/* PD Power Supply Author: This is the firmware for the PD power supply that reads the voltage and current of the supply and display the power information on the SSD1306 OLED display. This firmware is designed for CH552G with CH55xduino board definations Recommend config 24Mhz (Internal), 5V */ #include <Serial.h> /* Hardware Definations */ #define CURRENT_PIN 14 //0 - 5A #define VOLTAGE_PIN 32 //0 - 20V #define CCCV_PIN 15 //CC = LOW, CV = HIGH #define OLED_SCL 30 #define OLED_SDA 31 /* Global Variables */ uint16_t voltageReading; uint16_t currentReading; bool isCCMode; /* Function Prototypes */ void setupOLED(); void initializeOLED(); void clearScreen(); void PS_Screen(uint16_t, uint16_t, bool); void setup() { //Disable internal pull-up resistors for input pins pinMode(CURRENT_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(VOLTAGE_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(CCCV_PIN, INPUT); // Initialize I2C pins for OLED setupOLED(); initializeOLED(); //Clear the OLED screen clearScreen(); } void loop() { //Get Output Voltage voltageReading = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { voltageReading += map(analogRead(VOLTAGE_PIN), 0, 255, 0, 500) * 4; //Convert ADC to Volt } //Get output current currentReading = analogRead(CURRENT_PIN); currentReading = (2.5 - (currentReading * (5.0 / 255))) / 0.185; //Max range -5A to 5A isCCMode = !digitalRead(CCCV_PIN); //Cap the range of digits to make sure it won't overflow voltageReading = min(voltageReading, 99999); currentReading = min(currentReading, 999); //Print result on USB Serial USBSerial_print(((float)voltageReading / 1000)); USBSerial_print(","); USBSerial_println(((float)currentReading / 100)); //Update OLED display PS_Screen(voltageReading, currentReading, isCCMode); }