/www" + destFile; if (!SD.exists(srcFile)) { SendErrorResp(r, "source file not exists"); return; } if (SD.exists(destFile)) { SendErrorResp(r, "destination file already exists"); return; } SD.rename(srcFile, destFile); SendOK(r); } //Handle file delete on SD card void HandleFileDel(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } String targetFile = GetPara(r, "target"); targetFile.trim(); if (targetFile.equals("/")) { //Do not allow remove the whole root folder SendErrorResp(r, "you cannot remove the root folder"); return; } targetFile = "/www" + targetFile; if (!SD.exists(targetFile)) { SendErrorResp(r, "target file not exists"); return; } if (!SD.remove(targetFile)) { if (IsDir(targetFile)) { if (!targetFile.endsWith("/")) { //pad the tailing slash targetFile = targetFile + "/"; } //Try remove dir if (!SD.rmdir(targetFile)) { //The folder might contain stuffs. Do recursive delete Serial.println("rmdir failed. Trying recursive delete"); if (recursiveDirRemove(targetFile)) { SendOK(r); } else { SendErrorResp(r, "folder delete failed"); } } else { SendOK(r); } } else { SendErrorResp(r, "file delete failed"); } return; } SendOK(r); } //Hanle creating new Folder void HandleNewFolder(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } //Get and clean the folder path String folderPath = GetPara(r, "path"); folderPath.trim(); if (folderPath == "") { SendErrorResp(r, "invalid folder path given"); return; } folderPath = "/www" + folderPath; if (SD.exists(folderPath)) { //Already exists SendErrorResp(r, "folder with given path already exists"); return; } SD.mkdir(folderPath); SendOK(r); } //Handle download file from any path, including the private store folder void HandleFileDownload(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } String targetFile = GetPara(r, "file"); String preview = GetPara(r, "preview"); if (!SD.exists("/www" + targetFile)) { r->send(404, "text/html", "404 - File Not Found"); return; } //Check if it is dir, ESP8266 have no power of creating zip file if (IsDir("/www" + targetFile)) { r->send(500, "text/html", "500 - Internal Server Error: Target is a folder"); return; } //Ok. Proceed with file serving if (preview == "true") { //Serve r->send(SDFS, "/www" + targetFile, getMime(targetFile), false); } else { //Download r->send(SDFS, "/www" + targetFile, "application/octet-stream", false); } } //Get the file / folder properties void HandleFileProp(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } String filepath = GetPara(r, "file"); filepath.trim(); String realFilepath = "/www" + filepath; String resp = ""; if (IsDir(realFilepath)) { //target is a folder uint32_t totalSize = 0; uint16_t fileCount = 0; uint16_t folderCount = 0; analyzeDirectory(realFilepath, totalSize, fileCount, folderCount); resp = "{\"filename\":\"" + basename(filepath) + "\",\"filepath\":\"" + filepath + "\",\"isDir\":true,\"filesize\":" + String(totalSize) + ",\"fileCounts\":" + String(fileCount) + ",\"folderCounts\":" + String(folderCount) + "}"; } else { //target is a file File targetFile = SD.open(realFilepath); if (!targetFile) { SendErrorResp(r, "File open failed"); return; } String shareID = GetFileShareIDByFilename(filepath); resp = "{\"filename\":\"" + basename(filepath) + "\",\"filepath\":\"" + filepath + "\",\"isDir\":false,\"filesize\":" + String(targetFile.size()) + ",\"shareid\":\"" + shareID + "\"}"; targetFile.close(); } SendJsonResp(r, resp); } //Search with basic keyword match void HandleFileSearch(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } String keyword = GetPara(r, "keyword"); keyword.trim(); if (keyword.equals("")) { SendErrorResp(r, "keyword cannot be empty"); return; } //Prepare for the resp AsyncResponseStream *response = r->beginResponseStream("application/json"); response->print("["); //Recursive search for the whole /www/ directory (Require tailing slash) int foundCounter = 0; scanSDCardForKeyword("/www/", keyword, &foundCounter, response); //Send the resp response->print("]"); r->send(response); } /* Handle Load and Set of Prefernece Value */ //Set Preference, auth user only void HandleSetPref(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!HandleAuth(r)) { return; } String key = GetPara(r, "key"); String val = GetPara(r, "value"); key.trim(); val.trim(); if (key == "" || val == "") { SendErrorResp(r, "invalid key or value given"); return; } DBWrite("pref", key, val); SendOK(r); } //Load Prefernece, allow public access void HandleLoadPref(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { String key = GetPara(r, "key"); key.trim(); if (!DBKeyExists("pref", key)) { SendErrorResp(r, "preference with given key not found"); return; } String prefValue = DBRead("pref", key); r->send(200, "application/json", "\"" + prefValue + "\""); } /* Handle System Info */ void HandleLoadSpaceInfo(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { String jsonResp = "{\ \"diskSpace\":" + String(getSDCardTotalSpace()) + ",\ \"usedSpace\": " + String(getSDCardUsedSpace()) + "\ }"; SendJsonResp(r, jsonResp); } /* Handle Wake On Lan Request */ void HandleWakeOnLan(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { if (!IsUserAuthed(r)) { SendErrorResp(r, "not logged in"); return; } if (r->hasArg("mac")) { String macAddress = r->arg("mac"); Serial.print("Sending WoL packet to: "); Serial.println(macAddress); //Send MAC address to both port 9 and 7 WOL.sendMagicPacket(macAddress); WOL.sendMagicPacket(macAddress, 7); r->send(200, "text/plain", "Received MAC Address: " + macAddress); return; } else { r->send(400, "text/plain", "Missing 'mac' parameter"); return; } } //Get the current connected WiFi info void HandleWiFiInfo(AsyncWebServerRequest *r) { StaticJsonDocument<256> jsonBuffer; jsonBuffer["SSID"] = WiFi.SSID(); jsonBuffer["WifiStatus"] = WiFi.status(); jsonBuffer["WifiStrength"] = WiFi.RSSI(); jsonBuffer["MAC"] = WiFi.macAddress(); jsonBuffer["IP"] = WiFi.localIP().toString(); jsonBuffer["Subnet"] = WiFi.subnetMask().toString(); jsonBuffer["Gateway"] = WiFi.gatewayIP().toString(); jsonBuffer["DNS1"] = WiFi.dnsIP(0).toString(); jsonBuffer["DNS2"] = WiFi.dnsIP(1).toString(); jsonBuffer["DNS3"] = WiFi.dnsIP(2).toString(); // Serialize the JSON buffer to a string String jsonString; serializeJson(jsonBuffer, jsonString); SendJsonResp(r, jsonString); }